What else can he say, Ye Fanxin, he is still invincible, and he is really swollen.

"Host, are you sure about the transformed character you want to choose?"

Hearing the reminder from the Smurfs, Ye Fanxin turned his attention to the selection list again.Glancing over the four girls, they landed on the fifth target.

Kudo Meiling, ability: strong desire.As long as it is determined that the opponent has activated the ability, it can easily take away the opponent's ability.There is no upper limit to this capture.

Ye Fanxin pointed at her and said, "First ask, if I choose her, will she have the abilities of several other people?"

"Please don't imagine the host, Kudo Meiling's ability is only lust, even if it is plundered, it is not her own ability. The host weakly chooses to transform into Kudo Meiling. She will only have her own ability."

"Cut! Spicy chicken!"

Ye Fan said angrily, "Stealing chickens won't work, so he had to give up.

But looking at the other four girls, he got into trouble again.To be honest, except for the five emperors of Kushikawa Hatoko, the abilities of the four people, he wants the other three.

After struggling for a long time, I still can't make up my mind.

"Damn, you rubbish system, or you can create some worlds that I don't like, or create a world that I want. It's better to just list this world as a top world, save me watching. Confused."

"This is impossible. Their abilities have not reached the level of the top world, and they have only barely touched the law, and they themselves have no knowledge of this. The law that they cannot understand is equivalent to ordinary ability."

"It's like teaching primitive people to make phone calls, they'll just use it, but never know why the phone works."

"Don't talk to me about these things I don't want to hear." Ye Fan kicked his feet unhappily, and said, "Forget it, you kneel down first, I'll make a choice after thinking about it."

The Smurfs disappeared, Ye Fanxin sorted out his mood, opened the door and walked out.

The girls just glanced at him, and then said this to themselves.

Ye Fan was stunned, suddenly.In their eyes, they just entered the room, stayed for a while and then came out again.

He smiled, and after thinking about it, he still walked to Nan Qinli's room.

Yuzhi Azi was still whispering to her, and when Ye Fanxin came in, he stopped the conversation.


Ye Fanxin walked over, Nan Qinli's face was still a little unnatural.The usual relationship has suddenly changed, and it is inevitable that she will not be able to convert.

Ye Fanxin was like this before, but not anymore.

Under the watchful eyes of the two women, he climbed onto the bed, lay beside Nan Qinli, and wrapped his arms around Nan Qinli firmly.

"Yeah, what are you doing?"

Nan Qinli was a little flustered, and ignored any discomfort in her body. She put her hands on her chest and nervously made a useless defensive posture.

"I hug my wife, what's the problem?"

Nanqin Li was embarrassed, although she knew this was a fact, but when Ye Fanxin said it, she still couldn't avoid her inner shyness.

"Husband, I want too!"

Yuzhi Azi simply lay on Ye Fanxin's body, with a smirk on Ye Fanxin's chest.

Ye Fanxin hugged her and hugged her from left to right.

Chapter [-] The thief heart of the girls

Gradually, Nan Qinli's body gradually relaxed, quietly snuggling under his arms.Looking at his beautiful face, the first encounter between the two came to mind, and he couldn't help but chuckle.

"So happy? What are you thinking?"

Nan Qinli shook her head and adjusted her body to make her nest more comfortable.

"Speaking of which, when I confessed to you for the first time, I was rejected by you."

Speaking of this, Ye Fanxin was a little unwilling. After all, it was the first time in his life that he took the initiative to confess, but he was ruthlessly rejected.You know, that's when he has super good looks.

Isn't appearance decides everything this year?He was so good-looking, but Nan Qinli rejected him without thinking.

Nan Qinli smiled and pouted: "Who made you look so beautiful, how can you make a girl accept the confession of a boy who is better-looking than herself?"

"What about the second time? You rejected me twice!"

Looking at the depressed Ye Fanxin, Nan Qinli suddenly felt happy and giggled: "Well, of course, it's because it's too familiar, didn't you say it yourself? It's not easy to start with people who are too familiar."

"...It always feels like you're making fun of me."

Nan Qinli shrank her face into the quilt and shook her head in denial: "No."

"Husband, husband, also talk about Yazi."

Ye Fanxin smiled helplessly, Yuzhi Azi looked at him pitifully like a child fighting for favor.

"Well, Yazi. The first time we met, it scared me half to death."

Ye Fanxin slowly recounted the encounter and acquaintance with Yazi in the Eternal Century, the process made Nan Qin Lixiao's stomach hurt, only Yuzhi Yazi looked happy.Perhaps in her eyes, the encounter between the two is only beautiful.

Just as he was talking, Nan Qinli's phone rang.

