My Tough Husband

Chapter 229: Pry open the mouth

"It's not good! Concubine Lou is poisoned! Quick! Quickly declare a doctor!"

When Concubine Lou drank a bowl of soup, the palace he was in suddenly became a mess!

Soon, the movement here alarmed the emperor Mo Yanzhi, and the emperor soon arrived, and Shen Fangde was also there.

The atmosphere here and there is heavy, but at the front, the banquet is about to begin!

Mo Yanzhi let the two shadow guards carry the two children to the front hall of the palace.

"The emperor is here!"

"Long live my emperor long live long live long live!" Everyone present knelt down, Shan Hu Long live.

"Everyone, please calm down," Mo Yanzhi said lightly.

Everyone got up.

Brother Shi said loudly next to him: "Give you a seat."

Everyone sat in their original seats.

"Today, the prince is full moon, I am very happy, and I hope you all have fun together." Mo Yanzhi said after taking his seat, holding a glass of wine, and everyone responded in unison: "The ministers are very happy. Years old." Then they all picked up their wine glasses and had a drink. Whether it is a brother or a boy, this glass of wine is respected by the emperor, but dare not not drink it.

Mo Yanzhi didn't stay on the table for long, it seemed that there was a worry in his eyes. However, after less than half an hour, he said: "Xian Wang, Chen Wangfu, on behalf of me, I would like to congratulate the ministers very personally. I have something to do. Let’s take a step ahead and feel free."

"Send the emperor!"

After Mo Yanzhi left, some ministers couldn't help whispering.

"Why look at the emperor as if something is on his mind?"

"Yes, the crown prince is full of the moon, and the emperor said that he is very happy, why did he leave so soon?"

"Yes, the little prince hasn't seen it yet."

"Prince Jingui, how could he come to this place!"

"But it's okay to show up, right?"

The crowd was whispering, and several of them looked at each other and did some actions that only each other could understand. "Chen Wangfu..."

"Sage King..." Some ministers have already come to Han Tingxuan and Tian Yusu to see if they can tell anything. However, how can Han Tingxuan and Tian Yusu's human spirits be able to make things out of them!

A long time has passed since the opening of the table, I don’t know who yelled "Ah, my stomach hurts!"

Subsequently, more and more people called this way...

In a short while, many people fell down with their stomachs in their hands.

Han Tingxuan and Tian Yusu were furious at this time, and they started shooting the case. "what happened!"

However, after a short while, the two of them also changed their expressions. "poison!"

"Quick! Doctor Xuan!" Tian Yusu shouted loudly.

"Ah, I don't want to die, what the **** is going on? Ah, husband, please help me."

Some ministers’ husbands have already called out, but their husbands have been poisoned themselves, so how can they be taken care of!

Some guards messed up their hands and feet, and hurriedly called the imperial physician to the imperial physician, who wanted to come and save others.


"Hahaha!" A loud laughter rang out, and then a man dressed as a guard said with disdain: "I thought the imperial family was very alert, but that's all!"

Han Tingxuan and Tian Yusu looked at each other, then looked at each other. "who are you?"

"This prince can change his name or sit or his surname, and Yue You Shuang is the same." Yue You Shuang, the fourth prince of Yue Dynasty!

Han Tingxuan narrowed his eyes. "We have never had any grudges with your dynasty, and we reached some consensus at the beginning of this year. What do you want to do?"

"What? What is such a consensus? The purpose of this prince is to win the entire celestial dynasty! Come here! This group of people, high-ranking nobles and important celestial officials, kill me! Don't keep one!"

After Yue Youshuang's words fell, a group of black-clothed men appeared suddenly, and then, they raised their swords and slashed at the ministers! However, it was still slow.

A thousand guards quickly surrounded this place.

Yue Youshuang's face changed suddenly. He came here just to kill these people by surprise, but he didn't expect...

"Impossible! The guards outside were obviously brought down!" Even if there were some, they were all transferred away!

Han Tingxuan stood up with a smile. "Do you think that you control the chief guard of the guard army to be foolproof? Do you think that the controlled guard will give him medicine?"

Yue You's expression was extremely cold.

"Do you still think that as long as you are fast enough, you can kill our group of people and leave unrestrainedly? Then, if you mix into the official waiting mansion, you are still victims!"

"The official waiting! Ah, what does this have to do with the official waiting?"

