My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 920: The road to the arms giant

The newly established arms company of An's Group has set up its headquarters in a zone in the outermost ring of Jinguan City, which is almost the outermost area of ​​the entire Jinguan City. The company's headquarters is still outside the city, a very remote place It takes more than twenty kilometers to reach the nearest town. There were still several villages and even a rural elementary school in this area, but since the earthquake a few years ago, the population has gradually become scarce.

It used to be a factory area, including an automobile plant and a steel manufacturing plant, as well as several factories that produce various parts. Now, together with the surrounding large area of ​​land, the Anshi Group has bought out and is in the process of overthrowing it.

According to the plan, An's military industry will build a large military factory here, including a production line for standard weapons and a research and production base for cutting-edge technology items. It also includes a tall building that stands tall among the mountain villages and will be used as the first real domestic Office building of a private military factory in the sense.

But now the tallest office building here is the original building of the automobile factory, because the demand for office is not high, it has only six floors, and it is now the only building that has not been overthrown.

Anshi military uses it as a temporary office building.

A black Ans Group custom-made car came silently and stopped under this office building. A slightly tall male bodyguard and Xiao Qian ’s personal bodyguard Qiu Yan came down together and opened the doors on both sides. Anyang and Xiao Qian almost stepped out together.

Several senior executives of the company who had run to take up the position stood downstairs to greet them and greeted them as soon as they saw them.

Faced with their greetings, Anyang just nodded and walked upstairs, which made many people who were not familiar with Anzheng's personality feel anxious.

The person in charge of An's military industry is called Zhang Chenmeng. The name sounds very feminine, but he has a fierce appearance, but at this moment he only has to bow down and quickly lead the way.

"Your Majesty, this building is a bit old, and it was only repaired after the earthquake that year, so the conditions may not be very good, please ask Your Majesty to be patient. We can build an office building that meets the requirements of the company in one and a half months. The equipment can be installed and put into use within a month. "

"It doesn't matter, I don't care."

The purpose of Anyang's visit this time is simple and not simple, and it is not complicated. It is mainly about how the An's military industry will develop next, what technology should be produced first, what goods should it produce, and how should it face the country and the like of.

Naturally, subsequent steps will also refer to this first step.

It is only because military technology is too sensitive, and a little carelessness will have a huge impact on the world pattern, so he came here in person.

Comrade Xiaoqian also said that Ji Weiwei would also be brought, but Anyang mentioned Ji Weiwei, but she simply refused to guide An's military as a hostess.

Anyang walked upstairs and saw some cracks at the corners of the corridor. The paint on the walls also fell off slightly because of the age and humidity. It can be seen that this office building is really old, and it was not built with care.

He said to Zhang Chenmeng next to him, "Do n’t be constrained. Since the company has been handed over to you, this company will eventually be your own. I will come here once. You just need to keep your normal heart. You can also talk about any problems. Discuss, don't hold your heart. "

Zhang Chenmeng said quickly.

Anyang also looked at some factories that had just been flattened and had not been built yet, saying: "The security of the plant must be negotiated with the state, and the initiative must be firmly grasped. And it cannot be sloppy in terms of security and confidentiality. For the first time, we are in the arms industry. We can learn the secrets of foreign arms dealers and upgrade them. "

"Your Majesty, do n’t worry, no one can do better than us in terms of safety. Any R & D room that involves technology must pass intelligent inspections, and the entire plant will be covered with all kinds of monitoring around the clock. We will also strictly investigate and hire the workers. When it comes to key technologies, it will be automated by machines. ”Zhang Chenmeng said with a hoarse voice,“ And in terms of technical personnel, our main technical sources are all in the empire, and the requirements for R & D personnel here are not high, at most only involving products. Remodel. "

Anyang walked into the company and walked around in and out. With Zhang Chenmeng's explanation, time passed very quickly.

"Since the establishment of our company, the government is like a cat that smells fishy. The Ministry of National Defense firmly believes that we have secretly developed military technology for a long time, and constantly sends people to ask us which military technology we will come up with. The first step is how to implement intelligent technology. And other weapons. "

Zhang Chenmeng felt that His Majesty was still quite gentle, so he started to speak casually, and smiled and said: "Other arms dealers have to take out the weapon design and bid at the government bidding meeting. The production of the order started, but I didn't expect that our factory hadn't been built yet, and the government couldn't wait to find the door! "

"They also want the country to be strong." Anyang said lightly. "We need to come up with some leading technology as a feedback to the government, and as our first business, but not too far ahead. This world is not like an empire. Indigestion may cause a country ’s financial crisis or a huge imbalance in power, which may lead to war. The best way to deal with this is to make up for China ’s short board, allowing it to make a huge leap in military power in a short time, but not Cause the waste of original technology and original products. "

"Yes yes." Zhang Chenmeng nodded quickly.

