My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 945: awkward

This nanny car is much wider and slender than ordinary cars. Because the whole body is made of Ans Group ’s patented alloy, other key technologies are also top-notch, the cost is very expensive, and it is not mass produced. , The selling price can be imagined.

But this one can never be surpassed.

The car drove smoothly and quickly until it stopped under Ji Weiwei's rental area.

Anyang first called Ji Weiwei, but no one answered. He rubbed the corner of his mouth and looked at Comrade Xiaoqian next to his eyes, saying: "That ... I went upstairs to see ..."

Comrade Xiao Qian smiled faintly: "Go and go."

"Then I went."

"... When did Fujun become so tweaked?" Comrade Xiaoqian pursed her lips, "Do you want me to go with you?"

"Uh, this, don't use it."

"Then go quickly, don't make Miss Weiwei wait."

"Obviously we are waiting for her." Anyang said, then pouted, and pulled the car door down.

His mood at this time was very complicated, embarrassing, nervous, and mixed with a little overwhelmed. After all, his background is also very ordinary, and he has always received an education that conforms to the normal three views, but now he has to do things that challenge the original ideas ...

And for the first time, Ji Weiwei and Comrade Xiao Qian met in this capacity.

Anyang used to hear news of a senior manager who sponsored Primary Three or a fire in the backyard because of Primary Three when he was studying at a university. But occasionally hearing who travels with his wife and Xiaosan, he would still be surprised, thinking how the two women accepted each other ...

Is it all because of money?

Unexpectedly, this situation fell on him.

Of course, with Ji Weiwei for so many years, he will not put Ji Weiwei in the position of a small third, but the metaphor is such a metaphor.

Before he went upstairs, he saw Ji Weiwei.

At this time, Ji Weiwei painted light makeup and painted **** lipstick, which was also very light and natural. The color known as a straight man cuts it. It is almost impossible to see that it is a makeup, if you look closely, it just makes it beautiful. The face is much more delicate.

She went downstairs while holding her mobile phone, as if she wanted to make a call. Only heard a voice coming from below—

"Don't play mobile phones downstairs, pay attention to safety."

Suddenly, Ji Weiwei looked up and looked at Anyang who was standing at the corner of the stairs.

The scene was a bit stiff.

The next second, Anyang's cell phone rang.

The stiffness is broken.

Anyang touched the phone lightly and turned it off.

"Let's go."

"Oh." Ji Weiwei was a little bit dumbfounded. "Why did you arrive so early, and how come you come from here?"

"It's time to call you, but you may be putting on makeup and haven't heard it." Anyang said, "As for why I came up from here, this is a staircase, where do I not come up from here?"

Ji Weiwei silently reached for the finger.

Anyang: "..."

Walking to the stairs from the second floor to the first floor, Ji Weiwei suddenly pulled Anyang's sleeve from behind.

"and many more!"

"What's the matter? A surprise." Anyang turned his head helplessly, and he was very worried, even the heart that kept the same frequency for a long time accelerated slightly.

"That ... how is your girlfriend feeling today?"

Anyang looked at her up and down and said, "It should be good, but it seems a little cramped."

"Oh, don't make trouble!" Ji Weiwei patted him, "I said another one!"

"Eh ..." Anyang was still not used to this situation, and licked her lips before saying: "Another mood is also quite good. When you first got out of the car, please tell me to hurry up, don't keep you waiting."

"Really?" Ji Weiwei looked at him suspiciously.

"How can I lie to you!"

"I still don't believe it!" Ji Weiwei insisted that there is no such a generous woman in this world, and then said, "Then did your girlfriend practice taekwondo, Sanda, etc ..."

"This ..." Anyang was a little stunned.

Ji Weiwei looked at him with wide eyes, without blinking, his expression stiff.

After a while, Anyang said: "Relax, Xiaoqian is gentle and virtuous and generous, and will not be rude to you!"

Ji Weiwei gradually put away her stiff expression: "Do you mean that I am not gentle and virtuous, nor well-mannered?"

"Uh, I didn't say that!"

"That's what you mean!"

"... Stop it, Xiaoqian is still waiting."

"I'm a little bit foolish."

"I don't feel guilty about anything."

"Of course you are not guilty, you are not a bunting, you are inserting a flag, and all the red flags are!" Ji Weiwei said.

"Insert the flag ..." Anyang twitched his lips.

Ji Weiwei immediately turned black: "What do you want? You haven't been healthy since childhood. No wonder Xiaoyou doesn't like you!"


After a good appease, they went down.

Compared with him, Ji Weiwei's feelings of tension, anxiety and embarrassment are obviously much stronger. Although Anyang said that Xiao Qian was quite supportive of this matter, she thought it was ridiculous no matter what she thought, and as a "post-insertion" woman, she could maintain a fairly calm face and her lips did not tremble. Peer Qian has proved her courage.

She also knows that after passing this level, at least she was officially recognized by Anyang's "authentic girlfriend".

