My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 958: Concert response

"Early, get dressed quickly, it's almost eleven, and it's time to check out after getting up and washing." An You said.


The two of them took a lot of showers together, and Xiao Xueer did not care about her. She pulled on her clothes and started to wear them.

An You psyched, but suddenly sank.

Because Xiao Xue'er unbuttoned the bathrobe they wore as pajamas, the following was actually vacuum-

Not only don't wear underwear, not even underwear!

Did she go to Anyang last night like this?

An You's eyes were somewhat inexplicable and gloomy.

When she looked closely, she found that Xiao Xueer had some light red traces on her delicate white neck, as well as the tall and tall peaks, and the traces on the double peaks were like the summer when there were many mosquitoes. Blood stains.

But she also knows that if she really grabbed it with her hands, the blood stains will quickly dissipate.

An You is not a little girl who knows nothing. On the contrary, she can sometimes be an "old driver" in front of Xiao Xueer. She also knows that girls' unbroken skin is generally very tender, especially on the neck and chest, whether it is kissing or scratching, it is easy to leave traces, even for the so-called "planting strawberries" that she has never experienced. Understand, she also knew that such traces would be difficult to dissipate.

Xiao Xueer didn't avoid revealing her body in front of her, but she wouldn't be exposed all the time. She quickly put on her underwear and covered the proud twin peaks, but her neck could not be covered.

Anyou was silent for a while, and asked, "Is the hotel quilt not clean? The skin around your neck seems a little allergic."

Xiao Xueer was startled, and suddenly remembered the picture of Anyang kissing on her neck last night. She blushed and panicked: "Maybe I'm a little bit uncomfortable."

After a pause, she added another sentence: "It should be the reason for no disinfection."

After all, she glanced at Anyou.

Fortunately, Anyou's expression has always been calm.

Xiao Xueer suddenly relieved.

But when the two men got dressed, washed, and stood side by side in front of the sink, wiping their mouths, Anyou stared at Xiao Xue'er, who was wrapped in a thin sweater in the mirror and wrapped in a proud figure.

"Cher ... last night ... what did that **** do to you?"

Xiao Xueer was shocked and quickly said by wiping his mouth: "Of course not, Brother Anyang is not that kind of person!"

An You didn't speak.

Although she usually devalues ​​Anyang, she also knows that Anyang can't do anything powerful, but Xiao Xueer doesn't need to use strength at all, nor can it be his turn to use strength. Widowed girl, maybe the girlfriend next to you will throw herself up!

Silently, she only said when she walked out of the bathroom: "Xue'er, you know, Anyang has a girlfriend."

Xiao Xueer pursed her lips, blushing slightly, and did not answer.

From this point of view, Anyang's understanding of Anyou is still sufficient.

Anyang heard the movements outside, and walked out. He saw two beautiful girls sitting on the sofa at a glance and greeted with a smile: "Finally got up?"

Xiao Xueer's guts swelled up with wine strength last night and disappeared with awake. At this time, he only blushed and nodded: "Brother Anyang is early."

An You stared at An Yang coldly, and snorted over her head without speaking.

Anyang gently squeezed his fist in front of his mouth, embarrassed, but replied: "What breakfast do you eat, I will ask the hotel to make it."

An You continued to snort, ignoring him.

Xiao Xueer lowered her head softly and said: "It is going to be noon, so you don't need to eat it."

"Do you have lunch directly?"


An You listened to the two, and became more and more irritable. She simply picked up the remote control and turned on the TV, and continued to play the concert video that she did n’t watch last night!

Seeing this, Anyang pursed his lips and said, "Then I go to order food, what do you want to eat?"

An You looked at the TV without looking at him.

Xiao Xueer said: "Just eat whatever you want."


Anyang left and went upstairs.

Xiao Xueer looked at Anyou without saying a word, and consciously sat past her, next to her, but opened her mouth, but didn't know what to say.

And An You watched the video of the concert.

After watching the video completely from beginning to end in awake state, the two beautiful girls were shocked!

What you see on the stage is different from what you see under the stage, but the omnidirectional cameras at the center of the stage and the art body record everything, including the panoramic view of the scene created by the holographic projection, and the additional light they project Effect, the perfect sound quality shown by the speakers, the whole scene like the waves of the surging fine lights and the expression that is refined to the focus of everyone listening, there are too many.

The instruction issued by the media company is to make everyone who has watched the video expect to come to the scene once. The effect is obvious, and it can shock the performers, not to mention the audience.

At this time, many news, pictures and videos have appeared on major websites, and some of the audio used in the concert has officially landed online.

