My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 935: Ancient 1 Master

"Beep ... beep!"

A dirty and old motorcycle stopped on the right side of Anyang, and the man riding the motorcycle stared at him with his horn.

Anyang quickly evaded to the side.

The man drove the motorcycle slowly forward.

"Beep ... beep!"

The horn of the motorcycle still sounded in the ear, not only behind him, but in all directions.

Anyang pursed his lips and walked slowly.

The streets of the old city of Kathmandu are very disturbing, and there is no plan at all. Not only is there a violent flow of people, but also people who are riding on motorcycles in gray clothes are mixed with dense pedestrians. .

The merchants on both sides of the street drove the town-like shops, and the bearded men were sipping their goods in Nepali. The roadside electrical facilities were left unorganized, giving people the feeling of going back in time for decades.

However, as a world-famous tourist country, Kathmandu has condensed more than half of the culture and beliefs since the Shah dynasty to the present, and naturally has its unique appeal.

At least the atmosphere of faith here is very strong.

As you can see from Anyang, there are buildings of both Hindu and Buddhism styles around the street. Practitioners wearing red robes are walking on the street, while the street is sitting and covered in red cloth only The living old man, if he just breathes in, it is full of incense.

Legend has it that the wizards headed by the "Master of the Supreme Master" Gu Yi have been silently guarding the world, but the division of labor with the Avengers Alliance is different from the Avengers Alliance to protect the world from tangible damage, and the masters guarantee that the world is not invisible Of violations. In other words, when something understandable by natural civilization enters the earth, superpowers such as the Avengers are responsible for it, but when something more mysterious and difficult to understand violates the earth, it is left to the mages to deal with it .

Therefore, relative to the Avengers, the Masters have never been known to the world, and have been practicing silently.

In fact, whoever is meaningless is stronger, the two sides have weaknesses at different levels, and each other has strengths.

Probably just like a real-world nuclear bomb can easily blow up a fairy mountain in the Shenzhou world, but the demon plague in the Shenzhou world can easily set off a catastrophe in the real world.

The Avengers are responsible for blocking the "nuclear bomb".

The mages are responsible for blocking the "plague".

From the perspective of Anyang's cognition, the masters of this world are very good at space magic. It can be said that the attainments in space science have reached a very high level. The second is psychiatry and other mystics, but they are far from mastery.

However, they are very lacking in energy attacks, and they are not very good at turning the power of the world into their own weapons. As a result, they even have to rely on their bodies to fight when fighting.

This is very different from the mage of Azeroth.

It is even very different from the practitioners of the Taoist Way in the Divine World and the melee scholars in the place of origin.

Gradually, it was getting dark.

Kathmandu is a huge building complex located in a mountain valley, spreading endlessly, surrounded by hillsides with high plateau characteristics, although the average elevation here is only more than 1,000.

The sunset hangs on the horizon, above the angle between the two hillsides, the afterglow makes the clouds on the horizon a golden red, the entire Kathman is full of dark yellow mist, the low houses stretch without borders, if you climb to the heights, the entrance is definitely Scenery hard to see in modern cities.

When Anyang University wanted to travel to Nepal, he finally gave up for some reasons, but did not expect to do so in the mission world.

Not long after, he silently walked into an alley.

No one noticed that a figure disappeared.

On the top of a tall building, Anyang looked into the distance, and suddenly his body shook, spreading a circle of invisible momentum!


The mighty arcane magic energy suddenly swayed like a wave of air, and the dark yellow haze instantly became clearer, and under the influence of the underworld, some birds stopped on the wire and flapped their wings in panic.

Anyang windbreaker is automatic without wind, and the breath is unabashed.

About two minutes later, a circle of sparkling sparkles suddenly appeared on the rooftop behind the building, and a figure came across the circle from the aperture and fell to the ground with a click.

Anyang suddenly turned around and found that behind him was a strong black man in a black cloak.

"You came?"

"Are you waiting for me?" The man asked rhetorically.

"Yes, because I don't know where you are, I chose the fastest way for you to come to me."

"What are you doing with us?"

Anyang smiled abruptly: "Why? Do you not welcome a mage who came from afar to seek communication?"

The black man stared at him for a moment before saying: "Welcome."

"I want to see Gu Yi."

"Come with me." The black man turned to make a gesture of invitation to the gold-red circle behind him, "No matter who you are, whoever you are looking for, since you came to Kathmandu to indicate that you are looking for Karma Taj, we will ask you Used to be a guest. "

"Thank you for your generosity, my name is Anyang."

