My Tough Husband

Chapter 195: Last memories

Dongfanghui was taken to another palace, the emperor did not show up, Dongfanghui was not surprised at all.

But Concubine Lou came to welcome him. This made Dongfanghui a little surprised, but after thinking about it, it made sense.

The concubine Lou must not know his relationship with the emperor, but as an emperor, she naturally hopes that her harem will be in harmony. Of course, this harmony also depends on the other party.

If it were two powerful families, then the emperor might not want his two concubines to reconcile.

However, Lou Yanqing's natal family only had Han Tingxuan, and Han Tingxuan, as the husband of the king, was a person trusted by the emperor.

Therefore, the emperor should want him to get along well with the concubine.

Thinking of this, Dongfanghui took a lower posture as a later generation.

In fact, Dongfang Hui is really not happy about these, otherwise, he will not be an official. Although it helps the elder brother and proves his intentions, it may not be avoiding some intrigue.

This is true among large families, and even more so in the Imperial Palace.

However, he personally forced himself to such a point...

Dongfanghui had mixed feelings in his heart, but it didn't show up at all.

What Dongfanghui didn't expect was that the concubine Lou was very easy to get along with, and there was no tendency to "get off the horse" at all. This made him a little relieved, but also a little puzzled.

"Concubine De, the emperor's body is still not very agile now, and he is resting in the inner courtyard of the inner layer. I have always been if I am fine, I will not bother." Lou Yanqing and Dongfanghui said while drinking tea.

This is for him not to ask for peace every day... Dongfang Hui immediately said. "Thank you Concubine Lou for reminding me, I know."

Lou Yanqing smiled. "Our rooms are connected. If De Fei usually needs anything, she can tell me if she is ordered by someone improperly."

Dongfang smiled back. "Okay, thank you, Concubine Lou."

After the two said a few more words, Lou Yanqing smiled and said: "De Fei is also a physical person now, but she has to take care of herself well, whatever she feels comfortable."

Dongfanghui couldn't judge whether the words had any profound meaning for the time being, but just agreed.

Lou Yanqing's body is exhausted. Although he has been raised since the last time he almost had a miscarriage, it is no better than when he first started, so he has paid great attention to himself recently.

And because of the month of pregnancy, there is still a layer in his belly. So at this time, I walked with a little belly and took a posture. Dongfang looked back and saw that Lou Yanqing was exhausted, so he immediately left and went back to his house.

Although he was here, all of his attendants were sneaked back, and none of them were left!

Now the two servants next to him were assigned to him by Lou Yanqing, and Lou Yanqing knew how many shadow guards there were in the yard, but Dongfanghui didn't know.

In Mo Yanzhi's room, the shadow guard was reporting on Dongfang's return.

Mo Yanzhi nodded, a little absent-mindedly: "Everything is arranged?"

"Yes, De Fei has made arrangements."

Mo Yanzhi didn't care about Dongfanghui anymore. In fact, he didn't care about Dongfanghui anymore. When people came here, they were in his hands. All he cared about was Han Tingxuan.

"How is your husband now?"

The Shadow Guard hesitated for a moment. "Sleep time is slightly longer."

Mo Yanzhi slowly lowered his eyelids. "He hasn't been here for a few days...what is he doing?"

The Shadow Guard reported the daily routine of Xiahan Tingxuan, hesitated for a moment, and said: "Wang Chen has been in contact with King Xian, now King Xian is on his way back^" Mo Yanzhi's fist on his side was slightly clenched, for a long time. , He spoke slowly. "Go down."

The Shadow Guard retired silently, and Mo Yanzhi's two fists slowly clenched together...Then the other side gently closed his eyes.

That night, when Han Tingxuan arrived, he felt that his husband's expression was a little strange.

So, Han Tingxuan immediately asked: "Say it? What's wrong?"

Mo Yanzhi looked at Han Tingxuan and suddenly smiled, and said, "Husband, my body is okay, so let's go out and take a walk." Han Tingxuan was taken aback, and didn't understand the meaning of this sentence for a while. "what?"

After hearing this, Mo Yanzhi repeated: "Go out and get out of here."

Han Tingxuan was surprised. "Get out? Why?"

"I want to walk around with my husband...Isn't my husband planning to leave here?" Mo Yanzhi said lightly.

Han Tingxuan paused, and it was considered that he understood the other party's anomaly... He was already very careful, after all he underestimated the Shadow Guard's ability, so Han Tingxuan had to take a deep breath. "Say..."

Mo Yanzhi interrupted the opponent when he spoke. "Husband, you don't want to leave nothing for the limited time, right?"

Han Tingxuan was even more stunned when he heard the words. He didn't expect... Mo Yanzhi would be so straightforward.

He had never dared to mention this topic, not because he was afraid of death. Of course, he was also afraid of death, but he was even more afraid that Mo Yanzhi could not bear it, but he didn't expect Mo Yanzhi to mention it himself. Moreover, it was so...easy and calm.

"Husband, although my belly is getting bigger, but on the contrary, the baby is also stable. As long as it doesn't fight fiercely with people, it will be fine... Husband, let's go around."

At this moment, looking at Mo Yanzhi who was so peaceful, Han Tingxuan realized that he could not say anything, and he could not refuse it. I found out... what he said was actually stronger than he thought.

