My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 930: Universe cube

Because the SHIELD was evacuating the personnel in the base, the doors along the way were basically open, and Anyang went all the way down without obstruction, and he felt the energy of the Rubik's cube more and more clearly.

Like the former President Hoover of the United States in "Transformers", SHIELD tried to cover up the traces of the Rubik's Cube with thick soil layers, but they did not expect that once the Rubik's Cube was started, whether it was an energy wave or a gamma ray All have strong penetrating power.

This attracted the arrival of Anyang.

And S.H.I.E.L.D. never thought that the person who robbed the Rubik's Cube would never pass through this guarded research base. He came from inside and came through the door opened by the Rubik's Cube.

Five minutes later, Anyang once again saw a closed door, took a deep breath, and walked back.

The inside of this base is like a labyrinth, which makes him think about whether he should withdraw, looking for the passage that the Rocky won the Rubik's cube directly from the ground to the ground, instead of wandering around in it.


Anyang secretly made up his mind that if he couldn't find a way anymore, he would simply destroy a door and rush into it!

Sure enough, the next door was closed again.

This means that this channel is different, and of the many downward channels, only one should be directly connected to the underground cube research area.

Anyang reluctantly walked to the side, facing two tall guards, gathering spiritual power at his fingertips, facing one of them a little, his movement to the left stiffened, and the whole person stood still.

Anyang turned his attention to another person.

"You are the one."

He walked over and held the man with one hand, the guard didn't move at all, and he pulled the guard into the corner after he left a illusion on the spot.

The light flashed, and the guard woke up instantly.

"who are you?"

The guard instantly raised his gun and aimed at him.

Anyang stared at him lightly: "You can pull the trigger in your hand as hard as you can, and there will be no result. You can also shout loudly, but no one can hear you, you can still make an aggressive move, but no one can see it. See. Finally, tell me how to get to the bottom, otherwise I will kill you. "

The guard froze for a moment and immediately pulled the trigger.

But the trigger seemed to be welded to death, completely unable to press.

He looked at the position where he had just stood, and it seemed that he wanted to ask his companion for help, but he only saw himself and his companion standing motionless ...

The guard suddenly panicked!

"Who are you? What do you want to do? Damn, you must be an alien!" Said the guard. There was some fear, but he still had no plans to tell Anyang the correct route.

"Tell me, where is the Rubik's Cube!" Anyang leaned over and said coldly.

His eyes full of oppression and savage killing made the guard tremble, but he trembled and said: "You ... you killed me, I won't say it!"

"Alas." Anyang sighed, "Why should I kill you, just a mortal, I have a way to clean up you."

"What do you want?"

Anyang stared at him coldly and instantly activated a technique called "Fear-giving".


The guard's face was suddenly twisted, the blue muscles burst, like a scream from the depths of the throat, and his hard-open eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, giving a feeling of bursting soon.

His nerves were trembling, his heart was beating to the extreme, and the blood vessels seemed to slam.

Only a moment, but spared all his physical strength.

Anyang closed his hands in time to prevent him from dying in fear, and then applied a muddling technique to him, and raised his collar and said, "Tell me, where is the Rubik's Cube?"

The guard was powerless to let him be at his mercy, and then pointed in a muddled direction, muttering: "Fourth intersection, down ..."

"As long as you are obedient, you won't suffer!" Anyang threw him in the corner and walked to where he pointed.

Down the passage, there was no more evil door to stop him, but it delayed a lot of time.

Not far away is an elevator.

"This is it!"

Anyang squinted and looked at the monitor with one finger.

"Zi ..."

A rush of current will destroy the monitor.


Anyang turned into a smoky black smoke, penetrated into the gap of the elevator, and then went down all the way to the lowest Rubik's Cube Research Base, and penetrated from the gap of the elevator against the ground, condensing into a human shape in a dark corner.

This is a large underground space, many people are busy walking around, all around are load-bearing steel columns and huge ventilation ducts, otherwise it is all kinds of equipment.

It was still a white light, like it would never illuminate the research room. Some researchers in white coats were sorting out the research equipment and results. All the boxes were packed and handed to the soldiers waiting by the side, and then the soldiers carried them away.

Almost no one noticed a figure in the corner, and then the figure disappeared in just an instant.

Anyang felt that the energy source was close at hand.

At this moment, the elevator behind opened up, and three figures came out of it.

