Ye Fan paused for a while and threw the phone aside.

Asada Shino rolled his eyes from his cell phone and asked quietly, "Is something wrong?"

"A friend is coming to visit our house tomorrow."

"My friend, is it a girl?" Asada Shino asked in a delicate mood.

"Well, it should be a little bigger than Sinon." Ye Fan thought about it, he was not very sure, just guessed like this.

Asa Tian Shino looked down, bit his lip unwillingly, and said, "I'm done, I'll wash it today, brother, eat slowly, and I'll clean up when you're done."

Ye Fanxin didn't notice her small movements, but felt that her mood was a little low, and she felt a little inexplicable.

After eating, Sinon came out of the bathroom.

Taking advantage of the bath time, Ye Fanxin asked Miku about the Konno sisters.

"Really? So it's the day after tomorrow. It's just the day after tomorrow. I have to deal with Ben Zina tomorrow, and Ben Zina and Sinon have to go to school the day after tomorrow. Umm~~miku, remember to remind me the morning after tomorrow, don't leave a bad impression by being late. ."

Chapter seven hundred and ninety-eight to see the parents

Early in the morning, Ye Fan was awakened by Asada Shino in a daze, and was about to eat breakfast when he received a call from Yuuki Asuna.

"Sorry, the user you dialed is not in the service area, please try again later."

On the other side of the phone, Yuuki Asuna was obviously stunned for a moment, then suddenly reacted and said, "Liar, the voice outside the circle is not like this at all."

Ye Fanxin sighed, took Sinon's jam-smeared toast, and said while eating, "Okay, tell me if you have something to say."

Yuuki Asuna was choked again, and said a little aggrieved: "You don't like listening to me so much?"

"Katz, Katz~ You think too much. In my eyes, most things are not as high priority as eating."


"Oh? I'll really hang up if you don't say anything."

"Wait, you didn't forget what I told you yesterday."

Ye Fan thought for a while and said, "Well, I didn't forget, do you want to come now?"

"Um, that, is it convenient for you?"

Ye Fanxin couldn't help but wonder: "Why is this tone suddenly? How about your aura yesterday?"

"No Road Race~~ Anyway, wait for me at home, I'll be there soon."

Listening to the blind tone on the phone, Ye Fan didn't think much about it, put the phone aside, and continued to eat breakfast mindlessly.

Asada Shino had finished her breakfast long ago, and was helping Ye Fanxin spread jam on the toast. She asked casually, "Brother, is that your female friend coming?"


Asada Shino's heart tightened, she couldn't tell what kind of feeling it was.She couldn't calm down when she learned that her brother had a female friend coming to the house.

How to describe it?

There is a feeling that one's own treasure is coveted by others, but it doesn't feel right.

Asada Shino silently caressed her heart, what is this faint sour feeling?

Yuuki Asuna came very fast, and when Ye Fanxin swallowed the last mouthful of milk, the doorbell rang.Asada Shino took the initiative to open the door, and the two girls stared at each other at the door.

"Sino, what's wrong? Is that Asuna?"

Ye Fanxin's life from the living room broke the stagnant atmosphere between the two, Yuuki Asuna held a gift and bowed gracefully: "You are Fanxin's sister, right? My name is Yuuki Asuna. , all hearts, good friends, please take care."

Is a beautiful person.

The dignified temperament of Yuuki Asuna's ladies instantly calmed Asada Shino, which made her flinch.

"I,, my name is Asada Shino, yes,, brother's sister, hello!"

"By the way, please come in."

Yuuki Asuna froze for a moment, then smiled.Before she came, she had thought that with Ye Fanxin's appearance, maybe his sister would be a super brother, and then she would have all kinds of hostility towards herself.

Right now, things seem to be a little too good.

This little sister named Asada Shino, although she couldn't see anything for a short time, it really couldn't make her wary.

Seems to be a nice guy to get along with.

Yuuki Asuna walked in with such a judgment, and then saw the beautiful and thrilling hair on the sofa.

Because of the angle of view, Ye Fanxin's feet were hidden under the sofa. In this case, from Yuuki Asuna's side, it was as if his entire body was covered by the thick long hair.

Yuuki Asuna's eyes lit up, she put down the gift, and walked over quickly.Lie down at once.

"Wow~~~ So pretty, Fan Xin is so cute!"

"That's why you take advantage of me?" Ye Fan was too lazy to struggle, his eyes still staring at the mini game on his phone.

"Hey, you promised me, and let me touch it after you come out."

"...Oh, then you are free!"

Ye Fanxin's indulgence made Yuuki Asuna more bold, and there was a faint urge to express her own demons in her heart.Fortunately, I held back.

She was afraid of leaving a bad impression on Ye Fanxin.Although this satisfies a temporary selfish desire, if it is hated because of it, it is not worth it.

