The hazy light interfered with her vision, which was different from what she usually saw when she opened her eyes occasionally.Why is the light so dazzling?Why is the range seen so large?


All her thoughts stopped the moment she saw Ye Fan's heart 'Yingcao' in her eyes.

Who is this?

A little girl I've never seen before, but so cute.And why is she here?what is she doing?

A series of questions appeared in his heart, and the perspective was difficult to pull down. Finally, he saw the vigorous vitality in Ye Fan's heart, exuding a beautiful golden-green fluorescence.

Moreover, she also saw the unknown little girl in front of her, holding her sister's hand with the other hand.

She turned her eyes away and met her sister's eyes that were full of tears, but contained joy and a smile.

Kanye Kapok Ji was stunned for a moment, and he was so blessed that he figured out everything at once.

"Yes, you, saved, me, and us?"

Ye Fanxin's forehead has already begun to show fine beads of sweat, and it is conceivable how delicate it is to deliver vitality to the two sisters.

"Are you ready to speak?" Ye Fan was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "Wait for a while, but you two can also feel the current state of your body."

Kanye Kapok Ji and Kanye Lanzi also understood now that this was probably what the attending doctor said, the person who sent them an invitation for treatment.

Judging from this situation, it is very likely that he is responsible for treating the two sisters.So they all began to try to move their bodies obediently.

First, the hands and feet, with the memory, moved unfamiliarly.

"Really, it's moving."

The two showed a look of surprise, and tears flowed under the violent fluctuations of their emotions.

It's been a long time since I've forgotten, this body is not in its own state at all, and there is no other feeling except pain and torture.Even the control of the body has become so rusty.

Just a little movement of the lower limbs, it was laborious to make the two of them stop sweating.

In the past, this kind of behavior was banned because their bodies simply couldn't stand such a tiny 'toss'.But now, they can feel that there is not much discomfort other than a slight feeling of exhaustion.

"Woooo~~ It's great, it's great..."

The two sisters whimpered happily while trying to exercise their hands and feet proficiently.

Ye Fanxin smiled and continued to concentrate on conveying vitality. At this time, let them vent their accumulated emotions well.

"ok! Supplement of vitality is enough for the time being. It's time to move on to the next stage."

Ye Fanxin's words awakened the two sisters who were still immersed in skilled movements.They stopped and said with sincere gratitude, "Thank you, doctor..."


The two sisters really deserved to be twins, they couldn't help but speak in sync, and even the cute expressions they showed after seeing Ye Fanxin were exactly the same.

"It's changed? This, beautiful sister, where is the little sister who treated Yuuki just now?"

Konno Lanko also had a puzzled expression.Ye Fanxin turned back to Yingcao with a smile: "Are you talking about me?"

The soft and cute voice showed that the cotton candy was passed into the ears of the two, although they had forgotten what the cotton candy looked like.

After being sluggish for a moment, the two sisters were in a good mood at the same time, and they held their hands on their chests with happiness and devotion.

"You must be the angel sent by God to save us, thank you, thank you for giving us a new life."

Ye Fan was speechless, and suddenly made a funny face: "Hehe, in fact, I'm not an angel, but a monster. Wow~~~"

It's a pity, whether it's his body or the soft and cute Yingcao, grimacing will only make people feel cute.

The two sisters covered their mouths and giggled at the same time.

"Yeah, but I still have to thank you, Yokai-sama, for saving us."

The grimace failed, Ye Fanxin shrugged: "Salvation is a little worse, but you can get rid of the disease soon."

"So, just wait for a while."

Ye Fanxin, who changed back to his original body, smiled softly and gently stroked the little heads of the two sisters.

Happiness has always been hanging on the faces of the two of them, full of smiles overflowing, and nodded obediently.

Chapter [-] I want to call my brother

The physical problem has been resolved, the next is the real healing procedure.

Under the gaze of the two sisters, Ye Fan took out a metal sealed box from the soul space generously. After opening it, twenty fluid crystals with crystal luster were neatly arranged inside.

These fluid crystals are suspended in the box without top or bottom.Just like a liquid that flows, the clumps are neatly arranged.

This is also the multifunctional virus-killing stock solution that Ye Fanxin made before.Compared with the special medicines in Lala's memory, the gap between this original liquid is still very large.

First of all, there are not many viruses it targets. Ye Fanxin also relied on a universal tool and some rare materials from his father's inventory to deliberately adjust it to target the two sisters.

Second, this stock solution cannot be absorbed normally by the human body.

But this didn't stumped Ye Fanxin, he took out two more nanoworms.

"Miku, pass on to them the treatment procedures I prepared earlier."

"Received, my father!"

