My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 972: New journey

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"The husband is back."

Comrade Xiaoqian turned to look at him with a smile. She also skillfully twisted a thin needle and pulled a crimson thread upward. She took a bun at random, and suddenly there was a different kind of beauty.

Huang Lan shrugged his nose without any expression, and only looked at the white quilt in his hand.

"It's back." Anyang entered the door.

The probe glanced at what was in their hands, and he was surprised again.

He thought they were stabbing cross stitch. After all, cross stitch is simple and easy to use. As long as you are careful and patient, anyone can embroider a beautiful mountain and river. But I never imagined that they were just a piece of white cloth at all, without a grid and precise coordinates, or with different colored threads numbered, which was completely embroidered on their own, just like in a TV series.

This ... doesn't fit Huang Lan's character setting, right?

Anyang twitched his lips and sat down in front of the sofa. Sure enough, Huang Lan twisted a thin needle with a yellow thread in his hand for a long time, and staring at the white cloth was hesitant and distressed.

He smiled suddenly!

"How do you think of playing this thing? Isn't this a girl's play?"

Huang Lan still twisted her fine needle and raised her hand, Wen Yan finally glanced at him, and said lightly: "Anyang Daoyou's speech is bad, am I not a girl?"


Anyang looked stiff, and then said: "I mean ordinary girls, ordinary girls, how can you be considered as ordinary girls? So ... the woman red is not suitable at all. You, the battlefield is where you should be! "

"Unusual girl?" Huang Lan lowered the needle in her hand and turned her head to look at him. "So what is it? Female man?"


"..." Huang Lan's face suddenly turned black.

Comrade Xiaoqian lowered his head and pierced the embroidery, and suddenly laughed out loud, before saying: "It seems that there is nothing wrong ..."

"..." Huang Lan's expression finally couldn't hold back, and he was suffering. "What can I do, I don't like to stab with this gadget wearing a thread thorn, I ... I am also very painful what!"

"Then why are you looking for abuse?" Anyang said.

"No way!" Comrade Xiao Qian said beside her, "She practiced the" Nine Turns Mysterious Skills "you gave her, and she had trouble just after the first turn, mainly because her heart was not thin enough and she couldn't calm down. Let me teach her embroidery painting, calligraphy of tea ceremony, writing poetry, etc., want to change my mind. "

"It turned out to be this way." Anyang was stunned, apparently not optimistic about this. "You just taught her to be a vegetarian!"

"Husband, don't underestimate Huang Lan's sister!" Comrade Xiao Qian habitually covered her eyes and smiled.

"Yeah, don't underestimate me!" Huang Lan apparently did not see the smile in Comrade Xiaoqian's words, grabbed an apple on the coffee table and took a bite, and turned his head to show him.

She only listened to the voice of hers, she chewed on it, and then swallowed it two or three times, and said, "What's wrong with being a vegetarian? It's delicious! ... Who said that a tiger can't be a vegetarian because he's a sperm? Who I ca n’t be careful if I say that? It ’s all nonsense! "


"Of course it's delicious! Sweet! It's sweet and crisp!" Huang Lan said with a frown, and then bite again, dissatisfied!

"Delicious, eat more, don't be polite, these are not bad at home," Anyang said, very generously grabbing a few apples and some other fruits and stuffing them into Huang Lan's arms. "The pear is also delicious. , Strawberries are also good! "

Huang Lan was obviously not as bully as Xiaochan and Rabbit Jing. While shouting and eating, he put the fruit he stuffed back on the coffee table and asked lightly: "Anyang Daoyou, I heard you married another room. Mrs. Aunt? Is there any such thing? "

Anyang froze: "Who listens to it?"

"Sister Xiaoqian." Huang Lan pointed at Xiaoqian with an apple that gnawed a bite. "I slept next to Sister Xiaoqian last night and saw the text message she sent you."

"..." Several black lines appeared on Anyang's forehead, simply ignoring the tigress and turning to Xiao Qian said: "Why did you sleep together again?"

Comrade Xiaoqian covered his mouth and smiled: "Sleep next to Sister Huang Lan is quite good, Sister Huang Lan is very comfortable to hold!"

"Can it be uncomfortable? Shaggy ..."