Yeah, if you can't survive this calamity, if you are less than the number of people, then... just leave it alone?

Will there be no regrets then?

Even if he leaves, can Mo Yanzhi feel relieved? Would you be more saddened where you can't see it? The worry is the same, right? Worried about not waking up where he can't see...

"Yes." Han Tingxuan's voice was a little hoarse, and he hugged Mo Yanzhi's body abruptly. "I am sorry."

Mo Yanzhi closed his eyes lightly, and said, "My husband agreed?"

Han Tingxuan nodded. "That's... I'm sorry."

Mo Yanzhi didn't say anything, but hugged Han Tingxuan with his backhand.

Five days later, Tian Yusu arrived, and Han also arrived with him. Han Tingxuan saw each other, and Mo Yanzhi now had a big belly, so he didn't see anyone.

Tian Yusu looked at Han Tingxuan, frowning tightly. "You called me back anxiously just to tell me that you are going to leave the parade with the emperor and want me to be here... instead?"

Han Tingxuan nodded with a smile. "Ok."

Tian Yusu almost broke out. "Han Tingxuan! You are crazy!"

Han Tingxuan looked at Tian Yusu innocently. "No way, this is what the emperor meant, and I don't want to leave, but how..."

Tian Yusu's mouth twitched when he heard the words.

Han Tingxuan looked at Han. "Uncle Qi, what does the emperor say, do you want to help?"

As he said, Han Tingxuan's gaze glanced at Han's body intentionally or unintentionally.

Threat! This is the threat of Hong Guoguo! Tian Yusu almost died of anger.

But thinking that if Han Tingxuan tells Han himself and Tian Yuexi...heh, Tian Yusu feels that even if he wants to take Han Tingxuan skin and bones, but also... well, I have to wait when Han is away!

"Uncle Seven." Han Tingxuan became serious. "In fact, we have a reason to leave, but I can't tell you what the reason is now, but you will know in half a year."

Half a year later, he and Mo Yanzhi's child will be born, and no matter whether he is dead or not, there will be results.

At that time...just think about the reasons to fool you.

If Tian Yusu knew what Han Tingxuan was thinking now, he would be really angry!

Tian Yusu didn't know, so his expression was a bit solemn at this time. "The disputes between the rivers and lakes are still going on, and two cult organizations have sprang out. I don't know what the intention is... It is too unsafe for you and the emperor to go out at this time."

"In Yucheng?" Han Tingxuan raised his eyebrows.

Tian Yusu nodded, his expression more solemn. "Although after these days, you have dismantled the two cult organizations a lot...but I was brought back by you. Although my manpower is still there, I am not there. I am afraid that the suppression is not enough."

Han Tingxuan thought for a while and said, "Then you should go back."

Tianyu was suspicious. "Here..."

"Did the two adults handle it well these days when the emperor is absent?" Han Tingxuan shrugged.

Tian Yusu paused when he heard the words, "But, after all, I can't trust it wholeheartedly."

"No." Han Tingxuan shook his head. "Dongfanghui has become a concubine, and the Dongfang family will stand here."

"By the way, I don't know why Dongfanghui became Concubine De, what's the matter?" Tian Yusu asked quickly, he also received the news on the way back, I really don't know how it was. thing.

Han Tingxuan would not explain how detailed to Tian Yusu, only that the Dongfang family had some small handles in his hands. To some extent, Dongfanghui was a hostage.

Tian Yusu immediately thought of a question when he heard this. "But if Dongfang gave birth to a dragon son, and Long Zi became a prince, then the trouble for the Dongfang family will be even greater than it is now!"

Han Tingxuan only smiled faintly when he heard the words. "The children from Dongfang will have the surname Dongfang. And they will only be the future heads of the Dongfang family."

Tian Yusu's eyes lit up when he heard the words. "It's a good idea..."

Han Tingxuan smiled and looked at Tian Yusu. "Uncle Qiqi still have any doubts?"

Tian Yusu rolled his eyes innocently. "You think so thoroughly, what else can I say... But I still don't approve of the emperor's personal risk."

Han Tingxuan sighed secretly in his heart, if it were the eldest brother, the eldest brother would naturally not take risks personally.

However, the emperor is his husband...the emperor would never agree to keep the emperor stable.

What's more, Mo Yanzhi has made a decision, who can change.

Mo Yanzhi was the emperor not for the common people, but for their family, for revenge.

However, now, he has a heir again, but he has a problem...How could Mo Yanzhi stay peacefully?

What's more, they can indeed solve some problems "by the way" this time.

Some hidden in the dark... problems that will not be exposed to the emperor's eyes. This is good...

Moreover, they have to find the whereabouts of their master Haishan old man...

Wu Qiankun...They have recently received news that their master has been in contact with Wu Qiankun! The last person contacted before the disappearance was Wu Qiankun, the disciple of Old Man Xuantian!

Otherwise, he wouldn't say "zhuanzhuan" in his words?

What's more, although he doesn't want to talk about it, but if he really can't make it through...this trip, bit by bit, is the last memory Mo Yanzhi has...

He only hopes that, because the child is still young and because he has an absolutely important responsibility, he will not do anything stupid after his death...

Thinking about this, Han Tingxuan found that he could only smile wryly.

I also said that living and dying together before, but at that time, it was oneself that was well, and there might be problems with it.

But it's his turn... but he hopes to live well...

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