My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 974: Xuanzang

The villagers on the shore and on the hanging feet all opened their eyes, completely ignorant of what happened and what is happening now, only knowing a loud noise in the water, a huge shadow rushed out of the water, almost pulling Luo Jia Erwa Eat it.

One after another, villagers ran to Luo Er, who was lying on the shore, and he tried to breathe, still alive, but couldn't move.

After a while, someone screamed.

"There is a water demon!"

This sound was like a chirping in the morning and a barking dog in the middle of the night, which caused a sudden echo.

"There is a water demon!"

"Water monster in the river!"

"What a big water demon!"

The villagers shouted arrogantly, one after another, away from the shore, but hiding in the distance, and seemed to be both fearful and curious about the things in the water.

Villagers in ancient villages heard the shouting from the other side and hurried from their respective homes, either to investigate the situation of young people lying on the ground, or to look at the river in fear and doubt.

"There haven't been any water monsters in the river for so many years, how could there be a water monster suddenly?" An old man asked.

"We don't know, just know that Luo Er was almost eaten by the water demon! I don't know why, he suddenly flew out of the water ..." The witness said in horror, talking about the main points, "You didn't see Ah, that water demon is so big, he rushed out of the water behind Luo Er's butt, and the water in the river splashed three stories high, and almost bit Luo Luo! "

"Yeah, yeah, it happened at the door of my house. I was in the house with my wife ... The splash almost came in from the window and scared me!"

"What does the water demon look like?" The old man asked.


"Everything happened so fast that I didn't see clearly."

"The water demon came up with a bang, and fell with a bang, I couldn't react at all!"

"Oh, that's it!" The old man lowered his head thoughtfully. "Are you wrong?"

"No, never, so big, how can I be wrong?"

"Maybe you are all dazzled ..."

As he was saying, a middle-aged woman suddenly screamed in her thigh, and then turned her head to look around: "Oh! My parents? Where is the water monster, where is my parent student? It shouldn't be the water monster ..."

Everyone's heart sank immediately.

Then someone said with relief: "Will not ... The child who lives forever will not usually go into the water to play, even if the water demon is no longer fierce, he can't go ashore to hurt people!"

"No, I have to find my parents!"

"Be careful ... Aunt Liu!"

The middle-aged woman did not answer, and stumbled to the side, shouting in her mouth: "Eternal life, long life ..."

The old man who said that everyone had dazzled withdrew his gaze, lowered his head to think for a moment, and sighed deeply, saying: "It is not enough to make a water demon, we all point to the river to eat, we can't spend it like this! We must find a way ... "

"Let's go find the exorcist to catch the demon!"

"Well! Big guys gather some money ..."

At this time, Changsheng still stayed beside Anyang, standing straight, staring at the crowd of people who had become calmer on the river and the bank, his mouth gradually deflated, and his eyes were also accumulated. A little tears, it looks particularly pitiful.

Anyang turned his head and glanced, suddenly pulled his mouth: "Why is this crying? Isn't your second cousin all right? Don't cry, don't cry ..."

Xiao Changsheng turned his head to stare at him, his hands twisted in front of him, all eyes were full of tears, but he did not cry out, and he said weakly and weakly after a while: "My father is a fisherman The uncles and uncles in the village are also many fishermen. Now that there is a water demon in the river, they want to eat people. Our family and uncles will starve to death ... "

Anyang didn't know if he was old, and when he saw this little girl who was only four or five years old, she felt extremely cute. She also felt a little distressed when she saw her crying.

"No! The people in your village have already invited the exorcist, and the water demon will be caught soon!"

"Really?" Changsheng opened his eyes wide.

"Really." Anyang grinned, but wondered if he had a daughter in the future, would he be as cute as this little girl? Or is it as naughty as when I was a kid? No matter how ... like Anyou!

Soon after, the long-lived mother found this place and immediately shouted to her: "Eternal life! How long are you here! I am looking for you to find it very hard, worrying about the dead mother!"

"Mother!" Changsheng shouted cruelly and turned towards the middle-aged woman immediately.

The long-lived mother first squatted down and hugged her in her arms, and said two half-reproach and half-care words before she looked behind her and looked at Anyang: "Who are you? How are you with my daughter?"

Anyang smiled: "She came to me."

Longevity wiped tears from the corners of his eyes and stared at Anyang, saying, "Yeah, he is not a bad person, he is a friend I just met, I came to him, my mother ..."

