My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 917: Chasm

"Ah?" Ji Weiwei looked at him silly, and the Moka coffee in his hand was almost spilled.

She should make a joke as before, or scold Anyang idiot, but don't know why, at this time she just can't tell.

Can only stare blankly at Anyang.

Anyang reached out to put Mocha coffee on the table for her, and she was calm and determined because she had prepared for it: "More than a year ago, I called a group of people to create the Anshi Group, including Shen Chaowen. You also know that at the time The An's group is still dominated by the online company's game business, and it has been more than a year to develop to such a large extent. "

Ji Weiwei looked at him, still stupid.

She thought that this guy's expression was too serious, and the atmosphere now is too serious. But she still didn't realize that she had discovered something wrong, just because it was so incredible that she never thought about it.

"I'm not kidding." Anyang took out his phone and placed the text interface with Shen Chaowen in front of her. "You can read the text record of Shen Chaowen and me."

Ji Weiwei didn't look at it. When she felt Anyang's seriousness, she naturally changed from being stunned to shocking: "But, this ... how is this possible?"

"Did I not say that, I still have a lot of secrets to tell you." Anyang said lightly.

"Wh ... what?"

Ji Weiwei was completely silly at this time.

A group that stands at the pinnacle of business in the world, and she worked for nearly a year for it, so she got a position far beyond what she used to, causing many old classmates and old friends to start praising her group for her relationship. Was she created from the childhood sweethearts?

Is this world crazy?

Moreover, this group only defeated the US Coast Guard ship in San Francisco a few days ago, exposed the satellite development agreement with Pakistan, and the shipbuilding agreement with Cuba, and successfully opened the country ’s chastity and established the first in the country. A truly private arms company!

It may be a coincidence to change someone else, but as an insider, she naturally knows what kind of wrist is hidden in it!


The reason why she was able to enter Anshi Electronics was originally introduced by Anyang, and she wanted to come here. The reason why she walked so smoothly along the way, in addition to her own ability and efforts, I am afraid that it can not be separated from Anyang ’s care.

But these are trivial to Ji Weiwei, she won't mind.

At this time, she raised her head to meet Anyang's eyes as deep and bright as the starry night. She was anxious: "What secret do you say, what kind of secrets do you sell!"

Without waiting for Anyang to speak, she guessed again: "Is it because of your girlfriend's relationship that you borrowed their family's capital?"

Anyang shook his head: "No."

After all, he looked at Ji Weiwei again: "Do you believe that there are gods in this world?"

"Ah?" Ji Weiwei was stunned again. "Where did this come from and where did it come from? Or do you want to say that you are given to you by such a **** as your foundation? Don't bully me. I haven't watched the call. Ah, the visual sense of Aladdin ’s magic lamp hello ... "

Anyang stared at her helplessly and said, "I know some things sound incredible, but this is the truth. I accidentally got something a year and a half ago, it makes me different from ordinary people, you can understand Become a fairy for me, but the price is that I have to go to another world once in a while, to ... fulfill the obligations of the fairy. "

"Is this easy to understand?" Anyang asked.

Ji Weiwei still looked at him with dull eyes, the meaning was already very clear--

For a person with three views and sound life who has lived in the material world for twenty-five years, although he has also read online novels, he never thinks that the magical stories inside are real. Do you actually say that you have become a fairy?

If it is unusual, Ji Weiwei estimates that either Anyang is insulting her IQ or that Anyang is teasing her to play, but at this moment, she is inexplicably irrefutable!

What the hell! How is this going?

Will the Three Views in 25 years collapse?

And Anyang continued: "This is how I created the Anshi Group at will."

"Follow, random ..."

"Yeah, at least I didn't think it would grow so big at first." Anyang lowered his head and took a sip of coffee. His expression was very calm. "It's all Shen Chaowen's credit, I just provide them with capital."

"This ... is incredible."

When Ji Weiwei said this, she already believed.

At least I have believed that Anshi Group was founded by him. This matter is both incredible and traceable.

Knowing this, Anyang then threw a blow: "I have a long life now. Maybe one day everything will be away from me now, but I don't want to regret it."

Ji Weiwei twitched the corner of her mouth ...

That's right, she pulled the corner of her mouth.

Anyang showed a speechless expression: "You thought I was kidding, right?"

Ji Weiwei was startled and didn't speak.

Because she really didn't know whether she should be affirmed or denied, and whether she should follow an adult's worldview or the unconditional trust in Anyang for so many years.


