"... Chi Tong, have you been getting more and more black-bellied recently?"

Ye Fanxin turned to look at Lei Onai next to him, "The stages of life are different, and the perception of life is also different. I have grown up."


The farce had to stop after Najeshtan appeared, and Ye Fanxin also knew the reason why Zakimi was beaten, because she was fooled by Leonai to ask Maine to eat in the morning, and it was natural to see Maine who liked to get up late. underwear show.

Tsk, the enviable treatment of the two-dimensional male protagonist.Ye Fanxin looked at Maine's airport again and shook his head regretfully.

"Be quiet, I have something to tell you."

"Last night, someone made a fierce fight in the city." Najeshtan's eyes were distant, and she smoked her cigarette: "It was the organization that assassinated Oka."

"Huh? It's them again? Is there any useful information this time?"

Najeshtan shook her head: "Almost all of the guards were dispatched, but they only knew what they looked like."

She threw the two portraits on the table, and several people took turns looking at them.Above it are Iyeas and Shayu in battle armor.

"This armor is a bit like Brand's demon haunted."

Brand touched his head: "No, this perception is still a big one. His looks are lighter. I just don't know how strong it is. I really want to compare with this person."

"This woman, is really a weird outfit, is it also Teigu?"

The portraits are not very well drawn but the general outlines can still be seen.

"Looks like she's still beautiful."

Leonae punched Lubbock on the head: "Is your focus only on gender?"

Tazmi stared at the portrait of Sayou, frowning slightly, he always felt familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

Ye Fanxin recognized the two at a glance, and there was still some speculation before, but I didn't expect that these two could really do things, so it's not worth it for him to hang up the two.

"Now that the city is under complete martial law, you should not enter the city at will except for tasks recently."

"Also, remember that these two people, if they meet, try not to conflict. Try to figure out their identities and purposes. In short, contact with a cooperative attitude."

In the afternoon, Najeshtan brought a new task.

"This time the target was Okaroo, a distant relative of Chancellor Ernest. He kidnapped women under the guise of the Chancellor and tortured them to death. His crime is unforgivable."

"Hoho, is this about to attack the minister's people?"

Najeshtan said solemnly: "The goal this time is different from the past. The minister specially sent experts from the Imperial Fist Temple to protect it. Therefore, this time all staff are dispatched, don't take it lightly."

"Tazmi, you have already cooperated with Maine, this time it's you and her team, responsible for covering Maine."

Tazmi's face twitched and he looked towards Maine, only to see Maine's expression of disgust.

"We don't know how many guards the other party has set up, so Maine is responsible for killing Okaloo. The enemy who is chasing will be handed over to others to deal with."


Shayou and Iyeas were walking in the field with their heads covered. Just this morning, the two had sent Hibiscus and Lotus away.Sent to a remote village.

"As for the target this time, there is only so much information that can be investigated. However, it's too much to look at."

Shayou nibbled at the animal's legs silently, keeping her eyes on the slowly growing energy bar.

"That's why we were killed."

"That's right, but..." Eyeas looked at her with shame, "Is your energy still not replenished?"

She has been eating since the two sisters were sent away in the morning, and it has been seven or eight hours now.

"Well, it's still a little bit worse, but it's no problem if you fight."

As long as the energy decomposition is not applied, the energy consumption of biological armor is not fast.

"That's good, ah,, here we are!"

Standing on the high slope, a magnificent palace appeared in sight, and that was where the two of them were about to appear this time.

Unfolding the armor, the two flew into the sky and silently observed below.

I don't know how long it took, a long line appeared, splitting at both ends of the high steps.A group of people walked out of the palace.


Shayou stepped on Eyeas' shoulders and jumped from the sky, followed by Eyeas, and the two of them smashed into the crowd like two cannonballs.

At the same time, a small beam of light flew from a distance, instantly piercing the head of the rich man walking in the center.

"It's done!"

The corners of Maine's mouth were slightly raised, and she was about to close the gun, but the expression on her face suddenly became stunned.

"What, what's wrong?" Tazmi asked.

"...I really want to find those two mysterious people."

"What mysterious man?"

Maine didn't care to stare at him at all, and said angrily: "Who else could it be? The boss showed us this morning, have you forgotten?"

