"Huh? Why? Isn't my body sexy? Or am I not pretty enough?"

"I want to see you eat Noni fruit!" Ye Fanxin turned his head.

It's not that she is not interested in this article Erya, not to mention that she is so active, her behavior is even more powerful than Yu Xiaomeijiu, Ye Fan's heart is already ready to move at the first time.

However, he felt that anyway, this woman's body is his own sooner or later, and now it is rare to have the opportunity to bully her openly, and there is no need to give up because of a momentary impulse.

Chapter [-] Erya, you're finished

Debbie Luke Manor, a group of people are sitting in the garden.

Benjo Erya stared blankly at the ugly fruit on the table, and her lips began to tremble.

"Don't eat, okay?"

Ye Fanxin held Xiao Si in one hand and Xiao Qi in the other, while rubbing her face affectionately, she said, "What do you think?"

"As a newcomer, as an elves, it is natural to be willing to admit defeat, but don't insult the spirit of elves."

This article Erya glanced at Yamai Yataya, who said it seemed to be stipulated by who, and returned the spirit of the elf, is it funny?

"What the hell does this thing smell like, making her resist so much!"

Tobiichi Origami said from the side: "It is widely rumored on the Internet that Noni fruit tastes like human vomit..."

The girls suddenly changed their faces, and couldn't help but take a few steps back, with a respectful attitude.

Benjo Erya wanted to cry but had no tears. Looking at Ye Fanxin who was smiling, he gritted his teeth and said, "I'll eat it!"

Pick up a noni fruit and put it in your mouth is a big mouthful.Her expression changed in an instant, the noni fruit in her mouth that hadn't been crushed was sprayed out, and then she lay on the railing and retched.

"Ouch~ So disgusting~ Vomit~"

Another difference between noni fruit and canned herring is that its disgusting smell does not spread too far. For example, Ye Fanxin and others can't smell any weird smell at all.

Out of curiosity, Yamiya took a bite of the noni fruit and smelled it, and immediately joined the ranks of retching.

"楪書~ Vomit, you bastard~ Vomit~~~ I remember it."

Benjo Erya burst into tears, staring at Ye Fanxin viciously.


Yuan Yi Origami showed a puzzled look, and Ye Fan smiled: "You heard wrong!"

Benji Erya paused for a while, and suddenly showed a dangerous smile. Seeing Ye Fanxin giving her a crazy wink, he immediately straightened out his thoughts and said loudly: "You don't know yet, this bastard is actually Yu Qi, and the other thing is , Yato God Tohka is also her! It's all her ability to become."

Seven sins looked at her with contempt: "I already knew that."

Ye Fanxin squinted and scanned Benjo Erya's body without a trace, making her suddenly have a dangerous aura.But at the moment she was in a state of excitement.

But she caught an opportunity to cure Ye Fan's heart, and when she saw Ye Fan's heart shriveled, she felt sore all over.

Yuan Yi Origami stared at Ye Fanxin with big eyes and said, "Really?"

Ye Fan smiled bitterly and nodded.

"So, that's what you meant by 'something lied to me' earlier?"

"Yeah!" Ye Fan looked at her cautiously and said, "Origami, you said it before, you will forgive me."

Tobiichi Origami lowered his head and suppressed something in his voice: "So, you actually know everything? You designed all this?"

"Uh, I made four, the first meeting was not! And life with Origami."

"That is to say, it will make me sad after that!"

Ye Fan said nervously: "That's just because I like origami too much and don't want to let it leave me, so..."

"I am angry!"


Tobiichi Origami raised his head and puffed up: "I said I would forgive you, but that doesn't mean I won't be angry."

"You guy, no matter what the purpose, is too bad. Excessive, bullying, I don't want to care about you."

"Origami, listen to my explanation!"

"I don't listen, I don't listen, don't come to my room recently."

Yuanichi Origami ran away angrily, Ye Fan closed his eyes in disappointment, and his brows suddenly trembled.Turn around with fists clenched.

"Second Ya! You're finished!!!"

These words were almost squeezed out from between his teeth to express Ye Fanxin's anger.

"You,, what do you want to do? There are so many people watching here. I warn you not to mess around."

Benjo Erya stepped back subconsciously, looked at Ye Fanxin who was approaching, and panicked: "I have already eaten Noni fruit, so the previous condition of the meat compensation has been voided, tell you, it is impossible to want to date me now!"

"You idiot woman, what are you talking about?" Seven sins covered Yoshino's ears, and glared at the open-mouthed Erya Benjo, "Sister, let's go! In the future, don't talk to this kind of idiot. Women speak."

Yoshino snorted, and the two jumped away.

The eight dance sisters looked at each other, although they were curious about what would happen next, but after thinking about it, they chose to leave.

"Xixuan, Origami doesn't seem to be happy, let's go see her."

"Agreed, Origami needs comfort now."

