
On No. [-]'s face, the familiar tenderness from Yani's memory is on his face. Although there is no overlap, he can see it every time he sends something to Ye Fanxin, and occasionally he will add two words.

In Yani's impression, this is a very gentle and caring relative of Herista, who may be like Herista's sister.

"Miss Histria asked me to save you."


No. [-] smiled and said, "Histria Reyes, now known as Christa Lance."

Yani confirmed it, and the first thing that came to her mind was why Herista wanted to hide her name.But she asked another question.

"Why did Christa ask you to save me, did she already know my identity?"

Regarding this point, Ye Fanxin had already explained it clearly when he told No. [-].

"Although I was just suspicious at first, the lady guessed that you are a giantess. It is very likely that you are a giantess. Just in case, let me come over and watch. If you are in trouble, I will help you."

"Why? You know I'm a giantess, why do you still help me?"

"I don't know. You need to ask the lady in person."

"where is she?"

No. [-] shook his head: "It's not suitable for you to see Miss now."

Yanni opened her mouth and understood this.She must be wanted now, let alone see Ye Fanxin, she can't even stay inside the wall.

"Did Christa say anything else?"

No. [-] shook his head and said, "Miss just asks you to go to another place for a while, and she will visit you soon."


"Our base camp."

Yani's eyes flickered. She is now more curious about Ye Fanxin's identity. At present, it seems that Ye Fanxin is not just the silly white sweet that everyone sees, but there is a force behind it.

"I don't plan to go. When Christa returns, you help me tell her..."

"That can't be done."

No. [-] interrupted Yani's words and said helplessly: "Miss's order is absolute, so please don't make me embarrassed, Miss Yani."

Yani turned and left without saying a word.

But before taking two steps, a hand grabbed his shoulder.That seemingly weak and boneless little hand had terrifying power, and it was placed on her shoulders, making Yani unable to walk.

She turned around abruptly, trying to break free with her fighting skills.

Immediately afterwards, the two staged a not-so-splendid fight in this grove.

No matter what Yani does, Number Four handles it well until Yanni is exhausted.

When she panted and looked at No. [-], the latter looked relaxed, not to mention sweat, not even a trace of breath.

How can it be so strong?

A look of shame appeared on Yani's face, an expression that had only appeared in front of Ye Fanxin before.

"How, do you want to continue? Of course, when Miss Yani really has no strength, I can go back with you on my back."

"Don't think about becoming a giant, I don't want to use weapons on the lady's guests."


Yani took a deep breath and raised her hand: "I admit defeat."

No. [-] smiled and clapped his hands: "Then, Miss Yani, please come with me."

Judging from the battle just now, No. [-]'s fighting ability against people is terrifying.Although it is not clear how well she can fight against giants, she is undoubtedly extremely powerful, judging from the fact that she defeated Mikasa in an instant and cut off the hands and feet of attacking giants.

Yani is not sure that she will be able to escape from the hands of No. [-] if she transforms into a giantess.

Moreover, transforming into a giant also requires physical strength, and her remaining physical strength cannot support the giant form for too long.

Most importantly, she really wanted to know what Herista was going to do. She followed No. [-] to the so-called 'base camp' to confirm her doubts.

"Let's go."

"Don't worry, because the distance is a little far, you have to go to another place first."

No. [-] took Yani in a certain direction, and after a while, the two came to a strange thing.

"······what is this?"

"Transportation. Well~ Miss prefers to call it the little donkey."

No. [-] straddled the driver's seat, leaving a space for one person behind him, and said to Yani, "Come on, sit behind me like me, remember to hold me tight."

Yani hesitated for a while, but did as No. [-] said.

The soft cushion made her feel very comfortable, and she didn't know what material it was.

"Sit tight, we're going."

No. [-] said something, and the two rushed out like the wind. Yanni subconsciously hugged No. [-]'s waist.

What a great speed!And it doesn't feel bumpy at all.

How did this little donkey do it?

She didn't ask this question.

About three hours later, the two came to the northeast of Rose's Wall, a sparsely populated place.

"How are we going to get out?"

"Relax, I avoided all the people I might meet, next..."

No. [-] contacted Ye Fanxin, informed the situation here, and applied for the control authority of the micro-robot.

At this time, Ye Fanxin was still looking for the gap in the wall where the giants invaded in the southwest of the Wall of Rose.

"Well, yes, miss, I see."

In Yani's eyes, No. [-] stood there with a smile on his face, talking to himself in the air.

"who are you talking to."

"I just contacted Miss, because some permissions need to be granted by Miss."

"Miss, is that Christa?"


While talking, No. [-] manipulated the micro-robot to disassemble the little donkey into a pile of parts.

This scene was a bit mysterious in Yani's eyes. The means of transportation, which were obviously made of various complex and hard materials, unexpectedly turned into pieces automatically.

Then the pieces began to combine on their own, and after a while it turned into a bizarre thing with two wings that looked like wings.

"Generally speaking, little donkeys don't have this kind of deformation ability, but with the authorization of the lady, the micro-robot can make up for this impossibility."

Yani looked dazed, micro-robots?

Chapter 1144 The two classes meet

"In short, you can understand that it is a kind of artifact that only belongs to the young lady. Yes, it is an artifact."

Four tried to explain it in an understandable way, and then carried the donkey's deformed object behind his back, making it look like a one-man flying device.

"Artifact~" Yani tasted the word silently, with a few complicated strands flashing in her eyes.

No. [-] suddenly gave her a princess hug, which made Yani panic for a moment.

"What are you doing?"

No. [-] didn't explain, the same smile on his face.

"Next, please don't be too surprised."

The voice fell, the flying device behind No. [-] had been activated, and the figures of the two rose into the sky.

The high city wall could not be an obstacle at all. When the two fell outside the wall, they saw the giant wandering under the wall.

No. [-] did not land here, but continued to fly with Yani for a while, and then chose a place without giants to land.

The aircraft was reassembled into a little donkey.

"Why don't you just fly back?"

"Airplane mode consumes too much, it can't last that long."

Yani looked like she didn't understand.

A few hours later, the sky dimmed, and the two finally came to the north area of ​​Maria's Wall.

At the same time, Ye Fan was here.

From the west of the Wall of Rose, search along the wall to the south, night has fallen, and in the open field, only a small area lit by torches in the hands of a few people can be seen.

Except for the sound of hooves and the roaring sound of burning torches, there was silence.

Tension and unease surrounded everyone, and the depression made it hard to breathe.

When will they meet the giants, which direction will the giants pounce from, and even they are likely to break into the siege of giants unknowingly.

After all, counting the daytime, they should find the gap in the city wall.

Suddenly, there was movement from the front, and everyone's heart tightened, and then they saw the slowly approaching firelight.

Nanban, who is also holding a torch, can see that the other party's expression is the same as his own, terrifying and frightening.

The two sides were silent for a while, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

"You guys, have you found the gap?"

Nanabas shook his head: "We came all the way from the west, let alone the gap, we didn't even encounter a giant."

"So are we."

"Is it possible? If there is no gap, where did the giant come from?"

"Do you want to confirm again?"

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