My Tough Husband

Chapter 179: Catch the tiger

In the suburbs, when Mo Yanzhi asked the Shadow Guard to take out a large tablecloth and spread it on the grass, and then put a few pots of snacks and two kinds of nuts on it, Han Tingxuan understood what the other party wanted to do. -I want to have a picnic!

The shadow guard set up a fire on one side. In winter, although the sun is good today, it is still very cold. Setting up the fire can make it warmer, but... it is estimated that the most important thing is to barbecue.

Sure enough, after a while, a shadow guard had already brought two pheasants over.

Therefore, Han Tingxuan and Mo Yanzhi first grilled them.

"Big brother likes it?" Han Tingxuan asked with a smile.

Mo Yanzhi smiled. "Is it not good?"

"Of course not, in a tense rhythm, this can be quite relaxing." Han Tingxuan said.

Mo Yanzhi nodded. "indeed."

The two were chatting while roasting chickens. Soon after, birds, fish, and sheep were all sent over.

Han Tingxuan asked the Shadow Guard to roast the sheep, but he brought two legs over.

Mo Yanzhi quietly watched Han Tingxuan roast.

It takes more time to roast the leg of lamb, but the results are gratifying. They smell the aroma when they are almost roasted. The strong and pure aroma seduce people's appetite.

Mo Yanzhi didn't like to eat meaty fish after pregnancy, but at this time he felt appetite.

Han Tingxuan also knew the other party's habit, so the lamb leg was roasted and sprinkled with condiments, and immediately handed it to the other party.

Mo Yanzhi ate it without regard to his image, but his appearance was a bit free and easy.

Han Tingxuan looked at and smiled. "Brother eat slowly, don't choke."

Mo Yanzhi rolled his eyes.

Just when Mo Yanzhi had almost eaten, and when Han Tingxuan was about to start his mouth, a scream came.

"Master Hu, just ahead, that white tiger, I saw it right here!"

"Really? Then don't hurry up and look for it. If you find it, you can't hurt it. We want to catch it alive!"

"Good young master! Are you worried about the minions doing things?"

"Yeah, master, there seems to be someone in front! Huh? What are they doing?"

"Barbecue? This would be nice to have some barbecue."

"Huh? Barbecue?" Young Master Hu's eyes brightened. "You go and catch the white tiger. It would be nice for Master to have some barbecue here."

"The young master, the minions drove those people away!"

"Yes, Master, I think those people who come here for barbecue in winter must have a bad life. Look, they don't wear Chinese clothes. It definitely doesn't matter!"

"Yes, Master, it's their blessing to be able to barbecue for our Master!"

The young master frowned slightly. "Don't be reckless... This is Tiancheng, at the feet of the emperor, it will be troublesome if it is a big man. So let's... Xiao Jia, you go to negotiate and spy on their identities."

"Good young master." Xiao Jia, who had been silent just now, moved forward.

Young Master Hu has been in Tiancheng for many years, but many powerful sons have never offended him! Because of this, he can continue to traverse.

If he didn't have any vision, how could he be safe to this day?

And Young Master Hu also clearly knows how many people around him can only flatter, and what do they do!

This little Jia is good at doing things! Never trouble him!

On Han Tingxuan's side, while Han Tingxuan was eating barbecue, there, Xiao Jia came over to negotiate.

However, the little Jia couldn't get close to Han Tingxuan and the others, because they were directly stopped by the Shadow Guard.

That little Jia is really good at doing things. Although the action of coming over is already annoying, but the other party smiles, and you can't see the silence before.

This kind of person is definitely a role if he is in a shopping mall.

However, Xiao Jia still failed to speak to Han Tingxuan and the others, and was directly dismissed by the shadow guard. The shadow guards are wearing coarse cloth clothes today, so the people behind the young master Hu will say that Han Tingxuan and the others are not wearing Chinese clothes, and they don't seem to be wealthy and powerful.

