My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 717: An Anu

In this day and age, business people present cannot possibly know what the four words Anshi Group means.

That is a rising business empire!

A commercial ship that is breaking the waves!

Even if you just follow the wind, even if you can't create a commercial prince and nobleman, you can easily take a ride and let a company fly into the sky!

Some businessmen involved in the Internet are going crazy!

Everyone wants to get a glimpse of the An's Group's secrets, even if it is only a bit of a tone, but desperately, the An's Group's structure is so tight that it can block the penetration of elite agents in the United States!

And now there is an excellent breakthrough!

If Anyou ’s name is true, no, Yizhou University will not joke at this time! This will never be fake!

Therefore, even if An You just read an important piece on the desk of the general manager, and he was able to show his tone, as long as he could point them in a direction, they would be able to run in this direction, and one day they would catch up with this era. trend! At that time, they will go to the next level, and the benefits will be at their fingertips!

and many more……

Some people didn't know what they found, their expressions suddenly became strange, they swallowed their saliva, but their eyes were even hotter!

Listening to the clutter in the rear and the increasingly heavy breathing sound hidden in it, like a hungry wolf meeting hot flesh and blood, Anyang shook his head with a smile and continued to look at the center of the stage.

The girl was a little irritable, and the matter was not considered.

Ji Weiwei was also surprised: "This girl is the assistant to the general manager of Anshi Network? Did you introduce it in the past?"

Anyang nodded: "I just introduced it to help her earn some pocket money. It is estimated that others saw her as clever and clever before letting her go to the general manager's office to do some chores."

"You earn a little bit of pocket money." Ji Weiwei stunned and paused. "But did this girl use the name of An's network so arbitrarily, did she tell her boss?"

Xiao Xueer next to him smiled sweetly: "As I said, Manager Chen agreed, but just told her not to reveal the secret."

Ji Weiwei just snorted and said: "Your general manager is also big-hearted!"

Anyang chuckled and did not speak.

She did n’t know much, but she would not dare to refuse!

At this time, An You, who was in full attendance, had come up from the background. She wore a white dress that hit the ground. Although it was not low-cut, it also showed a slender neck and white collarbone. The tight-fitting white skirt outlined a slender waist, and a beautiful arc was drawn from top to bottom. Tall and slim, just like a young and slim little beauty.

Even Anyang was stunned for a moment, and was a little fascinated.

In the past, An You was inseparable from Xiao Xueer, standing next to Xiao Xueer, who was nearly one meter tall and well developed, and had a pair of long legs. Her figure was naturally unremarkable. But at this time, this nizi carefully dressed and stood alone under the spotlight on the stage, he suddenly realized that this nizi is also a little goddess who has fascinated many adolescent male students from an early age!

It's just that the girl stood on the stage but twitched, her eyes dodge everywhere, just embarrassed to see him!

At this time, the hostess was still smiling and introducing: "I'm sorry, I just forgot to say that An You is still the host of the opening ceremony of today's performance party!"

After she finished talking, she realized that she didn't need to add this insignificant chip at all, and the atmosphere was already boiling.

"Oh, then, the auction begins."

Her words just fell

"One hundred thousand!"

A person in the rear stood up and shouted directly, really showing the posture of commercial competition, and the opening price was a number that many students did not reach the transaction price.

"This senior is bidding a hundred thousand, so amazing!"

The host smiled and held the microphone, and he was generous, but he couldn't help shaking, and his eyes were a little unstable.

She has no income to host the party for the school, only the credit rewards and the rich and wonderful archives in the future, and this number has exceeded all the expenses of her four years in college!

But the bidder was nothing more than a small businessman in the back seat. Real businessmen were all sitting in the front seats, or the first two rows of seats.

It's good that he can start, and that's it.

"Two hundred thousand!"



The bidders are getting higher and higher, and the atmosphere is getting hotter.

In a blink of an eye, it exceeded the previous highest price, and it was still climbing, and the modest businessmen who had just been humbled showed their minions and made the host instantly stunned.

Before, a pretty female student could get a hundred thousand ‘donations’ for a lunch, which caused an uproar, but now it has far exceeded all staff expectations!

They still spend their parents' money on school and they can't imagine that a meal can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars!

"Jiaxin Network is willing to donate 400,000 to the mountain area to get the opportunity to have lunch with Miss Anyou."

"Chenxi intelligently provided 450,000 subsidies to poor children in mountain areas to go to school, and also begged to have lunch with Miss Anyou."

"Future Times Network Company Funds ..."

The volunteers standing in the auditorium and the ceremonial lady could not help shaking, watching these people waving more money than their parents had survived, nominally donating to the mountains, but they all rushed to think about this classmate on stage Having a meal, and each time the price increase is at least 50,000, which is more than the cost of living for four years in college, it really makes people doubt life.

Especially those students who know Anyou, ca n’t help but wonder, are these happenings now real?

Even Ji Weiwei and Xiao Xue'er were amazed.

Xiao Xueer knew that with Anyou's appearance and this terrifying name, she would surely achieve unexpected results. Ji Weiwei knew more about what the An's group now means, but they didn't pay attention to another layer of hidden possibility .