So after watching the concert video, the shocked An You and Xiao Xueer turned on their phones and entered a website. The hot search terms that jumped out when entering the URL were "the most popular concert in history" and "the ultra-realistic holographic projection." The highly attractive titles such as "Audiovisual Feast" and "Broadcast Live View Number Break Ten Thousand", even Yang Yue as the protagonist has a feeling of being grabbed.

It's a matter of myself. After An You and Xiao Xue'er went in and watched them one by one, they realized that the number of people who watched the concert live on a live broadcast platform last night really exceeded the ten million mark, and according to some news bulletins Screen shots, indeed, many people said that it is absolutely great to listen to the scene.

Then they opened several news pages.

A news page boasted about the grand occasion of this concert, and I don't know if An's media has any money.

The editor clearly mentioned: "This is the first time that a large-scale holographic projection device has been put into a concert, whether it is a live broadcast or a live record released on the Internet later, or fans who have heard the concert live on the same day, it is not difficult to know the scene it created The beauty is definitely far beyond our imagination, it is not difficult to imagine that maybe a few years later all the performances involving stage performances will use holographic projection, and as of now, only An's own this technology. "

"Xiao Bian personally believes that we should not pursue the monopoly of Ans Group's technology, nor should we overestimate how much money Ans Group will make with this technology, etc. We should only be fortunate that such technology, such an event will appear in China."

There is also news that focuses on them.

The editor used a very rigorous analytical tone, and at the same time, it was also very inductive.

He first released a few screenshots about the concert, such as beautiful scenes on the scene, such as the number of live broadcasts, concert ticket prices and other data charts, and then said: "The moonlight still last night," the Yueyin National Tour Official The station has undoubtedly achieved unprecedented success, it is not difficult to imagine that it can make Yang Yue easily sit on the line of singers, and will not fall for many years. Not only that, it also gives Yang Yue a strong capital to impact the "Tianhou" . "

"But the editor wants to say that the biggest beneficiary of this concert is not Yangyue, but they—"

An You and Xiao Xue'er turned down, and suddenly he was startled.

The photo posted below is exactly the picture of them walking down the flowers in a dress.

"Although Yangyue has huge profits, she is barely on the front line anyway. She has also been a hit recently. Her singing skills have also been tested. But the two" flower fairy "who attended the opening show together with Yangyue are pure. But the newcomers, I believe you have never seen them on any stage or any show before. "

"Yes, the editor has specifically searched, they are pure newcomers, and they have never appeared in a CD. But they are the only ones who attended the opening show of such a concert, and there is a solo in the back, which is amazing. ! "

"If you want to ask their response ..."

"Please look at the picture and speak--"

The following is a screenshot of a long list of posts asking for fairy information in Baidu Post Bar "Yang Yue Bar", and also posted a series of barrage at the web live interface at that time, not to say that I was amazed, loved, and loved, Just ask who these two people are and what works they have.

"The editor once doubted whether the head of An's media was kicked by a donkey. The two newcomers showed up for the first time. As for such a big capital? Of course not. If you watched the concert and found that you fell in love with this Two little girls, you will find that An's media has already discovered the potential of the two of them and has done a very far-sighted thing ... "

"Anyway, the editor has been echoing two pictures of flowers with different styles but young and beautiful on the stage and singing" The Illuminated Hemisphere "~ ~ believe it or not."

"In summary, in this concert, the two flower fairies are the biggest winners. As for the reasons, I dig deeper ..."

An You and Xiao Xue'er let out a long sigh of relief. They just saw the post and thought that this post was for the two of them.

I just made my debut and I can't stand the wind and rain!

Then the two found a post, actually digging into the background of An You and Xiao Xueer.

This post combines a lot of candid photos, combined with the last live screenshot of the An ’s Group ’s anniversary, combined with the anecdote that An Youming was only 18 years old but was able to work as an assistant to the general manager of An ’s network. Youkai's era speed limited edition, combined with the huge movements caused by their debut, make a comprehensive guess.

The final conclusion is also very simple-

The An's group really has the surname An, and Anyou is the daughter of the person in control behind the An's group and the princess of the entire An's group!

After An You finished reading, she was obviously silent.

Xiao Xueer didn't know why she didn't speak.

Soon after, Anyang came back and said calmly: "I ordered two dishes casually. If you don't like food, you can change it. Anyway, don't rush out of check out. It doesn't matter if you stay for another night."

Anyou glanced at him, his expression a little complicated.

She usually doesn't think about it, but when someone shows the fact that she is naked, she can't ignore it, because she can clearly realize that she really depends on Anyang a lot along the way. If this were not the case, not only would he not be able to take this step, but he could not withstand so much wind and rain.

After a pause, she didn't know what she thought of, and she said a little sourly: "You still want to stay another night!"


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