After settling down Yuzhi Yazi, he came back.

Ye Shixin couldn't help but drag him to the underground laboratory.

"What happened to the information you sent me?"

"Personality potion? Or magic circuit?"


Ye Shixin said: "Personality is similar to superpowers, but no one has ever studied it. It can be activated by potions. Magic and magic circuits are also somewhat similar to some methods of the Holy See."

"No one has ever taken this stuff seriously."

Ye Fanxin nodded, not incomprehensible.This is a world with a super power system, monks are rampant, who cares about super power or magic magic.

Although there are also powerful superpowers with powerful combat power, there is no one who really reaches the extreme state.

Compared with superpowers based on talent and luck, or more time-consuming magic based on talent, people in this world obviously have better choices.

Ye Shixin's eyes flickered: "Are you trying to popularize these two things?"

"No, I haven't thought about whether it can be successfully popularized, just want to study it."

If this kind of mid-to-low-end combat power was so easy to popularize, wouldn't this world be like dragons and all monks long ago.

Ye Shixin nodded: "That's good. In fact, it's not just whether people accept it or not. If this kind of thing is to be popularized, it also needs to unite the major sects and dynasties."

"Even if it is really popularized, it's useless. For people, personality potions and artificial magic circuits are like chicken ribs. We can study these two things by ourselves. Go back to Sister Qin Yu to operate it and go to other sects. The power will give you something good in exchange."

Ye Fan's eyes lit up: "Then please, old lady."

"Hey, I mean let you find Sister Qin Yu."

Ye Fanxin licked his face and said, "Isn't this sister that you have a better relationship with Sister Qinyu? You can help your lovely brother."

Ye Shixin's eyes widened: "Haha, now you know you're begging me? Do you know it's my brother?"

Ye Fanxin sneered quickly, grinning at his face, and coaxing his sister to smile, and this happened.

"Okay, I will help you talk to Sister Qin Yu. Although these two things are tasteless, they should be needed by the Chaoxiehe Church, and the Holy Witch Cult. Let's go back and ask for you."

Ye Fanxin nodded obediently: "By the way, sister, I only need the top-quality spirit stone."


Ye Fan sneered: "The best spirit stone."

Ye Shixin looked at him seriously and made sure that her younger brother was not joking. She couldn't help rubbing her eyebrows: "You bastard, you really know how to choose. I will try my best to help you out, but I can't guarantee it."

"Hmm, thank you ma'am."

Ye Shixin's eyes widened: "Am I very old?"

"You're not old, sister, you're not old at all. Look, how beautiful and lovely my sister is. Besides me, she is the most beautiful in the world. Who wouldn't accept me and kill him."

Ye Shixin couldn't listen anymore, and scolded with a smile: "Let's go quickly, don't be too embarrassed to panic."

Pushing Ye Fanxin to go out, Aunt Asuka just greeted and prepared to start dinner.Ye Fanxin went and called Azi and the others over for dinner.

Nan Qinli is still training and is expected to come back very late.

Rifumi is working overtime as always.But after Ye Fanxin went to the company to mention it last time, even if he worked overtime, it would not be too late, and he would be back at about eight or nine o'clock.

Unlike usual, two people were added to dinner today.

Tamaki Ako and Kurabashi.

Because they are new to the family, the two feel the enthusiasm of everyone.

"By the way, Aunt Asuka, this is for you."

A beautiful book appeared in Ye Fanxin's hand and handed it to Takimoto Asuka in the curious eyes of everyone.


"Yeah." Ye Fanxin smiled, and he also remembered, "The dishes in this recipe are super delicious, Aunt Asuka, try to make them."


Ye Shixin slapped him on the head: "You really know how to use Aunt Asuka."

Takimoto Asuka smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, if Xiaofan likes it, Auntie is also very happy."

"Aunt Asuka, you just dote on him too much."

Chapter [-]: Openly Group CP

"What kind of dish?"

Kurabashi Yuri also came over, and the two of them started to study it.

