"Ten Fang, stand behind the teacher and listen to the teacher's instructions later."

Shifang smartly heard the meaning of his words, and said sadly: "Master..."

"Don't talk back." Lao Dao looked back at him and said sternly, "When I'm your master, just listen to me."

"Master, maybe, things didn't turn out as expected!"

Ten Fang is now more and more certain of this idea.At first, it came from seeing Tu Shan Yaya and Tu Shan Rongrong. He knew that Tu Shan would not kill innocent people indiscriminately.Especially after Ye Fanxin suddenly stopped, he was even more sure.

If Ye Fanxin really wants to kill them, there is absolutely no need to do so, and even in the clone round, they are likely to be wiped out.

"You know what, evildoers are always evildoers. Killing people is like eating and drinking water. Even if that woman eats everyone in one bite now, it's not surprising."

Shifang smiled bitterly, the master's prejudice against monsters was still too deep.

In fact, it's not just him, everyone who has spent some time in the rivers and lakes is like this.They have seen too many tragedies, which is why their resentment towards monsters is so unforgettable.

But Shifang always felt that it was just some monsters, just like there are many scum among humans.

He remembered the senior brother who captured the two sisters, Tu Shan Honghong and Tu Shan Rongrong. He said that he was a senior brother, but he was actually a virtuous person who had a high self-esteem and treated him as a slave.

Shifang wanted to say that there were still many people like him, but he looked at his master, but in the end he didn't say anything.

The current situation is that the hatred between humans and demons is too deep. Only after he has achieved certain results and proves it to the master himself, maybe the master can change his current concept.

With a smile at the corner of Ye Fanxin's mouth, he glanced at himself, but saw that hundreds of monsters were all lying on the ground in embarrassment.

With a light snort, the terrifying pressure shook the earth, and the monsters were silent, getting up from the ground, bowing their heads and not daring to let out a breath.Just a glimpse of the figure of the master of his own, and my heart is ashamed.

Now, it's almost there.

Seeing that the time was ripe, Tushan Rongrong stepped forward and said, "Tushan's rule is that all outsiders who step into the territory of Tushan must pay an entry fee and a residence fee, and the residence fee depends on the length of stay."

"Everyone who uses the roads built by Tushan must pay tolls at the toll booths along the way. Everyone, please pay."

As soon as a group of people turned their attention to Tu Shan Rongrong, they were stunned by her words.

What the hell is the Tushan rule?Entry fee?Residency fee?Tolls?What a mess this is all about.Just listening to a lot of fees, it means asking for money, isn't this an obvious robbery?

Those who figured this out all began to feel restless, but they only heard a cold snort. These people saw Ye Fan's unhappiness in his heart, only to feel that a suffocation was suffocated in his lungs, and they couldn't speak.

They don't dare, they have seen the despairing strength of this ruthless man just now, MMP, if it makes her unhappy now, isn't it courting death?

Seeing that there was no objection, Tu Shan Rongrong smiled and said, "It seems that everyone has understood it, so please pay."

Her voice fell, and the monsters that had been prepared had already gone to collect the money one by one.According to the original plan, those who have money will pay, those who have no money will be mortgaged with things, and they will be redeemed when they have money in the future.

The reason why it can be redeemed is also Ye Fanxin's method of forcibly creating repeat customers.As long as they still want to redeem things, they will naturally come to Tushan, which is another income.

With an ugly face, Lao Dao found out some pieces of silver. This was his last savings, but this abominable monster in front of him said that it was only enough for him and his disciple, which was totally unreasonable.

It’s okay for those who have money to pay, but it’s hard for those who don’t have money.

Human Taoist priests usually carry only magic weapons and props besides money. Money is important, but for them, magic weapons and props are more important.

But what can I do without money?Are you going to use your life to test that ruthless man?

Don't be ridiculous, more important than magic weapons and props is your own life.

Most of the human beings did not bring money or enough money. Therefore, just received a lot of magic weapons and props. The smile on Tu Shan Rongrong's face became brighter and brighter, even Bai Suzhen, who was beside her, could do it. feel her happiness.

