My Tough Husband

Chapter 28: Master is coming

Yun Shen said that he would wait for his master's response, and Han Tingxuan was not in a hurry.

The more you wait, the more important it is.

Therefore, in the next few days, Han Tingxuan's small days are quite leisurely.

Five more carpenters were beckoned in his shop, and now there are seven in total. The original two carpenters, Han Tingxuan made them "foremen."

Han Tingxuan is not afraid to tell people directly that he wants to set up a wood processing station, and more carpenters will be recruited in the future!

The first two of them are now grateful to Han Tingxuan. The wages given by the other party are really good, and they will not interfere with them, let alone humiliate them at will. They have never even beaten or scolded them.

Compared to working in other people's homes, looking at people's faces, occasionally being scolded or something, now it's really good.

Since it is necessary to set up a processing station, it is definitely unrealistic to put people on his side, and Han Tingxuan does not want to have so many light bulbs at home!

The processing station does not necessarily have to be in the town, as long as the work is good, the location is not important at all!

As a result, the renovated house in the village became the best work station.

The newly built house covers a good area. The most important thing is that behind him, there is a semi-barren hill, and Han Tingxuan intends to get it down! Build a factory there. From now on, all the carpenters will work there.

Of course, the newly built house can be used to live in people and put things away, but who to live in is a job that needs to be considered. After all, handing over the house depends entirely on the trust of the other party!

Considering that he and Mo Yanzhi will be busy in the future, he and Mo Yanzhi may not be available. Therefore, the store has hired a buddy in the past two days. The guy invited was a sixteen-year-old boy. Although he was only sixteen years old, he was stubborn. He said that there are people who believe in twenty-six!

But it was an honest dumbfounded guy. Mo Yanzhi helped the other party once, and he was desperate for Mo Yanzhi. Moreover, the background of this person is also very simple. There is only one dad in the family, his father has passed away, and they came from outside...Han Tingxuan considers cultivating it, and does not ask the other side's two stupid sons to be more promising, but at least do it Honest and slightly sleek, in this case, leave this shop to him!

The place where the father and son now live is very simple. After Han Tingxuan briefly inspected each other's character, he let both of them live at home.

The kid's name is Liu Chen, and his father is called Liu Fulang, but Han Tingxuan and Mo Yanzhi are called juniors, are they called his uncles? In other words, the name here is also quite strange, is the uncle's wife called the uncle, and the uncle's wife is uncle? Is Grandpa's wife called Zu...

Although I felt that the name was really unspeakable, Han Tingxuan followed the call as he did in the countryside.

Then Liu Fulang heard Han Tingxuan and Mo Yanzhi call him uncle, he almost broke into tears at the time, and said several "good" words in succession, saying that his son would be blessed to meet such a host. .

Han Tingxuan's original intention was to let Liu Fulang take care of the family, cook, cook, wash, and wash clothes for sanitation, and then pay the money by himself. Unexpectedly, the other party said that a place to live is already very good. Those little things are easy things. Don't dare to take any more money.

Look at what the other party said very seriously and resolutely refused to accept it. Han Tingxuan didn't say anything any more, and planned to add some silver to Liu Cheng. Anyway, there is a "bonus" thing in the world!

Businessmen value honesty, and Han Tingxuan's principle of doing things is that his subordinates do not need to be very clever, but they must be responsible. You don’t have to be so capable, but you have to work hard!

It seems that Liu Cheng fits his image as a good employee!

Mo Yanzhi was robbed of the shopkeeper's work, and one of them was dragged by Han Tingxuan when he was fine these two days.

He didn't know what Han Tingxuan wanted to do. The other party would take him to several restaurants in the town to eat something, would take him to various shops in the town, would go to the empty hills, and would not know what to ponder, and would go to the fields. What to see in...

In short, everything Han Tingxuan does seems to have no purpose, just to do it casually!

It's not that Mo Yanzhi hadn't asked before, but was dismissed by Han Tingxuan's words. "In other words, I was just thinking about it. Now my husband, I don't know what I'm doing."

Well, everyone has said so, what else does he have to say? Mo Yanzhi really has nothing to say...

On this day, Yun Shen finally found the door and said, "Brother Han, our master is here, and I want to see you."

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