Ye Fanxin interrupted Ymir, he knew what Ymir wanted to say.

"What are you going to do?"

"Deterrence by force!"

Chapter 1166 Fleet Departure

"Malay's power to deter the world comes from giants and powerful technology."

Ye Fanxin said: "However, we have surpassed them in technological strength. As long as the giant factor is pulled out, they will lose all their advantages."

"Just like this, it's not enough to make the Marais government submit." Yani reminded.

"I know, so I plan to unite with other countries first."

Now that the giants on the island have been cleaned up, the people of Parady Island are also clear that the world is no longer just the world within the walls, there is an endless vast land outside the walls, and other unknown countries.

Especially after raiding the high wall by the sea and capturing the Marais soldiers there, he obtained various information.

This is about other countries.

"The fleet is currently being built, and it won't be long before other countries can be contacted."

Although there was a captured Ma Lai's ship, that kind of war ship was too backward in Ye Fanxin's opinion.

"Is this also your purpose to relocate all the military industries in the North District?" Yani asked.

A few months ago, when the army started to clean up the giants on the island, Ye Fanxin had already asked people to prepare for the relocation of the industry in the North District.

Although the North District can be regarded as the foundation of various industries within the wall today, the distance is too far.

In many cases it would cause various inconveniences, so he made this decision.

With the cooperation of major corps and chambers of commerce, the migration went smoothly.

"need my help?"

Ye Fan's heart was slightly taken aback, and he looked at Yani with a bit of astonishment.The other party's face still had that dull expression, and nothing could be seen.

"...It seems that you have thought about it carefully."

"I can help too."

Ymir said quickly: "Histria, you should still need my strength."

Ye Fan smiled helplessly and pretended to be angry: "Really, doesn't it seem that my purpose to come to see you is not pure?"

"However, thank you."


"Yes, but..."

Ye Fanxin looked at the two of them seriously, and suddenly smiled: "I have to strengthen the two of you first."


"It's amazing, it suddenly became stronger~"

After injecting the enhanced personality potion, the two immediately noticed the changes in their bodies.

"Mina became stronger because of this."

Yani was keenly aware of this, and her eyes drifted to Mina involuntarily.

Ymir was stunned for a moment, and then reacted: "No wonder Mina, who has always been like an idiot, suddenly became stronger. It turns out that you stole away."

Mina puffed out her chest proudly.

"What a fool."

Ye Fanxin stood on tiptoe and rubbed Mina's hair.

"Hmm~ I'm not stupid."

Mina protested, but bowed her head obediently, squinting and enjoying Ye Fan's heart's touch.

Ymir looked at Mina, suddenly realized, and lowered his head and leaned over: "Histria, I can actually touch it too."


Ye Fan sneered, but did not directly say refusal.

When you touch your head, you still have to pay attention to the feel. Mina's hair feels great, and Ymir's hair can't be seen at a glance.

If it was Yanni...

Ye Fan couldn't help but glanced at Yanni, the middle hair that was close to his own hair color really had the urge to rub it.

Yani turned her head indifferently, but her ears were a little red.

At night, four people were lying on the same bed, Yani was on the left of Ye Fanxin, Mina was on the right, and outside of Mina was Ymir who was upset.

Ye Fanxin couldn't help but think of the past...

After staying in the North District for two days, Captain Levi brought a large group of people over and 'invited' Ye Fanxin back.

"Your Majesty, the first battleship has been built. There are too many things for you to decide now. We don't have time to play."

When it comes to the words 'free time to play', Levi bites it very clearly.

"It can make the captain grit his teeth, and Hesteria is the first."

"Hey, Ellen, don't always call the queen by your name."

Allen looked at Jean contemptuously: "What is your name, Hesteria doesn't mind, okay?"


Petra punched Alan on the head: "That's not the reason for your disrespect to His Majesty."

After the strengthening of the personality potion, Petra's punch was not light, causing Allen to cover his head in pain.

"Senior Petra, after all, you are also a senior of the Queen, right..."

Petra looked at Ye Fanxin longingly: "Although I am a lot older in age, it does not affect my respect for Her Majesty the Queen."

"Forget it Ellen, we all know what the Queen has done during this time. In terms of merit alone, it is worthy of our respect." Ermin stopped.

"······I know."

Allen said unhappy: "One or two are like this."

"The most important thing is that because of Her Majesty's various policies, everyone can now eat meat at will, and there are all kinds of delicious food." Sasha began to drool as she spoke.

"To be honest, I haven't really felt anything yet."

Connie looked at Ye Fanxin who was arguing with Levi in ​​front of him, and said, "However, Histeria is really powerful, she can do so many things that we can't even imagine."

"Perhaps,, that's why she can become a king."

After a few days, everything was ready.

"According to the information provided by Geek, the Eldia Restoration faction has contacted the country of Hizr in the east. I suggest that the first contact target should be located in the country of Hizr."

"Your Majesty, what do you think?"

Ye Fanxin nodded: "Let's do it like this, time is still too rushed. If the First Fleet is fully constructed, it will be more beneficial to visit the country of Hizil with absolute force."

"But it doesn't matter. Since the Restoration faction has long been connected with the country of Hizil, then at least the other party will not be too hostile to us."

"Remember, everything is based on the establishment of diplomatic relations. If the situation changes, you must first find a way to retreat."


This time, the envoys were selected from the Survey Corps and the Garrison Corps. They were originally scheduled to go to the Liweiban and Han Ji teams, but Ye Fanxin rejected them.

The reason is that the elites under him cannot be arbitrarily lost, even if there is only a possibility of danger.

Not long after the first battleship set off, other battleships were also completed.

It was not until the first fleet was completely built that Ye Fanxin let the entire fleet set off.

This time, the entire survey corps only left the garrison personnel, and the rest were dispatched. A large number of soldiers from the garrison corps joined, and even the gendarmerie regiment also applied for the battle. In the end, Ye Fanxin promised a team to join.

Chapter 1167 Hastily Ended

Since Ye Fanxin ascended the throne, he has started to move the people of the underground city to the surface.

With the removal of the giants of Parady Island, humans not only regained lost lands, but also occupied more extensive lands and resources.This also facilitates the migration work.

Today, the chaotic underground city is empty.

Well, it would be wrong to say it was empty.

After all the people here were relocated, the entire underground city was transformed and used as a prison to hold criminals.

Reiner and Berhold are here.

They haven't seen anyone other than the jailer since they were transferred here more than a month ago.

On this day, a new face came.

But because of the soldiers of the gendarmerie regiment, they did not encounter obstacles.

All the way to the depths, and finally stopped in front of the cell of the two of Reiner.

who is it?

Reiner raised his head. The months of detention made this tough guy emaciated. Although he was not severely punished, his mental depression and self-torture made him overwhelmed.

"This kind of end, we should have thought of it. Reiner, Berhold~"


"Ya~~~ Yani???" Reina's tone was shocked, and her bloodshot eyes widened.

Berhold raised his head sharply: "Yani? Yani, is that you?"

"... um~"

Yanni leaned against the wall behind her and faced the two with her eyes down.

"Great, you're fine. Great."

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