Ye Shixin gave Ye Fanxin a stern look, and then persuaded: "Aunt Asuka, Aunt Ji Li, it's not too late to study the recipe after dinner. If you don't eat it, dinner will be gone."

After eating, Ye Shixin grabbed Ye Fanxin and threatened: "If you dare to attack Yazi, you will die."


"That's my wife."

Ye Shixin sneered: "You can try. Tomorrow Yazi is not a virgin, and the day after tomorrow you will wait to get back to Qianji Pavilion and get married."


Ye Fan's heart was full of question marks, is this a punishment?


Banning is a punishment.

If you don't do it, you can't do it. He Ye Fanxin is not so hungry.

Thinking that Nan Qinli trains very hard every day, Ye Fanxin got into Rifumei's room.


With a frightened expression on her face, Rifumi grabbed the sheet, her eyes constantly dodging.

"What are you surprised about? Come on, let's do something that can only be done between husband and wife."

Ye Fanxin said it for granted, as if he was stating something that was sparse and common.Calmly undressed, and then forcibly drilled into Rifumi's side.

Then the mode switches and turns into a wolf.


the next day.

Ye Fan looked helplessly at Yuzhi Azi who was sulking beside him.

She has been like this since the morning, and the reason is that when she was excited to wake up her husband, she found that Ye Fanxin and Ri Fumei were doing shameful things.

It's not that she was angry that she was taken first, but she was angry that she was rejected after expressing that she was going to be ashamed.

Huh, bad husband.

Nan Qinli snickered on the side: "Hee hee, right, who told you to keep messing around."

Ye Fan spread his hands: "What can I do?"

With his sister's supervision, unless he really wants to provoke Ye Yunlin himself, and then bring him back to Qianji Pavilion, if he really wants to be grounded, wouldn't he be bored to death.


As soon as she arrived at the school, Azi left in a huff.All morning, she seemed absent-minded.

During the lunch break, Yuzhi Azi put his carefully prepared bento in front of Ye Fanxin, and then sat in the corner with a puffed belly.

A group of people looked at each other.

Usually she is the most sticky to Ye Fan's heart, but today's performance is too abnormal.

"Fan Xin, what happened to Azi?"

"You bullied her?"


Akiyama Mio punched Tanaka Ritsu's head with a fist and shouted with a blushing face, "Stupid Ritsu, what are you talking about."

"Little Law H."

"The mind is not clean."


Facing everyone's contemptuous eyes, Tian Jing Zhonglu's mouth twitched, and he insisted: "Fan Xin is usually so affectionate with Azi, it's not impossible to do some shy things in private. Of course it's possible to get pregnant."


"Your straightforward statement is the key to being beaten." Akiyama Mio punched him again.

"Little Bird, you are all living together, tell me quickly whether what Xiaolu said is true." Takasaka Honoka approached Nan Qinli with a face full of gossip.

Nan Qinli smiled awkwardly, how could she answer this?

Fortunately, Sonoda Mimi seemed to see her embarrassment and pulled Takasaka Honogo away: "Honogo, don't inquire about other people's privacy at will."

"Senior, are you and Senior Yazi really going to have a baby?"

Ye Fan took a look at Arisa, and said angrily, "Who is your biology teacher? It's really irresponsible. It's the second year of junior high, and you still don't teach this knowledge?"


La Feir squinted and smiled: "Fan Xin, your technique of changing the subject is too blunt."

Ye Fan's heart pouted, and he was relieved to see that everyone was no longer entangled in Yazi's problem.

Putting aside Yu and Zhi Yazi, she just met the little eyes she peeked over.Seemingly aware of the exposure, his face flushed, and he turned back with a bulging face.

Ye Fan smiled and shook his head.

At the end of the afternoon class, Ye Fanxin told Fang Keke and Jia Baili to accompany Yuzhi Azi back.I went to eaglejump myself.

When I saw Yagami Hikari and others, they almost all had the same expression, and they were astonished as if they had seen a ghost.

Ye Fanxin: "..."

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