In the next few days, everyone in the night raid didn't have any tasks. Tazmi listened to Ye Fanxin every day. Although he occasionally had some very reasonable words, he later discovered that most of Ye Fanxin's words were nonsense.

For this reason, he wanted to find other people to complain many times, but he was afraid of revenge by Ye Fanxin, so he could only endure it.

Ye Fanxin also began to notice this. In the past two days, although this guy is still listening to his own bragging, he chooses to exercise by himself most of the time.

Although a little uncomfortable, it's good at any rate.

"Forget it, your cooking skills are almost half of mine, so I allow you to become a teacher."

Tazmi stopped swinging his sword and asked, "What do you mean?"

"That is, you don't have to follow me, go wherever you fall in love."


Seeing Ye Fanxin nodded again, Tazmi grabbed his shirt and ran away without a trace.


On this day, Ye Fanxin was dragging Xier to play in the mountains behind, and Lubbock came over and asked them to go to a meeting.It's just that the talent just appeared in Ye Fanxin's line of sight, and his face was covered with mud thrown by him.

After Ye Fanxin left with her blushing and limp body in her arms, Lubbock got up from the attack with a horrified expression.The mud on his face was pulled out, and half of his face was photographed with red marks.

Wiping his nosebleed, he said in horror: "Chi Tong's strength has become stronger again. In other words, why did I get beaten when I didn't see anything?"

"Boss, do you have a mission?"

After changing their clothes, the two came to the conference room hand in hand, and everyone had already arrived by now.But everyone has long been accustomed to the appearance of him and Xier, but occasionally it is strange that Chi Tong is not the same as before.

"Yes, there is indeed a task, but it is not a commission."

Najeshtan had no unnecessary nonsense, "I got information, it has been exposed here, and now there are intruders who are searching this area, I believe we will be found soon."

"Intruders? How many?"

"The other party is not very sure about the news, so the number should not be large, but we can't take it lightly."

"Then, kill them." Leona slapped his fist and grinned.

Najeshtan smoked a cigarette and said lightly: "I originally planned to let Tazmi stay, but I heard that you graduated from Chitong. This time, take it as a test of your cultivation achievements."

"······Yes, I understand."

Tazmi was in a heavy heart, and it was natural to be excited to be able to perform a mission, but when he thought of the so-called test results, he felt complicated.

"Rookie, what's the matter with your dead face? You're not afraid, right?" Maine laughed.

"Just kidding, would I be afraid?"

"Ah, really? Just don't pee your pants later."

"You guy..."

Tazmi glared at Maine. From the very beginning, this poor and wicked girl always did not deal with him, and could pick on him everywhere. It was really hateful.This time, I will definitely let her see the results of her own practice...

Tazmi was speechless for a moment, and suddenly had the urge to cover his face. What the hell is the result of his practice? After showing it, he will definitely be ridiculed even worse, definitely.

Chapter eight hundred and twenty seventh tragic intruder

The location of the base for the night raid was very remote.There was no one in sight for dozens of miles.And it is backed by mountains and forests infested with many dangerous species, which is considered to be concealed and easy to retreat.

"Therefore, the enemy can only approach from the other three directions."

"Maine, Tazmi, Brand, you three go to the left. Tazmi is responsible for covering Maine. Leone and Rabo go to the right. Xier and I are sitting at the base. Here it is, it's alright."


"It's really unfortunate that you have to act with this stupid newcomer. Hey, newcomer, you can't hold me back."

Tazmi was angry and refused to accept: "Sleeping will hold you back, I'm very strong."

"Ah, right? Don't be scared to pee your pants later. Oh hehe~~~"

"Then, one last word, don't let any of the invaders go, everyone, the battle begins."

When the words fell, Ye Fanxin and others had already left.

In the jungle, black images are walking through like ghosts. They are the intruders, and they are searching for the night attack base in this area.But so far still nothing.

Suddenly, a bright light pierced the night sky and pierced one of the hearts.

"There are enemies, hide!"

"Hey, the forest at night is really unfriendly to me."

Tazmi covered his mouth and sneered at the side: "Puffpuff~ I'm going to be dragged back if you say anything, aren't you completely useless?"

"What? You rookie, are you blind? I just killed an intruder easily, open your dog's eyes to see clearly, I'm not useless like you."

The fried Maine immediately slapped her head and covered her face, and the spraying Tazmi was even more annoyed, and the two quarreled here.

"Although Maine is responsible for long-range sniping, in this case, your actual opponent is only me."