Xiao Jia was sent off by the shadow guard, and he still said goodbye with a smile, without any signs of anger.

After the little Jia returned, Han Tingxuan asked Mo Yanzhi next to him. "I don't know, do you know who that young master is?"

Mo Yanzhi shook his head. "I don't know." Then, he called in the shadow guard.

The Shadow Guard knows, "Enlighten the two masters. That person is named Hu Yuan, the young master of Hu Shilang's family in the Criminal Ministry."

"Xing Department?" Han Tingxuan's eyes flashed.

"Liu Yong's case, does the Ministry of Criminal Justice have a result now?" Han Tingxuan asked.

Mo Yanzhi shook his head. "There has been no major progress, and it has not been found that Liu Yong has met with anyone, but the person from Uncle Qi came to report that Liu Yong and Tian Chuanyun have been found approaching."

Han Tingxuan sighed. "Remember it for them, Tian Chuanyun can't move it now."

Mo Yanzhi nodded. "Don't worry, I know how to do it."

Han Tingxuan smiled bitterly. "Sometimes I feel helpless when I think about it. I know who is doing the blame, but I can't find his fault. I really want to hack those people like that."

Mo Yanzhi blinked. "When were you so...violent?"

Han Tingxuan could only smile bitterly. Yeah, when has he been so violent. However, it does feel annoying sometimes. It’s just that it’s okay to kill a person, and it’s okay to use Mo Yanzhi’s power, but what about after killing it?

Alas, besides, if a force doesn't disintegrate, what's the use of killing people alone.

Leaving the reputation of a tyrant will bring the most serious effects and consequences.

What's more, there are the Dongfang family, the Nangong family, and the Sun family.

Although the Sun family hurt their vitality last time, they have only shrunk back now. And the Sun family and the official Jinghou should also be connected together. Of course, according to the investigation, it was only secretly, but when the official Jinghou was moved, what about the Sun family?

Alas...Actually, sometimes, being a tyrant can at least be refreshed by yourself.

But Mingjun can only balance...

Later, the shadow guard came to report that Young Master Hu saw a white tiger when he came here the other day. He felt that the other party was very spiritual, so he wanted to raise it by himself!

Now, come here today, I want to catch it!

White Tiger? Han Tingxuan and Mo Yanzhi looked at each other, and immediately thought of Chonghua and Aofeng.

The white tiger is magnificent, the brown tiger is proud of wind.

"Chonghua came here?" Mo Yanzhi raised his eyebrows.

Han Tingxuan said: "Maybe it is here."

After a while, Young Master Hu and others over there left two, Young Master Hu, and the little Jia, and the others went to the front mountain to find Baihu.

"Are you not worried about Chonghua?" Mo Yanzhi frowned and looked at Han Tingxuan.

Han Tingxuan said: "Chonghua is a white tiger, so he was caught so easily? Besides, Young Master Hu is here to raise him, so naturally he won't let those people kill Chonghua."

Mo Yanzhi thought about it, that's right.

Han Tingxuan and the others continued to have a leisurely barbecue, while Hu Yuan, he and the remaining Xiao Jia also planned to follow the example of Han Tingxuan and the others.

After Xiao Jia went back, he explained his feelings about this place. Xiao Jia only said four words: unfathomable.

Although Hu Yuan is a dude, he is not a foolish dude. He immediately decided that he couldn't find a sense of existence. Xiao Jia went to pick up the firewood and hunted. They came to catch the tiger. Naturally, he brought the tools with him. There are also, so hunting is still not a problem. He was lucky and hit a roe deer.

Therefore, Young Master Hu was roasting the deer.

In this way, after an hour has passed, there is a tiger's roar followed by a tiger's roar.

Hu Yuan and Xiao Jia stood up fiercely.

Han Tingxuan and Mo Yanzhi also looked towards the front mountain, and then they saw two tigers, one white and one yellow-brown, rushing over here.

Hu Yuan was shocked. "Why did the tiger run down the mountain!"

