Alice said lightly.The tone of voice seems to be a thousand miles away, and her listless appearance and haggard face also make people easily think of terms like house girl, night owl and the like!

Ye Fanxin knew that this was still a cute little girl in elementary school.The reason why she looked so bad was actually because of the magical girl's transformation.

However, what he wants to say more is that those who dislike Alice's image are all diaosi. Haven't you heard of contrasting cuteness?Alice with dark circles is also so cute!

"I'm a magical girl, Bai Xue, I'm sorry to call you out, but I just want to get to know you, maybe we can become good friends!"

It's so dangerous, it's almost called the magical girl Yingcao.

"I'm Alice, we,, are friends!"

As expected, Ye Fanxin still looked surprised, and then said happily: "Really?"

"Yeah!" Alice nodded lightly!

"Great! I've been worried on the way here, can I become good friends with Alice!"

Alice looked into Ye Fanxin's eyes and said, "I've been looking for..."

Greasy senior sister, where is it!

Ye Fan smiled very delicately, and he couldn't help adding the following lines in his heart.Well, no inconsistencies!

"Bai Xue, the real magical girl!"

"Huh? Huh? It's embarrassing to say that all of a sudden. Is this a confession from Alice-chan?"


Alice tilted her head. She was still young, but she didn't react. Then she looked startled. She stared at Ye Fanxin, who was pretending to be charming, and nodded.

"Well! Confess!"

Ye Fan's confidant gave a dark smile, is this Lily starting from a doll?This broke a cute little girl.

"Ah, I'm so shy, it's the first time in my life that I have been confessed, does Alice like me very much?"

"Yes, I like it!"

"Hee hee, although I'm shy, I also like Alice very much!"

Gently pulling Alice's hand, the three-no-magic girl with her body was startled, her lips slightly curved.

"Alice is also a newcomer, so just form a team with me in the future. By the way, there is another person in the team, a holy girl, and I will introduce you to you later!"

In fact, Ye Fanxin in the image of Yingcao is half a head shorter than the magical girl Alice, and he looks more like a young girl.But the dialogue between the two always has a sense of discord, like the rise of the two and the reversal of their age.

Alice allowed Ye Fanxin to hold hands, and the two flew on the roof together.

Ye Fanxin's purpose is very simple, that is, to contact Alice in advance, it is naturally the best to get a good impression.This will make it easier for him to act in the future.In fact, being able to get such a favorable impression of Alice is really an unexpected joy.

He didn't expect that just one help would make Alice like him so much.Perhaps it is because the young girl has not yet formed a completed outlook on life.

Just like swimming in the original novel, she is a young girl in elementary school, her outlook on life, values ​​and worldview are still vague, but she is filled with the royal power of a social person with the adult's set.So much so that it ended up being a tragic ending!

Similar to this young girl and twin angels.

The behavior of the twins from beginning to end can actually see the shadow of naughty and rebelliousness, which is a unique nature of children.They don't have a clear understanding of what is right or wrong, and they do everything based on their own preferences.There is no clear understanding of life.

Because of this, no one is dissatisfied with the command of the king.Until the death of her sister Yunel, when her sister Minel realized the meaning of death, she also collapsed completely, and was finally killed by Kuranbeili!

To be honest, it's okay for Fab to choose a young girl to be a magical girl, but what's disgusting is that he uses such a cruel method to eliminate magical girls.Especially for young girls who are not yet fully aware of these.

At night, it was still the iron tower, and Ye Fanxin brought Alice here, and then introduced it to the stunned holy girl.

"This is Alice, my confessor!"

The Holy Maiden's expression was stiff, and there was a feeling of sadness in her heart.Unexpectedly, there is a green light on the top of the head.


The most terrible thing is that this girl who seems to be sleep-deprived has been confirmed as if nothing has happened.

Hey, what's this unfolding?Aren't you all girls?Could it be that this magical girl named Alice is actually a boy?

"By the way, Alice is a real girl!"

Ye Fanxin filled the knife with a smile, and then leaned close to Alice's ear and said, "Actually, Xiao Sa's body is a boy. By the way, Xiao Sa is a holy girl!"

A look called pervert appeared in Alice's eyes.

"What kind of eyes do you have? It's not what I want to be like this."

"Oh puff puff! Actually, Xiao Sa likes the way she is now. After all, this is a magical girl!"

The Holy Maiden blushed: "Wow, ah, I just like magical girls. What's wrong with that? Xiaoxue, I've said it many times, don't call me Xiao Sa. Also, you promised not to laugh at me!"

In addition to the perverted look in Alice's eyes, at this time there was another look called vigilance!

The holy girl said weakly: "Hello Alice, I am the holy girl, the knight of Snow White. By the way, what's with your expression that looks like you are wary of your beloved toy being taken away?"

