"It's not Christa's favor."

Ye Fanxin smiled: "Because Mina feels like a little sister."

This is not a lie. Sometimes seeing Mina's inadvertent intimacy and coquettishness towards him makes him feel like he is taking care of his younger sister.

Mina seemed to hear everyone's laughter, her eyes trembled, and she opened her eyes suddenly.

Meeting Ye Fan's smiling eyes, he was inexplicably flustered and struggled, only to see everyone looking at him with different expressions.

"What, what's wrong? Why are you all looking at me?"

Mina touched her face in a panic, thinking there was something on her face.

"It's nothing, come on, eat something."

Ye Fanxin blocked her mouth with food.

Chapter 1107 Warm Time

Yanni handed over a pot of soup, which was added with jerky.

"Thank you."

Ye Fan thanked him in his heart, ate a little, and gave it to Mina.

Everyone was talking about this special training, but Ye Fanxin did not participate.He looked at Ymir, who seemed to be waiting for him to fulfill his promise.

Ye Fanxin didn't mind telling her who he was, but he didn't need to worry too much.

The next day, everyone set off again and returned to the training camp.

After a brief lecture, Instructor Keith also commented on everyone's performance this time, and criticized a few people, including Ye Fanxin.This is also Ye Fanxin's slightly backward training.

After the special training, Instructor Keith did not give everyone any rest time, and the next stage of training was also in full swing.

One day, Ye Fanxin and Ymir went out and told Ymir the name of Histria Reis and her identity, and then had a stream of consciousness conversation.

In short, Ye Fanxin was talking nonsense, while Ymir tried his best to hide something and said something.

After that, Ye Fanxin felt that Ymir's attitude towards him had changed slightly.

As time passed, winter came to spring, and the snow and ice gradually began to melt.

The melted water on the eaves fell tick tock, hitting a row of small puddles on the ground, making a crisp and pleasant sound, just like a musical instrument of nature, with a wonderful rhythm, bringing people's emotions into one. in a quiet and peaceful atmosphere.

Ye Fanxin was holding a book, leaning against the window to read, next to a plate with nuts.Every once in a while, he grabs a nut and stuffs it in his mouth.

The hair that has not been cut since he came to this world is scattered behind his head. The early spring sunshine is very dazzling, and it shines even more brightly on his long bright golden hair.

It's a pity that no one can appreciate this beautiful scene at this time.

As if seeing some interesting storyline, Ye Fanxin's mouth evoked a gentle smile.

Deng Deng Deng!

The slightly impetuous footsteps disrupted the tranquility here, Ye Fan put down the book, and saw Sasha tiptoe over, staring straight at the plate, with a hint of crystal at the corner of his mouth.

Behind her is Mina.

"I'm home."

Ye Fanxin put down the book and looked at Mina tenderly, like a sister who was waiting for her return from playing at home.

"Have you had fun?"

Mina smiled naively: "Hey, Christa, you really should be together, I didn't see Connie and the others being stupid."

Ye Fanxin smiled, some things were just an occasional taste for him, and he couldn't be addicted to them.

Looking at Sasha, who was already eating with a plate next to her, Ye Fan didn't care about her, and said, "What about Yani and the others?"

"Competing with Mikasa, this time even Ymir got involved."

Seeing the helplessness on Mina's face, Ye Fanxin smiled: "This is not the first time for the two of them, are you hungry? Want something to eat?"

Mina's eyes lit up, she licked her lips, leaned into Ye Fanxin's ear, and said shyly, "Chocolate, can you?"

After that special training, she accidentally recalled the mellow and strong taste she tasted when she was dazed in the snow-capped mountains. After asking Ye Fanxin, she knew about chocolate.

Although Ye Fanxin didn't plan to include chocolate in everyone's food list for the time being, she didn't have any concerns about Mina.

Especially seeing Mina's curious and expectant little expression, Ye Fan's heart felt that the pampering mentality began to overflow.

So far, only Mina and Yani have eaten chocolate.

"You little greedy cat..."

Ye Fanxin pinched Mina's nose and handed her two pieces of chocolate.

"However, have a good lunch too."

Mina nodded with a smile, whenever she was in front of Ye Fanxin, she couldn't help acting like her younger sister.But to the outside, she can always show a gentle but strong and assertive girl.

Ymir once teased that she had been domesticated by Ye Fanxin, but she was very happy about it.

Then Ymir was attacked by Yani, she was jealous of Mina.