Yuzhi Azi was the closest, and picked it up, "Sister Qing called."

Nan Qinli glanced at Ye Fanxin angrily: "I must have asked why I didn't go to the store. It's all your fault, so you explain it."

Ye Fan smiled dryly, took the phone, and rejected the video.Su Qing's roar suddenly came from there.

"Fan Xin, you son of a bitch, you didn't even come to the store to help. You unconscionable, did you forget us?"

Su Qing's crackling was a big complaint, Ye Fanxin had to turn down the volume and looked at the two wives with a wry smile.

Nan Qinli buried her face deeper, "I don't care, I don't want to answer Sister Qing's call at this time anyway."

Yuji Ako blinked obediently, indicating that she would not participate in this kind of thing.

When Su Qing said she was tired, she finally asked, "So, why didn't you come to the store to help? You didn't even say hello. Obviously I've done enough publicity for today, so I'll wait for you to appear."

"Uh, sorry, Sister Qing, something happened temporarily, I forgot."

Ye Fan smiled awkwardly. After experiencing three worlds in a row, he had forgotten that he was still the maid of Qingqing Cafe.

"Okay, now let's talk about what happened to Minalinsky, why is Qin Li's cell phone in your hand. The two trump cards in the store, you are not here, and she is not coming. You are really kind."

Ye Fanxin glanced to the side, Nan Qinli simply shrank the whole person under the quilt, and didn't plan to come out at all.

"That,, today, is dealing with the wedding date of the two of us. So..."


There was silence on the other end of the phone, and Su Qing's shout came: "You bastard, you got that girl in your hands without saying a word. Don't you have a little fiancee?"

Ye Fanxin smiled and said, "I can't marry two."

"Okay, okay, you kid. Forget it, since it's such a major life event, I'll forgive you."

"However, it is a very sinful sin to not invite us to the engagement."

"Tomorrow, come to the store to help, and explain to Knight Ji and the others by yourself."

Su Qing hung up the phone, but judging from her last tone, it seemed that her mood was not as bad as it was at the beginning.

"Okay, solved!"

Nan Qinli showed half of her face and said aggrieved: "But, I'm still going to the store tomorrow. Woohoo~ everyone will definitely make fun of me."

"How could it be? Everyone will surely bless us."

Nan Qinli let Ye Fan hold her heart and let out a tangled whimper.


The door was opened with a gap, and Takasaka Hono's thirsty face was exposed. Seeing three pairs of eyes staring at him, he smirked and waved hello!

"That,, Fanxin, Xiaoniao, Azi, how are you!"

Ye Fan said speechlessly: "Guo Guo, you are not chatting with them outside, what are you doing here?"

"Cut, the topics they talk about are not fun at all."

Takasaka Honoka's eyes turned and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Another face emerged from the crack of the door, it was Satania.Then the third Zhang Ping Zewei, the fourth Tian Jingzhong Lu.Then, the door opened directly, and the girls fell to the ground.

Ye Fanxin looked at the other Nicole Yazawa, Arisa Xunase and the others with a speechless expression.

"I said, it's okay for them to be naughty, Wei Nai, why are you fooling around with them?"

Vinette raised her hands nervously, and said, "I'm just,, just worried about Qin Li, so I want to come and see her. Well, that's right, that's it!"

Ye Fanxin rolled his eyes: "You too?"

"That's right!" The girls said in unison.

"Xiaojia, is that so? This month's pocket money has tripled."

Gabriel said righteously: "Money can't buy my personality."

Vinette looked at her in surprise, that's great, Xiaojia can still be depended on at a critical time.

"But the Lord taught me not to lie."

"Fan Xin, in fact, they all watched you come in for so long, and wanted to peep at you doing bad things to Xiaonia and Azi."

"Wow, damn Gabriel, you bastard can't be trusted at all."

"Xiaojia, you betrayed us!"

The girls denounced Gabriel one after another, but the party concerned didn't care, the philistine rubbed his hands together and said, "I've already said it, so, Fanxin, it's about pocket money."

Ye Fanxin raised the corners of his mouth: "Don't worry, I'll give you twice as much, and you won't lose a single point."

"Yeah, great, just as the new skin of "League of Legends" is out, now you can buy a full set. There is also the new clothes of "Chicken", there is enough money to pay for krypton gold, this time it will definitely be released ."

The girls were speechless one after another. For this waste otaku, games were everything.

Ye Fanxin looked at the girls with a smile, and said, "I want to see me do bad things."

Girls shake their heads!

Ye Fan snorted softly and wanted to say something, but he heard the voice of the old lady outside the door.

"Come out, it's time for dinner."

The girls were relieved and scattered in a swarm.

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