My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 836: Sultry at night

The night is sultry, and the earth sparks.

This is a Buddhist country. The low-rise buildings with main colors of red and gold are endless. People often light candles at night, and the lights are brightly lit all night. I can hear the low-pitched singing from the temple. The whole city smelled of faith.

Anyang didn't want his residence to be the only darkness among the stars, so he lit candles before he began to practice.

The house is also in the style of this country. Bright red drapes hang on the wooden pillars of the room, and the whole room is shadowed by the shaking candlelight, which seems to tremble.

The night was getting deeper, and the cold wind blew across the city.

Gradually, some houses in the city went dark. It was probably that the candle was blown out by the wind or burned out.

Because of fear of a sudden attack by the immortal magic palace, Anyang is now carrying the soul of the little fox with him, and the furthest distance is no more than one foot, which can be obtained by beckoning.

Xiao Chan still maintained the appearance of a fox, lying silently in the soul bead, and occasionally looked up at Anyang, which was motionless, or looked at the burning candle, and looked at the candlelight outside in the cold night through the window.

Anyang's breath became more symmetrical.

With a snap, the soul beads rolled from the bed to the ground.

The little fox also turned her head in the bead and gave Anyang an uneasy glance, seeing that Anyang was completely sitting on the bed and didn't move, and had fully entered the ancient nerve's enlightenment training, her little pointed fox face There was a relaxed expression on it.

Suddenly, a small red fox phantom came out of the soul bead, stood on the ground, looked up at his little paw, and licked it.

She quietly looked up at Anyang again, and hesitated for a moment while standing on the spot before turning into a human form.

It's just that at this time, she is no longer the appearance of a girl who was seven or eight years old, or a bean sprout that is more than one meter tall, but a height of about one meter and six, and an age of about fourteen or five years old. Her figure was well-proportioned, her cheeks were white and clean, and she was still immature, but her black silk was attached to her clean forehead, her eyes were as dark as ink, and there was a natural charm between her expressions. Her age is not expected to make a man fall in love with her crazy, but it will definitely make a man have an endless protective desire for this girl.

The little fox is still a little loli at this time, but he has been out of the scope of the little, and has become a very tempting girl.

If Anyang sees this scene, he will definitely be surprised that his chin falls off. Then all the questions about this little fox could be solved.

For example, the fox is clever and proficient in the art of transformation, why this little fox has never used it, and even refuses to use his talents easily.

(Chapter 305, focuses on Xiao Chan's talent and Anyang's doubts, and focuses on the phrase 'especially good at the art of change'. Jin knows that many friends must have forgotten, but there must also be many friends to pay attention to Arrived, just buried too long and too deep, and gradually did not mention the golden color, and the friends did not care.)

And when she was in the world of Shenzhou, when she misunderstood Anyang, she always put the phrase "wait for me to grow up and wait for you" again, like a way to protect herself, but she has always maintained this Vice looks, never grown up ...

Another example is when Anyang and Huang Lan were alone, and Huang Lan accidentally mentioned to him that when she and Xiao Chan went out to work together, she dazzled many times when Xiao Chan used her talents, and every time she felt that the little one grew up suddenly. Yes, but she still looks the same in the blink of an eye. At that time, Huang Lan and Anyang thought that they were the illusion that Xiao Chan's two talents were intertwined.

(Chapter 529, Golden has described Huang Lan ’s illusion very carefully.)

And this little fox's heart problem ...

I saw that the snow-white rounded thighs protrude from the phantom red skirt. The skin has the delicate tenderness of the girl, and it is as white as the ice and snow on the Tianshan Mountains. It's soft and slender, and above it is small and big breasts, a few strands of black silk are hanging silently in front of you ...

The grown-up version of Xiao Chan looked down at herself, and when she raised her head, she was somewhat at a loss on her face, frowning and staring for a long time before she sighed.

It is difficult to exercise talents in the soul state, and it is difficult to keep yourself in another unreal form of illusion.

This is really not sure what to do!

Upon shaking, she turned into that little fox and got into the soul bead.

The next morning, it was like a sunny day.

Anyang was wearing a wide clothes, sitting in a noodle restaurant to eat noodles, with his back to everyone in the noodle restaurant, so that everyone could not see his face and the beads on the table.

A few days ago, this bead would be quiet and motionless on the table, but I do n’t know what happened today. The little fox seemed to see it, and the beads were rolling on the table.

There is no seasoning in the noodles. The spices in this country are too backward. Anyang had to add a lot of peppers to the noodles, which is a bit like the picture of Sun Wukong eating noodles in the mortal noodle shop when he first went to the West Niu Hezhou. I was so embarrassed that I ate it calmly.