So she still wanted to see this.

As soon as he walked out of the staircase, Ji Weiwei, who was still disturbed before, quickly regained his peace, and only vaguely could see some restraint, but the emotions such as anxiety and tension were gone.

Anyang waved his hand to let Qiuyan sit down, opened the door with his own hands, and let Ji Weiwei go first.

The interior space of the nanny car is very large, like a luxury card seat in a high-class banquet hall, with a leather sofa with massage, a refrigerator and a coffee table. The three people are not satisfied with even half of the space.

As soon as Ji Weiwei sat down, she smiled lightly and bowed her head and said, "I haven't seen you for a long time, Xiao Qian."

Comrade Xiaoqian was not as rigid as she was, and she smiled more naturally and openly: "Yeah, I haven't seen you for a long time, but you seem to be pretty again, Weiwei."

"Really?" Ji Weiwei looked a little more natural.

She remembered that Xiao Qian used to call her Miss Weiwei, which was a good start anyway.

Anyang hadn't had time to speak beside him, and didn't think about how to ease the atmosphere between the two. He saw that Comrade Xiaoqian stood extremely decisively and picked the beam.

I saw that she and Ji Weiwei were sitting together, but there was no gesture like pulling her hand, so it seemed intimate and natural, and would not make Ji Weiwei feel stressed or misunderstand her behavior, and she was constantly chatting with Ji Weiwei day.

"Vivi drink something?"

"Just drink it." Ji Weiwei's voice was very low, showing the quiet side that Anyang rarely saw.

"Then drink a little sober and refreshing, you might get a little later, and be a bit more sober, and listen to songs better, what do you think?"


Comrade Xiaoqian took out the drink from the refrigerator.

Ji Weiwei was relieved slightly, at least on the surface, Xiao Qian did not contradict her.

"Wei Wei, do you have any plans to go home recently?" Xiao Qian handed her a glass cup. "It happened that Anyang said he would go home once in two days. I was very busy, but he always said that no one was with him! "

Anyang listened silently beside him, but his mouth slightly raised.

Comrade Xiaoqian called his name directly. This has not happened many times. Now it is obviously to take care of Ji Weiwei's emotions.

And he told Comrade Xiaoqian the night before that he wanted to go back to Yancheng with Ji Weiwei. She asked so knowingly, obviously to give Ji Weiwei a signal of goodwill.

Comrade Xiaoqian has good intentions!

Sure enough, Ji Weiwei was slightly delayed, glanced at Anyang quietly, but found that Anyang was looking at the floor, so she said simply: "I have n’t been back to see my uncle and aunt for a long time. When we were back last uncle ’s birthday, we went back together. of."

"We are still sleeping in the same bed!" Comrade Xiao Qian groaned with a smile, "Then you will accompany him back in two days, I'm too lazy to ask for leave."

"Okay, okay ..."

Ji Weiwei always felt a little trance.

The car is still steadily heading towards the group's headquarters park, and the car has always been on a fixed topic. Gradually, although Ji Weiwei felt unreal, she let go of her anxiety and was relieved.

Originally, she had a good chat with Xiaoqian before, that is, when Anyang first brought Xiaoqian to eat with her, she hadn't been restrained ~ ~ But once this matter was highlighted, it was like a The wall was erected between them, and now the wall is finally down.

It did n’t take long for the nanny car to reach the group ’s headquarters campus.

Because the body carries the obvious customized logo of the An's Group, plus the vehicle signal itself is in the white list of the intelligent access control system, they have not stopped and have been driving in.

At this time, many people were able to see the crowd holding tickets for the concert at the gate to check the tickets, and then boarded the bus specially prepared for them, and drove all the way to the Arts and Sports Center-this move is to provide all audiences with the second It is also to avoid them wandering around the headquarters campus.

Soon, the car parked outside the Arts Center.

Qiu Yan came down and opened the car, Xiao Qian pulled Ji Weiwei down first, and finally Anyang.

At this time, there was a long queue outside the arts center, all of them were audience members holding concert tickets, which made Anyang a little surprised.

What is the concept of a 60,000 audience?

Perhaps it sounds like a number, just like the hundreds of thousands of troops at war, but there is no feeling at all.

However, the Art Center of the Ans Group headquarters campus has a total of four gates, all of which are open to the audience and adopt an intelligent ticket inspection system. Each gate is provided with six gates to ensure the throughput of ticket inspection. Some spectators have already entered and waited, some spectators have not yet arrived, and some employees within the group have entered through several small doors in the arts and sports center. This is the case, this team is still long and long!

Anyang turned his head and glanced, and saw that Comrade Xiaoqian and Ji Weiwei were like girlfriends for many years, and he was left aside as the ruler, which was really embarrassing.

"Let's go in too." Comrade Xiao Qian said.

But not to him.

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PS: If I were to write about the city in my next book, would anyone read it, would I pounce on the street ...

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