Xiao Jia also quickly said: "No, Master, these two tigers are afraid that they will be wild and untamable, let's go first."

Hu Yuan's eyes flickered slightly, and he looked towards Han Tingxuan and the others, and then said softly: "Those are a lot of people, two tigers shouldn't be in the eyes... Let's go to them ."

Little Jia hesitated slightly. "But young master, from the contact point of view, the subordinates feel that they are not kind-hearted. In case, let us deal with old Hu Yuan indifferently: "After all, my father is the servant of the criminal ministry, even if they have status, but the son of the servant The charge is not something they can bear! "

Then Xiao Jia said: "Okay, let's go over, Master, you follow your subordinates."


Han Tingxuan faintly glanced at the two Hu Yuan who came from the side with the corner of his eyes, and smiled slightly. "Those two have brains."

Mo Yanzhi didn't put such a small character in his eyes, his eyes now only reflected the vigorous posture of Zhonghua and Aofeng.

When they were separated, Chonghua and Aofeng were still a little bit, but they didn't expect that now... they are already so big!

The speed of Chonghua and Aofeng was very fast, and the posture of flying down from that hill was also very fierce.

At this time, Na Hu Yuan had already arrived with Xiao Jia.

Xiao Jia revealed Hu Yuan's identity and asked them for asylum.

The Shadow Guard came over and asked for instructions from Han Tingxuan and Mo Yanzhi. "Master, Master Hu is the son of Shi Lang of the Criminal Department, come here and ask us for help."

Mo Yanzhi glanced at Hu Yuan faintly, with only one glance, Hu Yuan actually felt a kind of shock! At this time, he regretted coming over.

However, Mo Yanzhi spoke lightly. "come on."

Hu Yuan thanked him immediately. He now feels that the identity of these two people is definitely not simple!

Especially the person who glanced at himself must be of high authority!

He was not sure when he was far away, but now, just by looking at the popularity!

Hu Yuan felt a little uneasy...

Han Tingxuan smiled and said: "Big Brother, that Chonghua and Aofeng grow up quite fast, I almost don't know each other."

Chonghua and Aofeng? Han Tingxuan said while watching the two tigers running over. Hu Yuan was shocked when he heard it. Could it be that these two tigers were raised by humans? is it possible?

Nothing is Impossible! Soon, Hu Yuan was stunned to discover...the two tigers were really raised by humans!

"Roar..." Both tigers roared, but they roared cheerfully.

The two seemed to smell Mo Yanzhi and Han Tingxuan, so Sa Huan ran here.

However, Tian Yuexi has never seen these two, so I can't let them get close to Mo Yanzhi!

Therefore, Han Tingxuan walked a few steps forward and stood still. After a short while, the two tigers ran to him, begging to rub their heads like puppies.

Han Tingxuan looked at it and smiled slightly. "You two, this is so wild!"

At the beginning, these two were sent here for stocking, but the special trainer took Han Tingxuan's clothes, so these two are so familiar with Han Tingxuan. However, Mo Yanzhi did not have any clothes. In order not to expose Mo Yanzhi's identity. However, Mo Yanzhi had embraced them after all, so it is hard to prevent them from remembering now!

Han Tingxuan kissed the two tigers for a while, and bowed his head to exhort them. Of course, two tigers are a bit spiritual, but it would be strange if they could understand such a long person!

However, the trainers have said it, simple, they can understand.

Therefore, Han Tingxuan personally took two tigers over and pointed at Mo Yanzhi: "This is the eldest brother, you can smell his clothes, you can't hurt the eldest brother."

The two tigers tilted their heads, and both leaned in to smell Mo Yanzhi's body, both of them felt familiar.

Mo Yanzhi also smiled. "Hello."

Soon, two tigers and one person can play together.

However, Mo Yanzhi has a body and basically just sits and plays.

Han Tingxuan was afraid that Mo Yanzhi was tired, and it was him talking to two tigers.

This scene stunned Hu Yuan and the others!

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