My Tough Husband

Chapter 197: Finally got news

The content of Han Tingxuan's "Three Chapters of the Law" is also very simple, that is...

"In other words, when you can't use force, you must not use it! Take care of yourself first."

"When you are tired, you must tell me that our main purpose is to play, not to do things!"

"Also, in other words, you must promise me that if I really have any questions, you can't be too anxious and calm down."

These are the three chapters of Han Tingxuan's contract, and Mo Yanzhi naturally agreed.

It was night when we set off, because it is better to hide whereabouts at night.

In a blink of an eye, the child in Mo Yanzhi's stomach was seven months old.

And it has been almost two months since they came out of Sky City.

At this time, Han Tingxuan and Mo Yanzhi had already arrived in Jade City. That's right, they walked all the way from Tiancheng to Yucheng for nearly two months!

On the road, they really did, as Han Tingxuan said, they didn't focus on driving at all, they just traveled in mountains and rivers.

Along the way, Mo Yanzhi did not dress up as an emperor. Although he was wearing a mask, it was an ordinary mask. Moreover, with his big belly, anyone could tell that he was a brother.

As for, where is the emperor? Haha, if someone who wants to investigate will find that within a few days after leaving Tiancheng, Emperor Tian Yuexi and Han Tingxuan "parted ways".

Han Tingxuan and the others now have many shadow guards, but they are all from Han Tingxuan's own side.

And there were two hundred imperial guards behind secretly.

Where did the emperor go? If someone checks, then check it out!

Therefore, even some people who are interested in paying attention to the emperor's side do not know the specific whereabouts of the emperor.

But Han Tingxuan's business is very high-profile, traveling all the way, without even deliberately concealing his identity.

And such a high profile, in the eyes of others, only has one purpose...that is to cover up the whereabouts of the emperor!

What exactly Han Tingxuan and the emperor want to do, I am afraid that no one but them knows.

However, there is one more thing to say here. It is said that Chen Wangfu Han Tingxuan rescued a person on the way, and that person was still a pregnant brother. Chen Wanghu took care of that person very much, and even a little bit of love. Since then, Wang Fu Chen has still failed to take people down.

To say that this Chen Wangfu is really amazing, a big family like the Nangong family looks down on it, and it would actually be interested in a dead husband and a posthumous brother!

It's... people don't know what to say.

No matter what others think, Han Tingxuan is doing "pursuing" things every day, but it is very helpless that although the brother saved halfway is very grateful to him and has nowhere to go, but it seems that he is not Don't want to be his husband!

Therefore, Han Tingxuan was all courting along the way. However, the pregnant brother didn't respond much...

With the existence of this person, some people can appear for granted.

Han Tingxuan sent someone to invite Liu Moya, who was the trusted person Mo Yanzhi said at the beginning, and said that the other party is very good at giving birth to this technology.

Liu Meme arrived in this team for less than ten days, but he served Mo Yanzhi very hard.

In other words, Liu Ye, he actually knows the identity of Mo Yanzhi. Although he did not know why Han Tingxuan and Mo Yanzhi were originally husbands and why they changed their identities now, he knew that what should not be said and what must be kept secret... So, although he knew, he would never ask One word.

I have to say that Liu Moya is still very good at being a human being.

"Uncle, it's chicken soup again?" When they arrived at Yucheng, they also settled down. When Mo Yanzhi saw Liu Moya brought chicken soup again, he frowned in disgust.

It's chicken soup these days, and he feels a little vomiting when he eats it!

"Brother Lian, this chicken soup is a great tonic for a pregnant brother, especially if you are now a month old, you must pay more attention to this aspect. It is good to drink less." Mo Yanzhi is now alias Xu Lian, Therefore, Liu Momo calls people Brother Lian.

And Xu Lian's identity also exists, which is what Mo Yanzhi looks like now. However, the real Xu Lian has been hidden, and the child in the other's belly is also seven months old.

Otherwise, Mo Yanzhi would not turn into the other party's appearance to travel so openly.

Therefore, Mo Yanzhi just borrowed the person and name of the other party at this time.

When Mo Yanzhi can't use this name, he will become an emperor. Then, this person will no longer stay with Han Tingxuan. When that happens, the other party still refuses to accept it, and he will leave with the child alone...

They can at best give each other a little help in secret.

However, this Xu Lian is also considered talented, and it is not bad to do things under their hands.

Mo Yanzhi was very tired of drinking chicken soup, but for the sake of the kid in his stomach, he still drank it.

Han Tingxuan walked in from outside, and Liu Momo immediately went out.

When playing outside, Han Tingxuan showed the image of a suitor, and Mo Yanzhi also kept a distance from the opponent, but when he was at home with a shadow guard, Han Tingxuan would not act like that again.

After closing the door, he immediately hugged Mo Yanzhi in his arms. "Chicken soup is awful?"

Mo Yanzhi flattened his mouth unhappy, "Well, it's a bit ugly."

"Haha." Han Tingxuan smiled. "If you don't like it, drink less, but your physique is really strange. Don't you get fat when you are pregnant? I see you eat a lot, but why don't you grow meat?"

Mo Yanzhi rolled his eyes. "I am a martial artist."

Han Tingxuan blinked, inexplicably. "This has something to do with martial arts?"

Mo Yanzhi nodded. "Of course it does matter. Practice your mental abilities every day...there will be no fat."

Han Tingxuan was really surprised when he heard this. "Anything like this?"

"Of course, my husband, you are not fat, what's the matter?"

Han Tingxuan said "hue" and quickly said, "It's nothing, it's nothing."

He couldn't say that he had seen too many women in his previous life because she was seriously out of shape because of her pregnancy...Just now he asked because of curiosity.

