
"Can you tell me where the mask is?"

The clerk's sister is still a little unwilling. It would be a waste for such a good-looking little brother to wear a mask.However, how to stop the little brother from buying masks?

"Ah, by the way, the masks in our store have been taken off the shelves due to quality problems. So..."

Ye Fan looked at her suspiciously: "Really?"

Wow~~ Little brother, this little expression is so cute, poof~~ I can't stand it anymore.

No, no, you have to hold back. If you have a nosebleed at this time, it will definitely give your little brother a bad impression.

The clerk's sister has a lot of inner drama. She just nodded when a clean and clear female voice sounded next to her.

"That,, Miss clerk, please settle the bill, I still have things to do."

Ye Fanxin and the clerk's sister turned their heads at the same time. The clerk's sister had resentment in her heart, but her professionalism prevented her from venting to the customers, and could only express her dissatisfaction with her eyes.

Didn't you see people flirting with little brother?It's really not polite at all.

Ye Fanxin looked at the dignified girl in front of him with a little surprise, with long golden hair tied in a ponytail and a strand of cheeks hanging down, at first glance, it seemed a little buried.

Shaking his head, he rejected the idea.There is still a big difference in the face shape and temperament of the two.However, the body shape is not much different.

When he looked at the girl, the girl was also looking at him.

This is the problem.Ye Fanxin's monstrous appearance captured her eyes instantly, the girl's eyes widened, and the more she looked, the more she couldn't leave Ye Fanxin's face, and a heart began to beat continuously.

so beautiful! !

I have never seen such a beautiful person before, where did this sister come from?Idol star?

"Cough cough!"

The clerk's sister can't stand it anymore, although she knows that the little brother is super good-looking, there will definitely be countless people who like it.But she still couldn't help feeling unhappy.

What's the matter with this woman?Don't know what comes first?It was obvious that he had chatted with his little brother first.Forcibly interrupting the relationship between myself and my little brother, but now I'm still jumping in line, which is outrageous.

"Guest, this is your bill, please pay the bill and leave quickly so as not to affect other guests."

For some reason, the girl at this time became very sensitive, and she could sense the hostility of the clerk's sister without studying.


Taking advantage of the change, the blond girl said to Ye Fan, "This, sister, are you looking for masks? I know a place that sells all kinds of masks. If you don't mind, I will I can take you there."

Although Ye Fanxin knew that this was definitely the reason for his looks, he still said, "Will I not trouble you?"

With just one sentence, the blond girl felt some blood surging, and looked at Ye Fanxin's face again, her eyes flashing: "Why, I just have something to go there."

"Then, thank you."

The blond girl smiled sweetly, and turned to the clerk's sister who was holding the receipt and the change, and said, "Since the change is over, then I'll leave first."

This woman is definitely provocative!

The clerk's sister had an evil spirit roaring in her heart, but it was of no avail, because her cute little brother was about to leave with other women, and he might never see him again in the future.

"Wait, wait! Little brother, can you please take a picture with me?"

The clerk's sister finally couldn't help chasing it out, and looked at Ye Fanxin with hope.

little brother?The blond girl looked at Ye Fanxin in surprise, was such a beautiful person a boy?

I lost. As a girl, I lost to a boy in terms of beauty and beauty, but why is there still joy in my heart?

Naturally, Ye Fanxin would not refuse the cute girl's request. After taking a photo with the clerk's sister, she left with the blonde girl.

According to what the blond girl said, the place where the two were going was not far, it was an electrical street.

"By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet."

Halfway through, the girl suddenly thought of something, holding the woven bag behind her back, facing Ye Fanxin lively, and smilingly said, "My name is Asuna, Yuuki Asuna. What about you? Pretty little brother."

Chapter seven hundred and eighty seventh turned out to be SAO

Yuuki Asuna could feel her own heartbeat that was accelerating. This feeling of something about to come out made her nervous and looking forward to it.

Whenever she secretly peeked at the side face of the little brother beside her, it seemed like she was doing something bad, but she was addicted to such small actions with nervousness and couldn't extricate herself.

And when the little brother turned his head to look at her, she was like a child who had done something wrong, blushing in fright and looking away.

I originally wanted to bow my head, but I felt that bowing my head would be too imposing.Instinctively, Yuuki Asuna didn't want to weaken her momentum in front of Ye Fanxin.

Yuuki Asuna?

Ye Fanxin has a strange face, and if you look closely, there is indeed a shadow of Benzina.So, this is SAO?

"Hello, my name is Ye Fanxin."

"Ye~fan~xin~" Yuuki Asuna recited it a bit succinctly, and asked curiously, "Is Ye Jun from the Celestial Dynasty?"

"Well. But, can you stop calling me Ye Jun? It's a little embarrassing."

Yuuki Asuna said a little embarrassedly: "Okay, what should I call Ye, little brother?"