"Master Mudo."

Mo Du first walked into the aperture.

Anyang followed in, and in just a moment, he came to a quaint courtyard.


He exclaimed.

Looking around, here is a flat ground made of blocks and stones. There are incense burners in the center of the ground and around it. There is a classical building next to it, with four-sided spires. A torii stands on the edge of the flat ground with a hanging bell in the middle. This situation is very similar to the backyard of a Chinese classical temple, but it is not completely similar.

The ears are filled with fresh and elegant western-style chimes, just like the distant and overlapping snow mountains in the distance.

Here is the foothills of the Himalayas!

Anyang was silent and couldn't help but be surprised: "It's an incredible spell ..."

Modu turned his head to look at him: "Have you never learned a similar spell?"

"No." Anyang honestly said, "In the magic I practice, if I want to connect two points in space like this and build a stable passage, it requires very powerful force and very deep knowledge."

"We can't do this alone, but the great predecessors invented the dangling ring. With the help of the dangling ring, we can easily shuttle through." Master Modu said, adding another, "The magic you practice and we same."

"Yes, it's very different."

"If we get along well, I can give you a hanging ring before I leave, and then teach you how to use it."

"So thank you very much." Anyang said lightly.

"But we first have to see my master."


At this moment, the door of a building next door suddenly opened, and a shaved female mage walked out of it.

"I have come." The female mage said.

Modu suddenly nodded to her, and then glanced at Anyang again: "This is the mage who appeared in Kathmandu. I have brought him."

"Thank you, Master Modu."

Modu nodded and turned away.

Anyang and the female mage remained.

"I'm the ancient master mage." The female mage said.

"My name is Anyang."

"I already know." Master Gu Yi said, and then smiled a light smile, "but only from Master Modu, I can't see you."

"Nice to meet you."

Master Gu Yi did not answer his words, but looked at him in doubt and said, "Why are you here?"

"It seems that I just didn't have enough reasons!"

"Very plentiful!" Said Master Gu Yi, "but the intuition tells me that this is more than that."

After she paused, she said sideways: "No matter what, let's take a sip of tea first, and let the guests who express goodwill stand outside and blow the cold wind is not the hospitality of Kama Taj."

"Thanks." Anyang nodded.

The two went to a building next door.

Inside is a very spacious hall with a high beam top and still a simple style with a strong oriental color.

The dark wooden tea case and wooden chair, the scent of smoke in the censer, two cushions on the floor, the room window is translucent, obviously greatly influenced by the ancient Chinese dynasty, but added its own unique cultural color to it.

"It reminds me of my country." Anyang said.

"Are you ... Chinese?" Master Gu Yi instantly thought, "That's a country with a lot of history."

"Thank you very much." Anyang smiled. In fact, he felt that boasting about the history of a country was never a good thing. When one day people mentioned China, they would not add the word ancient civilization ~ ~ China is really powerful.

After a pause, he asked at random: "I'm curious about the magic of the hanging ring and the shuttle space just now."

"That's it." Master Gu Yi took out a stainless steel kettle to start serving tea. "The dangling ring has a long history and is our most basic implement. It's not infinitely powerful, it just caught the gap of the world. We will use this to travel the world. "

"No wonder, it is mass-produced."

"The same can be said."

"It doesn't work when you change the world, doesn't it?"

"I firmly believe that other worlds are not perfect. As long as someone can find out its shortcomings, it can use this point to do many incredible things. It is not necessarily a shuttle space, but it may be other things, such as immortality. "


"Master Mudo sees that the magic you practice is different from ours. I think you come from another universe, and that universe has different laws and manifestations than ours. Well, at least the laws of that world cannot use the dangling ring." Master Gu Yi put some black tea into the teapot, and suddenly it seemed to remind him of something, and looked at Anyang, "Yes, you are Chinese, I heard that modern Chinese people do n’t seem to like to add anything to drinking tea anymore. , I added some honey, do you mind? "

"Do not mind." Anyang said.

"I went to China many years ago, and at that time, I fell in love with drinking tea."

"You can use Assam black tea."

"Huh? It's closer to Assam, and I want to drink Chinese tea, but it's more expensive. You know, we're not really rich." Master Gu Yi poured him a cup of tea and said lightly. , "I heard that someone had robbed the Rubik's Cube from SHIELD a few days ago, should it be you?"

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