Even Sonoda Kaimi, who has always been more conservative, and the others who were more simple also showed shy expressions.This is all thanks to the Demon King who deliberately did popular science.

Looking at the hesitant girls, Ye Fan raised his eyebrows: "Just so scared? I won't eat you."

"Then, I'll come first!"

Yazawa Nicole grabbed her neck and forced her way up calmly.Ye Fanxin took her hand and turned into Yingcao.

"Yeah! Little Fanxin is so cute!"

"Every time I look at it, I feel incredible, but it's really cute."

The girls suddenly let go a lot, and they stepped forward to move on Ye Fan's heart.Ye Fan's heart was beating wildly, but he had to concentrate and control the vitality to strengthen Nicole's body.

As early as in the world of magic ban, he has tried to use life force to activate cells to strengthen the strength of the body. Although the progress of each strengthening is small, after more times, the strengthening will be very impressive.

After strengthening it for everyone, Ye Fan changed his heart out of love, but his beautiful face showed a look of being spoiled by playing, and the girls watching were eager to move.

"Okay, you can go."

The girls suddenly laughed, and it was rare to see Ye Fanxin make such an expression.And looking at his unrequited appearance, it was very funny.

"Then, let's go back first." Eri Suzase smiled, "However, Maki will be sent back by you."

Ye Fanxin looked at Maki Nishikino, who was sleeping on the sofa. This arrogant girl had an extremely relaxed expression on her face. She curled up on the sofa with her thumbs up.

Nan Qinli took the initiative to explain: "Recently, it seems that Zhen Ji hasn't rested very well, and her exhaustion is about to crush her."

Ye Fanxin changed her clothes, gently picked her up, and said, "Little bird, tell my sister later, you don't have to wait for me to eat first. I'll take Zhenji home and be back soon."

"Well, be careful along the way!"

Chapter [-] Want to mate with me?

The streets are still so quiet at night.Ye Fan's heart was carrying Nishiki Ye Maji.

He knew the address of Nishino Maki, who was also in Hongye City, not too far away.

"Obviously it's quite predictable, but I didn't expect it to be so light."

Ye Fan supported the Sleeping Beauty behind him and looked up at the night sky. The sea of ​​stars in summer was very clear and had a washed bright feeling.

There was a strange touch on his cheek, he glanced at it, and saw Nishikino Maki's expression like a kitten, Sa Huan seemed to be rubbing against his face, showing a comfortable expression.

If it weren't for her still closed eyes and her even breathing, he would have thought this lovely Sleeping Beauty had woken up.

"Really, it's not honest to fall asleep."

Ye Fanxin smiled, probably only when she fell asleep, would she let go of her usual arrogance and toughness and show her childish side.

When she arrived at the community where her home was located, Ye Fanxin searched according to her memory, and soon found her villa.

Ringing the doorbell, a maid came out not long after.

Seeing Ye Fanxin was obviously stunned: "Hello, may I ask who you are..."

Ye Fanxin smiled: "I'm Shinji's classmate. She's asleep, and I'm here to take her home."

Only then did the maid notice Maki Nishino, who was sleeping soundly behind Ye Fanxin: "Miss!"

"Uh, I didn't expect you to be Maki's classmate."

Ye Fanxin was not surprised that this maid knew him. Now, not to mention the entire Yuanqing Mansion, there are not many people who don't know him in Hongye City alone.

"Didn't Maki tell you?"

"Miss usually doesn't talk about school at home. Perhaps, the master and madam know. Come in quickly."

Ye Fan raised his eyebrows and followed the maid into the gate of the villa.While subconsciously looking at the surrounding environment.

"Master and Madam haven't come back yet, I'll take you to the lady's room first."

Ye Fan paused for a while, but did not refuse.Although he originally intended that people could go back after they were sent.However, at this moment, he suddenly became curious about Nishino Maki's room.

Going up to the second floor, she came to her room on a whim, and the maid opened the door and let Ye Fanxin go in.

Carefully placed Nishino Maki on the bed, and looked at the room while the maid was taking care of her.

The surprising girly style is even a little bit younger.In addition to a piano, the most are all kinds of dolls.There are some books on the bookshelf next to it, and some CDs.

Ye Fan was surprised. Now this kind of thing has long been eliminated, and no one is selling it at all.Enthusiasts only have to buy their own tools and materials to make them themselves.

I didn't expect Nishikino Maki to still have this hobby.

There was also a CD-playing device next to him. He glanced at it casually and saw familiar names on some CDs.

Ye Fanxin smiled, the maid had already helped Nishikino Maji cover the sheets, and the indoor temperature was adjusted to the most comfortable state.

Leaving the room, the maid invited him to sit for a while, and in a short while, Nishikino Mahime's parents would return.

Ye Fan thought about it and refused, but he promised his wife to go back early.

"No, the family is still waiting for me to eat." Ye Fanxin refused, "By the way, I heard that there was something wrong with my uncle and aunt's hospital. Do you know what happened?"