Tazmi was startled: "Those two, really? Why are they here?"

"Probably, they are also eyeing Okalu, they are fighting! So strong!"

Tazmi's heart was itching, and he quickly picked up the telescope and looked at it. Unfortunately, the effect of the telescope is far less than that of the romantic fort. In addition to the dust and the chaos of the crowd, he could only see two shadows constantly killing others. people.

Eight hundred and thirty third chapter second Rakshasa four ghosts

After watching it for a while, Maine suddenly reacted, "Don't look, hurry up and inform others, we will withdraw first."

"So, what about those two mysterious people?"

"What do you care about them? Since they dare to show up so flamboyantly, there must be a way to escape. Let's go."

Ye Fanxin and others were hidden on various routes that the enemy might pursue, and they also sensed something wrong at this moment.

Especially Ye Fanxin, in fact, he had already seen Shayou and Eyeas in the sky, just because he thought it was interesting, he kept watching until they jumped off, and then Maine shot Okaloo.

"Yes, that's it, Mang is right."

Ye Fanxin squatted on a tree trunk and watched the battle there with great interest.

Tazmi couldn't see the battle clearly with binoculars, but there was no pressure in his eyes.Even if he was concentrating, he could hear the voice over there.

"Chi Tong, there is a change over there, we should go!"

"Huh? Is this going away?"

Leonae grabbed his back collar, turned around and started running. "All in all, the task has been completed, and there is no need to waste it here."

Not long after, Hillbranda Burke also converged and met Maine and Tazmi in front.

"Let's go back for the details. I don't know how long the chaos over there will last. Let's leave quickly."

"Indeed, the reinforcements from the Imperial Fist Temple have already rushed over. If we don't leave, we may also encounter trouble." Maine added.

Ye Fan felt a little regretful that he couldn't watch the scene where his younger brother bullied others.

"We,, don't care if they are really good?"

Leonai changed his normal state and said solemnly: "Tazmi, don't forget, we are killers. And those two are not our companions."

"It is the stupidest act to implicate a companion for the sake of a stranger, Tazmi, you have to remember this."

"Big brother..." Tazmi nodded heavily, "I see."

On the other hand, Sayou and Ayeas are caught in a struggle.

They can't remember how many enemies they killed, only that the number of enemies around them has not decreased.

"What? Do you want to continue?"

Eyeas came to Shayou's side, and he didn't have much energy. Although there were spare energy modules, the enemy would not watch him switch energy modules.


Shayou gave a soft drink, and the two instantly left the battle group, ready to fly away.

"If you want to come, come and leave, what do you think this place is?"

"Kill the relatives of the minister, but you can't just let you go!"

"Sorry, it's you who are not good to you when you meet our four Rakshasa ghosts."


Four figures jumped up from four different directions, overtook Sayou and Eyeas at an exaggerated speed, and pressed down from above.

Ayeas was startled and slashed with a knife, only to see the man who should have had nowhere to use the air, twisted into a weird posture contrary to common sense, and evaded his attack very coincidentally.

The two of them knocked him to the ground with one punch and one kick.

At the same time, Shayou was also shot down by the other two, and her energy whip was also lost.

Fortunately, with the protection of battle armor, the two were not injured.

"Dare to kill the relatives of the minister, you two are really not afraid of death, but if the minister sent us four Rakshasa ghosts temporarily because of the recent turmoil, you would have really run away."

"The armor-type Teigu can still fly, which is really good."

"So, are you guys going to be caught obediently, or let us ravage you first."


Rakshasa Four Ghosts?never heard of that.Shayou's eyes became dangerous, she admitted that she was careless just now, and should not be hit with her current strength.

Recalling the strange twisted body of the other party, he avoided his own attack.

"It's too much to regenerate and change, Ayeas, it's up to you next."

"Hey, what are you doing? Wait..."

Ayeas got up in a panic and flew into the sky in an instant.The Rakshasa Four Ghosts originally wanted to intercept them, but they were suppressed by a strange energy.

The air waves that can be seen with the naked eye roll over the bodies of several people, but they will not continue to spread.

"what is this?"

"Damn, I can't move my body."

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