My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 719: New journey

Anyang tasted a piece of bright red braised pork, and a burst of fire suddenly filled the lips and teeth, almost making people breathe fire.

But this little trick will naturally not reach him.

Anyang remained quiet and continued to eat, as if she could not feel the spiciness at all. After changing several dishes one after another, they were all prepared by Anyou, but he all behaved as usual.


An You stood beside him looking stunned.

She always knew that Anyang could eat spicy food, so she dealt with him so boldly, but she didn't expect this guy to be able to eat so much! She touched it with her finger this morning to taste it. The spicy taste is not something ordinary people can resist. It is estimated that a little spicy will cause a stomach burn, so she is very reserved when she puts it on. there is a problem.

But now it seems that her heart is too soft!

Anyang drank a glass of water in one sip, tapped the table with his index finger, glanced at it, and continued to eat again.

An You gritted his teeth and filled him with water!

My heart is still too soft!

Anyang suddenly raised his head: "Right, what about my clothes?"

An You didn't respond for a while: "What clothes?"

Anyang's face suddenly darkened, and said badly: "The clothes I gave you last night, wouldn't you want to take it for yourself?"

An You was stunned, and looked around, only to see an ambiguous look, and he immediately gritted his teeth: "Can't you pay attention when you talk? I still have to mix at school! Also, who will rarely make you stinky The clothes belong to you! Besides, what do I do with your clothes, am I sick? "

"Who knows ..." Anyang looked strange.

"An Dayang!"

"Uh, I mean, who knows what you do with my clothes ..." Anyang quickly changed his mouth.

The face of the people who changed around this time was weird.

Anyou looks black and becomes carbon!

"Damn it! Shameless!"

"Uh, I obviously didn't deliberately pull you through."

"You still say!"

"Then you give me my clothes back ..."

"No more!" Anyou gritted her teeth.

After she finished talking, she was stunned for a while, and she seemed to find something wrong. Looking back, as expected, this guy's face suddenly became so strange, it looked like, like ...

It's like watching a twisted pervert!

"It's not what you think!"

"Which way?"

Looking at Anyang who pretended to be innocent, Anyou almost went crazy: "Ah! I am not perverted! You are!"

"I ... did I say anything ...?"

"I mean, I have thrown your clothes!"


Anyang clearly wrote a sentence on his expression-

I understand, but I won't take you through!

It's awful!

Anyou reluctantly covered her face. Sure enough, even the final explanation he came up with in a hurry was completely defeated?

"You still have food, I'll serve you!"

After all, she turned around and left.

"So active?" Anyang said to himself, and counted the dishes on the table as much as others. It seems that everyone is of this specification and should not be treated differently.

On the other side, the canteen window.

Today, the male students who provide lunch are all in a suit and straight, and the female students are also dressed purely and beautifully. Anyou, as the person in charge, naturally leads by example, and there is no exception. She was wearing a white dress that Xiao Qian had bought with her a few days ago. She outlined her slender figure and her youthful face, matching her temperament, was like a little princess.

In addition, her fame is not small, walking in the cafeteria crowd, she can always attract a lot of eyes, which can be called charming.

It's just that her temperament is obviously different from the previous generous peace. She rushed to the cafeteria window, pulled out a card from the bag, and snapped it in front of the window.

"Fry another tiger skin green pepper! Use a beautiful pepper!"

"Well, swipe your card!"

A little fat-looking canteen chef glanced at the credit card reader, and then glanced at Anyou and the group of business people who enjoyed the services of female students behind Anyou. Also a man in his thirties or forties, why do others let female students wait for them to eat and win the name of goodwill, but they work hard in the kitchen full of smoke and smoke?

Look at the group of beautiful female students who were sought after in the past, and now in front of the group of big money, all of them are struggling to show the delicate and well-behaved side, and they almost shy their faces for support!

Shaking his head and holding back his jealousy, he said: "It seems that you are very compatible with the big money classmate, so many vegetables are afraid that he will not be able to eat enough, and he will pay for his own food!"

An You frowned: "What do you mean?"

"No, it's nothing. Just kidding, classmates don't care." The chef said, and turned to pick vegetables.

Anyou's face was blue and white for a while, but she didn't want to explain more, but she couldn't bear to look at the chef's disgusting eyes and the gradually changing eyes of her classmates.

"What do you know, that's my brother!" She said it with embarrassment, awkward in her heart.

"Oh?" The chef froze, his face flushed.

If this is the case, he ca n’t afford this girl, plus last night ’s charity lunch auction was highly praised, and it has become one of the school ’s best activities in recent years. If he happens to do this, his work may be all Can't keep it.

