The strong beating sound continued, and Ye Fan was very happy to see it.Noticing the concentrated Sibia around him, he handed over the potato chips: "Want to eat?"

"Huh? Oh, thanks!"

Ye Fanxin handed her another bottle of Coke, the girl thanked her again, and then the two of them turned into melon eaters together, enjoying the blockbuster while eating and drinking.

Ten minutes later, the position of the behemoth's head and chest suddenly turned into a huge gap, and other parts of the body became even more pitted.The huge body began to tilt, and it was about to fall to the ground.

Ye Fanxin poured all the remaining Coke into his mouth, got up and drew his knife.

For a moment, there was a continuous chant in the sky.

Click click!

Ye Fanxin kept the action of retracting the knife, but Murakami was already covered with cracks, and with a sour sound, it shattered to the ground in an instant.

"This,, ah, too much force, so annoying!"

Sibia stared blankly at the front. From the two of them to the steel giant, there seemed to be vertical invisible lines, cutting some along the way.

A random cut is like a child's random slashing, but the effect is very different.


The behemoth in the distance turned into pieces in an instant, falling down piece by piece.

At the same time, the super armors of Tazmi and others were activated again, and everyone rushed to intercept the falling fragments.

Ye Fanxin looked far into the distance, looking at the clouds in the sky, like pieces of huge dough being cut open.But it won't be long before they will be reconnected.

Two figures fell from the sky, the armor faded, and the black pupil jumped excitedly.

"Sister, have you seen it? Hei Tong is so powerful now."

"Hmm, black pupil is the best. Of course, Shayou is also good."

Hei Tong narrowed his eyes comfortably, enjoying his sister's head slaying.Suddenly, Murasame noticed that only the hilt was left.

"Sister, this is..."

Ye Fanxin raised the hilt of the knife, with some helplessness on his face, and suddenly said: "Hei Tong, what do you think my sister will switch to fighting in the future?"


Without Murakami, Ye Fanxin didn't want to find another knife, and he planned to make another set of biological armor for Chi Tong.

The empire fell.

That night, Najeshtan found everyone and told them this.The Revolutionary Army will be the new ruler of the country.But everyone in the night raid needs to bear all the crimes.

Everyone was prepared for this. They knew about this day when they joined the night raid.

And Shayou also took this opportunity to come up with her own plan.

Ye Fanxin didn't care about the follow-up, he just informed Esdes and went back with Xier and his sister.

The next day, Najeshtan announced that the night raid was disbanded, and those who were willing to join the punishment would join, and those who were unwilling could only live a wandering life.

A few days later, Ye Fanxin wore a biological armor and fought against Hei Tong.He almost suppressed all his strength, and the two of them only fought skillfully.

Ye Fanxin's reaction speed was still better, but he couldn't bear the black pupil's rudeness.

A few days later, the Heavenly Punishment Organization was officially established, and Ye Fanxin quietly chose to leave.

Everything that needs to be done has been done, and continuing to stay will only add to the troubles of parting.For example, say goodbye when it is relatively complete.

Chapter eight hundred and sixty-two don't touch me, disgusting bugs

Eyes wink.

Ye Fanxin was lying on the bed with his hands still in a kneading position.

Because he was still hugging him when he left.

"Smurfs, old rules, converted into space-time energy."

Lan Jing jumped out in front of his eyes, opened his palm, and on one side was the space-time energy accumulated before, at this time it was already half the size of an adult's head.

The other side was obtained from this transformation, and it was the size of a washbasin.

"...I knew that with Xiao Ai here, the world of Zhanmei must be the top one in the intermediate world."

"Yes, the host, the level of the sister-killing world depends to a large extent on Esdes' strength. More precisely, it is the trick that involves time."

"Mokobatmo~~~ is indeed a somewhat buggy ability."

It's a pity that in Ye Fanxin's opinion, it's only a little bit, just like this, although Esdes stopped the time and space, but she didn't break Ye Fanxin's defense at all, even if you stop time until the world perishes, it's still useless.


Ye Fan covered his face fiercely: "I forgot my original purpose."

