"Say, you T! M! It's He Juxin."

The Smurfs still had that naive expression. After Ye Fanxin finished speaking, he smiled and said, "This is also impossible. Once the selection range of the transformation quota is drawn, it cannot be changed."

"If the host doesn't like it, you can choose to give up and give up."

Ye Fanxin was silent for a while and said, "If I give up, is there any benefit?"

"...Abandoned transformation places will be stored in the system as space-time energy. This power is different from spirit stones, and there is no difference in level."

Ye Fanxin's thinking suddenly turned flexibly, and he thought of the key at once.

"That is to say, this space-time energy can be used as a spirit stone of any level?"


"The immortal stone (the best spirit stone) is also?"


Ye Fanxin immediately said excitedly: "How to convert?"

"The conversion of energy depends on the level of the abandoned places. Ten low-level places are equivalent to one medium-level place, ten medium-level places are equivalent to one high-level place, and ten high-level places are equivalent to one top-level place."

"Wait a moment." Ye Fanxin interrupted suddenly, "Can I understand that the energy of ten high-ranking places can offset ten immortal stones?"

Ten immortal stones can travel through the top world, and then get a top spot.Equivalent to ten high-ranking places.It is equivalent to a hundred medium places, and it is equivalent to a thousand low places.

"So, this low-level quota is used for eggs." Ye Fan couldn't help but think depressed.

"Yes." The Smurfs' words made Ye Fanxin look happy again.

MMP, he has been eyeing the top world for a long time, but unfortunately, things like immortal stones (superior spirit stones) are too difficult to deal with.You must know that there is only one in the inventory of Qianji Pavilion.And crossing requires ten.

Ye Fanxin also thought that since Qianji Pavilion has it, other sect forces must also have it.It's a pity, not to mention other sect forces, as long as the one of the Thousand Machine Pavilion is moved, it is estimated that the old man will be hung up and beaten.

Therefore, he has treated the crossing of the top world as a legend before.No hope at all.

But now, there is hope.As long as you can get ten places in the high-level world and refuse to draw, you can get enough energy to cross the top-level world.

Just travel through the advanced world ten times.

Just ten times!

ten times!

The excitement that just rose in Ye Fan's heart suddenly disappeared: "Gan, I haven't traveled through ten high-level worlds until now, ten special meows, ten times, my god. Do you really want me to waste so many high-level spiritual stones, go Day trips to other worlds?"

He is confident that he can completely destroy the plot of the advanced world in one day, but that is too wasteful.

If it is just for a place in a top world, it will waste a lot of time to travel through ten high worlds, I am afraid that he will be really invincible by then.

Ma Lepi~~~

It's not too much to waste so many high-level spirit stones, go to the high-level world and enjoy it for about half a year.Ten is at least five years, and that's not counting some worlds with a slightly longer plot time span.

Ye Fan thought for a while, and said seriously: "Impossible, forget it, I'll continue to get salted fish."

"...So, isn't this time-space energy useless in the end? I don't lack this high-level and intermediate-level spiritual stone."

As the eldest young master of Qianji Pavilion, and the two monster clans, Yayunzi and Fengjian Youxiang, are spoiled, there is no shortage of high-level spirit stones.

"Please don't misunderstand the host, the effect of space-time energy is definitely not like this."

Ye Fanxin stared and said, "Then tell me, what's the use of it."

The Smurfs smiled and said: "Instructions for the host, the traversal function of this system is to let the host replace a certain character in another world. According to the original purpose of the system, the selected scope is the main plot character."

"Traveling requires energy, and the spirit stone provided by the host is converted into space-time energy, so as to be able to replace the concept of a person in this world."

A mass of space-time energy appeared in the hands of the Smurfs, and it said: "This is the space-time energy converted from the transformation quota given up by the host. As the purest time-space energy, it has a function that is different from the conversion of spirit stones."

Ye Fan's heart skipped a beat and looked at the Smurfs seriously.

"It adapts and synchronizes the space-time energies of all worlds."

"...let's keep it simple." Ye Fanxin didn't transform into Lala, and it was still a bit repulsive to understand.

"The time and space energy of a world is quantified, and it was for this reason that the host was previously allowed to pass through in a way of replacing a certain role..."

"...you'd better say the result directly."

The Smurf tilted his head and seemed to be thinking: "What kind of result does the host want to hear? Instead of replacing, directly use the increased space-time energy to enter another world?"

"This is it!!"

Chapter seven hundred and sixty-ninth girl riding a cannon

What the Smurf said was not difficult to understand. After he said the result that Ye Fan wanted, everything before can be straightened out.

For example, the space-time energy of each world actually has a certain amount, whether it will decrease or increase, but the amount at each point in time is the same.

If each group of space-time energy represents a person, Ye Fanxin, the stowaway, has replaced this person and inherited the space-time energy that represents her.

And the space-time energy transformed by the transformation quota can synchronize the space-time energy of all the worlds without hindrance, so that the space-time energy of this world can be forcibly increased in a certain period of time, and this group of space-time energy can fully represent Ye Fanxin. people who come out.

