"Angel, heart sauce must be an angel."

"Yes, that's right, otherwise how could this girl be cured in an instant."

"Absolutely. That's the ability of an angel."


Ye Fanxin scratched his head helplessly, but he was still impulsive.It is estimated that there will be a lot of trouble in the future.

But fans don't care about their lives for themselves, how can he abandon them?

He secretly sighed, if it weren't for his own playfulness and using more than N methods to solve this riot crisis, naturally there would not be a series of things that followed, and no fans would be injured because of protecting him.

Just think of it as paying for the consequences of your own playfulness.

The pupils of Hei Wu, who observed it in the dark, shrank. Even though the data clearly showed the powerful effect of Crystal of Life, the powerful effect of what he saw with his own eyes also shocked the black fog.

"Is this the crystal of life?"

"It's like giving people new life, the crystallization of the purest life, so it is the crystallization of life, ah."

In this case, he has fully understood the value of Ye Fanxin, which is far more important than the boss estimated.

"Then,, I have to take you."

Through the cover of the night, the black fog quietly approached Ye Fanxin.

When everyone focused on Ye Fanxin and looked at him with pious longing, a dark and twisted vortex suddenly appeared.A force was pulling Ye Fan's heart inward.

"Heart sauce!!"

Nan Tuo shouted, but Nao Wu grabbed his arm and threw it out.The expressions on the faces of the fans also changed, and they all showed panic.

Just at this critical moment, the flames engulfed and instantly disturbed the vortex.

But the strange thing is that other people, including Ye Fanxin, did not feel the slightest burning sensation even if the flame was close to him.


"It's Andrew!"

"Great, finally a hero is here, Xinjiang is saved."


What else can Ye Fanxin say, these lovely fans, when the rescue arrived, the first thing they thought about was not their own safety, but that their idols were saved.

"No one is hurt." Andwa looked at Ye Fanxin deliberately, "You all retreat, just leave the enemy to me."


Black Mist's body re-converged in the distance, and the appearance of Andrew completely eliminated his idea of ​​taking Ye Fan's heart away.

Disappeared again and came to the side of the dead handle wooden hanging.

"Deadwood, the arrival of Endervar means that other heroes are also nearby, and we must withdraw."

"Bastard, Ye Fanxin didn't catch it, and he basically lost his brain."

"...At least, I've confirmed an important message. The boss will definitely like to hear it."


The dead handle wooden hanger scolded a few times, and the two figures disappeared on the water tower.

On the other hand, Andrew also easily dealt with the other Naowu. He originally wanted to kill the Naowu that was attacked and drugged by Nan Tuo, but was stopped by several later heroes.

Then, the rescue team came to evacuate the crowd, and Ye Fanxin, as the key protection object, was taken to a safe place alone.

After confirming that he was not injured, he asked a little about the situation at the scene before letting him leave.

Ye Fan wanted to continue to join in the fun at Izuku in Green Valley, but not long after he left, he felt a strong murderous aura and the accompanying sense of oppression.

"Yo, not bad!"

This made him feel the aura of the advanced monsters on the other side: "No wonder the Smurfs say that this world has the potential to evolve into an advanced world."

"However, has it gotten to this point?" Ye Fanxin stopped, "Forget it, it's over, there's no point in going any further, go home."

In fact, the riots in Hosu City had already spread in the middle of the process, and after that, the news media reported on the scene of the death.

The incident about Ye Fanxin's attack was naturally huge news, and before he could return home, the overwhelming news spread.For this reason, it almost sparked another online riot among fans.

Fortunately, many fans at the scene explained and indicated that Ye Fanxin was fine.

In fact, many fans already knew about the attack on their idols long before the news was reported. It was the first time a friend at the scene sent a distress message to the forum or group.

Unfortunately, many people didn't believe it at that time, and most of the people who believed it were no longer in Hosu City. Therefore, not many people came after.Nantuo is one of them.

The reason why Andrews appeared in time was also due to the fans' credit, but they tried every means to send a distress message to the surrounding.

At that time, the heroes were all restrained by the enemy. Only after finishing the enemy, Andrew learned that Ye Fanxin was attacked and rushed over without stopping.

Afterwards, when Ye Fanxin found out, he even praised Lao An for being a good person and being righteous enough.

But now, Ye Fanxin had to face the bombardment of the two wives in turn.

When they saw the news of Ye Fanxin's attack on TV, the two of them were worried. Fortunately, thinking of the text message Ye Fanxin had sent before, they had some confidence that he was fine, but they were still worried.

Until Ye Fanxin returned home, the two colleagues, who were relieved, began to complain and preach about the combined relay race.

In the end, Ye Fanxin, who couldn't take it any longer, carried the two of them back to the room and whipped them fiercely.It was not until noon the next day that the exhausted two woke up.

