Chapter 1174 Little Slut Sagiri

"You two, how about taking a bath first? I'll go get you something delicious."

Hequan Sawu's face was bitter: "Mom, don't need it."

"Why not, when Aijiang is a guest at our house, she must be treated well."

Saying that, Sagiri's mother happily went to the kitchen.

Ye Fanxin tugged at Shawu's sleeve: "Sister, is she cooking dark cuisine?"

"Although it doesn't count, it's definitely not delicious."

Ye Fan was a little curious.

"Let's go take a shower first."

"Wash,, take a bath..."

Heizumi Sagiri suddenly remembered the scene of taking a bath with his sister in the light novel, and a red cloud suddenly burned on his little face.

A few minutes later, Ye Fan's heart was soaked in the bathtub, and Hequan Shawu's whole body was stuck to him.

"Gu hehe~ Ai-chan's body is so soft~ The skin is also great~"

You are not bad either.

Ye Fanxin rolled his eyes, he didn't expect this 'Sister Sagiri' to be a lunatic to this extent.It is estimated that if she was not too young, she would have violated herself.

At this time, Izumi Sagiri was thinking that it would be awesome to have a younger sister who does not resist and let her do whatever she wants.

If it weren't for the fact that she didn't know where this sister's bottom line was, for fear of scaring her, she would continue to try more things in comic light novels.

It wasn't until Sagiri's mother's cry came from outside that Ye Fanxin helped Hequan Sagiri, who was about to faint because of the hyperactivity and soaking for too long, and his brain was congested.

"Sagiri, what's wrong with you?"

"I,, I'm fine, Mom~"

Heizumi Sagiri slowed down for a while before recovering a bit.

"Let's eat when it's better. Ai-chan, you're hungry too."

Sagiri's mother greeted the two of them over for dinner.

Ye Fanxin finally understood what Sagiri meant by saying it was absolutely not delicious.

"What's wrong? Isn't it delicious?"

"Mom, don't you know the taste of your cooking?"

Facing her daughter's sharp language, Sagiri's mother gradually became embarrassed.

"No,, it's not that bad, I've been practicing hard recently."

Sagiri said mercilessly: "I practiced on the computer."


"What's wrong with the computer? While practice is important, theory is equally important."

Sagiri's mother was unconvinced and tasted the cooking she made...

Bang, she was lying on the table, when let die.

Facing her mother's tricks, Izumi Sawu looked indifferent.

"What are you going to do next? Are you going to leave Ai-chan and me hungry just like that?"

"Order takeaway!"

"Forget it, let me do it." Ye Fanxin shook his head and stood up.

"Do you love sauce?"

Both mother and daughter looked surprised.

Ye Fanxin smiled: "Actually, I am still very confident in my cooking skills."

The mother and daughter looked at each other, blankly watching Ye Fanxin move a small stool into the kitchen, because he was too short, he could only step on the stool.

Then Ye Fanxin showed them what is called 'cooking can also be pleasing to the eyes'.

After a while, the rich aroma drifted out.

"Hey~ what's the matter with this smell?"


One big and one small, two white-haired pets, were like pets waiting to be fed, with an intoxicated look on their faces.

Ye Fanxin came out with the dishes, and the eyes of the two followed from the kitchen to the dining table, looking at him eagerly.

"You can eat it~"

Ye Fan's heart's voice fell, and the two of them couldn't wait to move.

"Um~ good time~~~"

"Wow~~ What's the matter with this taste? Why is it so delicious?"

"Mom, don't eat so fast!"

"Huh? Did I eat quickly?"

Saying that, Sagiri's mother swallowed the food more quickly. Sagiri was not to be outdone, but she was too small, and neither appetite nor speed could compare with adults.

Ye Fan smiled helplessly and walked into the kitchen silently.

After drinking and eating, the mother and daughter lay on the sofa with their belly up.

"So full, so happy~"

"Aijiang, you are so amazing."

Ye Fanxin smiled and cleared the table.

"Wait, it's up to me to do this."

Holding the last dignity of an adult, Sagiri's mother got up with difficulty.Just before sitting up, he lay down again.

She eats too much.

Sagiri's mother showed an embarrassed look on her face: "I'm sorry, Ai-chan. You are the guest, but I don't act like a qualified adult at all."

"It's okay, you can rest well."

"Love sauce~"

Hequan Shawu looked at Ye Fanxin's busy figure, and secretly wondered if he should do something, at least try to do something in line with his sister's identity.

Sagiri's mother sighed: "Ai-chan is so cute, smart and gentle, and the cooking is so delicious. Whoever marries you in the future will be really happy."

"By the way, Ai-chan, do you want my sister to introduce you to a boyfriend?"


Before Ye Fanxin could speak, Hequan Shawu protested loudly.


Facing her mother's question, Izumi Sagiri stumbled and said, "Because,, because, Ai-chan is still so young."

"Emotions should be cultivated from an early age, so that they will be stronger when they grow up."

"In short, no, Ai-chan must be protected by me."

Sagiri's mother looked at her daughter suspiciously: "You come to protect? Sagiri, you can feel at ease if you can protect your mother."


Izumi Sagiri looked at her small arms and calves, and said that she was lifted without the strength of her hands.

"It's great, I'm starting to envy Ashina."

"Who is Ashina!"

"Ai-chan's mother~"

Sagiri's mother explained, "I also want a daughter like Ai-chan."

Hequan Shawu was a little unhappy, and said in a pique: "Don't be delusional, Aijiang's parents will not give their daughter to you."

Sagiri's mother sighed: "Yes, it would be great if your authentic brother could marry Ai-chan, not a daughter, but a daughter-in-law."

Hearing the mother talking about this so-called brother again, Izumi Sagiri's dissatisfaction was even stronger.

"I wouldn't hand Ai-chan to that big brother."

"Ai-chan, what do you think? Do you want to meet the boy Zhengzong with your sister this weekend?"

"Uh, sorry, I have something to do on the weekend." Ye Fan declined.

"Really, that's really a pity."


At night, Ye Fanxin slept in Shawu's room.

Sagiri's mother still has to work, and Sagiri asked Ye Fanxin to sleep with her on the grounds that she was a little afraid to sleep alone.

When he woke up the next morning, Ye Fanxin opened his eyes and felt the weight on his body.

Sagiri's whole body was pressed on him, wrapping around his body like an octopus, and the saliva flowed down Ye Fanxin's neck.

"Sagiri, Sagiri-san, it's time to get up~"

"Um~ let me,, sleep again,, five minutes~~~"

Sagiri murmured in a daze, and by the way, her limbs were wrapped tighter.

Seeing this, Ye Fanxin quietly leaned into Sawu's ear, and said delicately, "Ou Nei-chan~ If I don't get up again, love will,, I will use a unique trick~"

Chapter 1175 Me, Izumi Sagiri, Sister Control

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