Asada Sinon bit her lip and looked at the two on the sofa, her heart was distressed, and she suddenly had the illusion of being the heroine of a dog blood drama at eight o'clock at night.

Damn, I want to do the same with my brother too.

The jealousy in her heart gradually rose, and she could not see it, so Asada Shino could only go to clean up the table in a huff.

After making trouble for a while, Yuuki Asuna put away her phone with a contented face. She not only 'played' with Ye Fanxin with her hands and feet, but also took pictures.She felt that it was a scene worth saving.

Ye Fanxin continued to play with his mobile phone with a numb expression on his face. To be honest, he was fearless in his original state.

Yuuki Asuna glanced quietly in front of her knees, where Ye Fanxin was boasting, and she felt some kind of boyishness in the middle of it.

Although she is only fifteen years old, Asuna Yuuki is not ignorant about gender.

But it was because he knew that he blushed.However, on the other hand, Fanxin will react to him, does that mean that he actually likes him?

Yuuki Asuna concealed the blush on her face by trimming her hair, thinking about whether to ask, but she felt that it was too blatant.

What if I misunderstood?After all, the two have only known each other for a few days. If they misunderstood, it would be embarrassing.

"Miss Yuuki, please have some tea."

"...Ah, thank you!"

Yuuki Asuna held the cup and looked at Asada Shino's back, not knowing what she was thinking.

"That's right, Fan Xin."

"I've come to see you this time, but there's actually one more thing."

"What's the matter?" Ye Fan didn't look back.

Yuuki Asuna pursed her lips and said, "Yesterday, my father asked me about what happened in SAO. I didn't hide it and said it all."

Ye Fanxin finally turned his attention from the mobile game and tilted his head slightly: "Then what?"

"Father wants to see you."


Both pairs of eyes looked at Asada Shino, the latter was startled, blushed instantly, and waved his hands in a panic: "No,, no. I mean,, yes,,"

Asada Shino was anxious and ashamed.She blurted out subconsciously when she heard the conversation between the two of them wanting to see their parents, but after she finished speaking, she realized that something was wrong, but at this time, she could no longer take back what she said.

Looking at the gazes of the two, especially Yuuki Asuna's gradually subtle gaze, she couldn't bear it any longer, let out a groan, and hurried back to her room.

After a long while, Yuuki Asuna turned her head and looked at Ye Fanxin with scrutiny eyes: "Are you sure she is your sister?"

Ye Fanxin thought about it seriously: "After all, there is no blood relationship, and I have no reason to stop the idea of ​​​​a teenage girl."

Ah~~ this person is really...

It was obvious that she was talking like scum, but Yuuki Asuna found that she couldn't raise any thoughts of hatred or contempt at all.

Chapter [-] Cooperation

"Don't be nervous in a moment. Although the father and mother are a little old-fashioned, they are not as difficult to talk as they think."

Ye Fanxin stood in front of the manor empty-handed, and looked at Yuuki Asuna, who was talking incessantly.

"I'm not nervous at all, but your ability to appease people is too weak."

Yuuki Asuna blushed and took a deep breath: "In short, you don't have to worry about my existence. No matter what father and mother say, I hope you can treat it with a normal heart."

Ye Fan raised his eyebrows, the door opened at this time, and the two entered the manor under the leadership of several servants.

While he was looking around, everyone in the manor was also looking at him.

The beauty of the world cannot be easily ignored no matter when or where, Yuuki Asuna subconsciously grabbed Ye Fanxin's hand and secretly thought in her heart, hoping that Fanxin's charm will make the attitude of father and mother better.

"Miss, Master and Madam are inside."

The servant brought the two to the door of the living room and then left.

Yuuki Asuna took a deep breath, turned to see Ye Fanxin's calm appearance, swallowed the words on his lips again, opened the door and walked in with Ye Fanxin's hand.

Several lines of sight in the house immediately came over, two of which came from a man and a woman in the main seat.

When I saw Ye Fanxin, I couldn't help but be stunned, the dignified man and woman all had their eyes flashing, showing amazing expressions.

"Cough! Asuna, don't you want to introduce me?"

The man secretly glanced at the woman beside him, with a decent smile on his face.

"Father, mother, this is my good friend, Ye Fanxin."

"Ye~fan~xin~ Although I heard Asuna say about you, it's really surprising to see you in person. Hello, I am Yuuki Akizumi, the CEO of RECT."

Akira Yuuki looked kind, and then introduced: "This person beside me is my lover, Kyoko Yuuki."

Since the initial surprise, Kyoko Yuuki has never said a word, but his eyes have been scrutinizing Ye Fanxin from time to time, with a scrutiny.

The two sides nodded to each other and said hello.

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