My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 982: There is something to come out!

A huge piece of South Lake water is boiling!

This news undoubtedly caused an uproar, and practitioners living in the city went out of the city and rushed towards the lake!

"What happened again?"

"The lake is going to change again?"

"A treasure is coming?"


Anyang walked into the yard unhurriedly, spreading his palms, and there was a horrible gray eyeball lying in it, and the eyeballs were grinning, and there were three pairs of cicada wings on the back.


He tossed his eyes toward the sky, and the cicada wings on the back of the eyes suddenly opened, and disappeared into the sky with a sudden sound.

At the same time, his left eye turned gray.

Anyang first sent the civilians in the house back home, and told his family to take good care of them, telling them that this person would be able to recover as before in a month. The matter immediately caused a huge sensation in the city, but he did not stay, and soon left.

Passing in front of the rested courtyard again, he actually met the woman yesterday, and she had just come out of her residence, and she seemed to be in no hurry.

Especially, she lives in the courtyard next to Anyang!

The two looked at each other and both nodded, then walked silently towards the lakeside ferry.

Walking out of the city to the lake is the Dongdukou, but Anyang just glanced far away and saw the bubbling water like a boiling water, a group of practitioners gathered by the lake, and the officials who watched from afar. Walk to Xidukou.

The East Ferry is the main ferry, but the Xidu Ferry gathers more practitioners than the East Ferry. The reason is simple. The water at Xidu Ferry boils the most.

Anyang only saw the practitioners on the third and the third floors of the ferry. They were like practitioners watching acrobatic performances, which made him deeply appreciate the number of practitioners in the world.

He did not join in the excitement, but just circled around the week, prepared, and then found a high place to observe the ferry changes.

Over time, the lake boils even more!

Suddenly, Anyang noticed a footstep behind him, and when he looked back, it was actually the woman named Murong Zi who had stayed in Dongdukou before.

"I found that Xidukou was unusually dynamic. When I came over, I saw you here. There are many people below. Do you mind if I squeeze you with you?" Although the woman's expression was sharp, there was a calm familiarity in her words. .

"Yes." Anyang nodded and whispered.

The woman came up and stood with him at this height, and quickly asked, "What means did you use yesterday?"


"Why do you dare to drink the lake water?"


"Did you find out what's wrong with the lake water?"


"What do you see from the civilian who was brought back last night? Where is he now?"


"Forget it, you don't want to say it."


At this time, the lake water is no longer described by boiling, but it is constantly tumbling and surging, sometimes setting up ten feet of waves, sometimes sweeping through turbulent vortices, and sometimes huge bubbles bubbling from the bottom of the lake.

Rumbles can be heard from afar.

Many practitioners are forced to retreat, and only a few can stand in the same place with their own ability to block the waves of the lake!

Not far, there was a muffled noise coming from the bottom of the lake!

"Boom Boom ... Boom Boom ..."

Nanhu is like a pot. The pot is heated by boiling oil and adding water. Something underneath hits the bottom of the pot. It seems to break the pot and burst through!

"Come." Anyang heard the women around him say something.

At the same time, Anyang noticed that compared to yesterday, she was carrying a half-meter-long black box in her hand, and there were some sharp edges that could not be covered by the black box.

She pressed hard with five fingers and squeezed the box handle quietly.

Not only her, but many practitioners below began to be cautiously vigilant around, and there were many secretly self-storing people.


A tremendous wave crashed against the shore.

Just a few practitioners who did not retreat were immediately knocked over to the ground and were soaked in the water by the lake. Some people started coughing and vomiting with panic.

Then there was a bigger wave!


The practitioners who did not have time to retreat were directly shot dead on the spot by the ferry.

This wave was so big that even Anyang was surprised.

In his impression, the waves created when the storm is deep in the sea are not necessarily so high, just like someone lifted the whole lake and then fell down hard!

By the time the wave reached its peak, there were already signs of dryness in the lake.

This is a completely mysterious phenomenon!

Anyang's eyes were slightly condensed, and in a moment of effort, he saw that the bottom of the lake was dry when the water rose, and there were many cracks ...

In just a blink of an eye, the lake water has poured down!

"How is this going?"

Anyang narrowed his eyes and muttered to himself.

"Huh?" The woman next to her asked, "What the **** are you talking to yourself? Yesterday also ..."

Anyang glanced at her, pursed her lips, and said nothing.

Suddenly, the lake calmed down again.

This change is a bit too fast to believe.