The maid shook her head: "I'm just a servant. How can I ask the master and his wife about their work. However, what should the lady know, you should ask the lady in person."

Ye Fanxin did not continue to ask, he originally had the idea of ​​giving it a try.Didn't get the desired result and didn't hang up.As for asking Maki, if she wanted to say it, she would have already asked.

Ye Fanxin didn't intend to force her to speak out, sometimes breaking the casserole would only make it more disturbing.

When I got home, dinner wasn't over yet.

Ye Fanxin told his sister about this while eating.

"Don't look for me, I don't want to worry about anything now."

Ye Fan's heart brows jumped, but Ye Shi said in a sullen voice, "Sister Qin Yu came back yesterday, and now she is in charge of the company, you go find her."

Ye Fan was ashamed, didn't he just ignore Qianji Technology, why was he so happy?

He remembered eaglejump, and he said that he had not bothered for a long time. After thinking about it, he still pretended to ask: "Rifumi, how is your work recently? Is there any problem with the company?"

Rifumi ate slowly, and said intermittently, "No,, what's the problem, everyone,, is working hard."

"Cough, don't try too hard, if you are tired, I will feel distressed."

Rifu Meiying Ning snorted, blushing and didn't dare to look at him.

"Ah, ah, auntie is very happy to see the two of you so loving."

"Wow~ Brother, you are so bad, you even sprinkle dog food while eating."

Gabriel and Yuyuko were struggling with the food, the former quickly finished eating, said hello and ran to the next door.

Ye Shixin also had a look of disgust on her face, she accelerated the speed of eating, and hurriedly hurried away after eating.After reading, she was afraid that she could not help but cut this cheeky stupid brother.

"嘁~" Ye Fan pouted in disdain, finished the food, put his arms around a wife, greeted Youyouzi, and planned to leave.

Ye Shixin's faint voice came: "Stupid brother, where is the Azi I asked you to pick up?"


Ye Fanxin lost his high spirits and said with a smile: "My fault, tomorrow, I will bring Yazi back after school tomorrow."

"Tsk tsk!"

Ye Shixin didn't say anything, just left a look of contempt before returning to the room.

The corners of Ye Fan's eyes twitched, as if he was a heartless man.He obviously treats Azi very well.

"Husband doesn't need to blame yourself, I have a responsibility too, I forgot to remind you." Nan Qinli comforted.

"Me,, me too." Rifumei looked at him timidly.

Ye Fanxin looked at the two wives and said with a smile, "Don't excuse me. You are all my wives. It is my responsibility to take care of any of you."

Youyouzi tilted her head: "Fan Xin, am I your wife too?"

Ye Fan's heart twitched and he said, "Youyouzi, why are you asking that?"

"Sister Shi Xin said that when you become your wife, you will take care of me for the rest of your life. Then, I can eat a lot of delicious food at will."

"...Let me ask first, why do you call her sister?"

Youyouzi said lightly: "Sister Shixin said that she is your sister. If you want to be with you, you must call her sister."

Ye Fanxin only felt that his heart was complicated, he was thinking about whether he should be happy or complain.

"Fan Xin, you haven't answered my question, am I your wife?"

"...No, by the way, Youyouko, do you understand what your wife means?"

Youyouko thought for a while and said, "I know, just like some monsters, they want to mate with the opposite sex."

"Does Fan want to mate with me? I heard Zi say that after mating, a very fun baby will be born."

Chapter [-] My name is Qiuyue Ellie

Ye Fan felt a stomach ache in his heart, there were too many points in Youyouzi's words, and he didn't even know where to spit it out.

However, at this moment, he has completely lost the idea of ​​going to Rifumi to do bad things.

After recharging Rifumi and Nan Qinli (life force), they returned to their room.

After a long absence, Ye Fan sighed deeply.

Thinking back to the recent period of time, Xianyu, like him, was incredibly busy and never had any time to spare.

Cough, even at night, most of them are doing shameful things with Ri Fumei.

Unlike the other two fiancées, Yuzhi Ako was not allowed to touch her until she was eighteen because of her father's words.

Because of Nan Qinli's idol plan, Ye Fanxin didn't plan to really mess around. If she wins the bid, although she won't be sad, her regret is inevitable.

In the end, there was only Ri Fumei who was two years older than Ye Fanxin and had already started working.

What's more, Rifumei is still her own employee, so it doesn't matter if she accidentally gets pregnant.It would be better to say that Ye Fanxin, whose mentality is getting more and more crazy, felt that it would not be more exciting to let Rifumei become pregnant.

Holding the pillow and smiling slyly, Ye Fan's thoughts flew, and he remembered a previous plan.

"By the way, just take the time to test it out."

He sat up abruptly, held his chin and thought: "Speaking of which, there are a lot of things going on recently, so it's better to go to relax."

The corners of Ye Fan's heart twitched. After all, he still couldn't accept a life that was too plain. Even if he was a salted fish, he couldn't be an ordinary salted fish.

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