My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 937: Time gem


A magical array of gold and red lines appeared around the ancient master mage, helping her block the sky of lightning.

Then she took a fan from bottom to top, the mysterious magic power suddenly surged out!

"Boom ..."

The ground trembled, and there was no response.

Master Gu Yi changed his face, and instantly looked at the snow and boulders that were falling fast under his eyes. Sure enough, he waved his body and rushed forward into the golden red circle just appeared.

Almost at the same time-


Thick ice and snow collided with the boulders on Mount Everest, and the entire peak seemed to explode, with white snow and gravel flying around!

Everest, silent for thousands of years, suffered a great disaster at this moment!

The figure of Master Gu Yi has appeared on a mountain opposite Mount Everest. This mountain is much shorter than Mount Everest. It seems to be very close, but it is at least ten kilometers away!

As soon as she raised her head, she saw this scene.

And Anyang Ling standing at a height parallel to the highest point of Mount Everest, his eyes locked him like an eagle falcon.

Obviously it was a low temperature of more than 20 degrees below zero, but the sky began to blaze with hot flames, so that the entire sky of Mount Everest was covered in an instant, just like the sea, and it was still rolling and sweeping, like a storm. Under the waves.

"Is this ... the fire?"

Master Gu Yi watched the sea of ​​flames approaching Anyang as he approached himself quickly, and soon surpassed Anyang. The flame wave at the forefront even turned into thousands of iron rides and roaring fire dragons rushing towards himself!

The distance of ten thousand meters is almost instant!

Master Gu Yi opened his eyes slightly, a handprint scattered the aperture just now, waved his hand and reconstructed another aperture, and then darted into it with a thunderbolt!


The sky flame suddenly hit this hill!

The flame contains not only high temperature, but also full of explosive energy and huge impact force, causing the entire mountain to be instantly covered by densely packed large equivalent missiles, many rock bumps were flattened, and the flame turned into a huge Dragon and Tieqi also tore huge holes in the mountain as if they were true.

From a distance, it looks like Tenjin covered the mountain with a huge burning curtain. With a bang, the whole mountain turned into a sea of ​​fire, and then the sky dust rose!

Although Master Gu Yi hid to another mountain, but the aperture was not closed, the two mountains were still connected, so—


The violent flames and shock waves erupted from the aperture, all hit the ancient master mage.


Master Gu Yi was suddenly hit and flew forward, plunging into the thick snow of this mountain.

When she got up from the snow pit, she just saw Anyang standing in the air in front of her, looking at her faintly, as if the attack like a genocide had nothing to do with him at all.

"Master Gu Yi, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Master Gu Yi waved his hand. "Just now those are ... the power of natural magic."

"Yes, natural magic."

"I heard that there are such magics on other planets. I haven't studied them. But I think that even those wizards who claim to be gods on this planet are far less powerful than you."

"The destructive power of natural magic is indeed the greatest." Anyang said, "So can you give me the eye of Agomo now?"

Master Gu Yi smiled slightly: "I can't seem to stop you."

"Even if I lose, you will give it to me, right?"

"Even if I really lose, you will teach me the longevity spell you said, right?"

Both have a faint smile.

Although Master Gu Yi was defeated, she did not feel embarrassed, but she looked indifferently with her indifferent hands: "My responsibility is to resist Domm, but I didn't expect that one day I would draw the power of Domm Stealing life, sometimes want to come, I can't pass my own level. "

"It's just human nature."

"Are you going to die too?"

"Maybe, one day."

"I mean ... life is exhausted!"

"Maybe there will be a day, but I don't know how far that day will be."

"Let's go back. What happened here today will surely be placed on the desk of SHIELD. Maybe it will be news."

"Aegis Bureau? Haha."

As soon as the two returned to Karma Taj, Master Modu came over in a panic: "Just Everest and the nearby peaks have a huge energy reaction, and an avalanche has occurred. I checked from the spell. , There seems to be an extremely fierce battle there. "

"That's what Master Anyang and I are discussing."


Mo Du stared at Anyang in surprise.

In the workshop, the two had an in-depth exchange.

Anyang firmly believes that although this world was created by a system, the system must have given Gu Yi Master a lot of knowledge, and he must have what he can use.

The facts are no different from what he thought.

Although Master Gu Yi is not good at tangible destruction, she has a profound attainment in the invisible field, and she is more inclined to academic masters than combat masters, except that there are no other kinds of masters on earth. There is no concept of combat mages and academic mages.

The ancient master mage represents the mage on earth.

She has rich knowledge of magic, especially in some branches of space science, such as dimension, gravity and the essence of space, and she also has a lot of research on "time".

Just because time is a rather abstract concept describing a process, there is no general concept of "time science" in Azeroth and the place of origin, but it is more rationally divided into such as micro-motion Disciplines such as science, prophecy, and gravity.