"That's it!" The middle-aged woman is no longer fierce, but she still keeps her guard and pulls the longevity road. "Longevity, let's go quickly. The village just had a water demon. Everyone is worried about you. Never run around again, you know? "

"Got it, I saw the water demon."

"You see? What does the water demon look like?"

"Yeah, he pointed it to me. It's a big fish with a big mouth and it's scary." Changsheng said.

"He pointed it to you?" The middle-aged women summed up slightly and immediately pulled Changsheng back, "Let's go tell others!"


Chang Sheng turned around and waved his hand seriously towards Anyang before being dragged away by her mother.

Their figure disappeared into Anyang's sight, but only turned a corner. Anyang could still hear the middle-aged woman telling Xiao Changsheng: "That person has no way to come, and it happened that he came to the village and the village was flooded. Demon, you are not allowed to go to play with him again, you know? "

Xiao Changsheng opened his eyes and asked, "Why?"

"Why are there so many reasons, the children are just obedient and obedient. I am your mother and will not harm you!"

"But he is a good person! Or my friend ..." Xiao Changsheng licked a red translucent strawberry-flavored lollipop and calmly said, "This sugar is still what he gave me ..."

"Huh? How can you accept other people's things casually? Or eat them, what if they are poisonous?" The middle-aged woman snapped on Xiao Changsheng's hands, "If he is not a bad person, why would he give you for no reason? Eat sugar, and this kind of thing is not like sugar at first glance, like poison! "

"It's delicious." Xiao Changsheng licked it again and took the candy bar tightly to prevent it from being beaten.

"You disobedient dead girl ..."

Anyang was still sitting alone on the hanging foot upstairs far away from the water monster, and shook his head and smiled bitterly. The cool wind blowing from the surface of the mountain river made his wide shirt and cuffs sway slightly.

It was not too far from the town. In the afternoon, a group of trembling villagers invited the exorcist.

The group of Taoists in the original plot.

I saw a crowd of people standing in the bustle below. Almost all the villagers in the ancient village gathered together, saying that the three layers and the third and the third layers were not excessive, watching the group of "exorcists"!

It was a flat ground near the river. It can even be said that this flat ground was built on the surface of the river and was made of wood.

From the perspective of Anyang, we can see that the group of Taoists placed a mahogany table next to the river. On the table were things like incense, fruit and tribute. Several young Taoists stood on the side blowing their trumpets In addition, several other priests jumped in the open space surrounded by the villagers.

The villagers looked intently outside!

This is what may make the modern people feel some funny performances, stunned these villagers for a while!

Gradually, an older middle-aged Taoist embarked on a small boat that was already prepared. The boat was also decorated with incense and tributes, with several flags inserted, covered with yellow symbols, and gradually moved toward the center of the river as the water wave Drift past.

I saw him waving his yellow robe, took out a red peach sword, and began to recite spells he couldn't understand.

"Brush! Brush! Brush!"

He danced the mahogany sword in a fierce fashion!

Soon after, he left his sword in his left hand, and made his fingers with his left hand. From the incense case on the ship, he drew a round ball with rune paper and a rope tied to it.

With a bang, he threw the ball into the river.

In an instant, his spell became fierce, until he pointed the Taomu sword to the sky and shouted: "Hang!"


There was a big explosion in the river, and the fire flashed, but the waves stirred more than ten meters high, and a white spray spread along the river like smoke!

The onlookers suddenly exclaimed ~ ~ but Anyang, who was watching from afar, smiled.

The Taoist prince is still able to shake his mind.

Although there was gunpowder in the Tang Dynasty, gunpowder was not yet used as a weapon. In addition to fireworks and refrigeration, the biggest use of gunpowder was to pretend to be a ghost. This priest undoubtedly pretended to be a new place, and added many details to it.

Anyang didn't know if this group of Taoists could be regarded as the least influential "exorcist", but the behavior of this group of Taoists was definitely deceptive, even if they knew the water demon in the river and dared to go into the water, they could not wipe it Destroy this fact.

After a few seconds, a huge fish corpse began to float in the river. From the appearance, it should be a cartilaginous fish of the ray family, with a very large body.

It's called Gu's fish.

The modern scientific name should be called manta.

The villagers were stunned and stepped forward to look at the big fish with a pectoral fin that was six meters wide.

"Get it up!"

"I come!"

A group of angry villagers suddenly pulled the boat towards the ancient fish and seemed to be ready to pull it back.

Anyang looked expressionless, glanced at the river, and glanced among the crowd, and soon found a young man with a disheveled face, a ruined dress, and a cane.

"Xuan Zang!"

Anyang's mouth twitched a radian.

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