The old professor at the same table pointed out with a smile: "This young general manager assistant is still part-time, and the surname is An, huh, huh!"

The president of Yizhou University frowned: "I didn't realize that this classmate was so big!"

Ji Weiwei and Xiao Xue'er both looked weird at once.

They couldn't be more clear about Anyou's family!

Only An You glanced at the old professor and the headmaster without saying a word, and continued to sit and watch the group of tigers fighting for meat.

Yes, scramble for meat.

What these people thought was written on their faces.

If it used to be for charity or face-saving, it is now a contest of interests. It was not a lunch with Anyou, but an opportunity to hand over with An's!

In up to two minutes, the auction has broken the million mark!

"Xinghai Smart donated one million yuan to donate to the mountain area!" The bid was for a middle-aged man sitting on the left side of the first row of the table seat.

There was a sudden uproar on stage and off stage, and the host didn't even say a word, it was all business people fighting for it.

An You also stood on the stage, blinking.

She was very surprised when she heard Zhang Yuyao's lunch for 180,000 yuan in the background. At this time, she obviously did not expect that her "worth" could actually reach one million. She only knows that her parents have been exhausted for most of their lives and have not made so many deposits, and she can get so much money for a lunch! Are there too many good people in the world, or are you dreaming?

Anyu just thought at the moment, if this is not a charity lunch, if he can embezzle the money ...

Poof, can't think anymore!

Everyone saw that the pretty **** the stage shook her head vigorously, and couldn't help being puzzled.

"What is this girl doing?" Ji Weiwei asked.


Xiao Xueer immediately covered his mouth and chuckled.

As the bidding broke the million mark, even the renminbi was very scary, and people in the back had already discussed it.

"Xinghai Intelligence is really a big deal!"

"Isn't it? One million. For a meal time, ordinary companies are not so courageous. It seems that the rumors of cooperation between Xinghai and Anshi Network are true!"

"Huh, don't take money as money!"

"Don't they already cooperate with An's Network? Why are you still taking this small opportunity with us?"

"This, personal experience, cannot be said!"

"It is estimated that the auction is almost over?"

"Not necessarily, there are many rich people here, some people will face Xinghai, others will not!"

Even the old professor next to Anyang continued to rap and shake his head. He is also a well-informed person. One million wo n’t shock him, but he ca n’t understand the madness.

The intensity of the matter is clearly at a new level.

Anyang frowned and tapped his fingers on the table.

Because of the need of a large strategy, Anshi Network has indeed reached a cooperation intention with several intelligent network companies such as Xinghai Intelligence to promote the Internet of Things. From a certain perspective, Xinghai Intelligence has already reached a consensus on cooperation with Anshi Network. Yu is more than some other companies by one level, and there is no longer any need to compete for this vague little opportunity.

But they chose to do so!

The meaning is intriguing, but it is not difficult to understand.

The final result is likely to be two. First, the successful bidder touched himself along Anyou, which was very troublesome. The second is that they found that this was just a "misunderstanding". Anyou was not the little princess of the An's Group they imagined. They spent so much money. Although nominally dedicated to charity, will they be willing to eat this dumb loss? can not guarantee.

Even if the energy of the last successful bidder is not great, we will certainly find ways to withdraw benefits from Anyou!

Everything is too scary because of the current value.

A lunch, a million high prices!

In the end, the man was right. There were a lot of rich people here. Some people would face Xinghai, while others would n’t. After a sudden surprise, a new round of bidding soon arrived.

"1.1 million."

"Yijia Smart Home, 1.15 million!"

"You guys are really welcome, I just want to have a lunch with Miss Anyou, as for this? Xinghai Smart persists, 1.2 million!"

"Polite, polite, charity anyway, I sympathize with the children in the mountains, 1.25 million!"

"Brother Shen is so kind!"

Everyone laughed, and now the bidding is basically in the front row. The auditorium is silent and no longer needs to be conveyed by Miss Etiquette or volunteers. Everyone can hear it directly.

But the bidding was silent for a while.

Obviously, even with the name of charity, even if these big bosses spend huge sums of money on charity every year in order to make themselves a gold body, even if Yizhou University promises that all the money will be used for student charity in their name, and They make no difference in free donations every year, but the amount is still too large, and many people are hesitant.

Later, basically, only the big bosses on the two-row table seats were still bidding for ‘goodness’, and the rear was already silent ~ ~ By the time of 1.8 million, it was almost approaching.

At this time, An You's "worth" alone has exceeded the sum of more than a dozen classmates in the front. Many students in the auditorium have fallen into a state of stunnedness. It is incredible, as if they used to be treasured in the dream like this It was like waste paper at the meeting! Even the host on stage and An You at lunch were startled.

For a long time, the beautiful girl who served as the host weakly reminded: "That, brothers and sisters, according to the regulations, Anyou students can't eat with you."


No one answered for a long time.

The instructor in the background was speechless.

This rule was set up to protect the female classmates at lunch, but at this time it makes no sense at all!

Until the center of the front row, one person raised his hand to signal.

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