"Anyang Daoyou." Huang Lan's face was dark again, and she tapped the glass surface of the coffee table with an apple. "I'm discussing with you your aunt's business."

"What about my auntie ..." Anyang said with a pain in his egg. "Where did you learn this kind of appellation? Have you seen more movies in the Republic of China?"

"Anyang Daoyou, please do not change the topic!"

"... How can I change the subject, is it necessary for me to change the subject?" Anyang looked at her with a pained face. "My majesty the emperor, what's wrong with finding an aunt?"

He also quietly glanced at Xiao Qian's expression.

"No, just as a monogamous creature ..." Huang Lan said lightly, suddenly paused, and leaned in to stare at Anyang's eyes. "I think Anyang Daoyou's behavior is somewhat novel, but also I ’m curious about Anyang ’s inner thoughts ... "

"Tiger is monogamous?" Anyang felt his cognition was challenged.

Huang Lan's face suddenly turned red: "Don't compare the tigers of your earth to me. I'm a tiger from the Western Xinjiang in mainland China. Our entire ethnic group is a model of monogamy!"

Anyang was curious: "Then you ..."

"I do not have!"

"I haven't finished speaking yet." Anyang's face was black and embarrassing. "Okay, okay, I'm leaving tomorrow, and I'm arguing with me!"

"Is it going tomorrow?" Huang Lan will always put the apple that has only bitten two back on the coffee table. "Sister Xiaoqian must do a lot of delicious tonight, no, I have to remind Xiaochan to let her Prepare early so I can be happy! "

"..." Anyang was speechless.

Huang Lan really went to call Xiao Chan, and naturally, the rabbit spirit also followed.

Although Comrade Xiaoqian felt funny, he said nothing, continued to teach Huang Lan embroidery, and chatted with Anyang quietly and warmly.

After dinner, Xiao Chan and Xiao Qian still went to the dishes.

The abnormal thing is that Huang Lan actually followed the past, but not in the past, but squeezed with them in front of two sinks to do housework.

Anyang lay on the sofa, enjoying the fragrant bunny leaning on his side and touching his mobile phone.

"System to extract personal data."

Silently, his personal data appeared on the phone screen.

Anyang glanced, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Add the remaining physical fitness points to the strength, and keep the skill points ..."

"Distribution of physical fitness points ... distribution completed!"

Anyang took a deep breath, because his body was not used to the sudden doubling of strength and other great enhancements that followed. He could clearly see that the muscles on his arm bulged slightly, and he recovered in an instant .

And all the muscles and muscles are like hot lava flowing, there is an illusion that you can grab the air.

After Anyang exhaled, he saw that the white gas was condensed in the air and did not disperse. Then he continued: "The ability to extract props!"

"Under the extraction of props ability ... After the extraction is completed, the selected person will obtain the props ability: The legion will support and can summon one of its own troops in any mission world for military support. The force should belong to the space-time force system and the number of people should not exceed One hundred people can bring their own weapons and equipment. "

Anyang suddenly lit up.


Then he rubbed the head of the rabbit spirit beside him, ignoring the doubtful eyes she cast, and extended his neck to shout at the busy three people in the kitchen: "I kind of went to Pallans once in advance, and I will come back soon! "

Standing in the semi-open kitchen, Comrade Xiao Qian wore a light pink blue dot apron, turned his head and nodded to him across the glass window.

Anyang waved his hand decisively to open the door of the space, took two steps forward, and then suddenly stopped, looked down at the hand holding his clothes tightly, and then looked back at the rabbit's hopeful eyes, red and bright Is like the purest ruby.

"Good, take you with me!"

As soon as the words fell, the rabbit's eyes flickered, and his beautiful eyes narrowed like crescent moons, and then he gripped his clothes tighter, and a sweet smile hung on his face.

"Okay, the clothes are all broken for you!" Anyang grabbed her hand helplessly, without delaying time, and directly pulled her into the door of space.

About half an hour later, they came back.

At this time, Anyang had ordered a new "cross-border reaction force" assembled by Pallans, composed of the most elite troops, supplemented by the guard badge, equipped with the most advanced weapons and equipment, and the most terrible war The machine thought he coped with the dangers that might arise in the mission world in the future.

