He can feel that the lost and damaged internal organs are growing again, so that he has an unspeakable nausea.

"Scars are recovering! Really recovering, All Might."

All Might also seemed to be infected by Izuku Midori's joy, and said a little excitedly: "Yeah, I can feel it, it is indeed recovering."

"Heart sauce!"

He said solemnly and sincerely: "Thank you."

It didn't take long for All Might to fully recover from his injury.This kind of pure physical injury is too simple for Yingcao's BUG-like vitality.

The goal has been achieved, Ye Fanxin waved his hand and turned to leave.

After walking halfway, he turned back and said, "By the way, because I'm not sure how much vitality you need for treatment, the amount may be a bit too much. Personally, it's better to leave when you don't glow."

The two were stunned for a moment, only to realize that even though the injury had fully recovered, All Might's body was still glowing.

The overflowing vitality, in the case of no one's control, is only a symbolic supplement to the physical energy that All Might has lost over the years, and the rest will basically overflow and waste.

Even so, in just a few minutes, compared to the appearance of his skinny mummy before, it has changed too much.

The eye sockets are finally saturated, and the facial contours also have a little muscle texture, especially the body and limbs, from the previous skinny hemp poles, to now have some sensuality.


It was obviously something to be happy and fortunate, but Izuku Midori just wanted to cry.

"If,, if it were earlier, All Might,, wouldn't have to give me one for all."

"Green Valley Boy..."

This question was also raised in Xiongying next.

All Might's recovery from his injury shocked everyone, but it was also extremely exciting news.

In the hero-saturated contemporary era, malice and darkness are suppressed to the maximum.There are many criminals and even organizations around the world.Only the 'symbol of peace' All Might could suppress.

But All Might's injury is like a ticking time bomb. Once it explodes one day, it will cause more than a disaster.

And now, All Might's injury has been healed, and the 'symbol of peace' can still remain active, how can it not be exciting.

However, those who knew about certain situations were not happy at all.

For example, people who know the inheritance of one for all, they sighed and said something similar to Izuku Midori.

"If only earlier..."

"I do not think so."

All Might had the opposite expression on his face, very relaxed.

"Shin-chan doesn't know the secret of one for all, and I am very happy if she is willing to treat me. So please don't say things like 'If only it could be earlier'."

Everyone looked at the stack of documents in front of them, it was about Ye Fanxin.The big 'individual' on it always seemed so dazzling to them.

"Moreover, I don't think that giving one for all to the Green Valley youth is something that needs to be regretted. My heir is far better than you think."

Principal Genjin said: "Let's not talk about your next successor, this young man named Ye Fanxin, are you sure he has no personality?"

"About Xinjiang, I also have something to tell you."

All Might said excitedly: "As a criminal who has no personality, but can defeat a criminal comparable to a professional hero, his strength is very powerful."

"I've also read about this. It happened in March last year. The local police station has relevant records, but because Ye Fan's heart is impersonal, the case was suppressed."

All Might continued: "That's right, and I have discussed with Xinjiang. Although it is to overwhelm the level of ordinary people, it is not Xinjiang's opponent at all."

"Xinjiang's skills are absolutely superb."


"So, what do you want to say?"

All Might looked at everyone, and suddenly said seriously: "I, want to invite Xinjiang to join Xiongying."


At the end of February, the entrance test for Xiongying began.Ye Fanxin specially dispatched nanoworms to take a peek.He is more interested in whether Izuku Midori, who has changed so much, will be different from the original.

Facts have proved that the nature of Jiangshan is difficult to change.Although this kid is much stronger than the original book, his inferiority complex and indecisive character cannot be changed for a while.

Perhaps, there is also uncertainty about whether All Might should really be passed on to him.

Ye Fanxin didn't want to see what happened next.

At the same time, All Might contacted him for the first time, and the two met.

After informing the purpose of his visit, Ye Fan's face was strange: "Are you sure? There is no precedent for Xiongying."

All Might grinned and said, "Originally, I wanted to recommend you to enroll directly, but you can't be a hero without personality. Everyone still insists on this concept."

"Then finally got them to agree to join as a borrower."

Chapter eight hundred and eighty his name is Ye Wuyou

In early March, Ye Fanxin sent Sister Python to the hospital, where his child was about to be born.

When Yue Shanyou (Women of the Mountains) came in a hurry, he only saw Ye Fan sitting in the corridor dazed.

The hurried steps slowed down immediately, and when he came to his side, he chuckled: "This is not like you at all."

Ye Fanxin rolled his eyes and continued to look at the ceiling: "I thought I wouldn't have too many mood swings."

Yue Shanyou patted him complainingly: "How is it possible, that is your child. How can it be indifferent."