The little fox kept quietly watching him finish the big bowl of noodles.

Just when he remembered to check out, he frowned, sitting in his seat without moving.

The little fox in the transparent beads raised his head and looked at him. There were some doubts in his black and white eyes. He seemed to wonder if he forgot to bring the money ...

Just listen to some voices coming from the side

"That half-moon hall was really wicked. A few days ago, another family kid was captured by them!"

"Save it, don't I just say that, there was a Dharma monk before to come down to demons, but the demon of the Half Moon Hall said they were the branch of the immortal magic palace giant **** palace here, and they didn't know that immortal magic palace giant **** What is the origin of the palace, but the monk of the Dhamam Temple was shocked by this sentence, what do you say we can do? "

"Don't we care? Let the demon of Half Moon Hall devour our children? You will have a baby someday, what will you do then?"

"Ah, I know what you said makes sense. I do n’t hide you from my relationship. My wife was pregnant the previous year, but thinking about this, I took the child away. That ’s my own flesh and blood. , But what can I do? I have deliberately inquired about this immortal demon palace, but it disturbs the world, does evil things, and is beyond reason, but those monsters have been rampant for so long, and no one can take them? "


Anyang was sitting on a wooden stool, his fingers striking the table rhythmically, his face calm and awful.

Xiao Chan stopped moving and dared not disturb him.

Disturb the world, do many evils, and the truth is unacceptable ...

These words are used to describe the immortal magic palace.

Anyang thought of this.

Although I do n’t know whether the giant **** is a Buddha or the Tao, or whether the sky-high **** Buddhas and great magicians are awe-inspiring, but if the giant **** said it true, he can really use merit as a bargaining chip for great magicians Resurrecting Xiao Chan, it is undoubtedly a great way to gain merit

Since ancient times, famous monks and seniors have traveled the heavens to descend the monsters and demons, and appease the peace of the world to accumulate merits. If he can break this big tumor, would n’t it be the merits of heaven!

Although with the strength of the Immortal Magic Palace and the current situation in the world, he wanted to return to the world with peace and tranquility.

But things must be done artificially.

Xiao Chan is still trapped in this bead!

So Anyang stood up decisively, slapped Xiao Chan's soul beads in his hand, settled the bill, and left.

Two hundred miles to the east, the chaotic mountains are the tallest, and the place where the black smoke lingers all day long is the half moon hall.

Anyang stood in the distance and watched, holding Xiao Chan's soul bead in his hand: "You hide for a while and wait for me to clear up this ghost place before letting you out."

The little fox nodded timidly.

Anyang smiled and tucked the beads into his arms.

Xiao Chan's eyes darkened, but the clothes were still a little light. After all, her dark eyes could see things at night, and naturally she could see the scene at this time and she was almost next to a thin layer of personal clothing , Outline the contours of Anyang's chest muscles, and still hear his heartbeat, strong and powerful, and make people feel at ease for no reason.

Her face is a bit hot ~ ~ She has a shy face, thinking that if she was still humanoid, her face was already so red that she could bleed blood.

If she still has a sense of smell, it is presumed that the nasal cavity will be full of the smell of Anyang.

Suddenly, she felt Anyang flying out.

There was a cold wind from the gap in the clothes.

Anyang stood in the air and gazed at the hill in the distance, muttering: "This time is revenge and punishment for evil and good, but this is just the beginning. The Eternal Life Palace, wait and see."

After he finished speaking, he rushed over.

This time, instead of using a large-scale lethal weapon such as an arc cannon, he flew directly to the mountain with a fist, and blasted a burst of white gas with his body, breaking through the sound instantly.

In the past, his flying speed was slower than that on the 6th ground, but since the giant **** gave him innate divine power and practiced a month old ancient nerve, his flying speed has skyrocketed, and it is now much faster than the running speed on the 6th ground. Too.

This time also to try the power of ancient nerves!

Soon, he rushed to the sky above Banyuetang, and encountered a layer of prohibition, but he directly punched out, and he gave the ban a break.

Before the prohibition was closed again, he had entered.

The demons in Banyuetang were shocked, and they all got out of the practice and looked over the head.

The people in this half-moon hall are not very strong, and the strongest person is estimated to be only the level of the demon general, maybe not as good as the eagle demon Taoist in the Golden Camel City, many of them ca n’t even fly, he is so full People with strong energy fluctuations suddenly broke in, and naturally caused a panic.

A demon flew towards him, shouting something in his mouth.

Anyang ignored him and rushed straight over, continuously accumulating force during this increase, and then punched hard.

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