The next morning, he left the world.

A cold voice sounded in my mind-

Mission World: Journey to the West

Mission Objective: None

Initial skill: None

Successful mission: reward props ability * 1, skill points * 3, physical fitness points * 1

Task failed: repeated execution

Anyang froze, two thoughts flashed in his head.

The first idea is: "It is actually a world of Journey to the West."

The second thought is: "Are you actually a little bit connected to the world of Journey to the West? Does this mean that you have to see the King of Heaven again?"

Anyang pursed his lips, and before he responded, suddenly felt something appeared in front of him.

A faint sound of splashing water could be heard faintly.

No need to look at it, just a little thought, he knew where he was.

Sure enough, when he opened his eyes, the eye-catching was a green river like a natural gemstone inlaid in this mountain, and an ancient wooden building was built on the side of the river next to the mountain, next to the river The side, leaning against the mountain, is very beautiful.

He stood on a small road. From the current environment, this is the only way for the outside world to reach this small village.

At the place where the river turns right below, the water flow is inevitably a little bit heated. You can see small vortexes. The green river water hits the banks and reefs again and again, and there is the sound of the whistling water he heard.

"Tang Xuanzang ..."

Anyang said lightly.

With his mouth pursed, he glanced down at his clothes, and just shook his body. The dress on his body changed from a black letter baseball uniform and jeans into a white-grey costume, before he walked towards the village in front of him.

Not long after, he had stepped into the village.

This seemingly isolated village is bustling beyond imagination. It has its own street, very short, but almost everything can be bought here.

Freshly unearthed vegetables, freshly fish.

Oil and salt sauce and vinegar tea, iron tools, freshly woven bamboo baskets, strong fishing nets and fabrics from the town ...

Almost all the necessities of life are supplied.

Walking in this waterside village, I can smell some watery smell from time to time. I eat mountains and water by the mountains. The daily food of the residents seems to be mainly fish. They are fishing from this green and calm river. Tiaohe seems to be the best gift from heaven.

Anyang looked at pedestrians while walking on the street.

Because there is no shortage of nutrition, and the stability of the mountains and rivers, although the border wars continue, it will not affect this place. The villagers here are still white and full of spirit.

Thanks to this rich river!

But disaster also comes from this river.

The beginning of the story is exactly the same as those of the most traditional and oldest Chinese folk ghost stories. In a place outside the world that relies on the river to eat, one day, there is a cannibal water demon in the river, and people can hardly resist it ...

If you go into the water, it means death. No one can survive these people who have been relying on aquaculture for thousands of years!

What's more, this water demon ... is also very clever!

This should be the beginning of Zhen Guan.

The Tang Dynasty was also the beginning of the name of Emperor Taizong Tian Khan at the time of the great shock around him.

But in fact, "Journey to the West" has changed the original quite a lot. It seems that it does not involve many plots and does not have much conflict with the original. However, it has made a subversive effect on several main characters in the original. change!

Therefore, Anyang can no longer take the original work to measure it, even if he has clearly experienced a "westbound trip", he can only treat it as a strange world ~ ~ Naturally, the plot characters are also strange.

This strangeness not only refers to whether they know it or not, but also that he has no knowledge of Tang Seng and Sun Wukong in The Journey to the West, and it is difficult to speculate on their character.

Anyang took a breath and settled his heart, and turned to look at this emerald green river.

He found a place to sit down and began to think.

"Journey to the West" was created by a large group of voters, mainly Zhou Xingchi, with a long list of screenwriters. The famous Zhou Xingchi is a person with a strange brain and even a second grade. This is why he has his classics and glory, and the plot of this drama even has some participation today. The latter subverts "Journey to the West". Classic-the original author of "Goku".

So what kind of plot is this?

Anyang felt a headache when thinking about it.

The most important thing is, how does he spend this world that is even more bizarre than the original Journey to the West? How should he deal with the characters that almost subvert the original settings?


Anyang Chang exhaled!

Just as this is an unfamiliar world, and Tang Seng, Sun Wukong and others just happened to have the same name as the characters in Journey to the West and the God and Buddha era, especially do n’t take the characters in this world and those in the God and Buddha era. Great fairy, bodhisattva connected!

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