The head of the SHIELD Bureau and one-eyed commander Nick Fury walked ahead. Anyang saw him for the first time, followed by his powerful assistant Agents Phil Coulson and Agent Maria Hill.

"Four hours ago Dr. Silvaig detected that the Rubik's Cube sent out a burst of energy." Coulson Agent reported.

"The space agency did not authorize the doctor to carry out the test." Director Nick said.

"He didn't test, he was not in the room at all, it was triggered automatically."

"What level of energy is now?"

"In the ascent, after confirming that the doctor cannot close it, we ordered an evacuation."

"How long will it take to evacuate all."

"It will be cleared in half an hour."

"Hurry up."


Agent Colson turned and left, leaving Agent Hill and Secretary Nick walking down the spiral staircase.

Hilter said: "Sir, evacuation may be useless."

"Did that make them go back to bed?"

"If we can't control the energy of the universe cube, I think it's useless to evacuate anywhere."

"I want you to ensure the safe transfer of the second stage prototype."

"Sir, isn't it time to give priority to these?" Hilt said.

Director Nick suddenly turned around and stared at Hill: "Unless the end of the world is over, our days will be the same."

After a pause, he said again: "Clean up the items immediately and load all related equipment away."

The agent said helplessly: "Yes, sir."

Director Nick went down.

But he did not know that during his conversation with Agent Hil, a figure that could not be seen had already crossed them and headed to the Universe Cube Research Office.

A man in a plaid shirt and gray trousers and several researchers in white coats were debugging the instruments around him. According to the plot, the older man was Dr. Silveg.

Anyang walked steadily over, watching the Rubik's Cube placed in the center of an instrument, emitting a blue light, surrounded by powerful energy.

Anyang reached out his hand, and a wave of energy came out of his body to wrap his hand, and then he tentatively reached out to the Rubik's Cube.


The Rubik's Cube exploded a fiery energy, like forming an energy shield, and at the position where his hand and the energy shield touched, the blue light spot sputtered like a spark, and suddenly rushed his hand away.

Dr. Silvag and several researchers immediately looked over.

"How is this going?"

"Have you just touched it?"

"No one touched it."


It happened that Director Nick came over and asked, "Doctor, how is the situation?"

Dr. Silvag was immediately distracted and turned to Director Nick: "The Rubik's cube situation is very wrong!"

"It's not a joke now."

"It's not a joke," said Dr. Silvag. "The Rubik's cube is not only active, but also doing its own thing. Just a second before you came, it was a little bit out of order. I haven't figured out why."

"You tried unplugging?"

"It is an energy source in itself. We turn off the power and turn it on again. If we let it peak ..."

Director Nick suddenly interrupted his words: "Isn't that our purpose? To draw energy from the universe."

"But we are not ready yet, and my calculation will take a while." Dr. Silveg said. "It is constantly releasing interference and emissions, but it is harmless. It is very low gamma rays."

"It's still harmful ..."

Anyang turned his eyes to the power plug of the machine where the Rubik's Cube was placed during their talk ~ ~ and walked over.

"I don't know what happens when I pull out the power. The Rubik's Cube will temporarily turn off the energy shield until it is automatically turned on and then back on, and still keep the energy shield."

So he hooked his hand.


A researcher immediately turned his head: "Doctor, the power is off."

"Huh? What's going on?"

"Not clear."

"The power cord was burnt?" The doctor frowned.

Another researcher closer to the power plug suddenly lifted the power cord and looked at the power plug: "Doctor, the power plug seems to have dropped automatically just now."

The doctor just frowned, but he saw some blue light splashing on the Rubik's Cube, like a spark.


The doctor froze for a moment: "Weird!"

Anyang, who had disappeared from her body, retreated her hands helplessly, sighed slightly, and stood aside waiting for things to progress.

Director Nick called down the eagle eye on the top of the building, and the two talked about the matter. Suddenly a blonde female researcher shouted, "Doctor, pulse again!"

Anyang also felt the energy that swayed in that moment.

The Rubik's Cube seems to be boiling, and the blue energy is constantly exploding on it, until a huge energy bursts, which may not be felt by mortals, but Anyang is really surprised.


The underground research institute shuddered violently, like an earthquake, making people stand unsteady.

The Rubik's cube began to emit energy continuously, and the blue light revolved around the cube, as if forming a vortex, the light was so intense that people couldn't open their eyes.


A blue light blasted out!

Anyang realized that the Rubik's Cube had reached his mouth.

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