My Tough Husband

Chapter 88: Go to the outskirts

Because of the relationship outside, Mo Yanzhi called "Uncle Seven."

However, this "Uncle Seven" is also called as cold as it is.

Tian Yusu smiled. "It doesn't matter if Xiao Qi is here, it's more lively."

Mo Yanzhi didn't speak, he had already started to eat the breakfast Han Tingxuan had called him.

Han Tingxuan hurriedly arranged and brought a few snacks that Mo Yanzhi loved to eat in front of him.

"Didn't I say it a long time ago? Don't wait for me, why not eat first!"

Mo Yanzhi had actually eaten a little before Han Tingxuan went to court, and he was not very hungry at all. The reason why he ate here was because he didn't want to talk to Tian Yusu at all. That's why eating is just an excuse.

Han Tingxuan naturally understood what Mo Yanzhi meant, so he worked hard to prepare dishes for the other party.

Mo Yanzhi arrived last. When he arrived, Han Tingxuan and Tian Yusu had already eaten almost, so they became two people watching him eating!

If only Han Tingxuan was alone, Mo Yanzhi might eat quickly, but with Tian Yusu here, Mo Yanzhi had the thought of delaying time, so naturally he would not eat fast at all.

Finally, after Mo Yanzhi finished eating, it was already a matter of hours.

Han Tingxuan looked at it, a little helpless, and after thinking about it, he said: "Uncle Qi, I will go to the toilet with Yanzhi, you can wait a moment."

Tian Yusu naturally had nothing to disagree.

Therefore, Han Tingxuan dragged Mo Yanzhi to the back of Weizilou to go to the toilet.

"In other words, you go back first."

Mo Yanzhi frowned immediately. "Husband!"

Han Tingxuan sighed slightly, leaned over, and kissed Mo Yanzhi's cheek. "In other words, I know what you are worried about, but this is a huge crowd, at least today, he will not do anything, he can not afford the consequences. You know, your elder brother is willing to die with him!"

Mo Yanzhi's brows were still frowning tightly.

Han Tingxuan had to resort to his assassin. "In other words, if we stay where we are, then our children's hatred will never be avenged!"

Mo Yanzhi's face changed slightly after hearing this. Han Tingxuan didn't want to say that either, but time waits for no one, so the fastest way to make Mo Yanzhi compromise is this! He knows his husband too well, looks cold and gentle, but he is very stubborn!

Especially if that matter is about him, his husband is even more stubborn!

Therefore, he had to say so.

After Mo Yanzhi's face changed, he took a deep breath. "Husband, I understand. I... go back."

Han Tingxuan was a little distressed, and apologetically hugged Mo Yanzhi's body. "I know it's worrying about me, sorry."

Mo Yanzhi shook his head slightly. "It's not the husband's fault..."

Han Tingxuan sighed and shook the opponent's hand gently.

"In other words, when I go back tonight, my husband will beg you again, eh?" As he said, some flattering rubbed Mo Yanzhi's cheek with his chin.

Mo Yanzhi's face finally showed a smile again, "Hmm..."

When Han Tingxuan walked towards Tian Yusu, he was naturally the only one, and Tian Yusu raised his eyebrows when he saw it. "Huh? Where's Xiao Qi?" Han Tingxuan smiled and said, "He has some discomfort in his body.

"That's really a shame." Tian Yusu said with regret.

Han Tingxuan smiled and said, "There is always a chance."

"Yes." Tian Yusu said nothing, and the two left Weizilou.

After the two went out, Han Tingxuan asked, "I don't know how Uncle Qi wants to take my nephew?"

Tian Yusu seemed to be in a very good mood when he heard the words, and said with a smile, "Does Tingxuan have any plans?"

Han Tingxuan thought for a while, and said, "It's really not there. I'm not familiar with this heavenly city."

"That's it..." Tian Yusu also seemed to think about it, and said: "Ting Xuan seems to like the people very much, why don't we go for a walk in the suburbs?"

Han Tingxuan said with a smile: "Outskirts, it's really not safe. Look, when I went there for the first time yesterday, I almost fell into the herd and couldn't get out."

Tian Yusu laughed when he heard the words. "Your luck is really bad^" "Yes." Han Tingxuan sighed. "How can ordinary people have my luck. It's just one time in the suburbs. Alas... I don't know how those wild beasts suddenly went crazy. Uncle Qi is so knowledgeable, do you know why so many wild beasts suddenly go crazy?"

"Um..." Tian Yusu tilted his head. "I think about it... it is true. It is rumored that there is a man named Beast Tamer King in the rivers and lakes, and he is very capable. It is said that he can calm the mad beasts, and can also make the beasts that are not very violent become extremely violent." "Beast Tamer King?" Han Tingxuan almost complained, and I'm still Tota King! did Yu Su mentioned such a person this day...

"Yeah, so many beasts suddenly went mad, and they were all a little surprised thinking about it, maybe they have something to do with this person." Tian Yusu said very indifferently.

Han Tingxuan pondered and said, "So, if it is really that person, I would like to thank Uncle Qi for telling me."

"Haha." Tian Yusu laughed. "Guess it, Uncle Qi has no evidence."

Han Tingxuan smiled. "It's good to have a direction."

Tian Yusu looked at Han Tingxuan fixedly, and smiled: "Tingxuan, let's not go to the outskirts? I thought you wanted to go to the mountain of the beasts to see it!"

Han Tingxuan's eyes flashed slightly, and he smiled suddenly. "Where to go... well, that's fine. I can't think of other places anyway."

Tian Yusu's eyes also flashed, "Huh? Are you going?"

