"Understood." Ye Fanxin nodded, "What if I often replenish my sister's vitality?"

Netherland Chasing Soul hesitated, and said: "Theoretically, it will be absorbed little by little until it finally reaches the limit of ordinary people. The rebound of genes is based on something deeper, which is instinct in popular terms. But instinct is not the body. Unbearable. As long as the limit is not reached, the human body can fully accept stronger vitality."

Ye Fanxin just sighed, which means that the strength of human vitality is actually limited by genetics early in the morning.Sudden boosts can get the body unaccustomed, and then instinct can cause a rebound.

But like the adaptations of all animals, it can be fully adapted and accepted.

Having finally figured out his abilities, Ye Fanxin felt that this time-travel was a huge gain.

"Since that's the case, it's still early, so give Meixiang one more time!"

Ye Fanxin looked at the sky outside, and said imposingly.Then, he really recharged Misaka Mika's vitality again, and by the way, Misaka 9924 also came along.

"Sure enough, it has improved a little, although it is very small, but this proves that my previous inferences are correct."

Before leaving, Ye Fanxin turned his head again: "By the way, since you are both sisters, naturally you can't favor one over the other, you will be called Misaka Misa in the future." He pointed at Misaka 9924, showing two rows of big white teeth with a bright smile.

Then, ignoring the dazed sister, turned around and left the ward.

At the same time, Misaka Network made a huge wave again, and this wave caught someone's attention.

"I remember that you are number 9982, right, what happened? The Misaka network fluctuated so violently."

Purple curly short hair, expressionless face, a pair of creepy eyes.The girl's name is Bushutoxin.

Standing in front of her was a younger sister Misaka. Hearing her words, she said, "Because you are talking about elder sister. Misaka said hesitantly."

"Hesitating? Do you also have this kind of emotion?" Bu Shutuxin asked, but his expression was still flat.

"Sister elder sister? Do you mean the body? Some of you have contact with her? I think, it should be No. 9925's turn today. In other words, now No. 9925 is with the body?"

"It's not..."


Misaka9982 received a certain message from Misaka Network and said, "This is a prohibited matter."

For the first time, Bushu Toxin showed a surprised look, although this look was very subtle.But it was knowing what kind of existence the person in front of her was that surprised her.At the same time, an idea in my mind became stronger.


At eight o'clock in the evening, Ye Fanxin met with Accelerator in a warehouse area somewhere, and after helping him analyze the demon power, he left with Miss Misaka.

In the next few days, Ye Fanxin basically lived a life of repeated thoughts.Go to school every day, then go to the hospital to recharge my sister's vitality, and then serve as a sparring partner for one of the children, bringing back a new sister.

The matter of writing the book was forgotten by him before he knew it, thanks to the help of a certain child.

At the end of the month, the first sister Misaka Mika, who was rescued by Ye Fanxin, fully recovered.In other words, Ye Fanxin needs to consider adopting a younger sister.

The first is to rent a house. I found an apartment with a better environment in other school districts, and simply rented an entire floor at one time, and then the money funded by Accelerator was used up.Considering his sister's food and clothing, he had to pay for it out of his own pocket.Fortunately, there is only one Misaka Mika, but Misaka Misa will be coming tomorrow.

"It seems that I still have to continue to find a child's shoe to help." Ye Fan thought while holding his chin.

Chapter [-]: The attack on the school garden

During the weekend, Ye Fanxin woke up early in the morning.Because I invited Saten Leiko and Uchun as Lilai to the Garden of the School House today, the little girl Uchun was extremely excited.

"During this time, my elder sister didn't know what she was busy with every day. It was rare to have time to be alone with my elder sister on weekends, and as a result, I invited two big lightbulbs, Uiharu and Saten-san."

Ye Fanxin knocked on Heizi Baijing: "Don't talk about your friends like that."

After arranging their appearance a little, the two went to the agreed place to wait.

Time passed slowly, but there was still no sign of the two of them.Shirai Kuroko said impatiently, "This child, Chuchun, is really outrageous. You made my elder sister wait so long!"

Ye Fan's heart doesn't matter, he has been thinking about the mess.

At this time, I finally saw Satian Leiko and the two figures, but her body was covered with water and dust.

"Uh, Saten-san, you are..."

Zuotian smirked and said, "I accidentally slipped on the road."

As a result, Ye Fanxin lent her his school uniform to wear.As for why he didn't borrow Shirai Kuroko's, after all, the child reminded him that he couldn't wear it.

"I really envy Saten-san that you can wear Misaka-senpai's school uniform, Saten-san, why don't we change it." Chuchun said expectantly with little stars twinkling in his eyes.

Zuotian Leizi said helplessly: "I can't wear yours anymore."

This was a solid crit, but unfortunately it was ignored by Uiharu, who was used to it for a long time.

Kuroko Shirai asked, "How does it feel? Is it still appropriate?"

"It's okay, but the chest is a little tight!"

"Oh!" Heizi Baijing glanced at Ye Fanxin inexplicably.Then, she was beaten.

"Although I don't really care, but you look very bad."

Ye Fanxin said that he was telling the truth and that Sister Pao's fierceness had nothing to do with him, but it would be wrong for you to mock.