Seeing him like this, Anyang smiled again: "You don't have to say everything, just said it, you can talk about it if you have any questions."

"This ..." Zhang Chenmeng, who was fierce in appearance, was entangled in what he said to flatter Anyang without seeing any traces of flattery. After a while, he said, "I probably understand the meaning of your majesty. Your majesty wants to make China's advanced weapons temporary Continue to play a role, so as not to be replaced by our advanced technology and waste military spending. We will target the main direction of the first batch of products to China's currently lagging technology, first supplement the shortcomings, so that the country can feel the maximum cost performance , And at the same time, not excessively import too super-strong technology into this world. "

Anyang nodded: "That's it."

"Then your majesty please, please." Zhang Chenmeng had already figured out Anyang's preferences, so he decided to be stronger. "Here we have our research in this area and our existing technology summary."

Anyang has watched it for a long time, and most of the days have passed.

He looked at the table below, and it was not too early. He said: "Some products with a little influence will not be said, you can make your own ideas, but in terms of large orders, we have to aim at these three directions."

Anyang pointed to three directions: nuclear submarine, stealth bomber and armed helicopter.

Zhang Chenmeng nodded unexpectedly.

These three directions are indeed one of China's current military shortcomings, and he is not surprised.

First of all, it is needless to say the significance of high-performance nuclear submarines in modern naval warfare, but our country has always used the mystery to create deterrence in nuclear submarines. Many people think that our nuclear submarine force is the sharp knife of the navy. These false news were maliciously advocated by Western countries in order to expand their military power.

In fact, China's nuclear submarine comprehensive technology is roughly equivalent to the level of the United States 30 years ago. Not only is the fatal flaw of the nuclear submarine caused by the noise is so easy to be discovered by the enemy anti-submarine network, and it is still using an integrated loop reactor. The underwater technology gap has a huge impact on international games. Because the gap in this respect is too large, it has even exceeded the gap between the aero engine and fighter fields. Some foreign media even believe that the two types of nuclear submarines currently equipped by China cannot even escape the first island chain during wartime.

The strategic stealth bomber has always been an iconic weapon of military powers. As an air hegemon, it has a great influence on the victory or defeat of war.

As a world power, China lacks a stealth strategic bomber and lacks a strategic counterattack. This must be completed. Only the country that dominates the sky can master the initiative on the battlefield.

Compared with the former two, armed helicopters are a bit of a meaning. However, China also lacks a high-performance military helicopter in the true sense. The newly equipped straight 20 may not be able to withstand the needs of high-intensity wars during wartime. .

So the first batch of technology handed over by Anshi ’s military industry, apart from some individual equipment and auxiliary technology, the most conspicuous are these three major pieces.

High-performance nuclear submarines, strategic stealth bombers and military gunships.

If these three pieces of equipment are sufficiently advanced, this first order alone will allow An's military to rank among the world's largest arms dealers. And there is no doubt that the country will spend military expenses frantically for these three babies.

This is Anyang's first feedback to the country.

He looked at the time again and then said to Zhang Chenmeng: "I have worked hard for you today ~ ~ Zhang Chenmeng said quickly:" No hard work, no hard work. "

When he wanted to come, he had realized his thoughts, and Anyang would not say much, and left with Xiaoqian.

It was still the car door Qiuyan opened for him, and as soon as he got into the car, he said to Comrade Xiaoqian: "I did n’t expect that after getting so long, the two girls were probably anxious, and I urged me twice, saying no again Starved to death, haha! "

Comrade Xiaoqian smiled and said: "It is rare that Xiaoyou can urge you so, if the aunt knows it, she will be very pleased!"

Anyang smiled: "Last time she contacted me once with Xiao Xueer's encouragement, but I didn't receive her call, she was always sulking, and she sprayed me with champagne at the party a few days ago. This is not Hurry up and ask her to come out alone to play once, otherwise you may not remember how long the enemy will be remembered. "

"Fu Jun also took a lot of effort to have a relationship with Xiaoyou."

"No worries, I just take care of the children."

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