My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 860: Zhu Mingkang

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"Win the handsome flag! Win the handsome flag !!!"

"Eagle Power! Raid their phalanx!"

"What's going on behind the trebuchet!"

There are many noisy shouts below, some from this side, some from the other side, and this fight is also more intense than the fight of ordinary mortal army.

This is a comprehensive battle between two different races!

One side is a giant more than three meters high, one can at least be against seven or eight ordinary people, a single iron can strike an ordinary soldier. And they are huge in number, and the charge is more powerful than the migration of millions of wildebeests on the prairie.

On the other hand, they are ordinary people. Although they are not as good as the enemy, they have excellent weapons and superior numbers. With strong command, they can also be inseparable from the enemy!

In general, both sides have their own advantages.

Giant soldiers have no cavalry because they are so huge that the warhorse cannot afford them, and because of the increased defense costs, almost only officers in Wuzhong can wear armor.

Ordinary soldiers make up part of the power gap with equipment, and the arms are complete. The arms of the bow and arrow, light and heavy cavalry, crossbowmen, trebuchet, light infantry, spearmen, heavy shield infantry and bed crossbow engineers have formed a clear division of labor The army is well advanced and well trained.

Both sides burst into bursts of power as they screamed, and even steel steel weapons were directly cut off and heavy armor generals were directly knocked off by a stick.

The battle became more intense, and soon the blood stained the ground.

The high-speed movement of the entire fierce battlefield not only did not make Anyang difficult to identify, but also brought him the basis for finding a goal--

The arrow is constantly changing its direction slightly, and the people below are also moving. There must be one and only one that exactly matches the arrow. It is not difficult for him to find it.

Without even using the dynamic capture and calculation capabilities of the bio-assist chip, he locked his target.

It was a heavy riding general who rushed to the front. He shifted as many arrows as he moved forward. When he slashed and killed, the arrows stopped, and he retreated and turned back.

Obviously, it was him!

There was another disappointment on Anyang's face.

This situation is similar to that of the old monk. He came here to repeat the embarrassment and failure of the previous days.

But still that sentence ... what can he do?

I saw that the heavy cavalry general was courageous and brave, and took a very important part of the command duties, leading the heavy cavalry to move left and right, interspersed in the battle array.

It ’s just that the heavy cavalry, known as the king of war in the cold weapon era, was quite embarrassed at this time, because the powerful and powerful high-headed horses in the past did not reach the arms of these giants. Goat-like, this made the former heavy cavalry of Death Shadow meet Waterloo once the scale was formed in the past.

Anyang looked at it for a while, then he shot decisively.

He waved the white clouds in the sky, lowered the height so that these people could see themselves, and then set up the sea pearl, and used it for the first time.

The army below is fighting fiercely, except for the commander in the distance, no one has found the uninvited guest in the sky. Even though Anyang threw a thunderous thunder, they still looked up unconsciously.

Dinghai Shenzhu is like a bottomless hole, and it is a kind of self-attractive. It instantly sucked most of his mana into it, and then it began to bloom dazzling blue light.

Anyang calmly grasped this innate spirit treasure.

"Wow la la ..."

The sound of a wave of waves beating in the sky makes it hard to imagine that the sound was only made by the white 氤氲 on the Dinghai Shenzhu.

Suddenly, Anyang pushed the beads down—

The majestic force suddenly swayed out of the Dinghai Shenzhu, just like the waves set off in the sea, all the soldiers were overturned to the ground regardless of race!

Fortunately, this force is soft, like water waves and hurricanes, but they only overturn them, causing no other damage.

When these soldiers stood up, many people's helmets fell off, many people's swords and weapons fell on the ground, but everyone was in a daze, and then looked up to the sky in shock.

"Who is this?"

"Is this a fairy?"

"What happened just now?"

Anyang stood above the white clouds with magic spells to expand his voice to the point where he could hear it throughout the battlefield, saying: "Immediate truce, otherwise it will enter the reincarnation and be reincarnated as a pig dog!"

The deterrent effect of this sentence was so great that it caused an uproar below, but no one dared to move.

It seems that both ordinary people and giants believe in gods and reincarnations, and fear that they will become beasts in their next lives.

Anyang is very satisfied with this effect, as well as the power of Dinghai Shenzhu to overturn the battlefield, and continues to say in a deep voice: "Everyone will return to the camp immediately, and no more battles are allowed in the short term!"

The soldiers looked at each other without moving.

Anyang knew what they were afraid of, so he looked at the location of the command camps of both parties, and waved two thunders.



The blue and white lightning, which was also clearly visible on the sunny day, struck the handsome flags of both sides. The leaders of both sides did not hesitate any longer, and immediately made the heralds order to withdraw their troops.

So in the rushing snare drum on one side and the long and dull trumpet on the other side, the soldiers on both sides began to withdraw.