A few corpses were spread out by the ferry, and several corpses sank into the lake, as if to warn all the onlookers-there is a fierce beast hidden in the bottom of the lake. Can't hold the huge force of 10,000 tons!

Everyone did not dare to be near for a moment, they were all afraid.

Suddenly, the calm lake resurfaces, and Anyang also feels a throbbing of his heart, like being shaken by the momentum of a world-wide enemy, like being induced in the underworld, or like it comes from divine power or somewhere else induction……

This time it was beyond everyone's expectations-


A black-yellow giant rushed out of the water, whistling high into the air, and then fell loudly.

That situation seems to have something that is extinct!


The giant fell into the water again.


"Can it be a monster?"

"Or a treasure?"

Everyone looked at the lake in amazement.

Anyang narrowed his eyes.

That is a stone.

A stone about ten meters high and three meters wide, round and gloomy, showing a dirty yellow color.

It is that Dinghai Shenzhu is not around, otherwise he can drain the water and find out!

But soon, Anyang noticed that the lake surface began to rise, and the water level was falling rapidly.

"What's the situation?" He frowned and glanced at the ground again. "Is there an underground river in the ground? Or is there something strange in the ground, the lake water is flowing through the cracks just seen to other places underground?"

"A spectacle, really a spectacle." Anyang smiled.

"It's not just a spectacle that's as simple as that!" The woman next to him stared coldly at him, suddenly stunned again, "The water level seems to be falling? Is that something coming out?"

"..." Anyang glanced at her without speaking.

The woman looked very fierce, and her face also read Do not enter, but she was not familiar with the words or always kicked in when you were talking.

Weird one!

Anyang continued to look at the water.

At this rate, if the process is interrupted due to underground saturation or other reasons, the lake water may seep into the ground completely before dark. And if Fang Cai ’s stone is still at the bottom of the lake, it will meet you by then.

Anyang looked up at the sky and turned around decisively.

"Eh? How did you go?" The woman with a stern look stared at him stupefiedly, and saw him completely disregarding his disappearance in his sight, then sipped coldly, "No politeness!"

The woman stood thinking on the spot, seemed to figure it out, and turned and left here!

She quickly caught up with Anyang and walked back behind him without a word, because she felt that people like Anyang who had "strange means" would dare to leave with such confidence, and they must rely on it.

When the two returned to the courtyard, they found that there were at least a thousand people gathered here, and the entire street and alleys were almost blocked. They could not cross the road at all!

Busy all around, very noisy.

"What's the matter?" The woman frowned and squeezed the handle of the box in her hand again. "It seems that there is an official!"


Anyang looked up and there was indeed a shadow of official missions in the crowd, but most of them were maintaining order, and some official missions were still bitter, and seemed to be extremely troubled by the mission.

Everyone in the crowd was crying and mourning, but these days are commonplace. The whole city has this expression. After all, they have encountered such an incredible and irresistible disaster. I do n’t know if it will spread. No one can laugh!

I don't know what came to mind, Anyang's heart sank.

And the woman has hugged the box to her chest, frowning and squeezing into the crowd: "Please let it go, everyone let it."

Anyang stopped for a few seconds before he walked in with her.

Because there are too many people, it is very difficult to walk every meter, and after walking for less than ten meters, they saw the first "living dead person" lying on the ground wrapped in mats by their families.

There seem to be more "living dead people" brought up by family members in the front ~ ~ The woman's brows are getting tighter and tighter.

Anyang's complexion is getting paler.

Finally, when he met an official on duty, the woman approached and asked, "Governance, what happened? This is why so many people are piled up here and they can't go back."

"I heard that a patient was cured last night and lived in the front nursery. Now the news has spread that not only the family has two patients, but the whole city wants to drink their own people from the South Lake. Send it to him for treatment! "The official wiped the thin sweat on his face and glanced at the woman again." You are exorcists, how come so many people have been here for so long, I haven't seen one yet Come here? "

"Cough." The woman first looked at Anyang in surprise, and then replied, "Hurry, I'll be sure to find out soon."

"Another excuse ... where are you from?"


"Living by the lake."

"It's a big mess."

"Do you know exactly what happened? Isn't the Lake God angry?" The officer asked, his face pale.

"The lake is surging and there is something to come out."

"Something? Demon?"

"Eh ..." The woman wanted to continue to say something, but she saw Anyang turned and left. She thought a little and quickly followed.

At this time in her heart Anyang mystery has skyrocketed!

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