Brand, who was covered in metal armor, rushed to the middle of the intruders, looking at the deserted jungle, he knew that the intruders were hidden.

Being able to perceive the breath of most people is from his experience after a hundred battles.


The weapon in his hand swept across a big tree suddenly, and with a loud noise, the tree broke in the middle, and at the same time, a person hiding behind the tree was cut off.

I saw that his whole body was chopped into two pieces, and the blood and internal organs were mixed together, like cloth soaked in water, and it fell to the ground with a clatter, and then there was the sound of two corpses falling.

The cold sweat came along with the horror, and the intruders made the same judgment in an instant.

At the same time, they jumped out from their hidden places and killed Brand with their weapons.

"The tactics are good, but unfortunately, you still underestimate my strength!"

Brand stepped on his feet, and his heavy body moved up in the air with unexpected agility, without any intention of parrying or resisting, his muscles swelled up, and his weapons swept away.

Puff puff!

The invaders that had not yet fallen in the air were all turned into pieces.

As he said, take advantage of good chemistry to attack from multiple sides at the same time.This trick is very useful in the face of enemies whose strength and speed are higher than their own.However, the gap is too great.

Brand was not afraid of their attack at all, and the opponent could not stop any of his slashes.

The so-called one-force defeats ten guilds, when the gap in strength reaches a certain level, any tactical skills, conspiracies and tricks will be ineffective.

He swung his weapon and shook off the flesh and blood on it.The helmet took off, and Brand wiped the nose of his plane dashingly.

"There should be no problem here, the rest are the other two."

He has no idea of ​​supporting, Chi Tong and Leonai are not weaker than him, maybe even stronger.And this time the intruder was too weak, so weak that he thought there was no threat.

As he said, Leonae twisted the necks of these invaders, as simple as killing a chicken.

Watching her casually smash her companion's heart, the rest of them chose to flee at the same time.

"Tsk tsk, I thought these people were also the dead soldiers trained by the nobles? Is it also afraid of death?"

Lubbock smiled: "Don't worry, big sister, these people can't run away."

Just as Leonae was killing these invaders, he had already sealed off the area with steel wire.

Leonai laughed and said: "Of course, if you let someone run away, you don't need to do anything from the boss, I'll interrupt your chicken first."

Lubbock boasted a little, but fortunately, the end of the cross did not disappoint him. I saw that the intruders who scattered and fled all around seemed to have been cut by countless sharp weapons and turned into pieces in an instant.

Lubbock breathed a sigh of relief and smiled dryly: "It's done."

A few minutes back in time, and after Ye Fanxin left the base a certain distance, he began to walk slowly in the jungle like a walk.

Not long after, an intruder approached and saw Ye Fanxin alone.


The intruder quietly landed on a big tree and looked at Ye Fan's heart with vigilance.

Armed, but unsuspecting, weakling!

Making this judgment in an instant, he didn't pay attention to see Ye Fanxin's face in the dark, otherwise he would definitely recognize that this is the wanted night attack killer Chi Tong.

Catch her and ask for information.

With this thought in mind, a short knife appeared in the intruder's hand and resigned to Ye Fanxin's spine.


A clear sound pierced through the night, and it sounded like an illusion at first glance.But the intruder was beheaded with no change in mind.

As the sky was spinning, he flew out of his head, and out of the corner of his eye he saw the last picture of the blade in Ye Fanxin's hand returning to its sheath.


Shadows jumped out one after another, Ye Fanxin looked at it silently, there were almost twenty or thirty people.

He stopped, the moonlight just happened to shine from this position, and the delicate cheeks against the cold moonlight fell into the eyes of the intruder.

"It's a wanted criminal for a night raid."

"Sure enough, this is the headquarters of the night raid."

"I've won the jackpot!"

Ye Fanxin said earnestly: "You really won the first prize. The reward is, , the qualification to live in hell for free."


There was a faint crisp sound in the air under his feet, but Ye Fanxin's figure had disappeared from the sight of those intruders.



The light brushed over a man's neck, and before his head fell, he saw his own terrified eyes reflected on the icy blade of the blade.

Kill one person in an instant, no, two, three...

In an instant when no one reacted, Ye Fanxin had already killed three intruders.

too fast!

The remaining twenty people wanted to spread out wildly. The premise of implementing any battle plan was to find Ye Fanxin first.However, even if more than [-] pairs of eyes looked around at the same time, they could only see some shadows shaking like an illusion.

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