"You bad guy, you look like a bull. You don't know how to feel bad for others."

Ye Fanxin tugged at the little flesh on his arm: "You use this adjective, bad review."

Sister Python gave him a coquettish and infinite glance, and walked into the bathroom with her waist twisted.

Yue Shan jumped up fiercely: "Wow!! I'm late, and my husband blames you. Sister, wait, let's wash together."

Ye Fan's heart also jumped: "Wife, wait, I'll come too."

After all this tossing, it was afternoon again, and Ye Fan hugged him happily and came out of the bathroom.

"Husband, you're too bad, hmph, I'm ignoring you, I'm going to work." Yue Shanyou pushed him away with a blushing face, and ran away with a weird posture.

Ye Fan smiled complacently, and Sister Python reluctantly broke free: "Enough is enough for you, I'm going to take care of Xiao Ye."

Although there is a maid robot at home to take care of Xiaoye, Sister Python still insists on taking care of her son more.

Ye Fanxin shrugged, fell on the bed, and took out his phone, only to find a lot of missed calls.Basically all of them are from Class A.

Chapter [-] Denies Three Company

Everyone is asking about the attack on him in Hosu City yesterday.

Ye Fanxin simply edited a text message and chose to send it in groups.

Not long after, there were several more phone calls, one of which was from All Might.He came up to express his apology, saying that he should have arrived earlier and so on.

In fact, by the time he finally found out, it was basically over.

Ye Fan was speechless, this guy is good at everything, he just likes to take all the responsibilities on himself.


Then there was the phone call from Izuku Green Valley. This guy is similar to All Might. To be honest, he was nearby, but he didn't notice the attack on Xinjiang. If he could rush over to help in time, that's it!

Ye Fanxin hung up the phone directly.

"Zhen Te Niang is worthy of being a master and apprentice, both of which are of the same virtue."

And then there are [-] million hundred and Shiozaki, among the students, apart from Izuku Midori, only these two have Ye Fanxin's personal contact information.

After Ye Fanxin spoke to the two of them separately, their anxiety and tension were relieved.

This attack in Hosu City and the capture of the heroic killer Stein caused a lot of turmoil.

In particular, Ye Fanxin, the national idol, was also implicated, but his social influence still continued.Just when people's attention was on public opinion, a piece of news spread slowly on the Internet.

The content is the story of Ye Fanxin's use of life crystals to save the female fans, but because there are no photos or videos, almost all the people who were present at the time were believed, so the spread of news was very slow.

"Having said that, but we have to guard against it."

In the conference room, people from the police station and a group of heroes are all there.

"According to what the people at the scene said at the time, those two brains were really aimed at Ye Fanxin. I don't think the enemy alliance would want to capture him because of the chef idol."

The playful tone didn't resonate with anyone, and the sheriff pouted.

"I'm afraid it's because of the crystallization of life."

Except for the senior officials of Xiongying, the others looked at each other and said seriously: "All Might, is the crystal of life really as magical as rumored?"

All Might was silent and said, "To be honest, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, or even experienced it myself, I wouldn't believe that it is something that can appear in the current era."

"Could it be a personality..."

"Although there are not many healing personalities, they must not be said to be rare. Of all the healing personalities in the world today, have you heard of any one that can instantly heal any injury?"

"Even dark diseases, and even the defects of the body itself, can be treated."

Aizawa Sakuta pondered: "It's a treatment, I think it's more like a repair."

All Might glanced at him and said solemnly: "Indeed, no matter what the injury is, even my lost internal organs can be repaired intact. This ability is definitely not achieved by today's technology or even personal performance."

"All Might, you missed a point." Principal Nezu added: "The personality of repairing internal organs exists, but it is only a personality of the body regeneration system and cannot be used by others."

"That's why the crystals of life that Ye Fanxin mastered are even more precious."

All Might said solemnly: "Because of this, Xinjiang is even more dangerous. I should have persuaded Xinjiang not to expose the existence of life crystals."

The crowd was silent.

President Genjin suddenly said: "Actually, it's not just the trouble that the enemy will target Ye Fanxin. What's more troublesome is that if the existence of life crystals is known to the public..."

Everyone present is not stupid, and naturally they can think of the consequences at that time.

The masses will inevitably want to obtain this kind of life-saving thing, and even if there is a new person to guide, maybe they will force Ye Fanxin to hand over the related technology of life crystallization.

Afterwards, the meeting passed the first proposal, and everyone must not reveal the existence of the crystal of life.

All Might also planned to remind Ye Fanxin later.

"Let's stop here for the time being about the crystal of life. We can only guarantee our own people, but we can't guarantee the enemy. Now it's up to the enemy to act on Ye Fanxin."

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