From the ancient master mage, he got a very rich harvest. In return, Anyang gave her the method of using the magical element to extend the life of her Azeroth arcane magician.

They chatted until late at night, and they lighted the lights.

Finally, Master Gu Yi pulled out a mobile phone from the yellow robes and pressed the screen to see the time. He said: "It's not too early. Let's talk about it tomorrow, Master Anyang."

Anyang also stood up and said, "Thank you very much. The exchange with you has benefited me a lot."

Walking out of the practice room, a practitioner outside took him to the room prepared for him, and he was still thinking about talking with Master Gu Yi.

In the magic knowledge of the ancient master mage, a lot of knowledge is only applicable to this world. For example, an ancient mage discovered that the "grid singularity" of this "universe" had a breakthrough vulnerability and invented the dangling ring and space shuttle. Of course, the "universe" mentioned here only refers to this planet. The argument is caused by the cognitive errors of the old era.

This kind of space shuttle method is obviously not applicable to other worlds. Even without leaving this planet, it cannot be used, otherwise the meaning of space gems will be infinitely close to zero.

But there is still some knowledge based on the basic laws of the universe, which are common to every world, and he needs to distinguish himself.

For example, Master Gu Yi said: "The world has consciousness, and space is a part of the world. If we can be clear, pure, and concentrated, we can communicate with the world, and thus overcome the limitations of space. If we are equipped with special means and With strong power, we can go to any corner of the world. "

Anyang thought carefully, he agreed with every sentence before, naturally, he could not refute the conclusion.

In fact, this is similar to Xuan Jie, but Xuan Jie uses a loophole in this world to make this process extremely simple, and it will be much more difficult to implement.

But there is definitely a possibility of implementation.

Early in the morning, the golden sunlight came in.

The sunrise in the foothills of the Himalayas is extraordinary beauty. The golden sun rises from the snowy mountains in the distance. The light radiating will illuminate the snow mountains on both sides and behind, like the entire mountain is made of gold.

Anyang was sitting by the bed in the room. In this secluded place, which was more remote than the Taoist temple in the deep mountains, there was a slim satellite TV on the opposite wall.

He was eating breakfast while watching the morning news.

The headline on the news read-Superheroes formally brought together, is it a blessing to the society?

The host stood in a hall facing the camera.

"At a press conference held yesterday at SHIELD, Commander Nick Fury issued a public statement that a superhero organization called the Avengers has been established, which includes the world's most powerful superpowers. , Including the well-known millionaire Tony Stark-Iron Man, Thor Thor, Hulk ... "

"Commander Nick Fury claimed that the organization will be used to protect all humans from alien forces. If an alien force attempts to invade the earth, it will first face the block of Avengers, and secondly it will face the revenge of the Avengers ... … "

Then the host interviewed some people, and the American people who had never been afraid of it had mixed praises.

Some people think that the Earth needs such an organization to deal with more and more alien events.

Some people think that if one day, SHIELD and Avengers, they will undoubtedly become the most dangerous terrorist organization in the world.

Others questioned: Because most members of the Avengers are from the United States, if one day New York and a city on the other side of the earth are attacked by aliens at the same time, can the Avengers be treated equally?

Then it broadcast the continuing public dissatisfaction caused by the intense battle between Thor and Iron Man a few days ago in New York Harbor.

Then the screen changed to ~ and changed to Everest.

But today's Mount Everest is different from the past. It seems to have been hit hard. There are traces of destruction on the top of the mountain. The thick snow is only a layer that fell last night. There are holes and cracks visible on the mountain wall. .

Another reporter whose cheeks were reddish was enthusiastic and said: "I received reliable information yesterday that there was a violent explosion in Mount Everest and its surroundings. There were obvious traces of unknown energy on the scene, and the entire mountain suffered unidentified forces. It was very devastating, and according to the news, there were several giant avalanches here yesterday! "

"Let ’s take a look at Makalu, which is opposite Mount Everest. It has obvious signs of explosion and burning. The rock melted instantaneously, which exceeded the technological level of the earth and was an obvious superpower or alien event. "

"This incident has caused very bad consequences. It is well known that Mount Everest is a holy place in the hearts of climbers and the highest peak in the world. There are many challengers coming here. Yesterday, a team of six people led by Sherpa The team is ascending to the Everest Base Camp No. 3, and it happened to encounter an avalanche caused by this incident. Unfortunately, all of them were killed ... "

"At the same time, there is also a national mountaineering team from Makaru Peak in South Korea that is doing geological surveys. There is no doubt that they have no bones in the disaster that covered the entire peak and melted rocks."

"Next we look at what SHIELD said ..."

"The South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs claims this ..."

Anyang watched the TV silently, frowning slightly.

It seems to have caused very bad consequences!

Before waiting for him to think about it, Master Gu Yi invited him to go to the library to communicate. Of course, the target of the exchange was ... The Eye of Agomo.

That is the gem of time.

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