On the other hand, the monsters are even worse.

There are not many monsters who have been tricked this time, and most of the monsters are not in the habit of bringing money. In their opinion, they can grab whatever they want, and money is the most useless thing.

This is what the monsters used to think, but now, they don't think so.With an ugly face, he handed over his housekeeping treasure, and the monsters were bleeding inside.

But what can they do?With Ye Fanxin watching, do they dare not give it?

Fortunately, it can still be redeemed, just wait until I go back to get some money and come back to redeem the treasure.

Hundreds of monsters collected the entry fee in an orderly manner, and soon, all of them paid the entry fee with an ugly face.

"Tu Shan's head, I have already paid the fee, so I can leave now."

Tu Shan Rongrong smiled and said: "Wait a minute, everyone, as the first batch of consumers of Tu Shan's new business, we have specially arranged a special promotion in Tu Shan. You can be invited to visit Tu Shan as a special case, and you will be exempted from this stay. stay fee."

There was a commotion in the crowd, and I didn't understand what the hell was Tu Shan doing?

"Sorry, there are still things to do next, please forgive me and retire first!"

"Hmph, Daoist isn't interested either, farewell!"

"Hehe, I don't dare to go, that's Tushan."

Tu Shan Rongrong smiled, this situation was also expected, so she did not panic, said: "Everyone wait."

Lao Dao took Shi Fang's hand and was about to leave. Hearing this, he sneered: "What? Are you still going to kill him after all? A monster is a monster."

"Hey, dead old man, pay attention to what you say."

"You really dare to say nonsense, but you are an obscure Taoist priest."

The monsters present let out their suffocating aura and looked at Lao Dao with bad intentions.

Tu Shan Rongrong smiled lightly: "Everyone, it is forbidden to make troubles in Tu Shan, otherwise you will be regarded as Tu Shan's enemy."

"I asked you to stay here because I want to remind you that Tushan has new rules. I think it is necessary for you to understand clearly. Otherwise, if you accidentally offend in the future, you may have a good idea in your heart, right?"

This was a threat from Hong Guoguo, but the crowd couldn't even have the guts to speak back in addition to being angry.

Tu Shan Rongrong nodded with satisfaction: "Don't worry, we, Tu Shan, are the most reasonable. As long as you don't violate Tu Shan's rules, we will not embarrass you."

"In addition, Tushan has also started a lot of new business, you can also take this opportunity to learn about it."

Chapter five hundred and seventeenth come ~ happy

Ye Fanxin changed back to the appearance of Tu Shan Honghong, and Tu Shan Rongrong was doing the final finishing for him beside him.

"How's the situation?"

"Everyone came. Although they were reluctant, they were all honest."

Tu Shan Yaya muttered: "Can you be honest, seeing such a sister."

But then he looked at Ye Fanxin with admiration: "Sister, what is your move? It's the one who made a big fireball, so handsome!"

Big fireball?Ye Fan thought for a while, and there seemed to be nothing wrong.

"Ah, that is Altaïr's ability, is it very powerful? I deliberately reduced the power."

He really doesn't think it's so powerful. In terms of power, it may be comparable to the big monster with a trace of the dragon's blood.He clearly remembered that the big demon was also of mid-term strength.

If you put the words of Sister Youxiang, it is also a matter of magic cannons.If you let Sister Zi come, it will probably be easier, just open up the space and swallow it.

To say that the strength of those two sisters, in addition to their own demon power and realm, what is more buggy is their ability.Thinking about Youyouzi's abilities again, Ye Fan's heart instantly had an epiphany.

Sure enough, any world is a world of comparison, and you can play with wool if you don't open it.

Just like himself, he has a super high hanging ratio, and the current plug-in is still increasing and increasing.

Leaving Tu Shan Yaya aside, this girl seems to be a relative, but the level of this hook is not too high.

For example, Ye Fanxin's plug-in is at the level of Daluo Jinxian, then Fengjian Youxiang and others' plug-ins are Taiyi Jinxian, and Tushan Yaya is at most at the level of angels.

