The headless corpse, with blood spurting out from the neck of Lao Gao, the blood stained everything around it before it fell.

"Kill, people, there are assassins, there are assassins!"

A hand landed on his head, and then smashed his face to the ground.

With a bang, the ground collapsed, but Ye Fanxin's figure left long before the corpse exploded.It was only his escaping power that caused this terrifying scene.


A young man with black broken hair stopped in front of Ye Fanxin, staring at him sharply, one hand on the short knife on the lower waist.

"Confirm, your presence is malicious."

"No, not at all!"

"...I can't see it at all."

Ye Fanxin shrugged: "No way, do you think you will be kind or malicious to the bugs on the roadside?"

"Insects?" The youth's eyes became dangerous. "You really know how to say it. You will be defeated by the worms in your mouth later, but don't cry."

"Shura Incarnation: Noble Chariot!!!"

The air waves rolled, and the dark armor wrapped around and covered his body. In an instant, the youth was completely wrapped in the armor.

"...Like Li, the dark flame!"


I don't understand, is it tactical interference?But useless to me.The young man's brain turned, and his figure rushed towards the explosion.

And at this time, other people in the palace also noticed the movement here, and rushed here.

The first is the guards nearby. Ye Fanxin glanced at the many guards who came, and behind him was a strong man with something similar to a flamethrower, and a beautiful young man.

No black pupils!

"You dare to be distracted at this time, how much do you look down on people!"


The metal fist brushed Ye Fanxin's hair with a strong wind, Ye Fanxin tilted his head, one hand rested leisurely on the village rain, and the other hand just grabbed the head of the armor.

"Hey, can you please tell me, where is Hei Tong?"

How could this woman be so strong!

It was just one blow, no, it wasn't even an attack, it was as easy as eating and drinking, and it caught him.

What a joke!

"What a joke!!"

The young man yelled, forcibly twisted his body, and swept over Ye Fanxin's waist with a heavy foot.

"I know it's not that simple."

Ye Fan muttered in his heart, and the beautiful leg slammed into the young man's foot with an afterimage.


The violent power directly shredded the protection of the battle armor, and the whole leg was twisted just listening to the screams of the young doctor.But because the head was still in Ye Fanxin's hands, it didn't fall to the ground.

"Look at you, obviously you can't beat it, but you have to be tough, I just want to ask a question."

"As the saying goes, impulse is the devil, I didn't come here to find fault on purpose, everyone is calm..."


The whistling sound interrupted Ye Fanxin's nagging. Looking at the feathers covered in front, he blocked the young man in front of him without hesitation.

Chapter eight hundred and forty-fifth then there is no need to talk

"Be careful!!"


Ye Fanxin was unhappy, and said dissatisfiedly: "I'm just trying to make it easier, where is it despicable? You sneak attacks are not despicable?"

"Put Will down."

"Hey? Is his name Will?" Ye Fanxin couldn't help but think, this is the hanging silk that wants to soak his sister?

"It's not impossible to let go, here it is for you!"

He casually threw Will over, and several people quickly caught him, and then noticed that the armor on his head was pinched and twisted.

"Will, are you alright!"

"Really, dare to come to me to make trouble, this courage is worthy of my praise."

The tall figure came slowly, the icy blue figure, the powerful aura and the sense of oppression.

This should be Queen Esdes, Ye Fanxin took a look at her exposed chest, and then looked around.Finally, I saw a black JK poor loli on the other side.

"Hei Tong, long time no see!"

The petite figure rushed over and slashed with a knife.

Ye Fanxin didn't bother to defend at all, opened his arms, let her slash his neck with a knife, and then took the opportunity to hug her.

Rub your face!

"Really, it's a long-lost goodbye, and it's so fierce as soon as I come up, but my sister forgives you!"


"what's the situation?"

"Isn't this woman the killer of the night attack? Is the wanted notice fake?"

"Hei Tong's sister? Never heard of it!"


Everyone in the hunter looked dumbfounded, and there was no way that the scene in front of them could be linked to the previous tense atmosphere, but it made them feel very inconsistent.

"Let go of me, you,, let me go!"

Ye Fanxin held her tightly no matter how Hei Tong struggled: "No, I won't let go again."

"Hahaha, do you think I would still believe it? Sister, since you left alone, Hei Tong knew that if she wanted her to stay by her side forever, she had to kill her."

"Sister, Hei Tong has become more powerful now. My Teigu Eighth Room can make a human corpse into a puppet. If you kill my sister and make a puppet, you can be perfect together forever."

"So, sister, go to hell!"


One knife after another slashed Ye Fanxin's back, but he still failed to break the defense.

"Hei Tong, don't make trouble, your clothes are all torn."

Hei Tong's movements paused, and Jin continued to cut at a faster rate.

Gradually, this warm picture of a seemingly harmonious older sister doting on an awkward younger sister can no longer be watched with peace of mind.The onlookers gradually saw the clue, and the cold sweat remained.

"That,, Miss Black pupil is using the eight rooms of Teigu."

"That's right, that's indeed her emperor, the march of the dead: eight rooms."

"A powerful body that can't be harmed by Teigu at all, is this woman an emperor herself?"

"It's too exaggerated, so many knives, just torn clothes?"


Esdes suddenly showed an interested smile, "You guys step back for now, this seems to be a rare prey."

"Lord Esdes, the little black pupil is still in her hand..."

"I'll let you back!!"

Esdes' cold eyes made the strong man silent, and he backed away honestly, and even a few people specially ordered the guards to retreat far away, because they even had the terrifying strength of their own adults, even if they were a little closer. Some will also be affected.

"Hey, the night raider, come and fight with me."

Ye Fanxin seemed to notice that there were other people around, "emmm, don't!"

The younger sister has already arrived, and he has no plans to stay any longer. He plans to leave with Hei Tong in his arms.

"Hehe, is it so easy to let you leave?"

Ka Ka Ka!

The ice began to spread from the feet of Esdes, covering the entire field in an instant, and the extending ice wall blocked Ye Fanxin's way.

"How? If you want to leave, you must defeat me."

"Oh, do you want to fight that much?"

"Of course." Esdes licked his lips excitedly, "I can feel that you are the strongest I have ever met. Fighting with you must be very interesting."

"But I don't want to fight with you. It's not good for you to win, and it's a waste of time."

Esdes narrowed his eyes: "You are so confident that you can beat me?"

Hei Tong was still slashing at her. At this moment, the clothes on his back were completely broken, and even the bra was broken. Ye Fan was unhappy and pulled the broken bra off and hung it on Hei Tong's neck.

"Sister, help me get it."

Then he rolled his eyes and said, "In short, I won't do things that are not good for me. First of all, if I win, what rewards will I have."

Esdes laughed, opened his hand and said: "If you win the king or lose the bandit, fighting is plundering. The loser can only succumb to the strong. If you win, everything I have will be yours, and it is natural to talk about rewards. unnecessary."

Ye Fanxin jumped to her side unceremoniously, and said seriously while holding her shoulders: "Really? Don't lie?"

So fast! ! !

Estes widened her eyes, her crazy expression surging like a tidal wave, and she grinned fiercely: "Really, it's so exciting. Hahaha, yes, come on, try to plunder me!"

Ye Fanxin put the black pupil on his shoulder and said seriously: "Then I'll be welcome."

Kaka Kaka, Boom!

The thick ice froze the ground and spread to Ye Fanxin in the blink of an eye. Just as Ye Fanxin lowered his head, Esdes' figure had disappeared.

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