My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 963: Dad with an ugly face

Anyang hung the bird cage on the living room wall. When he turned his head, An Da had already made tea on the side of the sofa. He sat quietly and drank. Through the distance, he could smell the sweet fragrance of rich tea.

The half-large cat still crouched beside him.

This villa is a little bigger than the villa where Anyang and Xiaoqian lived. The living room is also very spacious. On the river side, there are sliding floor-to-ceiling windows and a protruding viewing corridor with a single sofa and coffee table. , Hanging chair, open the window, you can go out to sit and drink tea, hair dryer, watching sunset.

It can be said that it is an excellent place for pension.

And Anyang also asked for a special nanny, who has received professional training to take care of the villa. This completely makes the work of the teachers of An Da and Ma can only be a hobby and a time-saving job, because the monthly salary of the nanny alone is higher than the sum of the wages of the two of them, and it also allows them to stay Staying at school is also more comfortable, because there is no longer any need to be cautious, it is of course good to continue teaching, it does not matter.

Ji Weiwei followed Xie Yunqing to the kitchen. With the three sitters, the kitchen was big enough, but it was not crowded. Anyang was ordered to sit in the living room and wait, accompanying An Guoshu.

So he went to the sofa and sat down, picked up the floating leaf tea and took a sip, while reaching over to touch the head of the little cat, and asked in his mouth: "Is this little guy usually naughty? Will he urinate everywhere? Jumping on the sofa or something? "

"It's very quiet." An Da said, "At the beginning, your mother was very worried about this. Especially when jumping on the sofa, it was easy to urinate and urinate. They all said that it is impossible to change the cat's habit of jumping on the sofa, but this cat is different. It has been quiet since it was picked up. I usually run with me everywhere at home. When I go to school, it shrinks to sleep on the small sofa in the hallway. It is not naughty at all, and does not even steal fish. "

"It seems that it was terrified when I was a kid." Anyang smiled and rubbed the little cat's neck, and he tilted his head and squinted his eyes cleverly.

"Huh?" An Da was a little surprised, "It seems to like you quite."

"Yes!" Anyang grinned.

As a person who can make a big beast roll in front of him, it is too easy to win the favor of this little guy.

"Don't you and your mother not like cats and dogs before? Why did you suddenly think of raising a cat, and think your family is too deserted?"

"Isn't it too pitiful to see the rich and wealthy? The family died at a young age, leaving it with a cat, and it's not a precious breed itself. It is estimated that no one wants to accept it at the foster care station. Plus me and your mother I went to the foster care station and watched it. I was very pleased quietly. Anyway, I am still very busy now. I do n’t miss it at home, so I raise it. "

"Very good, very good."

Before long, Xie Yunqing, Ji Weiwei, and the nanny had put the meal on the table, and the dining room was on the far side of the living room, which was equivalent to the integration of the two halls.

Anyang and Dad went into the seat, and the native cat also stared at the dining table for a long time. After seeing that Dad started to get up, he also squatted down on a chair in front of the dining table.

After Anma sat down, she greeted the babysitter Xiao Qiu to eat together, but the babysitter just shyly thanked her. Although she was a bit cautious, she didn't say anything. Obviously, this was not the first time she had dinner with her parents.

Xiaoqiu is a woman about 25 to 66 years old. She was invited from a professional babysitting company. Because her family is very deserted, she does eat most of the time and does eat with her parents, and by the way, she is also responsible for feeding. Wealthy mission.

A few people sat down, and they started as soon as they did nothing.

Xiaoqiu said nothing, only lowered his head to eat, and always ate only the food in front of him. Occasionally, he squeezed some meat and placed it in a cat pot in front of Fugui, and occasionally glanced at Anyang and Ji Weiwei.

She knew that An Da and her mother were all teachers of Yancheng Middle School. She was also married. The child had just turned two years old, and she asked her parents how to educate her a few days ago. She knew that it was Anyang, the person in front of her, who bought the villa and paid her the salary. It was the first time they met. She had never thought that Anyang was so young. She only knew that An Da and An Ma had a very rich son and they paid the full price for the villa.

The first time I met, it was probably the presence of An Da and An Ma. She didn't feel the momentum of those rich from Anyang, but only saw a very ordinary son in front of her parents.

This reminded her of her sister, who was only two years younger than herself. She was about the same age as Anyang. She doesn't have a stable job yet. She hasn't gotten married. She changes her boyfriend all day long and suddenly feels the same person. .

Xie Yunqing gave Anyang and Ji Weiwei a good meal and asked curiously: "Did you watch the news these days? The web news on your phone."

"Look, what's wrong?" Ji Weiwei froze.

