My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 969: I'm in

It was in the afternoon, the weather was clear, and the blue sky and white clouds that Jin Guan became more and more difficult to see could be seen outside the window.

The pale golden sunlight is always particularly pleasing in winter. Not only is the ultraviolet light not strong, but the body is still warm. Many people like to go out to climb mountains, parks or go out to play in other ways in such weather. Especially young people, they like to find a stall with a spiked potato and an open-air tea house to order a cup of flower tea with unlimited water. I invite my friends to sit in the sun until the whole body is warm.

Opening the curtains of Ji Weiwei's living room can overlook the Fucheng River. Like other cities in Yizhou, people regard the good weather in winter as a jewel bestowed by God, resulting in a tea stall on both sides of the Fucheng River, a set of tables and chairs and even a dragon. , Sitting full of Yizhou people enjoying the good weather.

Nibbling seeds, basking in the sun, chatting with friends and family, playing mahjong, everyone is enjoying life and sunshine, the vocals are lively and bustling, if people from other provinces walk into the river at first glance, it will feel like the whole province of Yizhou is on holiday today of.

Ji Weiwei walked helplessly to the sofa and sat down.

She always has nothing to do with Anyang's rogue, not just now, but from small to big. As long as Anyang becomes a rogue, she has nothing to do.

Sunlight shines into the living room through the window, adding a touch of warmth to the dark and cold interior, but it is also limited to the place where the light reaches, and the place where the light cannot reach is still a cold.

After sitting for a while, she turned around and asked, "Do you really want to be here today?"

"How can I say lai? Let's say yes!"

"Bah! Who told you!"

"You." Anyang said, again begging and begging to sit next to her, "why? I want to regret it!"

Ji Weiwei immediately wanted to admit it, but at the end of his mouth I didn't know why he couldn't say it. Finally, I had to support me: "I ... I'm afraid you're used to living in a large villa, and I'm not used to living in my small place. ... "

"As long as you follow me, you can live in Qiaodong!"

Ji Weiwei gave him a white look and his heart began to thump.

They knew each other when they were very young, knew everything about each other, and watched each other grow up. The two hearts have been entangled with thousands of days and nights, and the purest one is reflected in each other ’s hearts. Where there is this, everything else is second-class.

Whether rich or poor, handsome or ordinary, it is something that the two do not care about in contact and communication. In each other ’s heart, the other person ’s countless images have overlapped for more than two decades. .

After a moment of silence, Ji Weiwei scratched her head and asked weakly: "Have you told Xiaoqian sister?"

"Say what?"

"What more can you say!" Ji Weiwei said angrily, "saying that you will never return home at night!"

"Finished." Anyang grinned.

Ji Weiwei took a breath, but didn't know what to say. The blushing, he had to turn his head and stare out the window: "From Yancheng to Jinguan, I went to give your sister food again. The goddess is tired, you need to sleep, you are not allowed to bother me! "

"Won't not." Anyang quickly assured, but said in amusement, "I'm tired, and I want to sleep."

"Sleep, the sofa is not wide, but it can sleep you too!"

"I think your bed seems to be quite wide, and can sleep two people ..." An Yang reached out his finger, the door of Ji Weiwei's bedroom opened, and he probed into the room.

"You bandits!" Ji Weiwei scolded, and said, "I'm not sleeping, I'm going out to bask!"

Anyang nodded: "It's really not good in the daytime."

"You! ... rogue!"

Anyang lay down and yawned on the sofa: "The weather is good today and it is a good opportunity to bask in the sun. By the way, we have to buy a la carte and make a candlelight dinner in the evening."

Ji Weiwei: "..."

Ji Weiwei went to take a bath and changed to a set of light and clean clothes. She wore a slim-fit women's trench coat that resembled a couple's clothes. She was paired with very youthful blue jeans. Girl with sunshine.

The two went out together.

They just met a middle-aged woman as soon as they came downstairs. They looked at them in amazement. Then they glanced at the hand they held and looked at Ji Weiwei: "Wei Wei is your boyfriend? Why ... go out shopping visit?"

Ji Weiwei smiled generously: "Yeah, go out shopping."

"Did you say you were single last time when I saw you? When did this happen?" The middle-aged woman was surprised.

"It didn't take long." Ji Weiwei smiled.

"So how long have you known each other?" The middle-aged woman asked while looking at Anyang. She always felt that this man's appearance was a bit unsuitable for such a beautiful Ji Weiwei, but they stood together and had a strange match. It was very strange.

"I knew it when I was young, and it was a sweet thing." Ji Weiwei said.

"Oh! That's right." The middle-aged woman was somewhat lost, and nodded to her. "Then I'll go back first. Your little ones are going out slowly. The weather is good today."

"Yeah, it's pretty good."

The middle-aged woman went upstairs, and the two continued to go out.

