My Tough Husband

Chapter 15: To work, you have to sign a contract

At night, after washing up, Han Tingxuan was very used to holding Mo Yanzhi in his arms.

And...after this habit, he felt that he couldn't sleep well without holding Mo Yanzhi!

Mo Yanzhi was also very stiff from the beginning to now naturally.

This night was the same. When Han Tingxuan hugged his waist, he didn't feel anything because of his habit, but Mo Yanzhi trembled when Han Tingxuan moved his hand behind his back and opened the belt on his waist. .

But Han Tingxuan did not stop...

Mo Yanzhi's lips pressed tightly, his body stiffened again. Han Tingxuan knew the other party's fear, he gently turned the person over and fixedly looked at the other person's eyes.

"Yes." Han Tingxuan yelled softly, and then softly kissed the opponent's eyes.

Mo Yanzhi closed his eyes tightly, and Han Tingxuan kissed the other side little by little, waiting for the other side to relax.

I don’t know how long it has been, Mo Yanzhi finally became less stiff, and Han Tingxuan's fingers slowly moved down...

Mo Yanzhi trembled slightly.

Han Tingxuan kissed the other's ears, "In other words, you believe me, I will treat you well. Treat you well..."

It's not that you can't wait, but Han Tingxuan knows that after the things he made are born, there may be trouble later. Although he has made some preparations, after all, the age is different, and he is betting...

So, he wants to do something. For example... he wants Mo Yanzhi to truly become his own, so that he is no longer a passer-by in this time and space.

In that case, he will be more motivated to face his future life!

Mo Yanzhi's eyelids trembled and his snow-white body was slightly stiff, but after all... he didn't refuse.

Do the predatory thing with the most gentle gesture, and calm the other's anxiety with the most tender gesture.

Han Tingxuan used his greatest patience in his two lives to turn the people under him into his own...

Gently sucked away the teardrops from the corners of Mo Yanzhi's eyes, holding the person under him, Han Tingxuan swears in his heart that this person, in this life, will be his only, his wife, and his child's. Daddy, his most important person was the next morning, Han Tingxuan was the first to wake up. Mo Yanzhi was tired last night and was still sleeping. The frown between the eyebrows should be uncomfortable.

Although he had cleaned up briefly for the other party after last night, but after all the conditions could not keep up, he would naturally not be very comfortable.

With a light sigh, Han Tingxuan felt a sense of satisfaction.

At this moment, Mo Yanzhi also opened his eyes, and Han Tingxuan leaned over and kissed the opponent's forehead. "Woke up?"

Mo Yanzhi blinked, he was a little confused, it seemed that he didn't know where he was or what happened for a while... Then, he seemed to think of something immediately, his face suddenly dyed pink.

This touch of pink is really beautiful in Han Tingxuan's eyes.

As a result, Han Tingxuan couldn't help but bowed his head, and Han Tingxuan kissed the other party's lips...

Mo Yanzhi was taken aback for a moment, and then closed his eyes. He had done such intimate things as last night, and now there is nothing so hypocritical. The only surprise was that last night... the other party was really gentle. It was gentleness that I had never imagined...this person has really changed.

When the kiss ended, Han Tingxuan kissed the tip of Mo Yanzhi's nose. "Does it still hurt?"

Mo Yanzhi blushed and shook his head. The momentary atmosphere is really warm to the extreme.

Han Tingxuan got up from the bed and waited on the other party to get dressed.

Mo Yanzhi is really uncomfortable, but Han Tingxuan still enjoys this kind of work of serving people, he has never known how to refuse, so he can only let Han Tingxuan come.

Both of them got dressed, got out of bed, took off the dirty sheets with a little blood on them, Han Tingxuan looked even more distressed, and at the same time, he was very thankful that the original owner didn't know the goods and let himself pick up the bargain. Otherwise, can't you be wronged so good Mo Yanzhi?

Now, Mo Yanzhi is his alone, how great!

"I'm going to cook breakfast." Mo Yanzhi.

"No need." Han Tingxuan took the opponent's hand. "Let's go out to eat today, so don't be tired." What a pity, there is no washing machine here, otherwise he wouldn't even want to wash clothes!

"Going out to eat?" Mo Yanzhi gave a slight meal.

"Yes, it's a rare enjoyment. Let's go. Let's wash." Han Tingxuan strongly took Mo Yanzhi out. He knew that the other party's frugal temperament definitely didn't want to go out and waste money, but he couldn't bear it!

So, you have to be tough when you need to be tough!

Mo Yanzhi really didn't say much anymore.

They went out for breakfast at the tofu stall of Old Man Liu's relative's house. The husband and wife both went home, and the two carpenters whom Mo Yanzhi had invited were already waiting there.

These two carpenters are both men, one is Zhang Shun, only 23 this year, just married husband, there is only one dad in the family, it can be said that the family situation is very simple.

The other one is Liu Yihuai, who is in his forties, and Fang Zheng's face looks simpler and honest. Mo Yanzhi is the two candidates that were decided after careful selection.

When the two saw Han Tingxuan and Mo Yanzhi coming back, they were a little cautious.

Han Tingxuan smiled at the two and greeted them enthusiastically.

Seeing Han Tingxuan's behavior, both of them felt a little relieved. It is a great thing for workers like them to meet a good owner!

"Two, first of all, I have to tell you one thing. To work here, I only have two requirements. First, what you ask you to do requires absolute confidentiality. If something is leaked, then you need to pay a large amount of breach of contract. Jin, I will sign a contract with you."

The two did not understand Han Tingxuan's words, so Han Tingxuan explained it to them again with a straightforward prediction. The two of them were a little worried, but thought that it was not difficult in the end. They just wanted to keep it secret and couldn't talk nonsense, so they both agreed.

Han Tingxuan said: "For related documents, I will find someone to testify, and I will put it on file at Lizheng."

Both of them nodded.

"The second point, it's even simpler, be honest, diligent, and willing to do it."

The two of them breathed a sigh of relief and nodded again.

Han Tingxuan said again, "If you do a good job, yesterday my husband told you the basic salary, not including the monthly bonus. My job here is a long-term job."

The two suddenly showed a light of joy. "Really?"

Han Tingxuan nodded affirmatively. "Yes, so as long as you abide by the two principles above, then making money will not be a problem in the future!"

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