Shirai Kuroko was lying on the ground with a blushing face, even though Ye Fanxin kept getting electric shocks, he still held onto his underwear.

"My sister's love of whipping, is too ecstasy!"

Chapter three hundred and ninety first midnight bell

The dim light was projected on Saten Ruiko's face, reflecting a terrifying atmosphere.

"This is what happened to the boyfriend of the senior's friend in reality."

Ye Fanxin looked like he was listening carefully, and on the left and right were the nervous Uiharu and Shirai Kuroko.

Saten Leiko continued with a serious tone: "On a hot summer night, when the boyfriend was passing by a sparsely populated park, he was asked the way to the station by a woman standing there."

"Just as the boyfriend was kindly explaining the route, the somewhat melancholy woman raised her hand quietly, and took off her shirt with a sudden brush."

Ye Fan said boredly: "What kind of horror story is this, I'll do it!"

"Ah~ Misaka-senpai said it very confidently."

Zuotian Leizi was not convinced, but he and the other two covered the curtain again.

The summer vacation is approaching, and a few people came to this cold drink shop on the weekend. I don't remember who proposed it in the middle. In short, the part of telling horror stories began.

Just now Saten Leiko was talking about an urban legend of an academy, but unfortunately it wasn't scary at all.Ye Fanxin just happened to be interested, so he planned to tell a story by himself, so that they could see what a real horror story is.

"It happened in the past, the year is unclear. Probably some night in early September."

Ye Fanxin didn't have any tone or tone to exaggerate the atmosphere, and just told it so plainly.But often this blandness is more real.He tells the story of the place where the protagonist lives in the next chapter, and then he talks about the characters.

"Oishi Tomoko is a third-year student at a private girls' high school. She is sitting at the desk in the room on the second floor..."

Following Ye Fanxin's description, a simple but profound picture soon appeared in the minds of several people, including the image and state of the protagonist.

"The electric fan is blowing her skin, and she is still clamoring for the heat... From the beginning to the present, I can't write a single question..."

Wait, etc., all describe the mentality of the protagonist.Ye Fanxin used sufficient but not cumbersome words and language to describe a story that could be easily brought into them.

If people on earth came to see it, they would probably have heard that he was talking about the famous midnight bell.

Yes, when it comes to horror stories, there are very few that Ye Fanxin can think of immediately, among which is the midnight bell.As for why he didn't talk about other things, such as the grudge, because he had seen the bell in the novel version.

Because it is more exciting and terrifying than the movie, it is particularly impressive.

The story is a bit long to tell, but it's more than captivating.And with Ye Fanxin's narration, the terrifying atmosphere became stronger and stronger, so that the facial expressions of the other three became pitiful.

The emotions of fear gradually emerged, but they couldn't resist the story that was pressing step by step and deeply attracted them.

"Hello, do you need a refill?"

The waiter had to make a noise to interrupt, just because in this period of time when the passenger flow was gradually increasing, these girls had been staying for too much time.And the appearance of several people covered in black cloth really makes people feel weird.

The black cloth was lifted to a corner, and the light from the outside came in, dispelling the haze in the hearts of Saten Leiko and the three.At this time, not only did they not complain that the waiter interrupted the rhythm of the story, but instead woke up to her interference.

It gave them a breather from the suffocating episode.

Ye Fan was a little dissatisfied. After all, when he was preaching, it would be really uncomfortable for a horror and suspense lover to be disturbed while preaching.

She just showed half of her face from the opened corner, staring at the waiter lightly.

The young lady quickly sweated, and she always felt that the guest's eyes were full of resentment.

"That,," Baijing Heizi promptly pulled Ye Fanxin back into the black cloth, and said with a smirk, "According to the previous order, I will have another."

"OK, just a second!"

The waitress smiled again, but she felt relieved when she turned around, but she labeled Ye Fanxin and the others weird, especially Ye Fanxin.

"Come on, let's continue." Ye Fanxin said quickly.

"Uh." Saten Leiko's expression froze, and she looked at Uiharu and Shirai Kuroko, who were similar to her, "Well, let's wait for the waiter to bring the juice."

Shirai Kuroko also said, "Yes, or else I'll be interrupted later."

When Ye Fan heard this, he could only suppress the impatience in his heart.

"Speaking of which, where did Misaka-senpai hear the story, it's super scary." Saten Leiko exaggeratedly clasped her arms, and she still felt a coolness around her.

"I think Misaka-senpai said it well, it feels like being there," Uiharu said weakly.

Shirai Kuroko's face also looked a little surprised: "Really, I don't know when you saw such a horror story, elder sister."

Ye Fanxin smiled: "Does it sound good?"

Well, several people looked at each other.At this time, the waiter also brought over the juice soda.

Zuotian Leiko quickly took a sip, but she felt that the soda that should be cool and refreshing in summer made her shiver from the cold.

Ye Fanxin waited for a while, and after confirming that it was all right for the time being, he began to talk again.

And with the development of the storyline, high energy also began to appear.When listening to Ye Fanxin's story about Sadako crawling out of the TV, the girls couldn't even hold back their terrified screams, which attracted the attention of everyone in the cold drink shop.

By the way, the waitress was brought in.

Being interrupted again, the dissatisfaction on Ye Fanxin's face became even more obvious. If it weren't for the fact that the waiter was a young lady, he would never have given up.

Shirai Kuroko communicated with the waiter with a kind smile on her face, but at this time, her phone rang, and it seemed that it was from the Disciplinary Committee Branch.Judging by the look on her face, she should have a mission.