Anyang asked in a puzzled way: "Is that your neighbor? It looks like you are familiar with it."

"My landlord also lives here, just downstairs, and the suite on the lower floor is also hers." Ji Weiwei said, "Her family is rich and has a visionary nephew. When I signed the contract before, I said I ’m single, she always wanted to introduce me to his nephew, haha! "

Anyang also smiled, watching Ji Weiwei walked out of the corridor at a brisk pace, took his hand but walked ahead, walked into the sunlight from the shadow of the banyan tree, and stopped to wait for him in the warmth of the sunlight. The exquisite profile is very beautiful, the skin is white and crystal clear, and no flaws can be found. With the hair holding the ball head still a little dry, some wet hair is stuck on the delicate white neck.

For a while, the sun seemed to shine a lot.

Just the next second, the gentle and beautiful woman with a beautiful face raised an arc of her mouth and raised an eyebrow: "Why? Do you think this goddess is too beautiful and has many pursuers, putting a lot of pressure on you, hahaha!"

Anyang first twitched his mouth, and then nodded helplessly: "Yeah, I am afraid that someone will take you away someday!"

"Ha ha ha ha!" Ji Weiwei was full of satisfaction!

Then the two went to the river to find a table, Ji Weiwei asked for a cup of lemon tea, Anyang only needed plain water, a cup of ten dollars, you can add water unlimitedly, and also gave a plate of melon seeds, you can sit here and bask in the sun until the store closes .

Drinking tea in the sun is very pleasant.

In front of them is an old couple. The old man in a tuxedo leans on a cane and squints in a chair. It seems that he has spent decades like this and will consume the rest of his life.

Behind are a few high school students who look like men and women, are holding poker landlords, and have no money to gamble, even if they lose, they have to accept the punishment of the winners using pens to draw patterns on their faces. Reminiscent of the time when I was young.

Anyang peeled off the seeds and said, his eyes narrowed for a moment.

Yizhou Province in winter is all this scenery, presumably at this time in Yancheng, many people are so basking in the sun.

If Anguo Shu had no classes, then it would be time to abandon the pavilion, sit in a place where you can get the sun, and go fishing seriously? The half-large cat named Fugui should also be lying beside him basking in the sun and staring at the water in a daze, squinting?

Cats are creatures that love the sun most.

Yancheng is called Jiuqu River, and Jinguan is called Fucheng River. However, they are all the same river and the same running water.

After about an hour, the two left.

Ji Weiwei pretended not to be happy on her face, but she was honest in her heart, and her actions continued to prove her ideas.

The two went to the supermarket, and Ji Weiwei naturally bought steaks, candlesticks, and red wine, as well as some ingredients for making tiramisu and cookies. It seemed that she really planned to have a candlelight dinner.

It was already afternoon when I walked out of the supermarket. The sunlight outside was dimmed, and it gradually became colder, and there was some wind. Ji Weiwei wore this body and walked on the street where the sun was shining. stand up.

The two quickly rushed back, and after returning home, it was Ji Weiwei who was busy in the kitchen and Anyang started.

"My cooking skills are not as good as that of Xiao Qian's sister. You will bear with me even if it's not good for a while!" Ji Weiwei, who is wearing an apron, has a smell like a cook lady. Opened the natural gas stove with a heart-shaped frying egg, and looked very serious. "This goddess hasn't done such a formal meal for a long time!"

Anyang pouted his lips, "Is it more difficult to fry steak than instant noodles? It seems to be like stewing Buddha and jumping off the wall! And ... hasn't you had a meal like this for a long time?"

"Furthermore, this is not the first time I have eaten the food you cooked. Obviously I have eaten for many years, okay?"

Ji Weiwei turned her head slowly, with a faint smile: "Shut up for me!"

Anyang twitched his lips, and did not continue to speak.

When Ji Weiwei put the butter down the pan, shake it evenly at the bottom of the pan, and at the same time set the fire to a medium-low heat, and soon the sweet smell of milk was filled in the kitchen, and she did not forget to beat the eggs into the side In the omelette.

Anyang's so-called lay-off is probably to gather around, cheer, cheer, and take pictures and chat.

Soon after, Ji Weiwei turned off the fire and placed the iron steak pot with a special clip on the tray. He said, "Put the lid on first. I'll go to the oven to see how the cookies are baking."

Anyang obediently covered the iron pan with a stainless steel lid, and then brought the tray to the dining table.

Soon after, Ji Weiwei came with two plates of dim sum and placed it in front of him: "Fortunately, it looks good, it should not be too bad to eat, at least it didn't spoil ..."

Anyang smiled and took out an decanter from the back, which contained scarlet Ch.Haut-.

Just as Ji Weiwei wiped the two goblets that had just been washed with a new rag, he came over and placed the cup in front of him, frowning: "Now it's not completely dark, it seems that there is no atmosphere!"