Han Tingxuan shrugged. "Go, why not? It's impossible to be so unlucky every time, there is Uncle Seven, don't be afraid."

Tian Yusu tweeted Han Tingxuan with a smile. "There is Uncle Seven, are you afraid?"

Han Tingxuan smiled heartily. "Of course, if you want to come to the guard of Uncle Qi, you won't let Uncle Qi meet the beasts too! What's so scary for me!"

Tian Yusu slightly twitched the corner of his mouth when he heard the words. "Ting Xuan trusts you so much... Naturally Uncle Qi will not let you down. Let's go. Uncle Qi is also very curious about the beasts. If we really meet, there will only be the two of us, so we can run a little bit.

Han Tingxuan smiled but said nothing.

The two rode horses, Han Tingxuan's riding skills are really not very good, Tian Yusu's riding skills are quite good, he looked at Han Tingxuan a little awkwardly, with a smile on his face.

"Ting Xuan is a little rusty with horse riding!"

Han Tingxuan didn't feel embarrassed at all, and smiled: "Yes. I don't touch it very much."

Tian Yusu smiled and shook his head. "Do you want Uncle Qi to teach you well?"

"Ha!" Han Tingxuan said with a smile: "It's not necessary, Yue Qi's riding skills are also quite good, it is more convenient to find him." Tian Yusu couldn't help but look a little weird. "Ting Xuan, His Royal Highness Chen is very powerful! Excellent martial arts and wit...Although he is not a kid, he is a hundred times better than ordinary kid..."

"Yes!" Han Tingxuan nodded very seriously when he heard the words, agreeing with Tian Yusu's words for the first time. "Yueqi martial arts is really good, witty and smart. Ting Xuan is really lucky to marry him as his husband!"

The eyes of Han Tingxuan who said this burst into an inexplicable brilliance... That brilliance made Tian Yusu really feel uncomfortable looking at it. Therefore, Tian Yusu said with a smile, "His Royal Highness Chen is really amazing." , It's just that such a powerful husband... won't Ting Xuan feel pressured?"

"How come!" Han Tingxuan looked at Tian Yusu in amazement, those eyes really are as sincere as they are! "The more powerful you are, I just feel honored. What does this have to do with him being a husband and I am a husband? Our husband is one! Isn't it the same who is more powerful?"

Looking at the sincerity and warmth in Han Tingxuan’s eyes, Tian Yusu found for the first time that the smile on his face was a little unsustainable... However, he quickly covered up and smiled and said, "Ting Xuan really cares for the husband. Good husband, this is how Uncle Qi really admires him."

"Haha." Han Tingxuan laughed. "Let's go, Uncle Qi, otherwise it might not be too early to get there."

Tian Yusu didn't say anything any more, speeding up...

At the same time, in Yongzhou, thousands of miles away, in the small town where Han Tingxuan and Mo Yanzhi were located.

Liu Chen looked angrily at Liu Lianlian and Liu Cai who came for the fifth time this month.

"You are no more than a servant. We now seriously suspect that you have invaded the property of the brother of Yanzhi, and even murdered our brother!" Liu Lianlian said in a loud voice.

Liu Chen almost rushed to beat someone. "You are spitting blood!"

Liu Lianlian's voice became even higher. "Otherwise, how do you explain that Yan Zhi and his husband handed over the shop to you such a subordinate, but the person is missing? But our relatives don't know anything? It is you who invaded the shop of the brother of Yan! You, Come to see an officer with us!"

"Okay, see the official when you see the official, who is afraid of whoever!" Liu Chen roared.

At this time, Liu Fulang walked out from behind, he glared at his son, and then faintly looked at Liu Cai and Liu Lianlian. "Why don't you let you know their whereabouts, the reason you don't know? You really want to see the official, a false accusation, you didn't eat it?"

"You..." Liu Cai became angry, but Liu Lianlian pulled Liu Cai's sleeve.

"Daddy, let's go back first, and discuss how to report to the official!"

Liu Cai looked at her brother, then stared at Liu Fulang coldly and left.

Liu Chen frowned fiercely after they left. "Daddy, let them report to the official, what are we afraid of!"

Liu Fulang hated iron and steel and looked at his son. "Master and they still don't know what to do in Tiancheng, report to the official, this matter must involve them, how can we cause them trouble?"

Liu Fulang didn't know Han Tingxuan's identities, and thought they were doing business.

People who are unfamiliar over there are already difficult, so how can they bother them with this little thing?

Liu Chen lowered his head in shame. "Then daddy, what shall we do?"

"You go to the shopkeeper of Weizilou... Tell me about Liu Cai's affairs." Before leaving, Han Tingxuan explained that if the two had any difficulties, they could go to the shopkeeper of Weizilou.

So, Liu Fulang finally said so.

Liu Chen answered. "Then daddy, look at the store, I'm leaving."

"Well, go, go early and return early. You must be polite, don't be reckless."

"Eh! I see!" Liu Chen left after responding.

Liu Fulang glanced at the door with some worry. "I hope that the shopkeeper of Weizilou can help the boss in the name of the boss, otherwise, we are afraid that we will cause trouble to the boss of Tiancheng... Well, we are all useless. It's no wonder that Liu Cai's family came to make trouble and treat us as soft persimmons."

Han Tingxuan, who was far away in Tiancheng, didn't know that his hometown had encountered an incident involving the best relatives who came to make trouble.

At this time, he and Tian Yusu finally reached the outskirts after a period of horseback riding.

"Ting Xuan, where is the hill where you met the beasts?" Tian Yusu asked.

Han Tingxuan pointed a direction, and Tian Yusu said: "Then let's go directly."

Han Tingxuan nodded. "it is good."

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