"I really want to live like this forever~" Mina exclaimed suddenly.

In such a quiet and peaceful day, in addition to the hard training, I can play with everyone every day. There is a Herista who pampers her like a sister. Even without those delicious food, she feels that such a day must be very good. happiness.

"Yes." Ye Fanxin gently stroked Mina's head and said softly, "Trust me, that day will come."

"Come with me to the city this afternoon."

"Is Christa going to town?"

"Well, go buy some books, and buy some ingredients by the way."

You must know that Ye Fanxin has been opening a small stove for the girls recently, and sometimes he will bring Aaron and the others. The ingredients for opening a small stove are not all wild vegetables or something.

Every time he takes a break, he will go to the city to buy some ingredients. If so, the amount of ingredients is also insufficient.

"Sasha, go and tell Yani and the others to come back and prepare for dinner."

Sasha put down the licked clean plate and left.


"I'll go as well."

During the banquet, Yani heard that Ye Fanxin was going to the city, and immediately expressed that she wanted to go with him.

Seeing that Ymir also wanted to say something, Ye Fanxin said quickly: "It doesn't take so many people, Mina and I are enough. I'm not someone who is helpless."

"And me, I will protect Herista." Mina said imposingly.

Ye Fanxin saw the worry in Yani's eyes and said with a smile: "Don't worry, just go buy some books and vegetables, everything will be fine."

In the afternoon, Ye Fanxin and Mina left the camp and came to the city.

He gave Mina some money and said, "I'll go to the bookstore first, Mina, go buy what you want, I'll stay in the bookstore for about an hour, and if it's too late, go to the store to find me. Bar."

Mina thought for a while and nodded.

Some of the books in this world are quite interesting, mainly because the style is different from other worlds.

The stories in the book generally have two extreme styles, either depicting the cruelty of the world, and the whole presents a depressing and dull atmosphere, and they also tell some more realistic and cruel pictures.

The other is the complete opposite. The author depicts a kind of utopian world with a very aesthetic style. The style of writing is mostly relaxed and pleasant, and most of the beautiful things are depicted in seemingly plain sentences.

These two extreme styles can cause some kind of emotional impact on readers, which is why Ye Fanxin likes to read books in this world.

Perfect for killing time.

Chapter 1108 Layout again

The business of bookstores is not very good. People in this world, especially now, there are not many people who can read books.

Ordinary people will not waste money and time in that illusory world, and the upper class will not bother to read.

Therefore, Ye Fanxin, a frequent visitor, seemed special in the eyes of the boss. Coupled with her beautiful appearance, she easily left a deep impression.

"here we go again."

Ye Fanxin smiled: "Boss, are there any new books recently?"

"Without new books, fewer and fewer people read books, and naturally fewer and fewer people write books."

With a helpless look on the boss's face, it can be seen that he is also a book lover.

"The pressure of survival makes people no longer have the free time and the mood to pay attention to other people's stories. Not to mention books are made up stories."

Ye Fanxin didn't feel anything, all spiritual pursuits would be valued by people only after material needs were met, which was normal.

He took out a jar of sauce and put it in front of the boss, which was already his habit.

The boss had a wry smile on his face: "Although I am very grateful for your gift, it always makes me feel ashamed."

"Haven't we debated this issue many times?"

Ye Fan didn't look back, looking for books he was interested in.

"Boss, you can continue to run this bookstore. For me, it is not comparable to a bottle of sauce."

The business is so bleak. If it was someone else, he might have already closed the bookstore to run other businesses, but the owner of this bookstore has been insisting.

"When you say this, it's more difficult for me to make up my mind to close the bookstore."

Ye Fanxin glanced at him and said while flipping through the book, "So, have you thought about doing other business?"

"What's the use of just thinking."

The boss sighed helplessly, this world is really the kind of situation where you can do business if you have money.Although the boss has small assets, he has absolutely no idea what industry to switch to.

This world, or in other words, the business inside the wall is too backward, and most of the industry is in the hands of nobles and chambers of commerce. He, a small bookstore owner, wants to intervene, but the result is bound to fail.

"Boss, what do you think of the sauce I gave you?"

The boss was stunned for a moment, then hesitantly said: "Very good, I haven't eaten it before. To be honest, I wanted to ask for a long time, where did you get that kind of sauce?"

Ye Fanxin didn't answer, and chuckled: "If I give you the formula, how far can you do it?"

The boss's eyes gradually widened, and his breathing stagnated.

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