My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 848: Marshal Canopy!

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Chapter 848 Marshal Tian Peng!


"The roller blind general has been stripped of his post and demoted to the world, and the golden body Luohan has also left the Buddha. Now there is only a ridiculous monk who is not used to demon demon chaos!"

The sand monk said, reaching for the stick.

The proboscis man was shocked.

No matter what identity the sand monk is, who is the sand monk?

It was the supreme bodyguard of the Jade Emperor who had been in and out of the room, the golden body of the Buddha, and the famous demon bombed by a demon scepter on the westbound road. Sha Wujing!

He dared to help Lingshan challenge the majesty of the Heavenly Court and dare to face the various levels set by the Heavenly Court. His strength is beyond doubt!

Anyang also looked at the sand monk at this time with some palpitations. Until now, he only saw a bit of the jealous quality of the Buddhist monks from the sand monk's body, and it was not until now that he felt the pressure of the panic like the monk in the sand monk's body. Not an ordinary giant who looks vicious.

This is not good enough for the messengers of the Eternal Life Maze, but it is also strong enough!

That stick is equally extraordinary. It is often called the real demon scepter, because the sand monk used it to kill many famous monsters in the Three Realms.

In fact, its real name is Thoreau's Scepter, which comes from Moon Palace Thoreau Immortal, crafted by craftsman Lu Ban, embellished with Baoxia shining on the outside, and Jinrui gas condensing inside. This black oil-like black stick like a rolling pin is inconspicuous, but it actually weighs 5,048 pounds. It was originally given by the Jade Emperor to the general of the roller blind. The size can be changed as you wish, and the demon can be demolished!

The Journey to the West in the six-year-old children's version was changed to a crescent shovel, and it has a profound influence on later generations, resulting in almost all weapons of the film and television monks in the West Journey are almost crescent shovel.

People also think that the sand monk's weapon is a crescent shovel, but in fact it is not the case, but this sacred devil's real scepter!

The sand monk was not the old and good old man in the six-year-old Journey to the West. He killed countless people in the Liusha River. Whether it is a demon, a **** or a fairy, come and eat one by one. He is also not the one who can only speak three lines, but is the ruthless man who jumped to catch the Bodhisattva when the Guanyin Bodhisattva and the big disciple Huian Walker flew across the Liusha River!

At the same time, when Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva did not select Qi Tian Da Sheng, Marshal Tian Peng and Crown Prince Bai Long, he was the first to make a decision to accompany the Tang Seng to learn from the sutra.

Bai Yun ’s man was retreating from his heart, but his face was calm, thinking a little: "No matter whether Zunjia is a roller shutter general or a golden body Luohan, or whatever, I would like Zunjia to raise your noble commander Dinghai Shenzhu was given to the Magic Palace. This matter is a matter of my centuries-old plan. "

After listening to his words, the sand monk raised his head and laughed, and the laughter was as loud as thunder, which surprised the countless fish in the river.

"Hahahaha, what is the Immortal Demon Palace? Some demon dare to talk to me about the conditions. When I traveled westward almost throughout the Western Niu Hezhou, how could I not see this Laoshizi Demon Palace?"

Every time the man spoke, he said again: "Oh! I heard that the Laozizi Palace was built in the lion camel country, but I have been to the lion camel country. Those three kings are indeed pretty good. The demon will also be called clever. I heard Peng Fool said that day that he had led the Tianhe Water Army to patrol the earth. Every time the army arrived, the lion camel was gone! "

After talking, the sand monk laughed again.

Even the corners of Anyang's mouth also raised some arcs.

But the Baiyun man's complexion was not good enough to see the extreme point. He spit out a white breath and said, "I respect the driver as a former predecessor, but don't forget to respect the driver. It is no longer the Heavenly Court ruled the Three Realms, and the Buddha Gate is shocking. Times, Zunjia is no longer part of the Heavenly Court and Lingshan. In contrast, the majestic majesty of my house is not what the lion and camel kingdom can do in the past. Is Zunjia really going to fight against the magic palace in order to fix the sea pearl? "

"Bah!" Sha Sin sneered. "It's just a few demons, no matter how big the cause is, it's a group of demons. The crowd, the dirty people, how can you qualify to speak to me like this!"

"You !!!" The demon of Baiyun Zhi talked to the sand monk, but he was repeatedly insulted, but he did not know that the immortal magic palace is now in the sky, and the most rare thing is that other people despise them as their demon, so how can he not gas?

Take a deep breath, the demon said: "Sand monk, you are good at it, but my demon palace is powerful, and you are strong! Someone is strong, and you are alone, my devil palace almost wants to dominate the world. Enemy against the Maze? "

"Oh, the demon is a demon, how to argue and quibble is also a demon!" The sand monk said, already mentioned the demon scepter, "Don't talk nonsense, come on!"

