My Tough Husband

Chapter 215: Utterly icy

Han Tingxuan originally thought that Tian Yusuan should have asked what he had caught, but he didn't expect the other party to say that the witch Gu master only said that he was the one who cursed those people, and he refused to say anything else.

No matter what the punishment was, this man did not speak, but looked at people with hatred.

Han Tingxuan was really surprised. However, he also thought of a problem.

"With that person's hard spirit, I'm afraid that the other party will say that he is cursing is artificial or he wants to see Lihuo..." Han Tingxuan said. "Is that the master of Lihuo?" Tian Yusu frowned. "Lihuo is from the Jin Dynasty. I'm afraid there is a problem with it."

Han Tingxuan sighed, "I know, I can only try..."

After the two said a few more words, Han Tingxuan said goodbye and left.

Tian Yusu didn't say anything.

On the way back, Han Tingxuan glanced coldly. "Han, you and Tian Yusu..."

Han smiled, "I know it in my heart, brother, don't worry."

"Okay." Han Tingxuan also smiled. "Then I won't say anything."

When he arrived at the house, Han Tingxuan immediately went to see Mo Yanzhi, who was also waiting in the room.

After Han Tingxuan entered the door, Mo Yanzhi greeted him. "My husband is back?"

Han Tingxuan nodded. "Say it."

After sitting down at the table, Han Tingxuan recounted what had just happened.

Mo Yanzhi's face immediately sank, "So, that witch Gu master, is dead?"

Han Tingxuan nodded. "It seems that the man is just a chess piece, and now he has become a discarded piece."

Mo Yanzhi immediately looked at Han Tingxuan nervously. "Husband, these witch Gu masters are a bit evil, so let your husband stay close to them in the future."

Han Tingxuan couldn't bear to be worried, and immediately nodded. "okay, I get it."

Mo Yanzhi also nodded. "Husband, then Li Huo is with Tian Yusu now?"

"Well, there, your belly is getting bigger and bigger. Since that matter is handed over to Uncle Qi, you should put people there too. I suspect that Li Huo's body may have been tampered with, just in case. Some of his masters came here based on their location. Although we have a lot of manpower here, there is no reason for preventing thieves for a thousand years. Let Uncle Qi solve it."

Mo Yanzhi nodded. "Also."

Han Tingxuan smiled and said, "As long as you concentrate on taking care of yourself, let our children be born safely."

Speaking of the child, Mo Yanzhi's expression softened. "Ok."

It was night, Han Tingxuan didn't sleep with Mo Yanzhi, but they talked late.

After bidding farewell, Han Tingxuan went back to his room, but saw Han looking out in the corridor...

Han Tingxuan raised his eyebrows, and then hooked the corners of his mouth. At this time, he went out... to find Uncle Qi?

I hope these two people stop making noise, lest no one is unhappy.

Han was indeed looking for Tian Yusu when he went out... However, tonight's Tian Yusu was in a bad mood, and something made him even worse!

Tian Yusu was originally here as a secret, but after showing up after handling the case, it is not a secret.

There are his men and horses in this jade city, but there are also others.

No, someone came to where he lives in order to win him... and brought a brother!

Tian Yusu didn't want to meet at first, and wanted to let his subordinates pass it directly, but this person is an old school of the Sun family. In other words, there is a lot of connection with the Sun family.

In the past few months, the Sun family has been very low-key. It is hard to say whether it is really low-key or secretly conspiring.

Tian Yusu thought for a while, but he still saw him. He wanted to see if he came to see him because of what the Sun family wanted to do, or whether it was just the official intention.

However, after some testing, the official came here because of his own intention, but... it was also used, because, this brother!

The brother brought by this official was not simple, he also concealed martial arts. If Tianyu hadn't been careful, I'm afraid he would have missed it. After a few drinks with the official, the official left, but the brother stayed.

"Master, let Brother Qing pour the wine for you." That brother leaned against Tian Yusu.

Tian Yusu thought that this brother might have something to do with Lihuo who was staying here, or was he here to save people? In short, no matter what the purpose is, you have to look at it, so he took the other party's wine with a smile.

However, after passing through the wine in the killer's hand, how could Tian Yusu touch him, so he joked and drew close to that brother, "Brother Qing, you are so beautiful..."

"The prince..." Brother Qing blushed, and his eyes looked at Tian Yusu while hesitant.

Tian Yusu put one hand around the opponent's waist, really suppressing it, while holding the wine glass with the other hand, it was brought to the other's lips. "Brother Qing, this king really likes the way you drink, drink it."

Brother Qing groaned, "Wang Ye doesn't like the wine that Brother Qing pours?"

Tian Yusu raised his eyebrows. "Why don't you like it? It's just that this king prefers to watch beautiful women drinking." After all, Tian Yusu asked the other party to drink with the glass half-filled.

"Um..." Qing Ge'er groaned softly, and the whole person, like a cartilage, was nestled in Tian Yusu's arms, "The prince... the Qing brother has admired the prince for a long time... I saw the prince's style today Brother Qing has no regrets in this life."