Alice paused, then walked behind Ye Fanxin and hugged him gently, just like hugging a doll.

You really treat Bai Xue as a doll!

Ye Fanxin didn't feel any disgust at all.Rather, it feels like a novelty.Being held in his arms like a doll by others, especially when the other party is a primary school girl!

At this time, Alice's emotions were also very subtle, and it always felt as if she had awakened to something.

The magical girl, Shirayuki, was held in her arms.Obviously he is just a child.

But, this feeling is so good!

Chapter [-]: Yingcao's Kingship Raiders Plan

"So, will the three of us act together in the future?"

"Of course!" Ye Fanxin said with a smile.

Seeing his excited look, the holy girl didn't say anything.For him, it was enough to see Bai Xue happy.

"The ranking will be announced tomorrow, how about it, do you want to continue today?"


Ye Fanxin suddenly looked in a certain direction: "Today we are going to find Wang Quan!"

Although the plan is to wait until the last day, call everyone, and then distribute your own magic candy.But kingship is the exception.Because according to the original plot, Wang Quan will send someone to take his magic candy tonight!

Although there is nothing to wait for Wang Quan and others to arrive, there will definitely be a battle at that time.Although with his own strength, there will be no casualties, but the relationship will become very rigid.

Rather than passively letting things go beyond the plan, he prefers to take the initiative!

Hmph, let the magical girl Yingcao attack Wang Quan, the arrogant queen!

"Why do you have to go to Wang Quan, that guy has a very bad personality and is a difficult person to deal with!"

Along the way, the holy girl kept complaining.Unlike the innocent(?) Innocent Snow White, although he likes magical girls, he has more things to consider.

While dreaming, it's not just immersing in it.

Therefore, he understands that the so-called magical girls are not always what they dreamed.Such as kingship, such as Calamity Mary.

I want to protect Snow White, who is pure, kind and beautiful like a real magical girl.Then you must stand in front of her and bear all the disasters for her!

"So, Xiao Sa, don't have too much prejudice. I can feel that Wang Quan is actually not a bad person."

Wang Quan herself is a strong woman with strong execution and personality, but she is too self-centered, and she is not recognized in her work, and she is bent on proving herself.

It can be seen from her magic that she is a person with a heart higher than the sky and a strong sense of leadership.The reason why he taught his subordinates with an adult's behavior is also because he didn't know that Yong Yong and others were young girls.

In fact, the reason why swimming turned black later was not all due to royal power.There are also swimmers who have misunderstood the meaning of Wang Quan.For example, the leadership consciousness that Wang Quan has always emphasized, everything in the team must be fed to the leadership.

But she said it herself at the end, forgetting what Wang Quan said, if you lose a team member, no matter how incompetent the team member is, it is also the incompetence of the leader!

Maybe that's why, after killing Xiaoyu who saw her real body, she shed tears!

Therefore, in fact, although Wang Quan seems to be mean to his opponents, he is actually angry and unwilling to show his own value.

According to Ye Fanxin's opinion, such people actually have no friends but long for friends.It's just the strong character that makes them deny this!

"What are you doing here?"

Wang Quan raised his eyebrows.Ye Fanxin had already contacted Wang Quan in advance.

"Are you going to fight?"

"I'm here to pick something up!"

"Hey! Are you going to,, fight?"

Minel Unel was afraid that the world would not be in chaos, and Xiaoyu was shivering with fear.

"Shut up all of you!"

Wang Quan stared, and everyone stopped talking.Then she looked at Ye Fanxin and said lightly: "What are you looking for? If you are here to show off your achievements, you don't have to!"

"It's not like that!"

Ye Fan's heart puffed up, and he looked at Wang Quan with an unhappy look on his face.

Wang Quan was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Little sister, do you want to comfort me like this?"

"Hmph, I don't want your comfort."

For some reason, looking at Ye Fanxin who was angry and cute, Wang Quan suddenly felt relieved, and he had a long-lost sense of ease!

"If you don't say anything, please go back!"


Yong Yong glanced at Wang Quan strangely, and the latter glared at her, implying her not to talk too much!

Ye Fan's heart is also a little puzzled, this time should be done directly, right? Logically speaking, today is the time when the king wants to snatch his magic candy!

Shaking his head, he said: "Actually, there is something I want to tell Wang Quan. Originally, I planned to tell everyone about it tomorrow, but I was a little worried about Wang Quan, so I came earlier!"

"worry about me?"

Wang Quan laughed: "Why are you worried about me? Do I have anything to worry about?"

"I don't know, I feel Wang Quan is a worrying person!"

"What kind of answer is this? Forget it, tell me why you are looking for me. I don't have time to waste time with you here. After all, we don't have as many magic candies as you!"

"I'm here just for this time!"

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