"Then do you know that Xiaoyou went to the concert with her very good friend? It seems to be the Yangyue concert. The two of them participated in the opening show and sang a song in the back. These days Basically, the photos of the two can be seen as soon as the phone is turned on! "

"Know, we will watch it offstage." Ji Weiwei cares about the image and wipes the oil on her mouth with a tissue.

"You know?" Xie Yunqing was surprised, but she didn't care about her behavior that was a bit wrong before, and said, "Our old An's family is afraid of a big star! When the girl told me before, I thought she was It's a joke ... "

"I thought they were playing around." Anyang said with a smile. "You know, the two of them seemed to be on a whim at that time, ran to find me, and told me that they would become celebrities in the future and ask me if I support They, of course, I said support, but within a few days, the two of them signed up for the training classes of Yizhou Conservatory of Music and Yizhou Film and Television Academy, and I realized they were serious. "

"They also reported the training class? Why don't I know." Xie Yunqing surprised, "That girl did not ask me for money."

"She has a part-time job and the salary is quite high."

"Tumbling." Xie Yunqing stunned. "Now your brother and sister don't bother us."

The babysitter Xiao Qiu was listening silently next to her, and was surprised, but she didn't speak, but she felt more and more that the family was very prominent, and she seemed to know Shudali very well.

After a pause, Xie Yunqing said again: "Are you still going to see their concert? Did they invite you to watch it or did you watch it yourself."

"Uh ... I ran it myself."

"That's right." Xie Yunqing was a little disappointed. She thought that the relationship between the two siblings had become very good. "But they knew it was good to ask your opinion before deciding to take a trip."

"Maybe their will was not firm enough at the time, they needed someone to increase their confidence."

"Okay, we don't care anyway. Anyway, the girl has been self-reliant since she was a child, and she has done a good job in doing everything. The two of us can't keep up with the times, and we can't control it anymore." Tone, "If it weren't for watching news on the phone in the car yesterday, I don't know if that girl made such a big deal, now the whole country knows about them?"

"The whole country is still far away. This is only their first appearance." Anyang shook his head. "But you can't blame them for not knowing this. They didn't know that they could make such a big move before. s arrangement."

At that time, An Da, who was hungry and eating cats, suddenly looked up: "She signed a contract? Which An Shi media company?"

"Well." Anyang nodded.

Xie Yunqing also said: "I also read a lot of news reports on the Internet. They are famous for the company's credit, and many netizens said that the girl is the daughter of the owner of the Ans group!"

She said with a playful look at Anguo Shu.

"Cough cough." An Da coughed. "Those people on the Internet know nonsense all day long, how can they believe? Anyway, they hide behind the network, the cost of opening the yellow cavity is low, and they will not be blamed. No one knows who they are, this devious wind ...

"Your dad can now switch to become a political teacher." Xie Yun said lightly.

"But does that girl really have anything to do with An's media company? We are not in Jinguan, we are far away, and we don't know what she is doing all day long, you are close, and you are brother, usually You have to look at it. This society is very deep, and the entertainment industry is a well-known chaos. Although your sister is smart from childhood, she has no background in society and no experience. If you lose money, you will not be happy ... "

"Your dad is verbose, but the meaning is right, you can do much more for your sister ~ ~ Yeah ... Yes, I will definitely let her be our old home from wind and rain Great star, okay? "

"Very conscious, rewarding you with a piece of pork!"

"Thank you mom!"

Anyang burst into tears.

After eating, Ji Weiwei was going back.

Like Anyang, An Da and An Ma let Ji Weiwei stay here, but Ji Weiwei felt that it was not right not to go home once, and they had no reason to persuade, but just let her live at home and come to live.

Anyang drove her back, but only sent her downstairs, not upstairs.

In the afternoon, Anyang played with the cat for a while, and An Da drove Xie Yunqing in school to go to school, and even the babysitter Xiao Qiu went home. She would not come until the afternoon when she should cook, so he was the only one at home .

Anyang simply took out the space gem and studied it, and the half-large native cat lay lazily in the nest, opening his squinted eyes to look at him from time to time, and then closed again quickly.

Several equations and formulas are listed for calculation, and several rules of touch space are developed, which is really boring. By mid-afternoon, he got up and called the rich and half-sized cat named Fugui, picked up the fishing rod and bait that An Da put in the corner, and went directly to go fishing.

"It's time for you to see the real technology." He turned around and said to the little cat behind him.

"Meow ~"

The little cat made a soft and thin voice.

In fact, Anyang has never caught a fish, but this kind of thing is too simple for him. He doesn't even need a spell. As long as there are fish that can be caught in the river, he will definitely catch it.

So in the evening, An Da drove back in the car, just like when he had just driven back, he saw him sitting in the pavilion fishing at a glance.

Soon his expression will become ugly.

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