"Chu Chun, there is an incident, come with me."

After speaking, I apologized to the waitress again, and I said goodbye to Chuchun and left.

Inside the black cloth, Ye Fanxin and Zuotian Leizi looked at each other, Zuotian Leizi hurriedly said, "Why don't you talk about it next time?"

Ye Fan's eyelids gathered in the middle, expressing his unhappiness: "No, I won't talk about it any more, hum!"

Why is it so childish all of a sudden.Saten Leiko cried in her heart.

"By the way, has Misaka-senpai heard of the Seven Mysteries of Academy City?" Saten Ruiko tried to change the subject, "It's an urban legend."

She used her notebook to call up a web page that recorded various urban legends.

Ye Fanxin was still biting the straw in a sullen mood, sucking after a while.However, when he heard that all abilities could be invalidated, he raised his head and said, "I know this person."

Zuotian Leizi breathed a sigh of relief and secretly said that he was witty.However, he soon noticed Ye Fanxin's words.

"Ah? You said you knew each other?" She looked at Ye Fanxin in surprise, "That is to say, is this urban legend true?"

"Yeah." Ye Fan nodded his head naturally, "It's the lv0 I told you last time. It is precisely because it can make any ability invalid, so I say that he is more powerful than most superpowers."

"It's a lie." Saten Leiko looked unnatural, "Isn't it an ability to make any ability ineffective? How could it be lv0."

Ye Fanxin scratched his head, he really couldn't explain it.But it's true, Kamijou Touma doesn't have superpowers, but his right hand is more buggy than superpowers.

"Hey, do you really want superpowers?"

Chapter three hundred and ninety-two kick and run

"Leizi, do you want superpowers or become stronger?"

Zuotian Leizi was stunned, and he didn't understand why Ye Fanxin asked such a question.But, does she want superpowers?

The answer is yes.

With a longing for superpowers, he stubbornly came to this academy city.Thinking of awakening a super powerful ability one day, and then going home to show my relatives and friends.

See how great you are now.Unfortunately, she doesn't have this talent after all.

Although I spend the whole day with Uiharu, I say things I don't care about.But seeing the various abilities displayed by her classmates, she would still feel envious, fantasizing that if she could also have more numbers.

Even if it is the lowest level lv1, at least it proves that her original choice was not wrong, and her previous efforts were not in vain.

But the reality is cruel, super power is not something you can get by working hard.

After repeated failures and repeated blows, she has long given up her efforts and tried to bury this extravagant hope in her heart.

But in this academy city where there are many capable people, they are faced with all kinds of abilities every day, how can they hide it.

"Sometimes I really envy Misaka-senpai." Saten Leiko forced a smile and said, "Has one of Academy City's most powerful abilities. Unlike me, no matter how hard I try, I'm just the lowest level lv0."

Ye Fanxin just looked at her like that and said nothing.

"Do you know? In the last incident, I saw Misaka-senpai punishing criminals, and Shirai-san was so handsome in defeating the robbers, and even Uiharu performed so well."

"Only me, can't do anything. That kind of feeling,, is very unwilling."

Saten Leiko shook her head and smiled, "However, Misaka-senpai doesn't understand that feeling at all."

"Misaka-senpai asked me, do you want superpowers or become stronger." She held the iron spoon pretending to be free and easy, tapped the glass lightly, and made a pleasant sound.

"When superpowers become extravagant hopes, I gave up that kind of thing long ago. However, when everyone is working hard, only I can't do anything." Saten Leiko bit her lip, showing an unwilling look .

"I think I can be of some use and be able to help."

"That is to say, as long as you can get stronger, right." Ye Fanxin said suddenly, and then she didn't give her any extra reaction, "If you want to get stronger, come to this hospital on time at six o'clock in the afternoon every day."

Zuotian Leizi looked at her blankly: "What?"

Ye Fanxin got up and left her with a deep back: "There, there will be an opportunity for you to become stronger."

Walking out of the cold drink shop all the way, Ye Fanxin dodged to the corner of the wall next to him, and brushed aside Zuotian Leizi who came out later, and he was relieved until he watched her leave.

"Well, the back figure just now, at least eight points."

The phone rang, Ye Fanxin took out his phone and saw that it was an unfamiliar number.After the connection was made, what library was on the opposite side, saying that the novel he submitted had passed the review and was ready to be published in the next issue of the magazine.

When Ye Fan heard this, he was very happy, and now he has another source of funds.Zhengchou has been spending too much recently.

The other party has already drawn up a relevant contract. Ye Fan thought it simply. Anyway, he would not stay in this world for too long, so he directly chose to buy out the contract at a high price.

Arriving at the appointed place, signing the contract, and seeing the large amount of figures on the book, Ye Fan felt very happy.


Since it is a buyout, after the contract is ten million, Ye Fanxin doesn't need to worry about anything.However, he was thinking about whether to write a few more books, but he had to think about what to write this time.

Although he can copy a lot of works on the earth, he also has his own stubbornness.First of all, you have to like what you like, and secondly, you must like the public.

While thinking about it, he suddenly saw Kamijou Touma talking to a woman with long brown hair in front of him.Ye Fanxin originally wanted to go up and bully him, but after looking at the sky, it was already evening, so he gave up.

When I felt the hospital, I didn't see Saten Riko, and I was a little disappointed.

After recharging the sisters, Ye Fan said in his heart, "I will come back every day at this time of day after I transform, and I will recharge a friend by the way. You all should be careful not to reveal my identity."

"Especially the sisters, don't let her see you."

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