Maria left with a smile, and the place became deserted in an instant.

"Hey, it's just the two of us left here, Erya, do you know what this means?"

Benjo Erya's eyes dodged, looking for an opportunity to escape: "What?"

"It means I can do whatever I want with you."

"Huh!!!" Benjo Erya had already exclaimed, looking at the opportunity to slip away, but unfortunately, Ye Fanxin grabbed his wrist faster.

"Don't struggle anymore, you can't run away without my permission, so Er Ya, you should be doted on by me obediently."

The sound of petting was said on Benjo Erya's ear, and the heat mixed with the sound that made her whole body soft, which made her tremble all over.

This feeling is just like what she imagined when she was drawing comics.

No, more fascinating than fanciful.Just like this, she couldn't stop, Benjo Erya struggled symbolically, and she couldn't help but start looking forward to Ye Fanxin's next move.

"Huh? So cooperative?" Ye Fan was surprised, "Since this is the case, it's good to soothe my unpleasant mood."

He pulled off Benjo Erya's collar, followed her collarbone, all the way to her chin, and bit her lip.The charming atmosphere suddenly covered this small garden.

Benjo Erya's low groaning and Ye Fanxin's coquettish panting intertwined a wonderful music, and the flowers in the garden bowed their heads shyly.

When everything was calm, and it was obviously evening, the two of them were covered with fine dewdrops.

Ye Fanxin and Bentiao Erya were intertwined, and the skin of both of them showed a layer of ambiguous pink, like two delicate flowers and bones, which were indescribably beautiful.

Benjo Erya's eyes were blurred, and the whole person gradually woke up from a dream like a fantasy. Looking at the face of Ye Fanxin, who was remembered to support, he suddenly became angry: "You have done too much."

"What, weren't you feeling well just now?"

Benjo Erya blushed and couldn't help but beat Ye Fanxin, but it caused waves in Ye Fanxin's chest.

"What's the matter? Do you want to eat Nao? Since she is my concubine, I will accept it!"

Ye Fanxin waved his hand domineeringly, and then pressed Benjo Erya's head on his tits.

The sudden softness and mellowness on his face made Benjo Erya stunned for a moment, and then became furious, biting the delicate bud in one bite.


"...cough, just made a mistake, I won't make that kind of sound!" Ye Fan said solemnly.

Honjo Erya smiled with deep malice, her teeth strained.

"Ah~~~ oh~~~"

Chapter six hundred and eighty first to be the queen

Benjo Erya looked at Ye Fanxin proudly.

"You are only a woman after all, hehe, even if Lily, it must be me attacking you."

Ye Fan's heart blushed, and he said stubbornly: "Just kidding, I am the only one attacking others, why would others attack me."

"Oh, is that right? Why don't we come back and learn from each other to see who is attacking and who is receiving?"

This article Erya's line of sight caught Ye Fanxin's Naiko, especially the upright Bei Bud who is still in a daze.

Ye Fan subconsciously protected his chest with his hands, and then felt that he was not imposing enough. He put down his hands and greeted Benjo Erya's strange smile, and said unwillingly: "Don't be complacent, isn't it just a weakness? If you really learn it, I will still be the same. crush you."

"Don't compare, come! Come face to face!"

Ye Fan was angry, no one had ever dared to mock him like this.

"You wait, we'll have dinner later. After we finish eating, we will fight until dawn. Whoever persuades is RBQ!"

After speaking, he left angrily.

Benjo Erya suddenly felt bad again, and always felt that his stimulation was too much, this guy won't really be perverted, right?

That night, Benjo Erya knew what a real pervert was. After Ye Fan let go of himself, he took her care of things so obediently that he couldn't get out of bed the next day.

At noon, a group of people were drinking tea and eating snacks in the garden with nothing to do. Bentiao Erya sat honestly next to Ye Fanxin, rubbing his shoulders and beating his legs, which was completely different from yesterday.

"Hey, what the hell did you do to this idiot woman to make her so honest."

Ye Fanxin's eyes crossed, Qixin blinked obediently, and said in a milky voice, "Sister, I'm sorry, Xiaoqi didn't mean it just now."

Ye Fanxin nodded with satisfaction. Seven sins grinned on the surface, but kept cursing in his heart. If he lived under the silver power of this big devil every day, when would he be able to come forward?

Leaving Yoshino who was quietly eating cake next to her, she suddenly realized that it seemed that the big devil had never bullied Xiao Si.

Could it be that being a good kid is really the best choice?

Seven Sins couldn't help but fell into contemplation.

Maria came over and said in a low voice, "Miss, the housekeeper is looking for you for something."

"Just say no to anything." Ye Fan was really too lazy to go out.

This small garden has almost become an exclusive leisure place for the girls. Apart from them and the maids, only Ye Fanxin can enter and leave at will, and the housekeeper has no authority.

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