My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 854: The so-called fight over Buddha ...

"You are talking about the General Shroud and the Third Prince of the Xihai Dragon Palace who accompanied the Qitian Dasheng to the west?"


"They can really find Qi Tian Da Sheng."


"What are they doing for Qi Tian Da Sheng?"

"I said, there is a peace in the world."

"It turned out to be so." The old monkey was stunned, and his expression was low. "But Qi Tian Da Sheng is long gone. Now only the battle over the Buddha is defeated. As long as he still cares about the world, Huaguo Mountain will not last for hundreds of years This is how it looks. "

"This is the way of the world. This is true of the famous dojos in the world. I came from the place where the great holy saints learned in the past. The Xingyue Sanxingdong of Fangcun Mountain in Lingtai was broken even more badly. He moved from Xi Niu He Zhou to Nan Zhan Bu Zhou. Moreover, now that the Three Realms are in chaos and the situation is special, maybe Qi Tian Da Sheng is still unable to protect himself! "

"What else?" Said the old monkey in surprise.

"of course."

"Then ... let me think about it."

After the old monkey finished speaking, he squatted on the stone chair and closed his eyes. An old monk looked like he was thinking.

It took a long time before he opened his eyes.

"There is indeed something related to the Great Monkey King of the past. That thing is not invisible. There have been thousands of people who have robbed it in succession for hundreds of years. But you are a million You ca n’t touch it. You can find the rest on the mountain and find out what ’s what. ”

"Huh?" Anyang frowned. "What is that thing you said?"

The reason why he bothered to talk to the old monkey was n’t he just trying to save the time of groping around in the mountains? Now that he was slightly surprised, how could he easily let it go.

But the old monkey avoided it: "You can rummage on this mountain, this water curtain hole can also rug you, anyway, Huaguo Mountain has become like this, so many people have come, so many people All left in disappointment, there is really nothing precious for you here. "

"I only need the remnants of Qi Tian Da Sheng." Anyang chased.

"I don't say it, it's for you."


The old monkey closed his eyes again and condensed for a moment before he said, "Well, let me tell you. That's actually Qi Tian Da Sheng has passed through the heads of hundreds of years, it is a treasure, and because of Qi Tian Da Sheng With spirituality, many people have taken it away for hundreds of years, and some have submitted to the powerful monkey demon of the immortal palace, claiming to be the inheritor of the Great Saint, but this set of heads is always a few days later. It flew back automatically, and it is still firmly placed in the depth of the water of the waterfall. Over time, no one has beaten its idea for a long time. "

"Qi Tian Da Sheng's old head?" Anyang's eyes suddenly brightened. If this is true, according to the traditional Chinese practice of the world, the traces left on this head may be more than that of a Qi Tian Da Sheng before becoming a Buddha. It doesn't matter if it's hairy.

According to the records in the Journey to the West, this line of travel was obtained from the Four Seas Dragon Palace——

Phoenix wings purple gold crown!

Chain mail gold armor!

Ou Sibu Yunlu!

Ruyi gold hoop!

I won't say anything else. Ruyi Gold Hoop, Ruyi Gold Hoop, and Ruyi Gold Hoop. Say the important things three times.

For a moment, Anyang asked again: "What about the people who took this set of walking away? Did they watch this set of flying heads fly back automatically?"

"They?" The old monkey chuckled, "Who knows, I haven't been here, nor have they returned, and they may have died unconsciously."

Anyang sank in his heart, and then realized that this was the battle against the Buddha!

Even if this line of business is not obvious in the past, but it is estimated that it has an unusual significance to witness Sun Wukong from a goblin to Qitian Dasheng, and then fight against the Buddha.

He took a deep breath, holding the thought of who I was afraid of, and he still said: "Then I can take it away?"

The old monkey sneered again and shook his head, not bothering to say: "You can give it a try, but don't blame me for not reminding you when you are under Jiuquan. Anyway, I don't want to live anymore. You shouldn't use it for a few years after you go Will come with you. "

"Well." Anyang nodded.

After a few more chats with the old monkey, he said goodbye to the old monkey, drilled out of the water curtain hole, and stood beside the waterfall deep pool.

The river flowing from the waterfall is still pouring into the pool water, and then flows along the wide river. Of course, the water is too shallow to be called a river. But this deep pond carries the connection between the waterfall and the river. The amount of water is still sufficient, and the water is very clear, but this summer exudes a pleasant cold.

As far as I can see, at most only monkeys take water or wash fruits by the river, and no one bathes in this tan.

From Anyang's point of view, this pool of water is really unusual. It doesn't look like it's hiding the head of the old Qitian.

He didn't think much, didn't use the technique of water prohibition, he directly found out the Dinghai Shenzhu, and took it into the pool of water.

Dinghai Shenzhu exudes a faint blue light. I see that any pool water close to the blue light area will automatically spread out, almost leaving a drop of water, revealing a waterless channel.

And he went straight down in this passage.