"This is easy to manage." Anyang said.

I saw him flick his fingers, and the light coming out of the window suddenly dimmed, leaving only the kitchen and dining room lights.

With a snap, the lights dimmed.

A few seconds later, the candlestick placed on the table lit an orange fire, but it could only lighten the dining room. In addition to the bright table, the surrounding light was a bit dim.

There are two plates of snacks under the candlestick, two iron pans with stainless steel lids and two sets of knives and forks on both sides. The unique shape of the decanter and the dark red liquid in the stemware have a charming color. As a result, there is no tension and sweetness for the first date of the young couple. Even if there is, it is only as warm as the loving father ’s wedding anniversary.

Ji Weiwei was sitting next to him, and the room was air-conditioned, so she only wore a thin jumpsuit and she could clearly see her slim figure. The candlelight was dim and dim, and her beautiful face reflected a little red, the outline was more prominent, and a touch of charming.

Suddenly, she stared again.

"Look, let's eat!" She said that she took the lead to open the stainless steel lid of the iron pan, and the bright and flamboyant lid was illuminated by candlelight with a bright golden halo.

A hot air mixed with black pepper, steak and light sweetness suddenly rises, even more clear under the dim light environment, and it contains a steak, a little pasta and carrots and broccoli for embellishment.

There are no rare and luxurious raw materials, no craftsmanship of world famous chefs, nor candles that fill the whole room. It is a very unusual and unusual family candlelight dinner, but it is given other meanings than romance due to its own production. At the same time, I also feel that I am not hooked with shabby.

Instead of cutting the steak first, Ji Weiwei rolled a few pasta with a fork into his mouth and smashed it twice. "It seems quite delicious."

Anyang also tasted: "Well, it's delicious."

Ji Weiwei added seafood in the process of cooking pasta, so the pasta has the umami of seafood in addition to black pepper, which is even richer than the steak made like fast food.

"It's just a little bit less, I don't know how Westerners are so tall, how can they eat so little!" Ji Weiwei smashed her mouth dissatisfiedly, "But it doesn't matter, if it's not enough, let's cook two more pieces, or cook more. Pasta, by the way, there seems to be a packet of instant noodles in my refrigerator! "

"Instant noodles ..." Anyang's mouth twitched. "Did you say that it ruins the atmosphere?"

"Haha." Ji Weiwei smiled with a fork in his steak. "I used to think about sitting with you for dinner. I also thought we would buy it and make it by ourselves. It was like this with candles. The result really came to this day. But the development is not as romantic as I imagined, so nervous ... "

"Cooperating with you is to fulfill your own dream!"

"Yeah!" Ji Weiwei finished and pointed to the door. "Now the dream is over, please eat quickly and leave early after eating!"

"... Relentless! Do not leave firmly!"


The mirror of the old-fashioned clock hanging on the wall reflected the contrasting luster, and gradually approached eight o'clock. The two had already finished eating, but they were still sitting on their seats and chatting quietly.

Finally, it was already very late.

Anyang licked his mouth and watched Ji Weiwei, who was sitting on the opposite side of the seat, dragging all the time to the already cramped ~ ~ could not help but smiled: "It's late, wash and sleep ..."

"Ah." Ji Weiwei suddenly felt nervous, "Or clear the things on the table first!"

"Come and clean up tomorrow."

"Then I'm going to take a shower."

"Don't you just take a shower this afternoon?" Anyang looked at her helplessly, with some pain.

"I still have to wash!" Ji Weiwei insisted.

"Good boy! You can't run away anyway." Anyang rubbed her hair and said that she was gentle, like a strange man who coaxed people to see a goldfish.

"Then you are going to take a bath!" Ji Weiwei lowered her head slightly.

"I won't invade dirt."

"I still have to go, use my soap, I will have the same taste as me, and I won't be so nervous."


Anyang turned helplessly and walked to her bathroom.

Ji Weiwei stood at the spot, a little overwhelmed.

She wanted to collect the things on the table, but just picked up a plate and put it down; she wanted to blow out the candlestick, but only one candle was blown out, and then put the candlestick back to its original position; she wanted to turn on the light, all touch It's time to switch, and withdraw his hand ...

Finally, she walked to the room, thinking about it, changed all the underwear, and put on a light red silk pajama that she felt was the best. She sat by the bed and untied the rolled ball head. The long, supple hair immediately poured down his shoulders.

"His ... so nervous ..."

Ji Weiwei murmured to herself, and turned off the room lights again, only turning on the dark orange bedside lamp for illumination.

Suddenly the room was filled with some intoxicating crimson.

Soon, the door knocked.

"Boom, I'm in ..."

Ji Weiwei immediately stood upright, like a pupil in class, sitting in front of her.

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