Ye Fan was a little flustered, this was not what he expected.He thought that he had grown up and understood his own emotions and feelings, but this was not the case.

The last time I had such a panic, it was the first time I had possessed a bird.Then I went to another world and stayed for a long time before I got used to it.

This time, he didn't want to escape, but he felt at a loss.

Yue Shanyou sighed and muttered to himself, after all, Xin Jiang was just a sixteen-year-old (?) big boy.

Thinking again that she fell in love with such a big boy, and Sister Python even gave birth to a child for him, and suddenly felt it was too absurd.

He couldn't help but beat Ye Fan's heart twice.

There was a loud cry, followed by a cry of exclamation.Ye Fan thought and didn't want to rush in.

When I entered the door, I sensed a subtle force that seemed to want to do something to myself.Yu, who came in with him, froze for a moment, then turned his head and left.

Looking at the room, whether it was a voice or a nurse, they were all facing the wall, sticking to the wall.

Ye Fanxin frowned and looked at the hospital bed.Sister Python closed her eyes tired and haggard, and a small baby next to her was floating in the air, crying loudly.

Ye Fanxin walked over and held the baby in his arms.

Strange to say, after being hugged by him, the crying stopped.The strange power around him also dissipated.The little guy sucked his thumb, who was quiet in Ye Fan's heart.

This well-behaved wood made Ye Fan smile uncontrollably.

This is his son.

The difference between the birth of a baby in this world and other worlds is the initial detection and recording of personality.

Ye Fanxin looked at the file, the name was still blank, gender: male.Personality: Initially determined to be a mandatory order.

According to the doctors and nurses, they felt a force at that time, and then, uncontrollably, they automatically moved away from the baby and forced them away in all directions.

This is also the reason why Ye Fanxin saw them facing the wall and sticking tightly.

"It could be that the little guy just came into the world and is showing resistance to everything for self-preservation reasons."

Ye Fan doesn't care about his personality, because this is his own son, and his birth is destined to be different from others in the future.

"Xinjiang, what's the name of our child?"

Ye Fanxin thought about it for a while, then smiled: "Worry-free, Ye Wuyou. I hope he can grow up carefree."

"Ah~ Wuyou, what about the baby name?" Yue Shanyou asked with a smile while teasing Xiao Wuyou.

Sister Python smiled and said, "Why don't you call it You Sauce?"

"Oh? That's not the same as my name." Yue Shanyou puffed up. "I think it's better to call Xiao Ye Ye."

Sister Python glanced at Ye Fanxin, who rolled her eyes, and covered her mouth with a snicker: "Then it's called Little Leaf. Well, Xinjiang, or we'll call you Big Leaf in the future."

"I reject!!"

Ye Fanxin said it very solemnly, Big Leaf?What the hell is it called?After meeting his father, do you want to be called Lao Ye?

Ye Wuyou's birth made Ye Fanxin finally stop treating the world with a play mentality.

He began to think about how to keep his son and wife safe.Because he will leave this world sooner or later.He must keep them safe until he finds a way back into this world again.

First, the first step.

Ye Fanxin decided to improve the personalities of the two wives. In order to avoid their doubts, Ye Fanxin didn't tell them, but just a little bit to enhance their personalities subtly.

On the other hand, he started making biological armor again.

But this time, it is different from the next-generation biological armor, but it belongs to the high-end technology crystallization of Debbie Luke Kingdom.

Quantum armor.

But it is very difficult to make a quantum battle armor, even at the current level of Ye Fanxin and Miku who only has daughters.Therefore, he needs to transform into La La, with Pei Kai's support.

In this way, a lot of time is also required.Considering that he has to join Heroes, the production cycle will be extended exponentially.

Thinking of this, Ye Fan sighed softly.He simply planned to stay in this world for a while longer.Whether it's to make battle armor, or to spend more time with my wife and children.

In the late spring of another year, All Might called to remind him of the upcoming start of school.

Regarding this matter, Ye Fanxin has already chatted with Sister Python.

In addition to expressing her support, Sister Python couldn't help but beat him with a small fist, because she thought of the problem that Yue Shanyou had in the hospital a month ago.

In this regard, Ye Fanxin licked his face and laughed, his laughter was full of pride.

"Go, go, anyway, Xiao Ye is kissing me now."

Speaking of this, Sister Python couldn't help but get angry.Obviously they are both biological, but Xiao Ye has been very close to his father since birth, and his personality that was easy to lose control, as long as he sees Ye Fanxin, it seems to be easy to control.

It took a full month for the little guy to notice the maternal love of the python sister. Now even if his father is not around, as long as he is held by his mother, he will not lose control of his personality.

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