...... This pool is so deep!

At least a thousand kilometers fell, Anyang saw a faint golden light shining beneath him, and soon he saw the golden pillar, and stood upright.

"Really there are gold hoops!" He opened his mouth in surprise.

At this time, he was still falling, almost ten meters away from the Dinghaishen Needle, and falling down along it.

The inscriptions on the stitches of this Dinghaishen needle, the incomplete marks left by the fighting, were all taken into his eyes. Then at least several thousand kilometers, he finally fell to the end.

Underneath is soft, fine sand, which might have been silt, but Dinghai Shenzhu squeezed all the water out, making it look like this. Anyang had to rejoice in having this treasure, otherwise even if the technique of water forbidden allowed him to breathe in the water, the water pressure of several thousand meters would be enough to make him embarrassed.

Looking forward, still gleaming with gold.

He reached out and sprinkled white light, illuminating the areas where the golden light could not be found.

I saw that the diameter of the gold hoop should be about ten meters, which is much larger than that in the TV series. At least if Sun Wukong is not too big, he can't embrace it with both hands. On the perimeter of the gold hoop, the phoenix-winged purple crown, the gold chain mail, and the lotus root cloud are floating in the water out of thin air, appearing up and down, as if they were still being worn.

They radiate divine light faintly, telling their own extraordinary, and how much they look different from the ignorance of God in many film and television works.

Anyang was discouraged.

Without him, the old monkey's words scared him.

I would like to ask if Qi Tian Da Sheng really left behind in this set of lines, how could he resist!

Two steps forward, close to these four things.

The more Anyang feels, the more extraordinary they are. When the blue light-emitting Dinghai Shenzhu will repel the water around this head, they still float in the air where there is no water, and the divine light becomes more and more dazzling.

After a long struggle, he still gritted his teeth and put all the three objects except the Ruyi gold hoop into his space. As for the gold hoop, it is too big to fit.

No obstacles encountered!

After sensing it, he didn't feel any danger. Anyang directly rose into the sky and flew upward.

at last--

With a pop, he rushed out of the water.

There were only a few curious young monkeys on the gravel ground looking at the pool, and the old monkey was there too, but he sat lazily on a big rock, but ignored him completely.

There were several little monkeys around the old monkey, all clamoring for him to tell the story of Qi Tian Da Sheng.

"Listen to the uncle elephant on the other side of the mountain and say that our ancestor king is Qitian Dasheng, who has been in the Tiangong Temple, has great magical powers, and has infinite mana. Is this true? Grandpa White Tail ..." , "He later became a battle against Buddha!"

The old monkey said lightly: "The king is indeed regarded as the holy ancestor of the monkey family in the world, but that is Sun Wukong, the king of the beautiful monkey, the king of the heavens, not the victory over the Buddha!"


"The king is a monkey, whether it is Qitian Dasheng, the beautiful monkey king, or Sun Wukong, it is a monkey, but it is not the same as fighting against the Buddha. It is a Buddha."

"Isn't it all him ..." the little monkey muttered.

"It's not the same." The old monkey still shook his head, his voice was lazy. "Our king is a hero standing upright and fearless. The five hundred years under the Five Elements Mountain has not been able to wear away his will, but When he went westward, he dropped his armor and put on his cassocks. Our Qitian Dasheng in Huaguo Mountain will no longer exist ... "


The little monkeys are full of puzzles ~ ~ At this time, the old monkey had already seen Anyang and glanced at him with his eyes slanted, all eyes were muddy: "Have you got it?"

"Yes." Anyang said, "Thank you."

"Let's go then, wish you good luck." The old monkey waved his hand, and took the posture of seeing off.

Anyang didn't want to stay longer, so he bowed his hands and said: "I'll say goodbye, I hope that the victory over the Buddha is still in the world, and that he still retains some of the blood and conviction that he once had. May we be able to invite him to live for the Three Realms Fight once. "

The old monkey looked at him without speaking.

Anyang turned and left.

Instead, the monkey that followed him had been following him, and it seemed that he would not feel at ease until he saw him leave here.

Anyang did not go away, but walked, turning to ask the monkey: "Your name is yellow head, right?"

He glanced at the monkey's head. There were indeed a few yellow hairs on it.

"Yeah." Yellow Head replied.

"That's your current king?" Anyang asked.

"No." Huang Tou obviously knew who he was referring to, "I have no king since Huatian Mountain, and said that our king will always be only the beautiful monkey king."

"Well! He seems to know a lot."

"Yeah, Grandpa Bai knows a lot because he lives a long time." Huang Tou seems to have let go of the old monkeys because they are not malicious to Anyang, "He was here when my grandpa's grandpa was, I do n’t know how long I have lived. Some people say that he will never die ... "

"Never die!" Anyang was surprised.

It was also at this time that he remembered that when Sun Wukong was busy in the city more than a thousand years ago, he had crossed out the names of all monkeys in Huaguo Mountain!

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