"you dare!"

The elephant-nosed demon screamed loudly, and saw the sand monk take a step with his staff and turned around without hesitation!

It was not enough for the people in the magic palace to have a **** protecting the kid here. Many wars many years ago, many gods and Buddhas were sleeping on the earth, and some were also sealed and suppressed. After these hundreds of years, people have woke up one after another, some woke up directly from the West Niu Hezhou, and some woke up to find the magic palace, but except the top strong They were all suppressed by the magic palace!

The Magic Palace has seen it a lot, but for security reasons, he was sent. It must be enough even to deal with some heavenly battles, but the people of the Magic Palace did not count the people who appeared here are actually the well-known learners of the Three Realms. Sand Monk!

But this man didn't buy the account of the magic palace, he had the heart to vomit blood. Now it can only fly faster!

But sand monks are faster.

The demon only flew a few hundred meters, and had not crossed the wide river surface. The sand monk carrying the demon scepter took a step and chased him, raised his stick and hit him!


The demon also responded quickly, facing the unsightly stick and still going all out, all kinds of magical spells came out.

The elephant trunk turned into gold and raised high, his body raised a phantom like a non-elephant and a bull and a bull, his hands gleamed with golden flames, and he sent a gold that was as great as the past A gold ring with a somewhat similar hoop ...

But they were all broken by this dark black stick!



The demon screamed, and immediately fell into the river, and the two boys beside him were directly caught by the sand monk more than four meters high, and they were killed by life!

The demon was walking on the river, and he grunted to get up and wanted to run, but the sand monk chased after just one step.

This time, the demon made enough preparations and resisted twice. The two turned their hands on the river, and there were loud noises and tremors, and then the demon lost defeat.

The stick weighing more than five thousand pounds was beaten by a sand monk with a stick, adding magical power, and a loud thunder and a loud noise was hit on the demon's hair. The brain burst in a flash, and the blood that was shot at high speed could only see the red light In a flash, the demon fell into the river softly, splashing a large pool of water.


Before Anyang responded, the sand monk came back with the stick again, and with a sleeve wave, the stick was gone.

"Drowned again," he said.

Anyang only smiled dryly and didn't speak.

This was the first time he saw such a fight between the great gods, but he didn't see any end of a famous hall at all, and he didn't see any fighting skills. The most impressive thing is that the two boys were killed by the sand monk with one hand-

That's the leader-level demon. He was chased by a leader-level demon a few days ago, and he dared not to fight one!

As if seeing what he thought, the sand monk said: "In fact, this monster is not strong enough, neither powerful supernatural powers nor descendants of congenital beasts. , When you practice to his level in the future, he must be strong! "

Anyang also knew that he was in a hurry, and the sand monk had practiced for many years before he could have this combat power, and he could not keep up with him.

"The disciple knows that it is only that His Holiness is completely involved in the grievances with the Eternal Life Palace this time."

"Fei Ye." The sand monk shook his head. "I'm alone. The Eternal Life Maze is no matter how hegemonic it is, it won't come to me because of it.

After a pause, he said again: "Don't you mean that the little white dragon came up with the purpose of eradicating the devil palace, isn't it right now?"

Anyang smiled and didn't speak ~ ~ It seems that it was also a good way to destroy the immortal magic palace with the help of a few people. Especially, it is too difficult for him to destroy the magic palace by himself.

The sand monk seemed to see what he was thinking, saying: "You think it's too simple, what I just said is big talk, the immortal palace is not that simple. During the practice in this world, the demon has an innate advantage, if not Once the heavens suppressed the demon, this world was already the world of the demon. Even so, hundreds of years ago, it was also a big demon. Many demon were nourished by the essence of innate spirit, and inherited by ancient ancestors, hiding for practice for hundreds of years. After that, it was as intractable as the heavenly generals and ancient gods. Now the immortal palace gathers the famous monsters in the world. I and the little white dragon can hardly contend with it. If Marshal Tianpeng has no Tianhe water The military helps each other, too. "

"Unless ... you can find a battle to defeat the Buddha!"

"That magic palace is so strong!"

"Look for the victory over the Buddha ..."

Anyang thinks this is a bit too bullshit.

But if Bailong really wants to destroy the immortal magic palace, he still has to find a way. Whether it is to find a battle to defeat the Buddha or to find the remaining forces of Lingshan, it depends on how he did it.

Another ten days, they finally waited for Marshal Tenpeng!

It was a man of extraordinary appearance. He looked about thirty years old and didn't wear armor or monk clothes, but a robe that ordinary people would wear.

If the image of the sand monk does not match the good old man in the TV series, Marshal Tianpeng is also diametrically opposed to the image of the fat-headed pig Bajie. Walked in front of Anyang and Sand Monk.

"Brother, long time no see." He said so.

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