My Tough Husband

Chapter 85: No inflow means

An hour after the beasts attacked the people, the Imperial Study Room of the Celestial Palace.

"What? Chen Wangfu was attacked?" Tian Yuexi shot the case, very angry.

The deputy chief of the Imperial Guard who came to report hurriedly said: "Fortunately, the king and husband are witty, and many people are brave under the leadership of the king and husband. The guards of the king and husband are even more martial arts, and they have blocked the beasts abruptly. It struck, and many people had no casualties."

Only then did Tian Yuexi sit down slowly. In fact, half an hour ago, he had already listened to the report from the shadow guard. Now, he is not just doing a pose. Although Tian Yuexi sat down, his expression was cold. "It's always peaceful there, why are there so many groups of beasts suddenly attacking?"

Shen Jue, the deputy commander of the Imperial Guard, petitioned: "The subordinates would like to investigate this matter!"

Tian Yuexi said indifferently: "Then it will be handed over to Deputy Commander Shen, this matter must be investigated for me. I want to see who dares to move my Chen Wangfu!"

"Yes! Subordinates take orders!"

After Shen Jue took the order and left, Tian Yuexi said indifferently: "Ying Twenty, Ying Twenty-three listens to the order. From today onwards, follow Shen Jue and secretly protect. Be sure to find out the cause of the beast attack."

"Yes." There were two barely audible echoes in the air, and then there was no more movement.

Tian Yuexi closed her eyes gently. Fortunately, Han Tingxuan was okay, otherwise, he really didn’t know how to explain to his precious brother... Fortunately, it was okay...

However, this Han Tingxuan was too messy. In that case, if you don't run for your life first, you still want to fight! It's...damn...

Even though she thought so, the corners of Tian Yuexi's lips twitched.

Han Tingxuan, you really are able to endure, and you are not chaotic in the face of danger, and, with your own strength, you can actually comfort the people, and you have blocked so many manic herds, so that none of the people will die!

it is good! Good job!

This matter can be used to make a fuss! Han Tingxuan, since you have created such good conditions, if I can't maximize the benefits, then, the emperor, let me get someone as soon as possible!

At the same time, the Eastern family.

"Huh?" A majestic man in his fifties said softly, "Huh?" His eyes flashed. This person is the current Patriarch of the Dongfang Family, Dongfang Xu.

In front of him was a man dressed as a guard.

If you listen carefully, you will find that the guard's report is no different from Shen Jue's!

"Fortunately, Chen Wangfu is witty and brave, and is not afraid of danger. Under the leadership of Chen Wangfu, many people are very brave and full of blood. Several shadow guards of Chen Wangfu are at the forefront and abruptly blocked the attack of the beasts. And many people have no casualties!"

"Wang Fu...Han Tingxuan..." Dongfang Xu took a long, deep breath, not knowing what he thought of.

"The person you can admire...hehe, for so many years, but only the third one." Dongfang Xu smiled.

The man dressed as the guard also smiled. "In that case, the one who was a little bit timid, ran away with the shadow guard alone, at most with two colleagues. This Han Tingxuan's behavior is strange."

"It's not necessarily because the limelight is booming. If this happened, he won't end up well." As the Patriarch of the Dongfang Family, he actually broke Han Tingxuan's initial thoughts.

The man dressed as the guard shook his head and smiled and said, "This is also human nature. However, it is not without other solutions... For example, being taken away by the shadow guard forcibly."

Dongfang Xu nodded and smiled. "This is the truth, the shadow guards care about it. There is always only the life of the master, and Han Tingxuan can stay. It can be seen that the shadow guards really recognize him as the master."

The guard also smiled. "His Majesty the Emperor really loves this Chen Wangfu."

Dongfang Xu got up from the chair, "Wang Chen has a cold temperament, but his temperament is good, and his martial arts is superb... but it has won most of my good nephew. This is my nephew's evaluation."

"Yi?" The guard raised his eyebrows.

Dongfang Xu nodded. "Well, the youngest of the Nangong family, Nangong is invincible, and he has a good impression of Chen Wang."

"Because of the Crazy Horse incident that has spread?" The guard smiled.

Dongfang Xu also smiled. "Well, it is said that the invincible boy is not a small stimulus. A boy, or a general, is forced to be forced by a brother."

"Haha." The guard laughed.

Dongfang Xu said again, "My nephew was brought back by the husband and wife of Chen Wang yesterday."

Upon hearing this, the guard laughed again.

At the same time, the Nangong family.

Nangong Jue, the Patriarch of the Nangong Family was also surprised. "Huh? That Chen Wangfu unexpectedly has such a primitive nature?"

Standing in the absolute face of Nangong was his second brother, Nangong laughed.

"Yeah." Nangong nodded with a smile. "I was also surprised."

"It seems that this Chen Wangfu's courage and ability are not easy." Nangong Jue touched the beard on his chin. "A Chen Wang, let the three boys in my family appreciate it, and now there is another Chen Wanghu."

Nangong smiled but looked a little solemn. "I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing..."

Nangong looked at Nangong deeply and smiled. "Second brother, do you think it is a good thing... or a bad thing?"

Nangong smiled bitterly. "I don't know."

Nangong Jue suddenly said: "Before noon, Xiao Yu returned from the palace of His Royal Highness Chen Wang."

"Huh?" Nangong smiled and raised his eyebrows. "Xiao Yu went to the Han Mansion today?"

"Well, visiting His Royal Highness King Chen, they are all brothers, they should be." Nangong Jue said.

Nangong smiled and asked, "Did Xiaoyu say anything?"