Because I was so engaged in playing, I forgot to stop the time to test Kanzaki Tomoyo.

"Damn it, if it's done tonight, it must be done tonight, MMP, I'll test it first in the next world."

"So, is the host going to continue to travel?"

"Yes, yes, anyway, I have to wear the intermediate world again, this time I want to wear it on the main body. Don't make a mistake."


Not long after he came back, Ye Fanxin's figure disappeared from the room again, but no matter how long he stayed in other worlds, it was only a moment when he came back.

The screen switched instantly, and the dim room had turned into a clean street.

The first thing Ye Fanxin did was to take out a mirror, and when he saw the dreamlike face inside, he was intoxicated.

"Well, the body is still the most beautiful."

"Hey, now you can flirt with beautiful girls, and then hehe."

In SAO, because there is no one with the last bit of restraint in his heart, he has some regrets, and this time he must not be so pure.

As a pervert, you must have the mentality that a pervert should have.

"Why, why don't you agree with me being a policeman, Dad?"

"That's because this is an era of heroes. Without a strong personality, you can only choose mediocrity."

"I don't want it. Even if I have a weak personality, I can still be a policeman. Dad, aren't you also a policeman? Why stop me?"

"...I just don't want you to regret it!"


The fierce quarrel came from the house next to it, and after a while, a young man ran out in a hurry, almost hitting Ye Fanxin.

"Feel sorry······"

The reluctance on the boy's face dissipated in an instant, his face was red but he seemed to feel very shameless, and ran away with a 'bang'.

Ye Fanxin tilted his head, and he just came here and accidentally flirted with a little brother. Isn't it too much?

Transform into Kanzaki Tomoyo and stop time!

"That's the priority."

After completing it, he can enjoy the world while doing things, and when he is almost done, he can choose to leave at any time.

Mmmm, a perfect arrangement that fits his character very well.

Leisurely jumping feet, wandering aimlessly.Instead, he wasn't in a hurry to figure out what kind of world this was.

In the still world, he was the only one walking through the streets.

He found that the world was strange.Everywhere you see people with strange physical appearances, some of which are not even human in appearance.

But there is no panic around, it seems that this is the normal state of this society.

"Alien? Or from another world?"

Ye Fan's heart didn't go into depth, just like his mentality just now, he didn't even care much about what world he was crossing.


"Well, the girls in this world are all good looking, uh~~ This Naiko is also very good."

He poked his finger on a beautiful and young girl on the side of the road, looking at the sunken point, tutted, "The world in which time stands still can't even feel its elasticity."

He counted the time silently in his heart until he felt a weak mental burden.

He made up his mind, walked to a small alley to release his transformation, and the stopped time began to flow again.

"Sure enough, it's a lot more difficult than the low-level world. But it's still within the acceptable range."

He silently compared the time, in this world, until the burden on the spirit, he can stop for about two hours.

This time seems to be a long time, but compared with the days in the low-level world, there is no feeling, the difference is too big.

Ye Fanxin suddenly couldn't wait to know how much more useful his plug-in ability could play in an advanced world.

Shaking his head, he put the thought aside.

"It's not good to be too hasty."

Regarding his identity in this world, he has almost figured it out. This time, it is no longer as unreliable as in SAO. On the contrary, Ye Fanxin is relatively satisfied with his identity in this world.

There is a house left by 'parents' who don't exist.There is a deposit no more or no less.

It seems that because of his slovenly long hair, he was regarded as a weirdo at school.So I dropped out of high school before finishing high school.Now being an internet celebrity at home.

"Tsk tsk, Smurf, aren't you going to tell me that my starting point is so high this time?"

"...The host's identity arrangement is random, on the premise of not interfering with the development of this world as much as possible."

"Let's get straight to the point."

"Although the host is an internet celebrity, he has not shown his face."

Ye Fanxin pouted: "Okay, but that's fine. Internet celebrity..."

In those few memories, this body has locked himself at home for more than a year, almost like a senior dead house, immersed in his own world all day, and his life is not only music but also music.


Seeing the music, Ye Fanxin couldn't help laughing, this is simply a benefit prepared for himself.

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