Fortunately, An You didn't care about him, glanced around his eyes, and reminded with a cold voice: "Spicy, how spicy and spicy!"

ten minutes later--

Under the stunned gaze of all the classmates, the pretty famous girl in the school was holding a plate of scorched hot peppers in one hand and a bottle of chili sauce in the other. , Patting the bottom of the bottle vigorously while chanting: "You are hot! You are hot!"

Finally, she was relieved and put down the chili sauce.

The onlookers all around were relieved as if they witnessed a cruel torture, and finally the criminals finally let go of the criminals.

An You stood on tiptoe and scanned around, found two chopsticks in the cafeteria, stirred the peppers on the plate evenly, then nodded with satisfaction, turned around, and put on a charming smile.

With a bang, the plate was placed on the table.

"Ketchup mixed with bell peppers." An You, as always, pretended to be cold, to ensure that she was free of flaws.

"Ketchup ... bell pepper ...?"

Anyang was a little surprised and looked up at Anyou.

Has Nizi's IQ cleared ...

Even if you are blind, you can't recognize the pepper petals and bell peppers, and your sense of smell hasn't malfunctioned. This choking pungent spicy taste won't even blind people recognize it?

After looking at the dish for a long time, he did not put down the chopsticks after all, but asked weakly, "You taste it first?"

"Well, we don't provide food service!"

"More than two million, do not eat with the food, just serve a dish and pour water, you are worth more than the first-line actress!"

"I gave you the opportunity to repent, it was you who gave up your face to give up!" An You's face was a bit cold, "I said whether you eat or not, it will be cold if you don't eat food!"

"Is it coming up, is it going to be cold ..."

"The weather is getting colder!"

"Then you still show your arms and legs ..."


"Anyway, then you only taste one bit. The buyer suspects the food is poisonous and asks you to try it. Isn't it alright?"

"This ..." Anyou hesitated.

"If you don't eat, I won't eat!"

An You immediately gritted her teeth and said: "No problem!"

With that in mind, she picked up Anyang's chopsticks and picked up a piece of hot pepper covered with chili sauce, and put it into her mouth!


This is sour and unbelievable!

An You's face instantly turned red, and she felt like her mouth was burning, her expression was a little distorted, her eyes closed, she had to clen her teeth to prevent her from spitting out, and forcibly refused!

"Oka ... huh ... delicious!"

Anyang looked at her funny, as if suffocating this sentence from her throat, the innocent asked: "But you look so strange."

"Too ... screaming ... sweet!"

"Oh, so, I don't like sweet food."


"Yeah, you know that I don't like sweet food. Besides, you use my chopsticks. How dirty, I have a cleansing habit!"

"You have a ... huh ... fart!" Anyou wanted to hold back her breath, but her mouth was so hot, she had to breathe in quietly to relieve the hot pain.

Anyang shrugged, and after a while, he changed the subject and said, "Well, do you provide massage services?"

"Not provided!"

"What about jokes?"

"I can't say anything ... don't talk!"

When Anyou responded, the topic was removed, and the guy didn't mean to eat this dish. She sighed and had to drink his water!

Unexpectedly, Anyang ate at last.

But his face was indifferent, and he was not jumped as spicy as she expected, but instead looked as usual, as if mocking her.

A deep feeling of powerlessness appeared in An You's heart.

Not long after this meal, Anyang left.

What is rare is that An You has been sending him to the car, standing at the spot to send him, I do not know whether it is the rules or what.

"Right, you will give you your clothes next time!"

"What did you do with it ..."

"I! I washed it!"

Anyang looked weird, sitting in the car, igniting, frowning and looking at her: "Ming Ming Xiaoqian has just washed it."

"Hi! There is so much nonsense!" Anyou turned and left!

Has this guy never watched a TV series since childhood? Any girl who wears other people's clothes must wash it!

Otherwise, body fragrance remains ...

There was the sound of the car leaving behind.

Anyang returned to the villa. Xiaoqian was at home and had just washed the dishes out. While wiping his hands on the apron, he asked him with a smile: "How is Fujun and Xiaoyou playing?"

"I have something fun with her!"

Comrade Xiaoqian pursed her lips ~ ~ leaned over and looked at him: "It looks like Hujun and Xiaoyou have a great time!"

Anyang smiled helplessly: "Maybe it is."

What was about to say, suddenly, the phone shook slightly——

The selected person will enter the new mission world in 24 hours, please be prepared.

Anyang suddenly stunned and put down his phone.

So fast this time!

"Is it because the last task was too simple?"

Anyang guessed.

Xiaoqian knew what he looked like. He looked helpless and sat down on the sofa without any mood to laugh.

Anyang had to hurry to appease.

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