"His Royal Highness Chen has a cold temper, but he has a kind heart. He treats people with courtesy and courtesy, makes people love, and wants to get close. It is the same as Dongfanghui. This is the original words of Xiaoyu."

Nangong laughed slightly. "There are not many brothers that Xiaoyu wants to get close to."

"It has reached the same height as Dongfang, not much." Nangong said lightly.

Nangong sighed with a smile. "It's all in the hall this day...11? It's going to change."

Nangong sneered absolutely. "The royal dispute involves innocent people, which is really undesirable!"

Nangong smiled and frowned, and said, "Big Brother...I have been working with King Xian for many days, and I always feel...this time, things are not like his style."

Nangong Jue heard this and frowned immediately. "Ok?"

Nangong smiled slowly and shook his head. "I can't tell... After all, that was a matter of years ago. At that time, the first emperor was still...

..." Nangong Jue glanced at Nangong and smiled. "Second brother, you have been reluctant to talk about Tian Yusu, why? "

"Hey..." Nangong sighed with a smile. "Big brother should know that when I was young, I didn't like to be a general. I want to travel all over the world."

Nangong Jue nodded slightly. "and then?"

Nangong smiled slightly, but relieved. "On that day, Yu Su had an extremely arrogant personality. It seemed that he didn't care even if the world was in his hands. I think that position is like a game for him at all, but it is optional. If he is dedicated to that position. I don’t believe it if you are doing business."

Nangong Jue glanced at Nangong and smiled, and said in thought, "Perhaps you missed it."

"Maybe..." Nangong sighed with a smile. "I don't want to talk about it, but because he has the arrogance that I don't have, he has the wanton that I don't dare, and the freedom I want."

Nangong Jue walked to Nangong and smiled and patted the other person on the shoulder. "You, such an adult, why are you more unstable than the third child?" "Haha..." Nangong smiled embarrassedly. "Not anymore."

Nangong Jue also smiled.

Nangong smiled and said: "Speaking of this, Xingcai is the servant of the Ministry of War, and the status is all there. Now the one who works in the Ministry of War is invincible, and Xing has become an idle job. I think it is better to throw Invincible to the border. Right."

The Ministry of War has the rules of the Ministry of War. For example, Nangong Xing and Nangong Invincible are two people. Nangong Xing is actually the real attendant of the Ministry of War. However, after Nangong Invincible came back from the border, because the family had the mind to train Nangong Invincible, so Let Nangong Wudi temporarily replace Nangong in this position. And Nangongxing himself, in the Ministry of War, is just a spare job, managing clerical matters, and only going for one or two days for more than ten days. This is really... But whoever makes a family liner over there, two people can't share the high position. Position, the same position, so there is no way.

If Nangong Xing is Shang Shu, then Nangong Invincible can be a servant. However, the current Shangshu is Wang Yi! Therefore, Wang Siyuan can be the servant assistant.

"The third brother went to the palace banquet that day. I never saw him when I came back. Did he say anything?" Nangong asked again with a smile.

Nangong Jue thought of this, but the meaning was unclear: "On the day of Xingshuo Yu Su...seems to be very interested in Wangfu Chen."

"Huh?" Nangong stunned with a smile.

At the same time, Xian Wang Mansion.

Li Su was also talking about Han Tingxuan with Tian Yusu, and Li Su's expression was cold.

"This Chen Wangfu knows how to act."

Tian Yusu hasn't spoken all the time, she still looks lazy, as if she hasn't woken up.

I don't know how long it has been before Tian Yusu finally spoke. "Okay, Zuo Xiang still calmed down a bit. Now that Wang Fu has become the Superintendent of the Left, the Zuo Xiang still needs to be more careful."

Talking about this Li Su was even more angry, "That kid hasn't grown all the hair yet!"

Tian Yusu was impatient. Start rushing people. "This king is a little tired..."

Li Su immediately said after hearing the words: "The Weichen will retire first."

"Come on, send the left side out."

After Li Su left, Tian Yusu smiled, and the laziness in his eyes became stronger. "Tsing Yi, come out."

Soon, a Tsing Yi appeared in front of Tian Yusu.

"You are too messy, how can you make such a big herd, people..." Tsing Yi said accusingly.

Tian Yusu hurriedly called for injustice. "It's not me."

Tsing Yi suddenly stopped. "Not you?"

"Yeah... That kid, my heart is a lot bigger... First he moved Tian Jue Sect and carried out an innocent assassination, and now it's better, the beasts have all come out..." Tian Yusu sounded like a lazy voice. No bones.

Tsing Yi was taken aback. "He... so bold?"

Tian Yusu smiled and flicked his fingers. "Yeah, it's fun, isn't it?"

Tsing Yi looked at Tian Yusu silently. "You are the leader of Tianjuemen, right? He can use Tianjuemen without your consent?"

"Hahaha..." Tian Yusu looked at Tsing Yi innocently. "I am the leader, and he is the deputy leader... If every thing he does, I look down on it for a little bit, and I oppose it if I feel unfamiliar... What is cooperation?"

Tsing Yi's mouth twitched. "Do you really think... your relationship is cooperation?"

Tian Yusu was even more innocent upon hearing this. "What about it? Actually, in terms of seniority... we are the same! Not cooperation... Is it still obedience?"

Tsing Yi pursed her lips tightly: "Isn't it?"

Tian Yusu sighed, as if he had been wronged by Tian. "Tsing Yi, you look down on that one too much, and you look down upon me as your master...Ah...I think I almost became a ghost when the first emperor had the throne at the beginning. After all, my father is still my lifesaver. What..."

Tsing Yi: "..."

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