Anyang pursed his lips and straightened, his face calm.

I saw him snapping his fingers, and there was no difference. Ji Weiwei blinked. After a moment of stunnedness, he heard a burst of puffing noises coming from the cafe.

Everyone in the cafe is down!

She opened her eyes wide and stared at Anyang in disbelief, but she was speechless: "This, this ..."

Anyang did not look at her, but looked at the coffee on the table. The cup of coffee floated in the air silently, and stopped steadily in the air, as if there was an invisible big hand holding it in front of the nose and sniff Played, and finally took a sip to his mouth before putting it back on the table.

Ji Weiwei looked at this divine scene, Anyang did not use his hand from beginning to end, could not help but take a deep breath.


She pinched herself.

This is not a dream!

Anyang also said: "This is not a dream."

Ji Weiwei stared at him stupefiedly, but he was not afraid or accelerated his heartbeat, but he couldn't believe it: "Is this ... is it true?"

Anyang nodded: "It's all true."

"Are you a fairy?"

"It can be understood that way."

"Are you immortal?"


"Can you fly?"


The two asked each other for a long time, and a lot of people had fallen in the cafe, and no one came in to disturb them.

In the end Ji Weiwei's face was stunned, as if she had doubts about the world, but apparently, she already believed everything Anyang had said to her.

For her who doesn't love, this is tantamount to fantasy.

"The last question." Ji Weiwei looked at Anyang with a wonderful expression. "How many fairies are there in the world, and are the legendary Jade Emperors like Buddhas? Are there any ... Is there a ghost in this world?"

"..." Anyang looked at her helplessly, "I don't know if there were gods or Buddhas in ancient times, but now there are no gods, no ghosts, no Yincao Difu and Ten Temples, so don't think about it, the only thing you can do The fairy I saw is me. As for the others, believe in science. "

"Believe in science ... I used to believe in science, but you destroyed it now, and actually asked me to believe in science!" Ji Weiwei looked at him with a pain, "You are not lying to me, if there is no one in this world Fairy, how can you become a fairy? "

"The channels I got from other worlds."

"Other world ..."

The two chatted here for a long time, and the entire cafe became their duo world, completely isolated from the outside world.

Looking down from the top of Cheng Mao Tower, the city center is rolling in, like a river that never stops, but now it seems so unreal.

Ji Weiwei suddenly felt a trance.

"Are you going to the fairy world one day?"

"... I told you that there is no fairyland in this world."

"Oh." Ji Weiwei was a little depressed, "So you will always be like this, but I will slowly grow old until I die, right?"

Anyang was silent for a moment before he said: "If you want to stay young forever and live forever, I can help you."

Beyond imagination and reason, she did not agree with the mouth like a young man who heard longevity without dying, but silenced longer, before saying: "Life is actually a thing, everyone must do it. It ’s a very long thing. It ’s the same as doing everything. If you ’re enjoying it, you want to keep doing it and never stop. But if you are doing it very hard, even if it is only a few decades, it will be a great torment to you. Why bother asking for longevity? "

Anyang didn't speak.

Ji Weiwei seems to be very strong ~ ~ but her unhappy childhood made her distinguished from other girls who enjoyed the warmth of the family very early. She does not have much requirements for life. Not much-if there are no special circumstances.

Sure enough, Ji Weiwei took a deep breath: "Let me think about it, you won't die or run anyway, do you?"


Ji Weiwei suddenly smiled again: "Is my acceptance ability still quite strong?"

"Okay, if you change a teenager or girl in the middle and second period, it might be stronger." Anyang took a cup of coffee and drank. "Let's go, let these people sleep here for so long, it should be Let them go home. "

Ji Weiwei nodded, reaching for the bag, revealing the wrist watch full of cold mechanical beauty, the hour hand walked beating, never ending, as if there was no beginning or no end, and she was slightly empty at the moment There is an inexplicable contrast in the heart.

It was not until the moment when she left the table that she was shocked, and she finally realized soberly--

The person in front of me is no longer a mortal!

In this world, he has the power to cover the sky, the money that is unimaginable in the world, and the long life and divine power. Unconsciously, the one who used to peek at the next class with her in the high school physical education class The little pervert was long gone, and the poor kid who rented the house and lost her job and asked her to cook the noodles was gone.

The gap between the two is like a chasm.

She suddenly stopped Anyang.

"and many more!"

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