Anyang sees that many officers and soldiers are still looking up at themselves, and they endure wasting time here, waiting for both sides to retreat for ten years, and bypassed the scouts of both sides and flew to the ordinary people. In the camp.

The soldiers were not as enemies as they were, but many people left behind and fell to the ground to greet him.

Anyang quickly found the heavy riding general.

He was still wearing heavy armor covered with sword marks and potholes, but he took off his helmet, revealing a somewhat fierce face, about thirty years old. His thick long hair was soaked with sweat. He was holding a war horse with the same armor in one hand and rubbing his chest with a stick hit by a giant soldier in one hand.

Anyang's arrival made him stunned, and then he laid down the reins and held his hand to salute him: "Have seen ... Shangxian."

"I am not a fairy."

"Dare to ask why the fairy wanted us to truce?"

Anyang was stunned for a while, but this heavy cavalry general's question was very hard!

After a pause, he said: "I saved you."

The general refused to persevere: "Why?"

"Did you find that they were very unwilling when they evacuated?" Anyang pointed to the west. "There are thousands of reinforcements coming over there. If you don't retreat, you will soon be beaten by them in a siege." Unprepared, the first to be destroyed is your bed crossbow and catapult in the rear. "

"This happened?" General Chongqi was a little surprised, and then arched his hand again. "Then thank you Shangxian!"

Anyang sees that this heavy cavalry general was reluctant to respect himself only because of his own strength, but he didn't take it seriously. But he also didn't care, thinking that the powerful practitioners who have appeared in the four major continents these years are mostly the demons of the immortal magic palace can understand the thinking of this heavy riding general.

However, he can basically conclude that this heavy riding general must be similar to the old monk, and he has no knowledge of his possible victory over the Buddha avatar.

This also means that he is likely to get nothing again.

After a pause, he still said: "No need to thank you. I'm not interested in saving you. I'm here for you."

"Huh? Find me? What's the matter?" General Chongqi asked three questions in a row.

"Go to the camp account." Anyang said.

There was a table and a few fruits, a pot of wine and a few glasses in the big tent, and there was no map, because General Chongqi was not yet a marshal.

The two walked in the center of the big account, and before Anyang asked, General Chongqi took the lead. Speaking of Fang Cai ’s warfare: “Julu people who fought with us just now were instigated by a demon palace called Feiyantang, and they used the power of the whole family to declare war on our Qingcha country. We were just beaten. They were caught by surprise, and they have only stopped them until now, but these people have killed millions of people in the north, and many women and children have even been tortured to death! "

"..." Anyang looked at his angry face and felt inexplicable, but still echoed, "These Julu people should be the aborigines of Beiju Luzhou?"

"Yeah, we migrated from Xi Niu He Zhou, but we did not use war to **** their land. It has been peaceful coexistence and mild integration, and our country was not established until three hundred years ago." General Chongqi said I slammed the table again, "The debris was originally agreed, but now envious of my prosperity and wealth in the Qingcha kingdom, as an excuse to declare war against us, burned and looted all the way, and even indulged the soldiers on the order ! "

"Cough ..." Anyang was a little embarrassed. "Do you know what's so important about me coming to you?"

"What's the matter?" The general voice was not afraid.

"I don't hide from you, it's precisely to solve this kind of inhuman thing from the source." Anyang said, "I wonder if you have never heard of the Eternal Life Palace?"

"Eternal Life Maze? Never heard of it."

"That's the world's largest demon organization ~ ~ gathers the most evil and fierce demon in the Three Realms, it is they who make the world chaos into this look."

"Oh?" The general took a deep breath. "How is the Devil's Palace compared to Feiyan Tang?"

"Feiyantang is only a subordinate force of the immortal demon palace, and it is not worthy of mentioning the forces and hazards to lift shoes to the devil palace."

"This bunch of miscellaneous pieces!" The general gritted his teeth again, but rarely, there was no anger.

But when he remembered that he rode on the armored horse and rushed into the Julu formation, he was relieved.

"We have to get rid of them to restore peace and tranquility. But this is not something my power can do, and you need your help."

"My help?"


Anyang then slightly modified what he had said to the monks at the temple at that time, and said to him again, as expected, the result was still the same as the old monks.

He was extremely disappointed, but also helpless.

In the end, Anyang said to this brave and fearless general: "I have low ability and I can't make you recover, but I believe that there are people with great magical powers. Would you like to go to Dongsheng Shenzhou with me to see those big Supernatural? "

The general hesitated a little: "I still have to fight."

"How can I help you retreat from the enemy?"

The general hesitated longer this time before saying: "May I go back and think about it."

"of course."

In the evening, the starry sky covered the night sky of the battlefield, and the lights below were dimmed. The torches and fire piles illuminated the camp.

The general found Anyang again.

"It's a word!"

Anyang made a decisive shot and beat the Julu people on the opposite side and the ambush soldiers in the back, and the two set off at night and left.

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