Mo Yanzhi did not entangle too much. Although Han Tingxuan would occasionally become dizzy during these days, he never had such a situation during the day. It was just that he slept a little longer at night.

It seems that the opponent's situation has improved a lot after leaving Tiancheng, so Mo Yanzhi is in a good mood.

Shen Fangde was among them, but he was too eye-catching as the imperial physician, so he also wore a mask and would show Han Tingxuan and Mo Yanzhi every day.

Han Tingxuan touched the baby in Mo Yanzhi's stomach and contacted his son.

The little guy gets more lively as he grows up, and he can always be noisy. It’s okay to kick him or kick him. Sometimes Mo Yanzhi will be kicked a little bit painful.

"Little guy, you can be nice to me and add unnecessary burdens to your father. I won't beat you up after seeing you!"

Mo Yanzhi's expression is very gentle whenever Han Tingxuan says this, and it is like this now...

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside, and Han Tingxuan walked out.

Outside is Ying Si dressed as a Tsing Yi guard.

"Master, Tsing Yi, please see me."

Tsing Yi? Isn't that the person Tian Yusu stayed here?

Han Tingxuan nodded immediately, "Take him to my room."

This is inconvenient because it is inconvenient.

Not long after Han Tingxuan returned to the room, Tsing Yi was brought over.

Tsing Yi saluted Han Tingxuan on one knee. "I have seen Wang Chen's husband."

Han Tingxuan smiled and waved his hand. "Tsing Yi please get up soon...Speaking of which, I haven't contacted Uncle Qi for a while. I wonder if Uncle Qi is good?"

He went on the road with Han, and after he went on the road, Han didn't contact Tian Yusu.

He once asked Han if he wanted to contact him, but Han said to go back, and finally he agreed.

But they didn't take the initiative to contact them, and Tian Yusu didn't send any news over there.

However, Han Tingxuan naturally knows what happened in Tiancheng. He also knows what Tian Yusu is doing... This time when Tsing Yi is here, it is because of Yucheng’s problem here that Tian Yusu called for someone to come. ...This is unclear.

However, he hopes it is the latter. If it is the former, it can only prove that Yucheng is very troublesome!

"The prince is fine." Tsing Yi got up and smiled.

Han Tingxuan sighed, it seems that Yucheng is really complicated here.

"Wang Fu Chen, this time I came here to tell Wang Fu Chen about the situation in Yucheng in detail... In addition, there is another news to tell Wang Fu Chen."

"Huh? Let me talk about the news first." Han Tingxuan said.

"Yes, ten days ago, Wu Qiankun appeared in the northern suburbs of Yucheng."

Han Tingxuan was surprised and asked immediately. "Wu Qiankun? Really?"

"Yes." Tsing Yi nodded sternly, "I know that Wangfu Chen has been looking for the whereabouts of Wu Qiankun, so I paid attention to his news. However, Wu Qiankun seemed to just show up, where did he go, What to do there...we don’t know. Even, we are sure that Wu Qiankun is really there, and it took seven or eight days of work, which shows that the person’s whereabouts are very secret."

Han Tingxuan pursed his lips. "Okay, this news is very important to me... You can talk more about it, and also talk about the jade city's love / Wu.

"Yes!" Tsing Yi heard the words and came out one by one in detail.

And it will be half an hour later to wait until the details are finished.

It was already late at this time, and Han Tingxuan did not leave the other party, so after Tsing Yi asked to leave, he let people go.

After that, Mo Yanzhi passed.

Han Tingxuan got up immediately. "How come here?"

"Supper." Mo Yanzhi said concisely, and then said, "What is Qingyi here for?"

Han Tingxuan said: "Tell me about the situation in Yucheng...In addition, there is news of Wu Qiankun here."

Mo Yanzhi was immediately moved. "Wu Qiankun? Any news from him?"

Han Tingxuan nodded. "Well, but I don't know why Wu Qiankun is here, or whether he is still here now..."

Mo Yanzhi thought for a while and said, "Don't worry, since Wu Qiankun has appeared, it's easy to find."

Han Tingxuan nodded. "I think so too."

"Don't talk about this, let's have dinner."

"Good." Han Tingxuan smiled. "How about you? Have you eaten it?"

"I ate two fruits and a bowl of porridge." Mo Yanzhi said honestly.

"Well, eating less and more meals is good for your health. It's better to eat more when you are hungry at night."

"Ps." Han Tingxuan also eats quickly, and it doesn't take long to finish eating.

After wiping his mouth, Han Tingxuan began to talk about the situation in Yucheng.

"Yucheng is a bit complicated here. Since the past few months, there have been more martial arts people here, and there are also many Jianghu sects here. There were two cults that caused troubles a few days ago. Those evil forces were almost eliminated by Tianyu, but their appearance is a bit weird and they have to be guarded against."

After that, Han Tingxuan explained some of the schools here in detail...

There are many schools here, but basically, only a few can play a decisive role.

One is the Wulin League where the leader of the Wulin League is located.

The other is the Quicksand Sword Sect, and the other is the Northern Cloud Sect.

These two factions can be regarded as the two biggest forces here, and some other small factions can even be said to be their affiliates!

Although the number of Wulin League is not as large as the Quicksand Sword Sect and the Northern Cloud Sect.

However, the Wulin League has a leader of the Wulin League, who has high prestige and is considered the leader of the right way.

Even those two major factions had to give the Wulin League face.

However, the leader of the Wulin League is not just for his own use. Moreover, with the court standing behind him, he will discuss with these two factions about major events in the arena.

Now, the reason why Jade City is so chaotic... is because a legendary treasure has been born!

And this news is very serious!

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