After changing clothes, Zuotian Leiko regained her strength: "Today, have a good time!"

"Don't get too excited!"

Shirai Kuroko reminded helplessly, and the group just wandered around the school garden.The final destination is a very popular cake shop.

Ye Fanxin chose a lot of cakes of various flavors as usual, and Chuchun was envious but unwilling to be entangled in two favorite flavors.

"I really envy Misaka-senpai's physique without getting fat. I want to choose more."

Zuotian Leizi said: "Then choose them together. Anyway, it doesn't matter if the early childhood system of early spring eats fat."

"Even if you say that, I can't be happy." Chuchun rolled her eyes at her. "Besides, women must always consider their weight. If their body is unbalanced, it will be a super disaster."

"That's right, so, elder sister should also consider this more!"

Ye Fanxin interrupted Baijing Heizi's words and said, "Heizi, you should eat more and change the shape of your coffin board."

puff! ! !

"Big sister!! Your words really hurt Kuroko's heart."

Shirai Kuroko almost spewed out a cake and shouted, but was interrupted by the sudden ringing of the mobile phone.

After being connected, his expression changed: "Chuharu, come with me, the second-year photon was attacked after marriage." After that, he pulled Chuchun and was about to leave.

"Hey!!! The cake I just ordered!"

Chuchun let out a cry of grief, and disappeared together with Kuroko Shirai.

Zuotian Leizi was stunned for a while, looked at Ye Fanxin, who was buried in hard work, and said helplessly, "Let's bring them back later."

Ye Fanxin didn't know if he heard or not, but he was eating happily anyway.

After a while, Saten Leiko said: "Well, Misaka-senpai, I'll go to the bathroom first."

Seeing that Ye Fan didn't respond, he smiled helplessly and left his seat.

After a while, it seemed that he finally realized that there was no one around, Ye Fanxin raised his head suddenly, his tongue flexibly swept around the outside of his mouth, and cleaned up all the cream that stuck around.

"Huh? Where did the tears go?"

I saw that the cake was still there, but no one answered when I opened the phone.Ye Fan thought hard, then went to the bathroom.

"Oh, it really is here!"

He vaguely remembered the plot here, and originally thought of giving it a try, but he really found it.

Looking at Zuotian Leizi who was lying unconscious on the stage, Ye Fanxin lifted her bangs with a wicked smile, and immediately revealed thick and black!

The eyebrows are like Crayon Shin-chan, but the styles of the two are different, especially when such thick thick eyebrows appear on the face of a beautiful and young girl, it is simply too funny.

Ye Fanxin couldn't hold back, kept smiling, then contacted Shirai Kuroko and took her to the 177th branch of the Discipline Committee.


"An attack on Tokiwadai?" Ye Fan asked curiously.

The time is really too long, although he vaguely remembers the plot, but the details are completely forgotten.

Chuharu said blankly: "Yes, there have been many similar accidents in recent days, but the victims are all Tokiwadai students."

Ye Fan thought thoughtfully: "Is it because Tears wore my school uniform?"

"How is Saten-san's body?" Uiharu asked.Because she was worried, she also returned to the branch as soon as possible.

At this time, Saten Leiko was lying on the sofa in a coma, with a wet towel covering her face.

"The body is fine." Ye Fan endured hard, "But..."

Early Spring is silent.

Ye Fanxin quickly changed the subject, he was afraid that he could not help laughing: "Heizi, is the culprit confirmed?"

"Not yet." Shirai Kuroko shook his head. "Looks like a slightly troublesome ability."

"Really? How troublesome?" Ye Fan was curious.

"Eyes can't see." Chuchun said, cutting out a video of the photon's transcript after marriage.In the video screen, Photon used a folding fan in front of his eyes after marriage, constantly emphasizing that he did not see the prisoner.

"That,, but, judging from the surveillance camera..." The security guard Tie Zhuang said weakly, while calling up the surveillance screen, there was indeed another person on the screen attacking the married photon.

After the marriage, Photon once again emphasized that he did not see the attack, and shocked the iron suit.

"Pfft! How did such a timid sister become a security guard!"

Shirai Kuroko said helplessly, "Sister, is your attention on this?"

"However, it is very strange that the camera can see it, but the naked eye can't see it." Chuchun said.

"It was initially suspected that it was the ability of the optical manipulation system."

Uiharu used the permission to call up the file in the database: "There are 47 more people with the ability to be completely invisible in Academy City. But all of them have an alibi."

"Is it possible that it just hinders people's vision or cognitive ability?" Ye Fanxin asked.

Chuchun checked it, and she really found a person.Respecting blessings and saving sails, the ability is called false inspection, which can directly hinder people's cognition of things in their eyes.And she is the only one with the same or similar abilities.

The information of Chongfu Shengfan appeared on the computer screen, a petite girl with two ball hairstyles and irregular bangs.

"However, her ability is only lv2, and the experimental data shows that it is not enough to completely eliminate her sense of existence."

"Oh, I thought I found a key clue." Kuroko Shirai was a little disappointed.

At this moment, Satian Leiko, who had been in a coma, woke up in a daze.

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