"What are you talking about?" Tian Yusu smiled and squeezed the opponent's waist, flirting, but his eyes were cold, "Brother Qing is just a good old man, how can he say this life? No regrets, this kind of words... This king looks at the young man is a good...? After all, he violently pulls the person closer to him... However, one hand is attached to the back of the other person. .

The young man stiffened and was about to say something. Suddenly, he felt an icy intention to kill him. The young man was instinctively guarded, but he quickly relaxed. He is not a killer now, but can't use martial arts. Brother!

Afterwards, Qing Ge'er only felt that when the killing intent struck, Tian Yusu's figure was also stiff. Is this the assassin? The young man showed fear, and dived into Tian Yusu's arms, "Lord..."

Tian Yusu suddenly stiffened again for a moment, and his eyes stared firmly.

The young man followed the opponent’s line of sight and looked towards the door, only to see a young man with the most crown coming towards this side, every step of the opponent was with murderous intent, but, following the other side to this side The closer the distance, that ice thorn-like killing intent is dissipating instead.

Until... that person came to the front, the killing intent, the group disappeared, leaving an unknown indifference.

The young man saw that the young man stretched out his hand towards the virtuous king, and said a few words in a very calm, even cold tone. "Return the beads to me."

Tian Yusu's pupils shrank sharply.

Brother Qing didn't understand what the beading was, but it was just an object that he wanted to come. His gaze rolled around on Tian Yusu's face, and he smiled and said: "Who is this, prince, why come in so swaggeringly Yes? I almost scared people just now..." As he said, Brother Qing snuggled up to Tian Yusu for two more points.

Tian Yusu didn't care about Qing Brother's small movements, but stared at Han with a cold expression, spit out a few words like gritted teeth. "what did you say?"

Han looked at each other faintly. "Give me back the beaded bead."

Tian Yusu looked at Han and said a few words in a row. "Good! Good! Good!"

Every word came out with a cold scent, and then the purple brilliance flowed out. It was Tian Yusu who threw the bead on his wrist.

With a flash of Han's figure, he caught the thrown thing and landed. He glanced at Tian Yusu for the last time and made Shang Jue Ding Qinggong disappear in place...

Tian Yusu put his hand on the handle of the chair and broke it into pieces.

"The prince..." Qing brother's pupils shrank, looking at the wood pieces, what a strong internal force this is! It's not that he can't do it, but... he didn't even feel the trace of the other party's internal force from Tian Yusu's body. This is the most terrifying!

"Get out!" Tian Yusu pushed the opponent away, and Qing Ge'er stumbled to the ground.

"The prince..." Qing Ge'er had tears in his eyes, acting as if I was pitiful.

"Come on! Take it!" Tian Yusu ordered in a cold voice. The Qing brother was surprised and was about to say something, but he was already surrounded by several shadow guards.

"The prince..." The assassin still poses, but the shadow guard has already attacked him, and the assassin has his teeth. If he doesn't leave at this time, he will not fall! Yu Su had clearly seen him through this day!

As a result, the killer and the shadow guard confronted, and wanted to escape when they saw the opportunity, but is the shadow guard so easy to solve?

A quarter of an hour later, the killer was stabbed and taken down.

"Lord! Listen to me... Ah..." The killer wanted to yell at something, but his heart was touched by one of the shadow guards, and suddenly he felt tingling all over his body. Then, he was blocked by others. I brought it down...

Tian Yusu sat on the mahogany chair with an extremely cold expression, his clenched fists and nails were all sunk into the flesh, he didn't feel any pain at all, just feeling...cold.

Even if it was the last time that they had said something loose, even if they hadn't contacted for more than two months afterwards, even if their own words stung each other during the day, the person was just silent.

And now, that person... has taken back the beads.

The meaning of this string of beads... They all know each other, take it back... Is this the meaning of a complete end?

Tian Yusu’s eyes turned blood red for a moment, and for a long time, he closed his eyes gently...At this moment, he actually felt that he had internal power than he had no internal power under the valley, and he felt colder under the night the bones. cold.

While leaving Han, he walked in a daze. He walked on the street. Although it was at night, Yucheng was one of the three cities, and Yucheng at night was also lively.

Han walked blankly, "Hey, young master, come in and have a look in our courtyard."

Someone actually came to pull Han's arm, and Han Meng took a step back, avoiding the other's hand, but the noise also followed, and he could see where he was now.

"Youqingyuan." The name was explicit, for fear that others would not know where it was.

Han glanced, and thought of the brother who was nestling on Tian Yusu's body. brothers……

"Little young master." The pimp who came out to pull people saw that Han was wearing a nice and very young suit, like a young master coming out of a big family to play, so he flicked people inside.

"Little master, we are very lively inside, and we guarantee that the little master is comfortable and refreshing, little master...oh, oh, little master, don't leave!"

Pimp finally failed to trick people into it, because Han went straight away. He didn't use light power, but he walked very quickly. At least the pimp must not be able to catch up!

However, after Han left, he still didn't know where he was going.

Not knowing how long it took, Han arrived at a riverside, and there was a pavilion in the middle of the river, and he leaped over it lightly without thinking.

The scattered tourists on the shore couldn't help but cheer because of each other's skill.

It's just that none of this can get into the cold eyes, nor into his ears...

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