"People I know usually call me by my name Fanxin." Ye Fanxin teased: "Of course, if you don't like this name, you can continue to call me little brother."

"Fan~xin~" Yuuki Asuna blushed and said, "Although it's still a bit sloppy, but in exchange, Fan~xin~ can also call me Asuna."

After finishing speaking, I waited nervously for Ye Fanxin's answer.

"Well, okay, Asuna."

So fast and so natural.Yuuki Asuna subconsciously wanted to complain, but then she was flooded with a strong sweetness, and she even smiled happily.

"We have arrived."

Unconsciously, the two of them have come to the entrance of this electrical street, like two worlds. The next step is still in a quiet neighborhood with few people, and the previous step is about to be buried in the bustling city.

Ye Fan's heart skipped a beat before entering with Asuna.

The noisy electrical street entrance gradually quieted down, and the noise was like ice and snow under the scorching sun, quickly melting away.

"Uh, I'm sorry, Fan Xin, I didn't think about that!"

Yuuki Asuna couldn't help but blame herself for her carelessness. She was only immersed in chatting with Ye Fanxin alone, but she never thought about the impact of Ye Fanxin's enchanting face once appearing in the downtown area.

She was relieved that the people around who were shocked and obsessed with Ye Fanxin's beauty did not appear as fanatical as chasing stars. Although these people were all sluggish because of Ye Fanxin's beauty, they did not act too radically.

Yuuki Asuna can probably think of the reason.

Quietly glanced at Ye Fanxin's cheek, such a beautiful person can only be admired and not easily blasphemed.Perhaps, rather than contacting Fanxin, he is more concerned about whether it will trouble him or even be hated by him.

This is the same as the mentality of those fans in the main world. When the appearance reaches the level of Ye Fanxin, it is a true interpretation of the definition of 'observable from a distance but not slanderable'.

"It's okay, I'm used to it."

Yuuki Asuna was stunned for a moment, then turned to smile and said, "So, does Fan Xin want to wear a mask?"

Ye Fanxin shrugged, he didn't care, wearing a mask was just a whim.

In fact, it doesn't matter if you bring it or not.Anyway, it won't cause any real trouble to him.Could it be possible that some perverts can take him away from the small dark room, and then crack it?

Rather, it would be more satisfying to show one's true face like this.

Yuuki Asuna's eyes flashed, he hesitated, and boldly took Ye Fanxin's hand.

Boom boom boom!

The heartbeat is about to break through the sky, and the mere act of holding hands has almost exhausted all of Yuuki Asuna's courage.She kept encouraging herself to be bold and confident.

"I'll take you to buy a mask first."

Ye Fanxin let her lead and said, "Don't be in such a hurry."

Of course in a hurry.Yuuki Asuna has her own thoughts.If Fanxin wears a mask, there is nothing wrong with it. In this case, no one will see his face again in the future.

In order to satisfy her subtle possessiveness, she believes that it is necessary to wear a mask.

The two soon came to a store, ignoring the clerks and customers who were sluggish because of Ye Fan's appearance, Yuuki Asuna rushed to the mask sales area.

"That's it, do you want me to pick one for you?"

Ye Fan was a little speechless, how could he feel that this book was more urgent than himself.Isn't it just a mask, and it's not that important.

He randomly picked a very ordinary black mask: "Just this."

Then he was dragged to the checkout by the girl in a hurry, and she urged her to take him as soon as he went out.

Yuuki Asuna was silent. Even if he covered the lower half of his face with a mask, it didn't affect Ye Fanxin's monstrous appearance. The black mask added a different charm to him.

At this time, Yuuki Asuna finally understood that the person in front of him was not only obsessed with his looks.The corners of his eyes, eyebrows, contours, and every inch of his body exude amazing charm all the time.

How can there be such a perfect person?

Yuuki Asuna once again felt a strong sense of frustration, but this time, the frustration was not aimed at her appearance, but because she could not satisfy her own selfishness.

"It's too foul!"

Ye Fanxin didn't seem to hear her muttering and asked, "How do you feel now? Is there any effect?"

"...I don't think you need to wear a mask at all."

"..." Ye Fan sighed, "Okay, I see."

Take off your mask and look around.

"?? Does Fan Xin have anything else to buy?"

"No, find a trash can. This mask is useless anyway."

"Don't." Yuuki Asuna hurriedly grabbed his hand and stopped, "It would be a waste to throw it away."

"...This thing, isn't it expensive." Ye Fanxin remembered the price just now, just a few bottles of drinks.

Yuuki Asuna blushed and said, "That's also money. If you don't like it, give it to me. Just treat it as a reward for me to show you the way."

Ye Fanxin shrugged: "If you want, take it."

The mask fell into Yuuki Asuna's hands instantly, and was carefully installed by her.

Ye Fan pursed his lips.A little girl's mind, even if it is a gift, can be given something else. What's so good about this cheap mask without any features.

"By the way, what do you want to buy? Do you need me to accompany you?"

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