Miku gave a playful military salute, and the virtual pocket body just sat on Ye Fanxin's shoulder, controlling two nanoworms to surround the original liquid.

Ye Fanxin turned to Sister Kanye and said softly, "There may be a little discomfort later, but please believe me, soon, you will be able to live a healthy life and live like normal people."

"Yeah." Kanye Lanzi nodded obediently.

Compared to this, Kanye Kapok Ji was still a little scared. Facing Ye Fanxin's encouraging eyes, he pursed his lips and said firmly, "Yuki will be patient."

"Well, Yuuki is a strong and good boy."

Nodding to Miku, the nanoworms carried the decomposed liquid into the Konno sisters' bodies.

The two little girls became nervous involuntarily, but after the first moment of convulsion, nothing that frightened them happened, but the body temperature was slowly rising.

"Sister, sis, what's your name!"

Perhaps to ease the tension in his heart, Kanye Kapok Ji asked Ye Fanxin.

Ye Fanxin smiled playfully: "No, it's right to be called brother."

"······Ah ah!"

"elder brother???"

The two little ones both looked frightened, dumbfounded and amusing.Ye Fan's heart felt that his sister-controlled soul was going to be restless again.

"Mmm~~~ bro."

"Wow~~ Brother, you are too beautiful, I have never seen such a beautiful person before."

Kanye Kapok Ji screamed in surprise, but he didn't doubt Ye Fanxin's gender.The same is true for Konno Lanko, trust has been unknowingly firmly engraved in their hearts.

"It's also in the game, even if it's a girl, or it's modified by the system AI, it's not as good-looking as her brother at all. It's like a fairy."

Ye Fanxin smiled and talked to them about the fact that he couldn't restore his appearance in the SAO system before, making the two little ones giggled.

"However, I heard that there was a death incident in SAO, is your brother okay?"

"Of course, I'll tell you a secret secretly, the SAO incident was solved by Miku."


Ye Fanxin stretched out his hand, Miku appeared in his palm, twisted the corner of his skirt like a lady, and said generously: "It's nice to meet you two, my name is Miku, the daughter of your father."

Konno Lanko said thoughtfully, "Is Miku sister an artificial intelligence created by my brother?"

"Yes." Miku leaned against Ye Fanxin's chest with a smile, "So, Miku likes Father the most."

"Brother is amazing!"

The two sisters sighed in admiration, and fatigue began to appear on their faces.Ye Fanxin noticed the abnormal blood color of their body skin, and turned into Yingcao.

"Brother, brother?"

"Don't worry, it's the last minute. If you're sleepy, take a nap. When you wake up, it's a new life."

Kanye Lanzi shook his head: "No, I want to keep watching my brother."

"Neither do I."

Qingye Kapok Ji's mood fluctuated a little, and Ye Fan could sense the fear in her heart.Maybe she was afraid that if she fell asleep, she would never wake up again.

"Then, brother, let's sing you a song."

"Mmmm, Yuuki wants to hear brother sing."

Although Kanye Lanzi didn't say anything, Ye Fanxin saw the longing in his eyes.Lightly holding the small hands of the two of them, Yingcao's soft and cute voice sounded. (Song name "Little Adventurer" Suqing ed.)

"The place where I accidentally fell and scratched ~ oozing blood and pain~~~"

"It's alright~ It'll be healed soon~ The scars will be healed tomorrow~~~"


The faint greenness rose, the vitality consumed by the two people was replenished, and the abnormal blood color was also suppressed.

The melodious and warm singing made the two sisters smile unconsciously, and the changes in their bodies also made them even more tired, and their eyelids began to have a tendency to fight.

"From the time it was called to go by boat~ Ride the wind~ Set sail with a sail~~"

"Now~ I've left my hometown~ I'm running across the rest of the sea~~~"


Ye Fanxin glanced at the bodies of the two, and the abnormal state had subsided.He could feel that the consumption of vitality was weakening, and he estimated that the treatment would end soon.

A song has been sung without knowing it, and the two little animals have fallen asleep without knowing when.


"Shh~~~" Ye Fanxin tried to twitch his arms, but was hugged tighter by the two little ones, so he had no choice but to give up.

Miku was very sensible and didn't speak any more, but just controlled the nanoworms to come out of the two little ones.

When you go in, you carry a large amount of therapeutic liquid, and when you come out, you carry a large amount of pathogens.If you look closely, you can find some stains and unpleasant-smelling liquid leached from the body surface of the two small animals.

Ye Fanxin looked at the hands tightly clasped by the two, sighed helplessly, and turned into a tornado.Then Nian Li manipulated the towel to clean up the two of them.

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