The huge body of the super-giant has only the upper body, and the ribs grow from the wall to fix and support the body.

However, at this time, the skeletons that fixed its huge body began to break from one side.The huge body began to lean.

"Be careful on the top, it's all scattered!"

Ye Fanxin reminded loudly that everyone below finally noticed this.

The gigantic body of the super giant smashed down from the sky like a mountain, and madly retreated to the surroundings.


The super-giant body is more than fifty meters tall, and even half-length is more than twenty meters.And the height of the city wall was only fifty meters, and it only took a few seconds before and after he fell.

When everyone reacted, it was already too late!

When the super giant fell, Alan and Kaiju were the first to bear the brunt. This was the real purpose of Kaiju's howling.


The huge body of the super giant smashed to the ground, causing terrifying destructive power.What followed the shock wave was the high-temperature steam that rolled around.

This time, the temperature of the steam was much higher than previously released on the city walls for self-preservation.

Everyone who had not escaped too far was burned.

Mina no longer hesitated and rushed towards Ymir in an instant.

"I'm sorry, Ymir."

Chapter 1152 Pursuit

Ymir was startled, but found that Mina's figure had disappeared, and before she could reconfirm Mina's position, she let out a scream.

Mina slashed at the back of the giant jaw.

"According to the position of the giant's vital point, I veered downward a little, and I will probably cut off your leg."

While speaking, she was not sure whether Ymir could hear or not, Mina cut off the flesh of her hindquarters, exposing Ymir's body.

As she said, Ymir's legs were cut off.

"Since it is a giant, this injury should be recoverable."

After all, Allen had broken one hand and one foot, and it was still intact after that.

Mina said coldly, she wanted to pull out Ymir's body completely, but the huge high-temperature steam had arrived.

Compared with catching Ymir, she chose not to worry Ye Fan and retreated decisively.

Ye Fanxin grabbed the bodies of the two wounded and lay on the ground.

"Hrista, are you alright?"

The shock wave weakened, and Mina came to Ye Fanxin's side.

Ye Fanxin shook his head and hurriedly looked down. In the steam, Kai Ju was about to be behind the attacking giant, and Aaron's position was there.

Kaiju bit off half of his neck in one bite, and there is no doubt that Allen is now in its mouth.

Berholde drilled out of the super-giant body, activated the three-dimensional mobile device, and flew over the shoulders of the giant armor.

"Mina, what about Ymir?"

"Below, I only chopped off her legs, so she shouldn't be dead."


Ye Fanxin twitched the corners of his mouth, feeling that Mina had changed a lot without seeing him for a day.

He looked in the direction of the giant jaw, the body of the giant had evaporated more than half, and Ymir, who lacked both legs, had fallen into a coma and was lying on the skeleton.

Kaiju grabbed Ymir and ran away.

Mina also saw this scene, was slightly startled, looked at Ye Fanxin apologetically: "I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Ye Fan comforted her.

From the time Ymir took the initiative to reveal the power of giants, Ye Fanxin knew that there would be such a result.

Now that the exposure has become a fact, what he has to do is how to reverse the final result.

It would be better for Ymir and Reiner to leave temporarily than to fall into the hands of the current humans.

Mikasa and the others are back.

The super-giant shock directly destroyed most of the combat power, including Han Ji.The closest she was directly seriously injured by the high temperature steam and shock waves.

Mikasa and Ermin were also injured to varying degrees, but Aaron's capture was a bigger blow to the two.

The crowd worked on the wall for a while.Someone from the garrisoned regiment has already gone to the capital to report the news.

In the afternoon, reinforcements from the Survey Corps who received the news arrived.It was Captain Erwin and Captain Levi who led the team.

"Although I know the general situation, can someone explain the situation of the plot here?"

Ye Fanxin volunteered: "I'll come."

"The time is short, please pick the points, and the rest will be discussed on the way." Erwin's expression was a little stern, but he faintly revealed some high emotions, which was very strange.

Ye Fanxin nodded, trying to simplify the language as much as possible, and roughly described what happened.

"I see, I know."

"The situation is more serious than I thought." Levi still had that gloomy expression.

Erwin said: "No matter what, we can't lose Alan. All ready, follow me to chase the enemy immediately."

"and many more······"

Han Ji struggled to hold up, the burns on her body and the impact she received at close range made her weak.

"Captain Han Ji!"

"Han Ji, is there anything else you want to say?"

Han Ji gasped and said with difficulty: "Although it's just my personal guess, if you want to pursue it, please go to the Giant Wood Forest."

"What's the reason?"

"Although we don't know much about giants, judging from Allen, the giant's form should not be able to be maintained for a long time. From the behavior of Reiner and the others, it should be that they want to bring Allen back to the so-called hometown."

"Once they leave the wall, they will face endless giants. They can't stay in giant form forever. Therefore, they may choose to rest in the 'giant wood forest' where the giants cannot threaten."

"However, we don't know how long they can hold out, so it has to be done as soon as possible."

After saying this long paragraph, Han Ji seemed to have exhausted all his strength and spread out on the ground.

"I see."

Erwin nodded: "Go ahead and move towards the giant wood forest at full speed."

The giant wood forest is in the southeast direction near the Wall of Maria, and it took nearly two hours for everyone to see the huge forest.

"Extend the formation and fire flares as soon as the enemy's trail is detected."

The scope of the giant wood forest is not large, and they soon found the figures of Reiner and others. At the same time, Reiner and the others also discovered the chasing members of the Survey Corps.


Mikasa saw Aaron who had woken up, but his hands and feet were all cut off. Like Ymir, even if he was awake, he couldn't escape by his own strength.

"Damn, I actually chased here."

"Reiner, what should I do?" Berhold panicked.

Without hesitation, Reiner immediately turned into a giant, folded his hands in front of his chest, and protected Berhold, who was holding Aaron and Ymir, in his palms.

"They can't be let out of the forest."

Once out of the forest, the advantage of the three-dimensional mobile device is gone.It is more difficult to catch Reina and the others.

Mikasa bears the brunt, followed by the others, and one after another figure goes straight to Reiner.

"Reiner, give Alan back to me!"

Mikasa's expression was ferocious and terrifying, especially staring at Berhold in the gap in the armor, which made him look terrified.


Ymir looked complicated: "Is Christa here too?"

Mikasa looked at her coldly, not wanting to say anything at all.

"Damn, still can't break its armor."

Kaiju voluntarily gave up his mobility and covered his entire body with armor. It was too difficult to hurt it.Even if it aimed at the gaps in the armor, only the traces at the joints could hinder its movement.

But as long as he can't break the skin of Kaiju's rear, and Kaiju sticks to Aaron, everything will be of no avail.

That's the truth, Ye Fanxin, Mina, cooperated with Captain Levi to cut Kaiju's joints, and successfully made Kaiju fall to the ground.

It's just that everyone hasn't had time to do anything else. Kai Ju rolled over and the wound has healed, so he stood up and ran again.

"What a rascal!" Sasha yelled.

"If this goes on, we can't stop Reina at all."

"Is it just a matter of procrastination?"

The most effective and easiest strategy is to drag, until Reiner cannot maintain his giant form.However, no one knows how long Reiner will last.

Moreover, once they leave the giant wood forest, like Reina and the others, everyone will have to face endless giants.It was more dangerous then.

Chapter 1153 The Great War

"That's too late!"

The former convenience is the end point of the giant wood forest, and the armor giant has left the forest range.

However, not long after leaving the giant wood forest, a large number of giants came from the front, and in front of the giants was a small team led by Erwin.

The pupils of the accompanying military police regiment and others began to shrink.

"That guy Erwin, what did he think, that..."

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