"Official waiting, are these people waiting to be brought in by the official waiting?"

"Damn, what does that officer want to do while waiting? Does he want to rebel?"

"The official waiting... How could it be the official waiting? Isn't he a relative of the emperor? How could there be a rebellion?"

"Because I am a relative of the emperor, my heart is big!"

"What are you talking about? Why doesn't this prince understand?" Yue Youshuang looked at Han Tingxuan coldly.

"Don't understand? Actually, I don't understand what you are talking about. You are obviously not the prince of the Moon Dynasty, so what do you want to pretend to be the prince of the Moon Dynasty?"

Yue You's face changed. "What the **** are you talking about? Why isn't this prince Yue Youshuang anymore!"

Han Tingxuan laughed. "Did you... just grab it and see! Do it!"

Next, there was a melee. In this "chaos", several ministers who "cannot dodge" were killed, including his kid and brother.

Among them, it includes a servant of the Criminal Ministry and his brother.

Several ministers, who had always been in the same anger with the official Jinghou, died in the "chaos".

Han Tingxuan's plan was not so crude. Although he had prepared for it a long time ago, and knew that several of the guards had been infiltrated and controlled, his plan was originally to capture rather than kill.

However, those people attacked Lou Yanqing and the prince, but they touched his bottom line!

That's right, those people still attacked the prince. Originally Mo Yanzhi was going to bring the prince and the little emperor to the banquet hall to show up, but on the way, they came across a guard madman and killed him.

Obviously, that is also controlled.

The shadow guard's response was timely, and the guard didn't make any difference.

However, what if it is not a shadow guard who is holding the child but a servant who does not know martial arts? Lou Yanqing, or milk?

Then, the lethality of this crazy guard is not so small!

Therefore, these people really touched his bottom line, are they more rough? Okay, I don't want to know who you are at all! Let's look at each other, who is more rude!

Thoughtful, right? It doesn't matter, all the people involved, don't even think about living any of you!

The numerous masters brought by the "Yueyou Shuang" have become fewer and fewer under the siege of the Imperial Guard.

"Yue You Shuang" finally couldn't bear it, and shouted: "Stop! You can't hurt this king, this king is..." After that, this person could not continue because someone stabbed him behind.

"Yue You Shuang" turned his head in disbelief. It was a master guard he had brought, but this person ended his life! how can that be.


The person's eyes were calm, no waves at all.

After the chaos subsided, the ministers waited for another glass of wine, but this glass of wine was the antidote...

Three days later. Jail.

Han Tingxuan and Tian Yusu walked into a cell together.

There is a person in this cell, that is... the officer is waiting.

Guan Jinghou was wearing a prison uniform at this time, and his hair was scattered, but there were no scars on his body, only his face was a little strange and red.

This official waited to see Han Tingxuan and Tian Yusu come in, his eyes darkened a bit.

Han Tingxuan smiled faintly and spoke. "Sure enough, you are not waiting for the official... You just don't know where the real waiting for the official is now."

"He died twenty years ago, you ask where he is?" The fake official waited and smiled contemptuously.

Han Tingxuan squinted. "Oh, dead, I thought you would keep such a trump card."

The fake official sneered while waiting, then closed his eyes and said nothing.

"You are from the Jin Dynasty, aren't you?" Tian Yusu followed with a light mouth.

The fake official opened his eyes abruptly while waiting, and shot Tian Yusu coldly. "I don't understand what King Xian is talking about."

Tian Yusu leaned against the door lazily. "Don't understand? No, you understand very well. Jin Chao started to plot 20 years ago, and his ambition is really not small. Except for our Celestial Dynasty, I am afraid that Yue Dynasty has not escaped? For example... Then... Master of National Normal University?"

The fake official waited and finally his face changed drastically. "What do you mean?"

Tian Yusu smiled. "The reaction is so big? It seems to know what happened to the national teacher..."

Han Tingxuan also smiled at this time: "Of course I know, maybe I have been in contact over the years, after all, they are colleagues. They are both from the Jin Dynasty... are they?"

The false official looked slightly stiff while waiting, then closed his eyes, saying nothing.

Han Tingxuan and Tian Yusu glanced at each other. They were originally here for testing purposes. Since they have now got the answer, they won't stay.

So the two left, only instructing outsiders. "Pry his mouth open with torture."


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