Like Starburst Abandoning Healing Slash, in Ye Fan's eyes, he was not even an Earth Immortal, and it killed a Human Immortal.

Although everyone is immortal, the level is too different.

As for Tu Shan Rongrong, Ye Fan pondered carefully, did this girl have any cheating, and then thought about it, it seemed that she didn't have anything that could be called cheating except her bloodline.

To be smart, this girl is quite resourceful, but due to the influence of a certain novel, Ye Fanxin can't help but compare himself with a certain Chu university in terms of brain.

It's called open hanging, even the author can calculate it, it's too annoying~~~


Ye Fan's heart was shaken for a while, and he couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong?"

Tu Shan Yaya turned her head angrily and ignored him. It was rare for her to redefine her elder sister's worship on her body, and she was distracted and angry when she was talking to her!

Ye Fan's heart was inexplicable, and Little Loli's mind was really hard to understand.Just as he was about to speak, he was interrupted by Tu Shan Rongrong.

"Sister, it's almost time, it's time to start."

Bai Suzhen walked in from the outside at this time, and said with some anticipation: "My lord, those people have already taken their seats, when will you start expressing your expressions."

"Huh? So soon? I'll go out now!"

Tu Shan Yaya jumped out unwillingly, and said, "Hmph, those guys must be thinking of ending soon and leaving Tu Shan."

She usually hates outsiders entering Tushan, especially humans and Taoist priests.But now she doesn't have such a strong emotion, because she knows that this is the plan of the elder sister and the younger sister, for the development of Tushan.

However, cynicism is still indispensable, and the absence of strong emotions does not mean that she will withdraw her disgust for humans.

Tu Shan Rongrong smiled and said, "These people probably didn't prepare much money for the first time. They paid the entry fee just now. I think they can't afford it."

"It doesn't matter, I didn't plan to let them spend much money this time. The purpose of this time is to spread Tushan's current situation and let more people know."

Ye Fanxin walked outside and said as he walked: "After today, Tushan's strength will deter other forces after all, and Tushan's new rules will be spread, the most important thing is the business of Tushan outside, which can allow more people know."

Pushing the door open, there was not a lot of people outside, but there were quite a few people, but they were all sitting very quietly on the stools, drinking tea and wine silently.Those who know each other will sit together and exchange a few words with each other.

Heaven and Earth is a huge three-story attic. Although it is not as huge and luxurious as Tianxianyuan, it is still magnificent.

Ye Fanxin appeared on a high platform on the third floor. Because it was specially built, she stood on it, and almost everyone could see her clearly.


The somewhat dull atmosphere just now eased, and many people looked at Ye Fanxin in amazement, but for a while they were caught by this peerless face.

Many people looked at Ye Fanxin in awe, only his enchanting and beautiful figure remained in their eyes.

Shifang opened his mouth in astonishment, and it turned out to be the benefactor, Tu Shan Honghong, the head of Tu Shan.He saw it again.

When we meet again, the mood is completely different from before. In addition to gratitude, there is more admiration.This is people's instinctive yearning for beautiful things, and it has nothing to do with love.

It's just that the benefactor is still so beautiful and beautiful after not seeing him for many days.Moreover, Tushan has also changed a lot compared to before.

He can't say how much the changes have changed, because he didn't appreciate it carefully when he came to Tushan last time, but this time he has a chance, but it's only for viewing.

"Hmph, pretentious foxes will only deceive people's hearts. Shifang, you must remember that this kind of monster is the most deceptive and the most playful of people's hearts. How many forces throughout the ages have been destroyed in the hands of these fox spirits. Therefore, Don't look at them beautiful, but they are all pink and pink skeletons, you must be very careful."

Shifang agreed on the surface, but he didn't necessarily agree in his heart.After all, it is the teacher's warning, so I still have to give some face.

There are also people like Lao Dao who ignore Ye Fan's heart, but not many.After all, Tushan has always had a good reputation, and he is neutral in the eyes of outsiders.

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