It means that Ye Fanxin doesn't have to take the place of an important female role, but directly travels through the body.

This T.M is very interesting.

Ye Fanxin has long been a little tired of being a woman every time he travels. After all, there are so many lovely little sisters, but he can only choose Lily with the little sisters, which is really a waste.

Moreover, he was tired of flirting with girls, so it wouldn't be too easy if he changed his body.It is completely possible to let the lovely young lady take the initiative to tease him.

Just thinking about it makes him drool.

"Fuck, what are you waiting for, hurry up, I want to cross."

"...Please choose the level of the world for the host."

Ye Fan paused in his heart and said, "Low-level world. In addition, using space-time energy, let me see if it is as magical as you said."

Consciousness was lost for a moment, Ye Fanxin understood that this was the natural reaction of crossing, and couldn't wait to open his eyes.

The first thing he did was to touch back, wanting to touch his long hair that the goddess would be jealous of.I found that my body seemed to be lying down, so I measured my body and continued to touch.


Looking down, there are still a pair of bulges on his chest.

"Gan, dog system, you T! M! D! Dare to lie to me."

"Why did the host say this? Some of the behaviors of this system are mainly based on the host's interests, and there will be no case of deceiving the host."

Ye Fanxin's eyes were like walnuts, and he said, "How dare you say that you didn't lie to me, what about the promised body time travel? What about the promised time and space energy? Why don't I still become a woman."

"Today you have to give me an explanation."

Smurfs Hanhan explained: "Because the time and space energy transformed by the host's quota in the previous world is not enough to increase the amount of a life form in this world, so the host body cannot be allowed to come."

"Huh? Not enough? I've never heard of this before."

"According to the strength of the world, the life-forms in that world represent different space-time energy. The life-forms in higher worlds always represent higher space-time energy than lower worlds."

Ye Fanxin was silent for a while, and slapped the Smurfs away with a slap: "Why didn't you say it earlier."

"My commentary is not over yet, but the host's traversal command takes priority."

"It's still my fault for saying that. What about my space-time energy? Since it's useless, don't even think about embezzling it."

"The space-time energy is insufficient, and the system will automatically collect it into the space, and it will not be corrupt."

"That's good!" Ye Fan sighed in his heart. He originally thought that he would travel through his body once, and then he would be able to wave again. As a result, the plan went bankrupt from the beginning.

Now that he has crossed over, he has no plans to think about it any more.

The priority is to figure out what the world is about and who you are.He wanted to sit up, but with a thud, his head hit something hard and made a crunch.

Ye Fanxin covered his head and wanted to squat down, but found that it was a little difficult to even curl his legs.


He finally discovered that he was trapped in an extremely small space, which was why he could only lie down before.

"What am I..."

I was in a bad mood at first, but now that I have encountered such a thing, Ye Fan's heart is already on the verge of breaking out.


He smashed the iron box that trapped him with one punch. Due to the strength, the collapsed iron box turned into fragments and bombarded all around.

Immediately afterwards, a louder roar sounded, but Ye Fan's heart was startled. Looking left and right, he realized that he was on a plane. Because of the fragments of the iron box, the plane had exploded at this moment.

Yes, it exploded.Ye Fanxin looked at the falling fireball, and he was also falling slowly.


I wanted to transform into a flying character, but I caught a glimpse of the figure below like a feather in the wind.Scene after scene began to flash in my mind.

The young figures met in the dreamy forest, and they had a very happy time together, and then the tragedy happened, and then the red-haired little girl was arrested.

Ye Fanxin reached out and grabbed a cannon that looked a bit like Barrett before it could fall.Like instinct, a wonderful force covered the long cannon along the way.

The long cannon, which should have continued to fall, floated up in violation of the laws of physics. Ye Fan subconsciously sat on it, and a coolness passed from under the boast.

Ye Fanxin blushed and cursed.

MMP, what the hell is not spreading fat times?And this sitting position is too skilled.

Looking at the figure of the girl who was gradually falling below, he changed his posture without hesitation, and chased after riding a long cannon.

"After all, it's a long-lost goodbye, because you are a beautiful young lady."

While muttering, he reached out and hugged the unconscious young lady.

Not to mention, it feels really good.This young lady seems to have been exercising, her body is very well-proportioned, the skin on her waist is full of toughness, and there is no feeling of fat at all.

Looking at the pair of Naizi again, Ye Fan's heart showed a satisfied look.

This friend of Ji is really not bad, so he will reluctantly be with this little sister Lily.

There was a harsh humming sound behind him, Ye Fanxin looked back and saw that several fighter jets similar to those in World War II were flying here.

Combined with the memories I got after seeing the young lady just now, these people made it clear that they were here to chase the two.The reason why he said it was two people was because he vaguely remembered that he had watched this anime before.

It's a pity, because I don't remember much before I met the system. Looking back now, I don't have much information.

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